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saggy or perky tits. . what is better?

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Started by chubbymummy at 06,Mar,15 02:13  other posts of chubbymummy
Whats really better saggy or perky?
Mine are saggy //][/URL]

Similar topics: 1.Sagging tits   2.Small, perky cocks   3.Who has the best tits here?   4.The Saggy Granny- Twowarmstts2 aka Hotpussy   5.The Saggy Granny and Chuckles- The aftermath!  

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By woody4647 at 29,Jan,19 02:34 other posts of woody4647 
I like mature women, so large saggy tits are what I get. My GF's are 38FF and wonderful. I do appreciate small boobs if they are well shaped and in proportion.

By kre8tor69 at 28,Jan,19 00:57 other posts of kre8tor69 
Also size does not matter as long as they want to be played with and it makes the gal feel real good! I do like tits only a mouth full but like at home I do prefer DD or DDD one for simple sexy play time!!!

By kre8tor69 at 28,Jan,19 00:55 other posts of kre8tor69 
I truly believe that the best tits are only the ones hanging over my face naked and wanting to be sucked on!

By #485312 at 27,Jan,19 21:45
[deleted image]
all tits are beautiful. its just peoples preferences differ *lix*

By #554763 at 27,Jan,19 13:05
Heavy and saggy, mmmmmm

By #551147 at 30,Dec,18 08:58
The ONLY answer I have for this question, is... NATURAL either way. That being said, I do prefer C or B cup. 😋
By #562152 at 30,Dec,18 09:01
By #551147 at 30,Dec,18 09:13
I figured, as my wifes are double d's and so are the ones of the thread owner.
By #541363 at 27,Jan,19 09:10
mine has too. some bra's give size 42DD/95F although that varies by brand.

By #294721 at 27,Jan,19 00:45
Big titties,small titties I want to touch them all.

By #485312 at 07,Mar,15 04:01
be your own judge, *lix*
[deleted image]
By t-rex at 07,Mar,15 21:49 other posts of t-rex 
Yours are great

By #568553 at 07,Jan,19 17:42

By #568553 at 07,Jan,19 17:41
As long as they are in proportion to the rest of the body and they are natural. I love them all

By #463848 at 07,Jan,19 13:41
Perky please; but you have to be quick because they don't stay that way for long. My wife's were gorgeous at 16 but after two children..............they got heavy and descended.

By #554098 at 03,Jan,19 02:43
I like when she is on top, when fcking, and with nice, soft perfect ones, like Chubbymummy, it's just a joy to try to catch one, and suckle the nipple, as we love. Something about the 'dangling' thing that is really erotic.

By abagurio at 02,Jan,19 15:45 other posts of abagurio 
The really better tits are those you are allowed to touch

By nekekal at 01,Jan,19 22:16 other posts of nekekal 
There is no better. Only good. All tits are good. But to be honest, the nipple is where the action is at. As long as the nipples are responsive, and enjoy being licked, sucked and caressed, it doesn't make a lot of difference what sort of tit they are mounted on.

There is something to be said for both types of tits. Saggy tits are generally best for titty fucking. And I love the way they hang down and move around when their owners are getting fucked from the back.

However, it is very erotic when a woman with perky tits is fucking a guy and is on top. The tits just jiggle and shake when the woman moves up and down. It's also easier to find the nipples with your mouth on perky tits. They don't tend to move like bigger saggy tits.

So, all good. I love tits of any kind.

By #562152 at 30,Dec,18 08:28
Some sag,,

[deleted image]
By #551147 at 30,Dec,18 08:56
OH STOP IT! They're fine... Won the contest though.
By #562152 at 30,Dec,18 09:01
First, thank you. Second, IT WAS A DESCRIPTION, not a complaint. I get more free drinks and taxis with the girls than i know what to do with.
By #551147 at 30,Dec,18 09:12
I'm sure 😉

By wycowboy at 29,Dec,18 13:27 other posts of wycowboy 
I like some sag to a set of tits. Yours are perfect chubbymummy!

By niceonebighead at 28,Dec,18 20:53 other posts of niceonebighead 
aqs long as there big enough 2 titie fuck me with lots left over

By #472683 at 08,Mar,15 03:07
[deleted image]

If you have very large, NATURAL tits, one can't help but to be saggy! Gravity wins.
By #476377 at 09,Mar,15 07:25
Very sexy body, fantastic boobs, lots of dirty thoughts in my head right now

By #292354 at 07,Mar,15 04:04
Both... are better? I like yours. and the one that was posted up there.

By #11431 at 06,Mar,15 21:45
mine are a bit saggy these days !

By #7976 at 06,Mar,15 21:40
Either, neither, Both... The best of all worlds is being in a group where the women are all types and sizes.

By #206678 at 06,Mar,15 20:13
Perky tits with large nipples thank you

By #373484 at 06,Mar,15 07:32
I prefer saggy tits

By #451452 at 06,Mar,15 06:50
Tits are all wonderful. They are fun to play with, great to suck on and sometimes to dry fuck between them. Saggy comes with age and can be delayed by wearing proper fitting bras. There are so many women on here who have great boobs it is a struggle to not drool on my keyboard.

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