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How many guys have you really slept with?

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Started by RealTitsLover at 20,Nov,17 14:52  other posts of RealTitsLover
This is a lot like that other thread that asks the same question, except this one's for people who don't change their past number around, or pretend sometimes like it's less than a fifth of what it really is.

My number's zero. What's yours?

Similar topics: 1.How Many women have you slept with in a week?   2.Ejaculation issues   3.Ever had roommates or friends that slept nude ?   4.How many guys you've slept with?   5.Fucked in a motel room while another couple slept next to us.  

New Comment

By #561335 at 13,Jul,18 19:15
I have probably let a round 200 men fuck me in my ass

By What-once-was at 07,Jul,18 11:25 other posts of What-once-was 
Just 2, but it was one on one and both at the same time multiple times so I'm pretty happy with it
Edit: I lie it was 3 but the 3rd guy I was only a one time thing

By #275407 at 07,Jul,18 03:37
6,258,356 and a half
By bella! at 07,Jul,18 03:45 other posts of bella! 
"and a half"....anyone under 48 inches tall?

By #491031 at 07,Jul,18 01:00
Define "slept".
I mean, does napping between blowjobs count?
By bella! at 07,Jul,18 03:44 other posts of bella! 
Of course that counts!

By veryshyguy at 07,Jul,18 00:52 other posts of veryshyguy 

By #423426 at 05,Jul,18 23:24
Slept with? None. Had brief sexual liaisons with about 15.

By knewbi at 26,Jun,18 21:35 other posts of knewbi 
Probably about 17.

By #61033 at 26,Jun,18 18:39
None, never have and never will.

By xdjxx1 at 25,Jun,18 03:00 other posts of xdjxx1 

Joined MF couples in a couple of threesomes and sucked/been sucked by a couple of guys however never gone any further.

By #532695 at 25,Jun,18 00:09
Four, and a long time ago.

By leopoldij at 24,Jun,18 16:54 other posts of leopoldij 

By mrseveninches at 23,Jun,18 15:39 other posts of mrseveninches 
Have had sex with about 250 guys.

By #547271 at 23,Jun,18 15:25
Well over a couple hundred at least!

By #463848 at 23,Jun,18 06:46
2; one a bit younger, the other much older

By #537175 at 20,Jun,18 19:49
Slept with in terms of they were there when I awoke next morning , 5 . But a few others for a bit of a bounce on the bed

By #536019 at 20,Jun,18 19:44
Slept with? Zero.

Sucked their cocks? About 50, over a long period of time.

By #559915 at 20,Jun,18 19:00
I slept with a lot of friend but I don't remember fucking them

By pepefromportugal at 28,Apr,18 19:45 other posts of pepefromportugal 

By rocket1 at 21,Nov,17 19:38 other posts of rocket1 
By RealTitsLover at 21,Nov,17 21:47 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Holy shit, triple digits? Impressive.

By #294721 at 28,Apr,18 18:10
No such thing as too many

By #433665 at 28,Apr,18 16:56
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

17 Girls, been sucked off by 2 guys

By spermkiss at 20,Nov,17 17:35 other posts of spermkiss 
Two or three thousand.

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