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Started by #303133 at 15,Aug,13 13:19
"Prostrate" is not a gland in the male reproductive system.
The head of the penis is not a "gland".
"Whitism" does not have anything to do with WIT.
You're welcome.

Similar topics: 1.No Means No In Any Language   2.Actual sexual creativity in written word   3.Asparagus...   4.You have Cooties!   5.Older guys offended by younger guys not liking them  

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By just16cm at 16,Aug,13 21:56 other posts of just16cm 
Don't you just h.ate it, when, you know, people throw random letters in your general direction, and then they get all upset and stuff, when you don't confuse these ... umm.. "letter piles" as the same words, as they do?

btw feel free to confuse my horrible english/letter piles with something less horrible, like ..umm... a zombie attack or.... beeing forced to read ALL "rate my dick" threads EVER posted on syd or something
By #23212 at 16,Aug,13 23:09
"Random letter piles"?? They're, there, their mein Herr, you're confusing your "english piles". After all, 'etc.' and 'uzw' kind of 'pile up' to equal the same thing, nicht wahr?

By #303133 at 16,Aug,13 01:27
Um...didn't know where else to post this...
The Duke got deleted. (Couldn't post on "Members You Miss" because...well...I won't.)
How did I miss that?
By #68656 at 16,Aug,13 08:26
It is common knowlege plus easily discerned that "the duke" was just another of the countless shell accounts of a well known member and appears to have been created to patronize other members.
By #409634 at 16,Aug,13 14:26
No it wasn't. He's a hella lot smarter than people give him credit for. You don't know nearly as much as you think you do.
By bella! at 16,Aug,13 14:31 other posts of bella! 
I don't really know him, know him, but I certainly could tell the difference between his style, words and approach versus who he was thought to be.
By #303133 at 16,Aug,13 16:42
Whether or not he was on Thingamadude's roster of NPCs wasn't really the issue. The guy got snarky with Ray--who happens to be one of the nicest people on the site (and rarely says an unkind word to anyone unless he is provoked), and it ticked me off.
By bella! at 16,Aug,13 16:52 other posts of bella! 
It's good to know that you get riled up and defend members, the nice ones, of course.
By #303133 at 16,Aug,13 18:08
If two of my SYD friends are having a tussle, I tend to stay out of it and let them work it out themselves. I am rather discriminate as to who I consider a friend...and I always trust that they will be wise enough to come to terms without my assistance. On the other hand, if one of my friends is being knocked about by an "outsider"...I can get a tad riled up and vocal.
By bella! at 16,Aug,13 20:08 other posts of bella! 
Sure thing!

By Ray10754 at 16,Aug,13 22:21 other posts of Ray10754 
Thanks for having my back (Will), It didnt bother me in the least, I simply posted my view on the matter, plain and simple. I took his reply with a grain of salt as I kind of figured it was scam a from the beginning!and concidered the source. It is nice to know that there are still people in the world that will back you up when the time is needed.

By #409634 at 16,Aug,13 18:31
You're all good people Will. I didnt see the comments to Ray, and I agree that he's a sweet guy, and didn't deserve that. I'm not saying you have to take Duke to the prom or nothing and sit in a circle braiding each others pubes; I just happen to think he's okay too.
By Ray10754 at 16,Aug,13 22:23 other posts of Ray10754 
Fairy and Will Thank you for your kind words!!

By gradurgaur at 16,Aug,13 15:36 other posts of gradurgaur 
JustWill you are awesome beeing
and you are hot...

By #357810 at 15,Aug,13 13:22
Really? What is the prostate then?
By #303133 at 15,Aug,13 13:24
The "prostate" IS a gland in the male reproductive system.

"Prostrate" means to lie flat.

If you have "prostrate" problems, it means that you have difficulty lying down.
By #409137 at 15,Aug,13 13:49
Witticism wasn't that my word of the week. If tenacity. kindess .witticism and friendship are allowed as points for nomination then may I nominate cum4Steffi if that's OK and then wrongly coined here. The whitism in here is dire.Sheesh can't keep a word sacred nowaday's PS it's a GLANS
By bella! at 15,Aug,13 14:37 other posts of bella! 
Uh, are you trying to make jetjock08 look crazy?

By #357810 at 16,Aug,13 02:48
Funny how i read it prostate... my bad. Thought u were saying otherwise. ( i'm a doctor) so i was checking what the heck were u saying but yeah... my bad.
By bella! at 16,Aug,13 03:00 other posts of bella! 
Really? 20 years old and you're a doctor? Are you Doogie Howser or are you Dr Gyno's partner?
By #23212 at 16,Aug,13 07:39
Given his location, perhaps he was Mubarak's personal "doctor"?

By xdjxx1 at 15,Aug,13 22:14 other posts of xdjxx1 
Who's trying to encourage the use of correct anatomical terminology and 'proper' English round here???

Enlarged prostrate after all could probably just be a somewhat excited man lying down, could it not? And as for milking the prostrate, I'm sure it works just as well standing up...

And I have got a swollen gland at the moment, causing havoc when I try to swallow.

By #409634 at 15,Aug,13 14:13
You have consider that some "ppl" also use their phones and depend on auto-correct. The only really bad about that is that they sometimes misspell a word so horribly that even auto-corrects like "Fuck this shit dude, I have nothing for you." Makes no "sence" really.
By bella! at 15,Aug,13 14:17 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, yeah, yeah, blame it on auto correct ! That's what I like about you fairy, you take lemons and make, I think ppl are stuck on stoopid!!!!!!

By #303133 at 15,Aug,13 16:06
Fairy: Auto-correct might be the cause of errors when it comes to "prostrate" and "glands" (though WHY a person would let a machine do their thinking for them puzzles me), it would never provide an abomination such as "whitism". It is my understanding that auto-correct is programmed to WORDS to replace the words a typist uses.
Nope. I stand by my original statement.
By #357663 at 15,Aug,13 17:10
Wait, auto correct is not for my car? Damn I got that wrong didn't I.
By bella! at 15,Aug,13 17:16 other posts of bella! 
You are such a crazy and beautiful girl!

By bella! at 15,Aug,13 14:10 other posts of bella! 
When I red this, I laughed. Your absolutely correct, there so many people that make the same mistake. Dammit people, the head of a penis is not the gland, the technical term is cockhead! p.s. I have sprinkled 3 more atrocities in my response just for fun.

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