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Why are some guys attracted to lesbians?

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Started by #530184 at 18,Sep,17 15:13
Why are some guys attracted to lesbians(myself included)? Is it because they are the "forbidden fruit" of females or is there more to it?

Similar topics: 1.Not into guys, but into guy parts   2.lesbians   3.If I was attracted to men....   4.A question for my fellow Bi's, Gays, and or Lesbians...   5.What is a lesbian?  

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By RealTitsLover at 21,Sep,17 06:54 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I love watching two girls together because I can find everything about both of them attractive, nothing that can really turn me off, like something with one or more guys involved. They're the fairer sex, so it all seems much more sensual to me. I'm not actually a fan of figure skating, but consider a duet like it's two women being sexual, and straight sex is like a figure skater with a hockey player. Sure they can skate together, but it's not a beautiful thing.

Not counting softcore porn (girls enjoying each other's tits), I've actually seen girls together more in real life than in porn, though it was most often bi girlfriends with other girls before they asked me to join in. As for actual lesbians, they normally don't turn me on any more really than bi girls, but being the first guy that one has ever kissed with the only cock they've ever touched, sucked, and been fucked by is a truly awesome experience.

By onthelose at 20,Sep,17 01:12 other posts of onthelose 
Once when 4 friends and myself were out camping we came across a car full of lesbians. We pulled them out of the mud and they camped not far away. From that moment on the guys were convinced they were going to get laid. It was the funniest thing I have ever experienced. I had a really good time watching these guys making fools of themselves the whole time we were there. Of course they were all in their twenties and I was older, that must have been the reason.

By 2nice at 19,Sep,17 22:10 other posts of 2nice 
Some guys????


By Andthisisme at 19,Sep,17 11:28 other posts of Andthisisme 
If we are talking about the real world I am afraid that there are still a few macho men with the view that a lesbian is only a lesbian because he has not fucked her and sees her as a challenge. If only she was given a real good fucking by HIM, then she would realise her mistake.

If we are talking about why men enjoy seeing lesbian porn, that is a very different matter. I think lots of guys find this arousing but are not deluding themselves that they can 'convert' a lesbian, or indeed want to.

I have made the assumtion here that we are talking about attractive lesbians, but is the suggestion that some guys will be attracted to ANY lesbian.
By admin at 19,Sep,17 15:09 other posts of admin 
Is not it pretty much the same why women are often have interest in gay men?

I've seen a lot of situations where it seemed that women started trying to seduce gay men just to prove they are that good that can "convert them". It's so common, that some men even use it as a bait - pretend to be gay for women to incite interest.
By Andthisisme at 19,Sep,17 21:25 other posts of Andthisisme 
I hadn't thought of that. There is probably something in that. It is obviously the challenge that interests them.

By veryshyguy at 19,Sep,17 20:17 other posts of veryshyguy 
I think it is more of men having a fantasy of having a 3 some with them! Just my 2 cents worth!

By #485312 at 18,Sep,17 21:19
EASY!!! men always want what they cant have *lix*
By #527431 at 19,Sep,17 00:51
Kindly disagree. The real man have learned to get what he can get ...
By #516354 at 19,Sep,17 01:40
I have to disagree noname.There is no way a 'real man' would get in on the 'action' with lesbians unless either they were bi-sexual or forced himself on them,and that would constitute r@pe.
By #485312 at 19,Sep,17 02:31
that's right, true lesbians aren't interested in men, they just love pussy.. and if they seen two butch women, would they still be as interested in wanting them sexually, or do they want the bi, pretty girls like you see in main stream porn?? *lix*

By #527431 at 19,Sep,17 03:38
let me be more clear: the real man is not going to put any effort to get the lesbian woman since he knows there will be no success. So: the real man learned to get what he can get. submissi...., got it?
By #485312 at 19,Sep,17 11:46
whats the difference between a 'real man' and 'not so real man'??? is a real man more manly than a not so real man??? does a not so real man believe he has super human powers and can have more than the real man sexually ??? so many questions and not enough lesbians to go round *lix*

By bella! at 19,Sep,17 13:06 other posts of bella! 
noname, your initial post was clear and your second post clarified your initial position. I think that now you are being "messed with".

By #460385 at 19,Sep,17 03:25
Maybe because you think if you give them good cock you can change them. But it's usually not the case.

By spermkiss at 18,Sep,17 15:41 other posts of spermkiss 
I'm sure that the challenge of "forbidden fruit" is part of it, but there probably is more. I'm not straight, au contraire I'm as gay as pink ink, but I've read and heard more than once that straight men find lesbian sex to be very stimulating. Is it that way for you? Would you be turned on by seeing two women having sex?

Turing things around, it has been my experience as a gay man that being gay is a Major Babe Magnet. And I've read and heard more than once that women are turned on by man-on-man sex.
By #530184 at 18,Sep,17 16:02
Of course I am attracted by the thought of two women having sex. I am not talking only about the sexual attraction, but the emotional attraction as well.

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