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Started by #22771 at 03,Feb,16 06:14
Similar topics: 1.Shaving question 2.Shaving 3.Shaving Balls 4.Before and after shaving!! 5.Shaved legs, chest, bollocks and cock New CommentComments: |
When he cam over I got my ass fimmed and bred for hours , was very hot with him but afyter I was getting hit on by more DL and straight dudes, feels so different, i like both
In addition to letting his beard grow out, shaving his entire body from the neck down is something every man should do at least once in his life. See my Forum post "Things Every Man Should Do at Least Once".
I was a very hairy person and hated it,I am completely hairless with the exception of my beard and the hair on my head now and love it!As a matter of fact a few years ago I purchased a home lazor and removed it all completly. I work with the general public as a contractor,wear shorts and go shirtless all summer long, never had any one teas or make fun of me.
What really matters is, weather or not it makes you comfortable and it is something that makes you as an individual happy
Wilko, darling, it's your body and your hair and what you do with it is nobody else's business. If you want to shave your legs, go for it. I shaved my legs for years and wore short pants at work and no body said anything. Fuck 'em if they don't like it.