Hey guys and girls,
has it ever happened to you that you wanted to vote HOT for a pic but instead ended up voting NOT by mistake? If so, were you embarrased about it or didn't you really care?
I was just having an idea that there could be an additional confirmation before the 'NOT' vote is casted to prevent it. What would you think about it?
I think it especially happens quite fast when browsing from the phone due to that the buttons are so close and there doesn't exist a mobile version of this site.
Would love to hear some other opinions on it.
PS: I also made a poll to cast how often it happens:
--------------------------------------- added after 551 hours
theres a safety net on it now, if you accidently hit it, it asks you are you sure, and on the accidental adding to friends button, theres also a question to answer before it goes through, both work letting you see if you've accidently hit them... great tweaks *lix*
Then /whotouched.php
Then /whotouched.php?s=on
This is the basic info about my devices
Notebook: Windows OS, Firefox browser, Ad Block deactivated
Phone: Android OS, Firefox browser, no additional ad block installed
Do you remember which device you used?