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So unfair...

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Started by #301038 at 27,Feb,13 10:32
It's so unfair that if a man leaves you a great message, in 90% of the cases his pictures are disappointing at least, or simply, freakishly weird.

And if the pictures are stunning and make me drool a little bit... I can barely get a cohesive sentence out of the guy.

As if there is a great need for a guy to compensate for what he's lacking... it's so sad that it's either the brains or the body 90% of the time.

Rarely, the two exist in one body... If I could have 2 wishes granted, I'd choose to give brains to all the handsome guys with big dicks and give big dicks and sexy bodies to all guys with brains!

World would have been a better place! An irresistible, stunning world...

Similar topics: 1.Losing Points   2.showing a woman's face but not your own   3.Hubby watching me fuck other men..   4.Women go off sex   5.accidental have an abortion or not???  

New Comment

By #362795 at 15,Mar,13 14:06
Sorry , I mean veins , not venes . I think , I`m beginning to lose my marbles .

By #362795 at 15,Mar,13 11:01
Sorry , I mean "operate" .

By #362795 at 15,Mar,13 10:59
The stars stand for the liquid , that runs through our venes .
Don`t know , why the word has been obscured .

By #362795 at 15,Mar,13 10:57
It`s too bad ,that nature has given men a cock and a brain , but not enough **** ,to operare them simultaneously .

By #39300 at 03,Mar,13 06:51
I feel that if a male posted a post like this about the females on the site, that he would be getting called a asshole, pig, etc. by all the females and most the males would be agreeing with the females they would be so afraid to offend.
By #303133 at 03,Mar,13 13:39
Seriously? Have you ever READ the forum? The majority of the topics posted (with the exception of the numerous "please make me feel less inferior by commenting on how HUGE my wiener is" threads) treat women in much the same fashion as Peach does the guys here. "Fucking Fat Chicks", "I likes the big titties" or "Giant Clits" threads also state a specific preference and objectify the ladies. For the most part, the women around these parts are treated like life support systems for a vagina. Peach has merely turned the tables...
By bella! at 03,Mar,13 14:27 other posts of bella! 
JustWill, did you see an old thread revisited, PUSSY DEPRIVED. The theory is that pussy deprivation could be the leading cause for being gay.

By #39300 at 06,Mar,13 15:24
So if I said that most the women on here have great sexual minds, but 90% are to ugly to get hard to, that would be gravy? Is more the question I was asking.
By #303133 at 06,Mar,13 17:46
Again, I ask if you have read the forum.
1. A large percentage of the guys here ARE pigs and assholes.
2. No one is buying that "too ugly to get hard to" line. If it has a vagina, most guys don't even care if it is human.
3. Peach wasn't talking about "sexual minds", she was talking about intelligence.
4. What's so bad about gravy?
By #39300 at 06,Mar,13 18:50
Well guess I am an exception to #2. Because there are lots of unattractive females on here. And no I hardly read the threads. Seems to mostly be homosexual questions. Before I get jumped on for that line I am not anti gay! Just not gay myself. And it did seem to me she was saying the guys who stimulate her mind are unattractive and the attractive ones cannot stimulate her mind. So whatever. And you are kinda proving my point that if a guy says anything not in complete agreement with what a female said on here, there will be a line of guys to defend her. Anyway, I'm not on here to be argumentative. So I am finished with this topic.

By boc at 04,Mar,13 14:37 other posts of boc 
If everyone was the same the world would be kind of boring. I think it is the differences that makes things more exciting. A guy with a big dick and no brains or personality is what he is. A guy with a small dick/not nice body but with brains and personality is what he is also. Fotunately I have been blessed with both. But many people, especially when I was younger, use to comment that my nose is really (or too - in some cases) big. Plus my OCD coupled with my brains tends to make me annoying to some people who do think "He get too deep". Or those who are less educated than me think I am only book smart.

By _avg_ at 03,Mar,13 18:16 other posts of _avg_ 
Methinks you've come to the wrong place. Brings to mind that old joke: "Why is it so hard to find a boyfriend who's smart, sensitive & good looking? A: because those men already have boyfriends"

By #301038 at 27,Feb,13 19:49
I knew it's going to get to this...I feel like I need to clarify some things...

I am a sexy female, with a brain in my mid twenties, or so I like to think. ... I'm happily married and I don't come to this site due to sexual frustration. I don't look for people to have cyber sex with, just share some thoughts, ideas and opinions... Something that I can't post on facebook for everyone to see. There is time and place for everything. I try to be understanding and tolerating other's preferences and fetishes...but there are certain things that seriously creep me out and certain activities are quite disgusting... and there are certain people that fascinate me with their intelligence, appearance and sexuality.

Most of my life I was under impression that I was an ugly ducking and didn't deserve men that I was really attracted to... so I just got my head deep into books and was trying to be happy with whatever comes my way. Everything changed with my first marriage, where my husband took a complete advantage of a young girl, who was 9 years younger than him and pretty much made me hit rock bottom, when it comes to self worth. I felt like I was nothing but a dirt under his toenails.. He was cheating, lying, lazy and simply abusive kind of men... and I should have never married him, but low self esteem made me feel like I couldn't get any better and I should be grateful that at least someone was willing to be with me... Funny thing... after a year and a half of this nightmare, he took a baseball bat and bit me up with it... It was the best thing that happened to me... That's were it really hit me, "WTF am I doing with this scum?"

I got divorced within 30 days, but the fucker wasn't going to leave me alone, stalking me at work, waiting at my house for me... he wanted me back and I just couldn't take another look at his ugly face...

Long story short, I packed a bag and moved to Hawaii. I was living on my own, going to school again, and just living life like I never lived before. I start caring for myself. Eating right, swimming every day, going to the gym and just being happy... in couple month my body and I magically transformed into a person, who I am now... I never gotten so much attention from men in my life... I figured it out, that I have the right to choose men I want to be with...and that I will never be alone again. After couple of moths I met my current husband, I really liked that guy... and he proposed on a third date after we went skydiving, and we got married couple week later at the beach...

Since then, I haven't felt more beautiful and desirable. He makes me feel like I'm his queen. I started to blossom into this very happy wife, with very high self esteem. And I only hope that every female can experience a true bliss like I can, everyday, just because I have a wonderful man beside me.

My husband and I, have similar stories, we both were ugly ducklings that no one loved, until we did something to change, to do something to better ourselves. It's hard work but the benefits are simply amazing. So, I think I'm just spoiled by a smart, fit, strong husband and I have my standards set up very high. So, I hope for both, brains and a sexy body whenever I get some attention of a sexual nature. Don't get me wrong, I like tasteful compliments, but I will reciprocate only if I feel the same about his or hers pictures.... I'm not going to lie to please someone's ego....that's not going to happen... but what really gets to me is a very creepy guy, who goes into some detail of what he'd like to do to me...and after I look at his profile, I feel like I just got molestеd... my brain will never be the same... now every time I go to walmart and see a creep, I picture him naked with his dick out jerking off to my pics... and that makes me go to walmart after 2 am, when there is no one out there...

Bottom line, I worked hard to get where I am right now and I like hardworking people who put some effort into themselves... their brain and their bodies, and not their cars, trucks or man caves. Compensating is great, but I'd rather be with a well rounded guy, than with a lopsided lazy ass...

And what do you expect when you meet a sexy female with a brain? That she will spread her legs, just because you got a hard on? Get out of here... that's not going to happen...
By #196416 at 28,Feb,13 02:51
Good for you! I truly admire people like yourself, after going though what you did to pick yourself up and make yourself into what you are today, bravo. No body has the right to make another person feel inferior to them for any reason, I am so glad that you found a wonderful man who loves and appreciates the YOU that you are. You are a truly beautiful woman in body and mind.
By #301038 at 28,Feb,13 08:16
Thank you, sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to find the true self and reasons to live. I don't wish nobody what happened to me, but I it certainly makes you stronger if you come out of it alive.
By #341640 at 28,Feb,13 13:22
some ppl just enjoy sex raw hard wild sex its mind blowing .............
By *kmadeau* at 28,Feb,13 14:47 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #278535 at 01,Mar,13 19:56
Reading first part of your post, I felt so sorry for you then after read second part I feel so happy to know that you found an appropriate person in your life! You are one of the wonderful lady in this site with both body and brain. Truly, I really respect both your brain and body. I pray that you will be much more happier with your handsome and nice husband in the rest of your life.
By #301038 at 02,Mar,13 07:59
Thank you, you are so sweet.
By #278535 at 02,Mar,13 20:09
You're always welcome

By #341640 at 01,Mar,13 03:59
Ok I love you all now pull down yur pants/panties

By *kmadeau* at 01,Mar,13 06:52 other posts of *kmadeau* 
go first, my King!
By #341640 at 01,Mar,13 12:51
I go free balling all the time so all I have to do is pull down my pants
By *kmadeau* at 01,Mar,13 19:29 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow so easy it works! in your service, my King!

By steve3095 at 27,Feb,13 12:17 other posts of steve3095 
Peach, I've got the brains. Two university degrees. Is the body at least passable?
By #68656 at 27,Feb,13 17:26
That puts me right out of the running as I am just a simple tradesman.
By *kmadeau* at 28,Feb,13 14:33 other posts of *kmadeau* 
but very, very smart Tradesman, Sir John! ... and it tells you your Mate here with PhD degree and IQ ... I better not say that!

By #201583 at 28,Feb,13 08:58
A hard man is easy to find and ones perfect match is 1 in a trillion. I wish you the best of luck in your quest, and I hope you defy the one sided odds.

By bigone21 at 27,Feb,13 17:16 other posts of bigone21 
A good brain and a big dick both need B L O O D to function... And that same amount of
B L O O D can't be at 2 places at the same time!

It's thаt simple!

You need a guy with more B L O O D than average!!
By #277673 at 28,Feb,13 02:37
hahaha awesome

By slipper at 28,Feb,13 02:28 other posts of slipper 
Of course, it's not unusual for men to say all the same about women.

By #88520 at 27,Feb,13 10:36
Which category do I fall into?

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