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licksipsuckit's and other members' haters

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Started by leopoldij at 29,Nov,17 23:39  other posts of leopoldij
From time to time there are some people who make fake pages and whose whole purpose is to make fun of licksipsuckit. These people post ha.te pics or stolen items from the internet. Actually, this can, and I think it has, happened to other members as well.

The question is: how do we report these accounts in the basis of (a) ha.te, (b) defamation and (c) fraud.

I suggest we talk about these accounts here.

Similar topics: 1.Sperm Haters, are here someone others?   2.Goodbye Steffi ........   3.Do People Change or Do They Only Act Like That!!   4.Haters gonna ****.   5.I'm back  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 12,Dec,17 16:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Here is another member who expresses himself very politely:

By *jamie at 12,Dec,17 08:49
When are going to stop being a asswipe Leo

As *if* words have any effect.
By #546267 at 22,Dec,17 22:01
You act like an asswipe here. Is your main aim to be sheriff here?
By bjuk at 24,Dec,17 14:51 other posts of bjuk 
I don't think he does.

By leopoldij at 24,Dec,17 15:06 other posts of leopoldij 
No, not me. Quite the opposite. By the way, I like your hairy pussy. Please post some more pics.

By leopoldij at 21,Dec,17 19:03 other posts of leopoldij 
This person /member.php?w=543863 keeps intimidating members here. Is this acceptable?

--------------------------------------- added after 48 seconds

By twowarmtts at 21,Dec,17 12:47

Whistles keeps ragging me,,,is he right in the head??
By admin at 21,Dec,17 20:05 other posts of admin 
This never gets old. Instead of just blocking someone you people start fighting with them and when you lose the fight you feel butthurt and want them gone from the site, like it means anything. It's not like I can throw them into jail. Someone who feeds on emotions and feel motivated enough to return will return to the site under other names and will start trolling you again. Blacklist and ignore anyone who disturbs you and the troll will lose motivation to pursue you.
By leopoldij at 21,Dec,17 21:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Wise advice. Twowarmtits did that already.

By bjuk at 10,Dec,17 01:20 other posts of bjuk 
I see Valentino and Whistles are back causing their usual shit.
By leopoldij at 12,Dec,17 16:15 other posts of leopoldij 
They are very mean to you. I saw that in the chat room. I think you should ban them or ignore them.

By leopoldij at 08,Dec,17 17:04 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's another ha.te posting, as copied from /forum/thread.php?id=26291#220

It is directed towards twowarmtts:
Whistles [Ignore] at 01,Dec,17 18:43 other posts

Two twat, fuck off scumm

The message contains ha.te.
Even if you don't like twowarmtts,
and not everyone is obliged to,
why use these tactics?
By admin at 08,Dec,17 18:29 other posts of admin 
Whistles is likely Boyd too
By leopoldij at 08,Dec,17 18:46 other posts of leopoldij 
Ooh wow!

By #545953 at 29,Nov,17 23:41
By leopoldij at 29,Nov,17 23:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Thanks for being so honest and revealing yourself.
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

The name of this account is official-fansoflix
It contains a pic of a person with down syndrome, a pic with kukluxklan members, a pic of sex with an amputee, a homeless person and other pics, probably all stolen from the internet.
By admin at 30,Nov,17 02:36 other posts of admin 
Looks like Boyd...
By leopoldij at 30,Nov,17 15:15 other posts of leopoldij 
I've heard this name before from you and others. Can you please provide some information here about the history and goals of this person? Thanks.
By admin at 30,Nov,17 15:49 other posts of admin 
I can't really see into a head of another person. From what he stated himself in public chats - he likes to troll, create chaos and shake people out of balance. He created over 100 fake accounts in past for different purposes. Sometimes I saw those accounts talking to each other in forum or in public chat, creating controversy and drama. One particular topic I remember was about getting AIDS, he wrote from one fake account that he was a person who got AIDS and ridiculed it from another account. And indeed most of those accounts were used to attack people he did not like for some reasons.

He was obsessed with Monted, another former member, and suspected every second new member of being fake Monted's account and attacked them with no provocation even after Monted was long gone from the site. Which was particularly annoying to me and was why I banned him most of times.

He has advanced knowledge of the net and how to mask his real identity, he is very skilled in "human engineering" which allows his to deceive people into believing he's their friend and obtain private information he later uses against them. Simply speaking he is very good at manipulation.

I feel like I'm giving him too much fame with this post. He may look like some kind of super villain to you after this description. But really, if you were familiar with anonymous image boards culture, you would know that such trolls were vast in numbers and they were "dominating" Internet for some time, but recent trends made them almost dying species. Many sites require phone number authorization now, require real name, some even ask for copies of documents. This site made with an idea to protect people's privacy, so it gives trolls more opportunities. I'm well aware of the downsides. But I do not want to change this.
By leopoldij at 08,Dec,17 05:47 other posts of leopoldij 
I forgot to reply to this one. I've been meaning to say thanks to your analysis of human engineering on the internet. No, I didn't know the extent of viciousness of some.

By #543844 at 05,Dec,17 20:13
I just love licksipsuckit I think she's one of the most real people on this site. And by the way she looks great. So if you don't like her leave her alone.
By #536760 at 08,Dec,17 05:26
Or get a life and shut the fuck up.
Your insults just show how insercuer you are.

By MrBone at 30,Nov,17 00:51 other posts of MrBone 
People, don't be hating on my lix! She is the heart and soul of this site!
By #358797 at 30,Nov,17 01:57
By #460385 at 30,Nov,17 02:08
By RealTitsLover at 30,Nov,17 16:11 other posts of RealTitsLover 

By leopoldij at 30,Nov,17 11:32 other posts of leopoldij 
Regardless of whether it's lix or someone else, this kind of fake membership is unacceptable.

By #491031 at 30,Nov,17 19:48
The "heart and soul of this site"? Seriously??? If that's the case, this site is in desperate need of a heart transplant and an exorcism.
By #460385 at 30,Nov,17 20:03
Now that's funny.

By #482237 at 02,Dec,17 13:26
not sure weather to laugh or cry. I found that licksip has always been very nice to me. Am i missing the point of the post???
By leopoldij at 02,Dec,17 20:47 other posts of leopoldij 
The point of the post is that there are many who target lix, and others, and attack in disgusting ways, e.g. by creating fake accounts, as the one I pointed out. I think that nobody should be treated this way. Even, for example, bella(!) who uses vulgar language towards me and doesn't like my postings should not be subject to these attacks.
By bella! at 03,Dec,17 06:18 other posts of bella! 
There you go again, using my name in one of your posts and posting utter nonsense. Plain and simple, in my opinion, you are and always will be, an asswipe.

By #546267 at 06,Dec,17 01:45
She's the toilet seat from a trucker rest stop from what most are saying here.
By #536760 at 08,Dec,17 05:21
How old are we ?

By phart at 06,Dec,17 00:12 other posts of phart 
I know some folks may think I am a total asshole because I don't agree with everything everyone else believes.But If I don't like something you say or post,I simply reply to it and go forward. No need for h@te crap. I have better things than to be a basement internet bully. If you want to h@te me,your call. I will survive.

I am not a complete asshole,I am missing pieces!

By #485312 at 30,Nov,17 00:40
its great that they take the time from their worthless, sexless, and empty lives to show their h@te for me. when people are so pathetic that their only kick in life is to make fake profiles and haunt sex sites looking for women to h@te on .. l take it as a compliment that when they come to their computer, the first thing they think of is me, and l find it very flattering that lm on their minds all day and so much so that they have to show their deep seated affections for me by collecting pictures and making pages for me. anyway Leo, while theyre h@ting on me, theyre leaving everyone else alone, which is far more beneficial to the site. lm not going anywhere, l have more to offer this site then they ever will...and l have a thought from Dr Phil, that's another half an hour of their life they wont ever get back lol, LOVE TO ALL AND STAY SUPER SEXY *lix*
By #482237 at 02,Dec,17 13:28
Thank you and the same to you, baby,,,

By #543844 at 05,Dec,17 20:15
Not that you need any help but I've got your back

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