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Anger Issues

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Started by #491031 at 11,Jul,15 03:01
What's up with all the angry ranting here, folks?
We're supposed to be having FUN, remember?

Similar topics: 1.Pregnant W/Boy Circumcise or Not Circumcise   2.Anal survey   3.So much anger   4.Serious inquiry into anal   5.Would illnes or health issues slow you down sexualy  

New Comment

By mr_blue at 11,Jul,15 17:05 other posts of mr_blue 
Stop talking about me...

Nothing wrong with a good rant,especially with big words my dear rapscallion
By #491031 at 11,Jul,15 19:02
It has been ages since someone has called me a "rapscallion"!
The cockles of my heart have been warmed.

By #316057 at 11,Jul,15 03:29
Some Need Anger Management Classes
By bella! at 11,Jul,15 03:36 other posts of bella! 
*Jamie, I respect your intelligence and opinions, how does TheUnicorn's thread about Anger Issues relate to the Anal Survey above?

By #316057 at 11,Jul,15 03:45
oops not seen that maybe I should not but in here
By #460385 at 11,Jul,15 05:31
I'm sorry Uni. But I was having fun. But I'll leave you guys to your little Forum clique. Since outsiders are not welcomed. I will go back to being bored to death on the main pages.
By bella! at 11,Jul,15 06:03 other posts of bella! 
Oh, c'mon! Yes, there are many of the same members that post in the forum, aka clique, but say whatever you want to say. My guess, you aren't going to 100% agree with me and I'm not going to 100% agree with you but does that really matter? You are entitled to express yourself, bottom line. Your thoughts and spin on things are always welcome. Honestly, please do not feel that you are not welcome to post your thoughts or comments in the forum.

By #491031 at 11,Jul,15 07:36
So was I.
No need to take things personally, countryboy.
By #460385 at 11,Jul,15 13:10
Wow. Thought you all might get my sense of humor by now. You really didn't think I'd give up that easy did you. I'm just getting started. But thanks for the kind words Ms. Bella. And Uni, I'm not into one night stands. I got to know you to take it personally.

By bella! at 11,Jul,15 03:29 other posts of bella! 
I'm having fun! Are you?
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,15 07:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Me too.

By _avg_ at 11,Jul,15 05:58 other posts of _avg_ 
Selection bias; you're focusing on the narrow few when the vast majority is either enjoying themselves or blissfully ignorant...both, perhaps...

Adult Discussion Forum