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Ever take advantage of someone who was **** or unconscience?

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Started by Blade at 19,Sep,14 01:52  other posts of Blade
I was talking to an ex girlfriend on facebook, and she reminded me of when we kinda sorta had a 3 some with her friend, after a hotel party, in our room we rented.

We were all fooling around but her friend **** from drinking too much. She was a skinny tight bodied cutie. I really missed that boat. My gf & I had sex right next to her on the bed. Whenever I reached for her friend's tits, etc, she slapped my hand away.

After my gf & I finished, she ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Almost immediately I went to her friend to check her out. I undid her pants and checked out her pussy. So amazing; again I missed out. I fingered her a little and again realized how much I missed out. she moved and rolled over on her side. I zipped her jeans up and went over to the side of the bed she was facing, as she was on the edge. I made sure she wouldn't fall off, then took her hand, and put it around my dick. her tiny little hand looked so awsome around my dick, so I jerked off with it.

this was such a crazy horny thing, that I was hard and about to cum in minutes. I pushed my luck, and stuck the head of my dick into her mouth, and came quite a bit. I quickly realized I went too far, and started to panic, as I thought she was waking up. I kept her on her side until most of my cum came out, then I quickly cleaned her up. minutes later my gf came out.

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By #485312 at 14,May,15 12:05
hell yeah, tell me you wouldn't want to wake up getting your cock sucked. is it really taking advantage??? or just a kinky bitch getting as much cock before he goes home *lix*
By leopoldij at 31,Oct,15 13:25 other posts of leopoldij 
You're right! I'd love to be taken advantage of when I'm asleep or drunk. Perhaps we should have this as a little note on our driver's license: "available for sex play when asleep or ****". Many men would call that luck. But many women would call that r_ape. With a consent, however, in the form of a legal note on the driver's license, that would be great.

Ok, ok, I know it ain't gonna happen, but, still, I wouldn't mind being attacked when asleep. Never happened, never will, because there aren't many lix's around.

By Blade at 02,Oct,14 02:24 other posts of Blade 
I don't get it. I was just sharing. Why do people come to a site that has dick picks, etc, and criticize stories there?

this kind of stuff happens. I just gave a harmless example of it. Why can't we just share our experiences, and not be so judgemental?

By bigone21 at 22,Sep,14 20:17 other posts of bigone21 
the whole thing never happened!!

it's just a fantasy, and in fantasy ALL is allowed!

just don't tell it to other people as a reality-story. because in reality NOT all is allowed!

people might tell you you're kind of sick! and they could be right, no? better keep this for yourself, where it belongs, in your mind!
By #472648 at 22,Sep,14 20:26
Even as a fantasy this is wrong. If this is your fantasy, please just keep it to yourself.....
By bigone21 at 22,Sep,14 22:14 other posts of bigone21 
a fantasy is never wrong because no-one is involved. living out a fantasy is a complete different matter of course.

and that is what i said!
By #472648 at 23,Sep,14 07:06
I have to disagree. In my opinion fantasies ca definitely be wrong. If you have sick, twisted fantasies, theres something wrong with you as a person and the fact that its just a fantasy soesnt justify anything in my eyes.
By bigone21 at 23,Sep,14 20:02 other posts of bigone21 
well, there are parts in this world where having fantasies about what you display for real in your pictures are a reason for whatever severe punishment!

because there they think it's sick and twisted. yet, it was only a fantasy and no-one was involved...

what do you wish for? thought-police?
By #303133 at 23,Sep,14 20:07
It is a "thought" when it stays in your head.
When you BRAG about r*ping a girl who is not able to defend herself--and ask other similar perverts to share their stories of sexual assault, it is no longer just a "thought", but a rally call for offenders.
By bigone21 at 23,Sep,14 21:50 other posts of bigone21 
read back my first post! the whole post! and it ends with:

"better keep this for yourself, where it belongs, in your mind!"

so where do we differ??
By #303133 at 23,Sep,14 21:57
We differ in that you keep giving him the "it's just a fantasy" out...
By bigone21 at 23,Sep,14 22:14 other posts of bigone21 
did you read why i think it can never have happened that way, so i think it must be a fantasy?

By #472648 at 23,Sep,14 21:20
Oh, and what is displayed in my pictures doesnt by any means hurt anyone. And no, neither do fantasies, but what happens in these kind of fantasies actually WOULD hurt people, which makes the difference pretty significant.
By bigone21 at 23,Sep,14 21:58 other posts of bigone21 
in OUR culture we can debate that you are not hurt, and the sleeping girl was; in saoudi arabia i think it would be the other way around! i, as a homosexual) would be lower than a pig (death), you would be a whore (stoning), and the sleeping girl better keep her mouth shut!
By #472648 at 24,Sep,14 02:52
This IS our culture and people from Saudi Arabia might aswell be here cause as you might have noticed people from all over the world visit this site. Why are you still defending this guy? The fact that in other parts of the world this MIGHT be differrent has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we're having in this thread. Like I said this is "our culture" we're discussing this in, not the part of the world where r a p e is appearantly perfectly fine (cause the way you're wording it that is basically what you're saying). According to your logic, we can't have morals and values and ideas of what is wrong or right because in another part of the world they have different ones. If m u r d e r is fine in one part of the world, should it be fine here too just fore the sole reason that it's fine there? And if you disagree with that, where do you draw the line? I hope you don't agree with people dying cause they're homosexual, especially cause you are homisexual yourself? I hope you agree I shouldn't be stoned? So why are you justifying this thread by comparing it to these things? It makes absolutely no sense.
By bigone21 at 24,Sep,14 20:19 other posts of bigone21 
@ Peekatchu, this is my last try to explain what i said,

i was trying to say two things:

1. the mind, the fantasy is free! you can think and fantasize about anything. it does NOT make you a bad (or twisted or sick) person if you have fantasies that are viewed upon as evil or bad, or unlawful in your culture.

if you have that kind of fantasy, and do not act out on it, you're adjusted to your cultural laws, and that's fine!

2. keep it in your mind, because your cultural group would not understand it, and will condemn you for having this fantasy. so, do NOT speak about it, or you will feel being convicted by your cultural group.

do i condone r a p e? no, of course not! would i like to live in saudi arabia? pfff, rather die.

so, last time, short:

1. fantasy is free;

2. shut up about it when it is seen as not good.
By #472648 at 24,Sep,14 20:24
Maybe you don't understand that I understand exactly what you're trying to say, I just don't and can't agree and I'm trying to explain why. I realize this discussion is going nowhere and I'm gonna stop having it. I'm done talking about it, we are never going to agree.

Even goede vrienden wat mij betreft (:
By bigone21 at 24,Sep,14 22:04 other posts of bigone21 

fine & you're right, let's stop here.

verrassend dat je nederlands spreekt, had dat even gezegd!

inderdaad, even goede vrienden, ook wat mij betreft
By #472648 at 25,Sep,14 09:32
Ik vertel niet aan iedereen dat ik Nederlands ben en een discussie in het Nederlands is voor de rest ook weer zo lastig te volgen... :p
By bigone21 at 25,Sep,14 20:51 other posts of bigone21 
het had in het nederlands misschien gescheeld in misverstand vermijden of beter kunnen uitdrukken.

anyway, prettig om met je van gedachten gewisseld en gediscussieerd te hebben, btw. je hebt goeie pics, have fun!!

By bigone21 at 23,Sep,14 20:03 other posts of bigone21 
and i agree: better keep some fantasies for yourself, you're right!
By #303133 at 23,Sep,14 20:13
You keep insisting that it is a "fantasy", yet the rapist who started this thread--in the only response he has posted--says: "people, remember, that she was there for the 3 some, so that would have happened anyway".
He doesn't say "Hey, I made the whole thing up", he tries to DEFEND what he did. To justify taking advantage of a powerless victim!
Quit making excuses for evil behavior, big!
By bigone21 at 23,Sep,14 22:12 other posts of bigone21 
i just don't think it has happened, and i tell the guy to keep his fantasies for himself...

By #303133 at 22,Sep,14 22:04
How do you know that it is a fantasy?
You don't believe that things like this happen every day?
For a number of years, I worked as a counselor for young victims of sexual assault (both male and female).
What this guy describes DOES happen to real people...all too often.
In many ways, the "Oh, it's just a little harm, no foul" attitude helps to encourage sociopaths like this to act out their twisted thoughts.
By bigone21 at 22,Sep,14 22:36 other posts of bigone21 
maybe you're right, maybe i'm wrong.

i was just thinking the story can't be true:
he and the girlfriend are just done (he came?); she RUNS out for a QUICK shower, and in these three minutes he does all that, zipped her pants off and comes again! and than the girlfriend comes back from the shower and doesn't notice anything? (like: the pants off)

i wasn't saying i thought this was a NICE fantasy! it's just a bit of some guys fantasy-crap!

i was saying, keep it where it belongs: in your mind, for yourself!

By iowaguy at 25,Sep,14 04:02 other posts of iowaguy 
No I have never taken advantage of a girl or man in a drunken or sleeping state. I just have this thing about going to jail. I'd just rather not go.

By #454258 at 25,Sep,14 02:55
thank god you don't near me. otherwise i would be sleeping with a shotgun next to my bed.
By #316057 at 25,Sep,14 03:04

By Sickboy at 22,Sep,14 22:53 other posts of Sickboy 
can this thread please kindly ...(((((FUCK OFF, DISAPPEAR, BECOME NON-EXISTENT )))).....I will now be quite because my throat hurts!!

By Blade at 20,Sep,14 03:01 other posts of Blade 
people, remember, that she was there for the 3 some, so that would have happened anyway.
By #472683 at 20,Sep,14 03:04
Possibly--WITH CONSENT!!

When you have sex with someone without consent, it is r a p e, pure and simple. And any court will tell you the same.

By #303133 at 20,Sep,14 10:51
You are never going to convince this type of person that they did wrong, Steffi. Every offender believes that their actions are justifiable.

He even uses the words "take advantage of" in the title of the thread, but goes on to brag about how he misused the girl!
By #472683 at 20,Sep,14 16:31
True, my friend. I just couldn't hold back.
By bigone21 at 22,Sep,14 20:19 other posts of bigone21 

By #458576 at 20,Sep,14 18:25
no she was **** ! you're a rapist and an asshole. you should be in prison and get the same done to you

By johnp at 19,Sep,14 21:37 other posts of johnp 
Ya they have laws against shit like that bro

By Gntlmn at 19,Sep,14 15:18 other posts of Gntlmn 
It's **** by any other name, you shitbag!
--------------------------------------- added after 49 seconds

That's are ape, fuckface!

By #147052 at 19,Sep,14 14:40
sick fuck!

By #281008 at 19,Sep,14 09:22
that is so so long was his gf in shower and after he just cum in his gf he can fire agan hahahaha

By small_dik at 19,Sep,14 09:01 other posts of small_dik 
wow, that was a terrible thing to do to someone.

By #458576 at 19,Sep,14 08:30

By #454258 at 19,Sep,14 05:18
I do believe that is called you should be ashamed. and consider yourself luck your not in jail, you sick fuck

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