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I banned Monted

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Started by admin at 22,Mar,15 03:27  other posts of admin
Usually I do not advertize such actions, but he was somewhat of a key member for some other people, so I feel obliged to explain.

I do not read public chat, but so happened that I did read several today's messages of Monted. He literally wrote that I "support bella!'s bulling" against him. When in fact I refused to protect him against her because he started it, involving screenshot of my forum dialogue with her which he pushed into banner several times and I did not liked it at all, though I said nothing.

When he complained about bella's drawing I explained very clearly to him why I refuse to protect him. He started this shit this time, so he had to deal with it without me. But he found possible to write in chat that I support bella's bulling. Which is a blatant lie from my point of view and while I don't care people calling me names or making stupid speculations I do not like when people lie about me when they know for a fact it's not true.

So, considering his colorful behavior here, I banned him.

Similar topics: 1.admin...   2.Banned from chat   3.Being Banned   4.more trouble than hes worth   5.Why some people have influence on this website, I will never understand.  

New Comment

By #341591 at 24,Oct,15 15:39
Good, people like Monted are the worst part of this site.
By bella! at 24,Oct,15 18:57 other posts of bella! 
Be careful what you say, he might be lurking about.....
By #316057 at 29,Oct,15 04:27
yea he is
By bella! at 29,Oct,15 09:49 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, he is? Yeah he is, what? Yeah, he is the worst part of this site? Yeah, he is lurking about? OR yeah, he is to both points?
By #316057 at 30,Jul,16 20:55
I did said he was here

By #491031 at 05,Jul,15 19:35
Just to let you all know that he's still thinking about you,
Monted posted this over in the forum yesterday:

"The Admin on SYD is the biggest liar and a total piece of shit

The Admin on this site is a manipulator and has multiple accounts on his own site where he says he is against multiple accounts even the so called unmoderated chat is moderated by his fake accounts. I would not use that site ever it is so fake! I bet half the accounts on that site are the admin himself! be warned is nothing but a piece of shit on the net!" (His words, admin, not mine.)

I find it ironic that he accuses SYD admin of being a "liar", "manipulator" and of having many "fake" accounts. know...monted. sends his love and wants you to know that he isn't butt-hurt at all.

By lushlips at 21,May,15 16:39 other posts of lushlips 
I have to say that Bella and Monted both nice members and this should have never happened as we grown people enough to realize our own boundaries and most of all respect one another. This situation is just one big misunderstanding and show love not **** .

By #316057 at 23,Mar,15 02:40
Yes monted will be miss
By #472683 at 23,Mar,15 09:32
Very much so, by those of us who were friends with him.

I love him--he's been such a wonderful friend to me through the years. I was so sad to see he had been banned.

I never got to say goodbye or exchange contact info. That's what you get for having a traumatic brain injury and having to heal!
By #111863 at 23,Mar,15 09:34
He was a true gent to all that knew him
By *kmadeau* at 28,Mar,15 16:42 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I found his "rudeness", if any, could never approach the level of the nastiness of his countless haters.

By #7976 at 24,Mar,15 02:57
Good for you Admin... Unpleasant actions are never desirable but sometimes just need to be done to keep order and interest within a group. I never paid much attention to Monted but understand he could be rather polarizing. I also know he has personally cost me some friends over the years with his antics. I just wish there was a way to let those he drove away know the cost is clear again for them to rejoin and reconnect with those of us who enjoyed their company.
By admin at 24,Mar,15 03:10 other posts of admin 
I honestly do not think that Monted could be a sole reason to leave the site for anyone. There is a lot of people who do not know who he was at all. People who left because of Monted are usually people who tried to challenge him and lost.

But you should understand that there will always be Monted. I don't mean exactly him. There will always be a person who try to pose as an alpha-dog of the site. It's just apish nature of the humans. Some can overcome it, but many can not. So the people who had problems with Monted would have same problems with someone else in Monted's place if Monted was not here. Or even funnier - they would be in Monteds place and everyone else having problems with them.

By #472683 at 22,Mar,15 19:29
I can only speak for myself. He was a dear friend of mine, and I feel very sad that he's not here now. He's always been good to me, and very supportive after my recent brain surgery, not to mention at other times as well.

Love you, Monty.
By *kmadeau* at 22,Mar,15 23:26 other posts of *kmadeau* 
He was a very good... just a great guy! I'm sure that Admin regrets now what happen, but shouldn't have the courage to say the truth! Very sad!
By #111863 at 23,Mar,15 09:33
I'm sure admin needs to reconsider his actions. He must see that bella and dick21 are hand in hand in getting monted deleted. Want proof... look at bella's gifts its all globes from dick21.
By bella! at 23,Mar,15 10:13 other posts of bella! 
By all means, count ALL of my gifts, I don't hide them like most. Count every globe, every bottle of wine and remember to count the bottles of poison and piles of crap that I received for befriending MONTED!

By #111863 at 23,Mar,15 09:13
Read this /forum/thread.php?id=24126 and tell me if you have ever seen the new King in a chat room. Its not all about collecting subs which seems to be his thing.

Yes, monted did the same but was always active in chat as and always available to chat in PM.

The question that needs answering here is what do bella (who got monted deleted) have going with dick21 the new king and major contributor to bella in gifts.... Hmmmmmmmm

I have banned bella from my page as she sent me gifts and made comments and I don't even know her. Ask yourselves does dick21 have some hidden agenda to make her Queen eventually
By bella! at 23,Mar,15 10:08 other posts of bella! 
Open your eyes, bella! didn't get MONTED deleted, MONTED got MONTED deleted.

bella! has nothing going with dick21 other than she's known him for almost 3 years.

And as far as not knowing me, you're right, you don't know me. I will remind you of our first interaction, you placed a gift of shit on my page. I reached out to ask you why and it was because I blew off all the negative gifts that you gifted to EvilFairy. That was the first pile of shit that I received from anyone. We had a reasonable conversation and you removed it. Take a look at all the piles of shit I have now, they were gifts to me because I befriended your dear friend, MONTED.

Your points or the pile of points that you have access to is mind boggling. Do what you want but at the very least, have the same integrity you had when you destroyed the pile of crap, be honest and tell the truth.

By #475526 at 23,Mar,15 00:04
I will miss Monted but I'm sure he will be back sooner or later.
Admin, how long will you ban him?

By hytiger at 22,Mar,15 21:46 other posts of hytiger 
So, what the hell was this *All hail Monted, king of the site" that appears all over the place???

By #403325 at 22,Mar,15 05:21
I would comment on this, but I dont know all the truth or facts yet. But I have read and seen a lot more than I am going to say. Plus the way some around here protects fakes as Deno and others. It appears some can do what ever they want too!!
By spermkiss at 22,Mar,15 15:59 other posts of spermkiss 
This pretty much sums up my view of the situation. Like you and me, he had been a long time (paying!) member of this site, but I have long suspected that he had "issues". Lately he had been making friendly overtures to me (gifts, messages), but I was wary and kept him at arm's length.

By Gntlmn at 22,Mar,15 04:38 other posts of Gntlmn 
Wise decision, Admin

By #316057 at 22,Mar,15 04:17

By bella! at 22,Mar,15 04:06 other posts of bella! 
Holy moley!

Thank you for recognizing that I did not start the "drama".

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