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People tell me I have great nipples

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Started by #493403 at 07,Jul,15 15:40
Who has the best nipples at this site, please post any pics that you thing are good

Lots of love Marlene

Similar topics: 1.nipples hardwired to cock?   2.Nipple Enlargement   3.For women: who has the biggest nipples?   4.Arexa has great nipples, doesn't she?   5.Broken nipples  

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By thesevenpointfive at 08,Jul,15 09:45 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
i wasn't looking at your nipples ..ohh perhaps i should
By #493403 at 10,Jul,15 13:52

By #68656 at 07,Jul,15 15:52
Just for my curiosity but why do your gallery images link up to various, diverse and unrelated websites and blogs.?
By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 15:54
Do they? Post me a PM and I will confirm if I posted them myself as I am on various other sites I just found this site a few days ago and posted here as well. I just checked one image with a program and got the following result.

0 Results

Searched over 11.826 billion images.

Are you calling me a fraud? I am a real person just enjoying posting my pics, who are you anyway to question my credibility?
By #68656 at 07,Jul,15 16:08
only registered users can see external links

Sex: female, looking for female
Age: 35 years old
Czech Republic
Member since: Nov 19, 2010
Last login: 51 minutes ago
Comments: Bi-curious, pic trading with the right women or couple. Sorry guys, please do not message me if you do not have pictures in your profile. Wasting time is a real turn off to me and frustrating! I receive so many messages and try to respond to most. However, if you dont have a picture I will more than likely not respond.
By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 16:26
So I am on other sites what does that have to do with anything?

Are you the site policeman? If I chose to use another name on here is that against the site rules or do all member use their real names, I don't think so do you.

Do you want me to leave JohnS? Is so just let me know and I will leave. If not an apology on here will be accepted
By #491031 at 07,Jul,15 17:15
JohnS is the self-appointed Minister of Forum Affairs here at SYD. He believes that it is his sacred task to protect the rest of us from those he deems to be "fake". I would tell you to pay him no mind (very few of us do), but he has probably already referred your account to the Star Chamber, where he and his followers will vote to delete your account momentarily. Mostly based on the fact that you had the audacity to question his "authority" in public. It's just what they do for fun.

Sorry, it would have been nice to get to know you...
By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 21:16
Unicorn, JohnS is just a loser If he gets me kicked off the site I will not lose any **** over it there are 100's of other sites like this

By #472683 at 08,Jul,15 05:30
By #493403 at 08,Jul,15 08:01
Thank you for your support Steffi

By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 16:32
I could of explained that in a PM if you were not so paranoid about chatting to people other than your inner circle
By #68656 at 07,Jul,15 16:49
Almost word for word for when the "hounds" detected and referred the previous reincarnations to the starchamber.

The site "Police" are the various members who detect and refer what they believe could be irregularities, there is no one "policeman".
Also for a new member you have a lot of knowlege of how the site works and about me.

Thank you for your interest in the matter.
By bella! at 07,Jul,15 17:45 other posts of bella! 
Is it possible that vested interests have set a trap?

Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep, it starts when you're always afraid, you step out of line the man comes and takes you away.......

By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 21:15
Get a life JohnS do you really thing that people use their real names when posting on here. If they do there are some really weirdly named people here

By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 21:41
I know nothing about you only that you are an interfering person and I don't care about your paranoia

By bella! at 07,Jul,15 17:48 other posts of bella! 
@ Marlene, Unfortunately, you will not be able to explain anything to JohnS. His messages are set to accept from "friends only".
By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 21:12
I agree bella, he shoots his mouth off and you have no way of discussing the issue with him as he only accepts friends only

By #491031 at 07,Jul,15 17:28
Seriously, John--Do you really think the forum is the appropriate venue for this kind of attack?
"Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" -- Joseph N. Welch at the McCarthy hearings
By _avg_ at 08,Jul,15 01:22 other posts of _avg_ 
It's not an 'attack' -- this site (in particular) has a long history of cat-fishing and fakery, and John or anyone else has every right to have doubts about a poster's authenticity, esp. when that poster has put the spotlight on themselves.

At this point it's simple: "Marlene" has a camera and a willingness to use it -- a verification pic or vid will end this issue and prevent it from arising in the future.

A cat-fisher will never be missed.
By bella! at 08,Jul,15 01:43 other posts of bella! 
Okay, you suggest that Marlene takes a "verification" pic. Is there anything in particular you would like her to include?
By #491031 at 08,Jul,15 02:24
Here's the thing that bothers me more: the "cat-fishing" business. Seriously...we are talking about grown-assed ADULTS who are looking to fall in love with a person they meet on a dick/pussy site. The whole damn SITE is built around FANTASY. What does "authenticity" have to do with anything here? If you are never going to meet the person you're chatting with in real life, what does it matter who they are behind the keyboard? If the "woman" you were beating-off to turns out to really be a guy, does that make you "internet gay"?
It's called SHOW YOUR DICK/CUNT for crying out loud! EVERYONE is in the "spotlight". Must we demand "verification pics" from every member?
By _avg_ at 08,Jul,15 04:54 other posts of _avg_ 
'Cat-fishing' is perhaps not the most accurate expression. But it's not just the 'fun and games' that you'd like to dismiss it as. People ARE hurt and made to feel like fools when the smoking hot girl they've been lavishing praise on turns out to be a just a smokescreen for a dude with bad intentions....

And let's face it, this place has (had) plenty of those say it's built on fantasy, and perhaps that's YOUR experience or expectations, but for the vast majority of people here it's about showing off YOURSELF, your REAL self. (Physically, anyways) When others aren't playing by the rules, it diminishes and demeans your participation.

I'm not trying to put the spotlight on "Marlene," but when she starts a 'look at me!' thread, she's done the work for me. And when we look at "her" and see web-derived pics, it's not at all unfair to wonder if "she's" not just another of the numerous ill-intentioned dudes who've played that card before...and to ask for some kind of assurance that we're not being taken for a ride. Should everyone have a verification pic?? Well, I say yes, it would go a long way to making this site MORE FUN (without killing the 'fantasy'), but it goes DOUBLY TRUE for anyone posting pics that can be found elsewhere...
By #491031 at 08,Jul,15 12:28
Okay, I get the legal issues about using photos that aren't your own, but I still have a problem with the whole "I was whacking-off to pics of a girl but it turned out that they were posted by a guy and now I feel hurt" thing. Why? You are getting emotionally involved with PICTURES, not a real person. What "bad intentions"? Are they asking for your credit card number?
The only person who can diminish and demean your participation here is you. How others choose to behave is not a reflection on what pics you have posted. If your profile is real (not saying that it isn't, btw), then you are participating in the spirit you believe the site was designed for.
Bottom line...if you doubt the authenticity of a member's profile/pics, just don't lavish praise on them. Move on and find a profile you trust to jerk-off over. It's that simple.

By _avg_ at 08,Jul,15 04:18 other posts of _avg_ 
Herself, naked; her screen-name here; and this site's name....

and a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat....

By #493403 at 08,Jul,15 07:50
What are you going to include in your verification pic bella? It seems you and JohnS have something in common in that you both have pics that show images that are not really relevant to this site.
By bella! at 08,Jul,15 12:57 other posts of bella! 
A fair question, although I have been verified......the pictures that I post of me are pictures what I am comfortable posting. The other pictures are for fun.

History, About 3 plus years ago, I sent a "verification" picture that I had taken at work and forwarded it to two members, mr7inches and JohnS who both were verified members, I cannot remember the third. Bottom line, I was then verified. Although my verification status has not changed, you will no longer see mr7inches name as he has deleted his original account and JohnS recently withdrew his verification. JohnS, regardless of how you feel, I am real and you know that!
By #493403 at 10,Jul,15 13:51
That's fine bella, I accept your explanation I have no reason to question anybody here

By leopoldij at 08,Jul,15 21:18 other posts of leopoldij 
You have fantastic nipples!

By #316057 at 08,Jul,15 03:19
Nice nipples Marlene
By #493403 at 08,Jul,15 08:00
Thank you Jamie

By nekekal at 07,Jul,15 21:22 other posts of nekekal 
I had to go over and look at your pictures. You do have very fine nipples. My favorite hard pencil erasure types, and they are sitting on a pair of really good tits. Your cunt is good too, in fact you are a beautiful woman.

I also appreciate member Kimmie's tits and nipples too. You are both really fine. Although in truth, I have never seen tits I didn't like.
By #493403 at 08,Jul,15 07:52
I agree nekekal, kimmie does have lovely nipples

By #399187 at 07,Jul,15 17:43
Suck my Johnson Marlene!!!!
By #493403 at 07,Jul,15 21:20
By #400852 at 07,Jul,15 21:37
wow your hot you wanna 69 with me

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