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Started by #502711 at 03,Feb,18 08:45
Do you LOVE heavy metal?! Good, then share with us some metal related stuff or some awesome songs!

SepticFlesh - Portrait of a headless man: only registered users can see external links

Similar topics: 1.Cock rings - what kind, how much, where get, etc   2.Cock Rings What do you use?   3.What is the taste of your own cum   4.🤘🏻🤘🏻METAL🤘🏻🤘🏻   5.Death metal, black metal, all metal!!!  

New Comment

By #502711 at 25,Jan,20 09:33
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By zzick at 14,Dec,19 17:55 other posts of zzick 
They all want to be like "absonus", with the great lead singer "max stultus"
By #502711 at 14,Dec,19 22:35
I tried looking that band up & couldn't find anything but this song:
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By #502711 at 13,Dec,19 21:19
The Christmas song of 2019!

NANOWAR OF STEEL - Valhalleluja (ft. Angus McFife from Gloryhammer):
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By #502711 at 06,Dec,19 11:45
Zombie Claus - Psychostick (Rob Zombie Dragula Parody)
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By leopoldij at 09,Dec,19 15:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Very nice. Very funny.
By #502711 at 09,Dec,19 21:48
glad you liked it Leo! Just spreading some Heavy Metal Christmas cheer!
By leopoldij at 09,Dec,19 22:44 other posts of leopoldij 
I've already spread it further, to friends.
By #502711 at 10,Dec,19 03:13
lol, awesome!

By #502711 at 25,Jan,19 05:34
Cavalera Conspiracy - Sanctuary:
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By #541363 at 26,Nov,18 17:11
I prefer death metal like Deeds of Flesh (usa).
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Or Psycroptic (aus)
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By #502711 at 26,Dec,18 03:59
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By #566557 at 24,Dec,18 09:11
Bloodrock anyone?
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By #502711 at 26,Dec,18 03:53
I've never heard of them, but they sound alright

By #502711 at 24,Dec,18 06:07
King Diamond - No presents for Christmas:
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By #569341 at 07,Nov,18 08:33
By far the best metal album released in the last month: High On Fire's "Electric Messiah" - not nearly their best album; but Matt Pike (previously from S.l.e.e.p [why is that a banned word?!] and asbestosdeath) + Joe Preston (previously from the Melvins and Thrones)...
By #502711 at 08,Nov,18 07:35
I thought you were into George Michael. He's right up your alley.
By #569341 at 08,Nov,18 07:46
Fuck off, you wannabe bogan (you're lower than a bogan) - all of the shit you mention is pop-metal or glam-rock. "I love metal and vikings...derrr"
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Well done with another homophobic comment too; maybe you should connect that pea-sized brain once in a while
By #502711 at 09,Nov,18 07:23
Haha ooohhhh, you being a snow flake? "You listen to glam rock derrr". Did I spell that right?

"I'm gonna clean up the site... derrr. I'll show all these bullies... derrr."
You've got shit mate

By #541363 at 24,Nov,18 09:55
Don't feed the trolls.
By #502711 at 24,Nov,18 23:33
Mate, sometimes you just have to give it right back to them. If you're timid people will walk all over you, especially here.

By #204766 at 24,Nov,18 00:57
At the gates to drink from the night itself is pretty good album
By #502711 at 24,Nov,18 04:39
I'll check it out!

By #502711 at 23,Nov,18 21:30
3Teeth - Dust:
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By #502711 at 13,Jul,18 13:13
I've been getting into W.A.S.P. tonight

W.A.S.P. - Wild Ch.ild: only registered users can see external links
By #535408 at 09,Nov,18 23:24
Awesome song, always loved W.A.S.P. Look up, "Fuck Like a B.east"

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By #502711 at 09,Nov,18 23:36
I know that song well! I've got dozens of their songs. I think 'Rebel in the FDG' is in my number 1
By #535408 at 09,Nov,18 23:39
Yup, that's a great one Chainsaw Charlie and Murders in the New Morgue is awesome. I love the entire 1st album, kicks ass.
By #502711 at 10,Nov,18 07:26
I don't think i've heard a bad song of theirs. Some songs are just more awesome than others

By 2nice at 12,Jun,18 14:03 other posts of 2nice 
The new Ghost album “Prequelle” is a fucking masterpiece.
By #502711 at 17,Jun,18 01:38
Got a favorite song?
By 2nice at 17,Jun,18 10:20 other posts of 2nice 
Pretty difficult to pick a favorite, but the song Faith is good.

By 2nice at 19,Jun,18 12:13 other posts of 2nice 
Here’s the link.

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By #569341 at 07,Nov,18 09:08
Where were you born, the USA or Australia?! Why do you continue to spell things in US-English?! FAVOURITE!
By #502711 at 08,Nov,18 07:33
Why are you a shit cunt? Did I spell that right?
By #569341 at 08,Nov,18 07:40
You're "pretty alright" when you keep it to less than 5 letters. Using the c' word is extremely high brow...but for a Linkin Park and glam rock fan, i'll give you a break :x

By #569341 at 07,Nov,18 07:54
Really, Nice?! - i thought it was an over-produced, soft, pile of shit. Each to their own though, bruv
By #502711 at 08,Nov,18 07:34
Yeah bruv, hectic bruv. You're one of da boys bruv
By #569341 at 08,Nov,18 07:45
You're a pygmy monkey, go climb a tree like the 4yr old you are. I heard the Chippendales were hiring; but you have to be man size, so...government cheques might have to do until you grow
By #502711 at 09,Nov,18 07:18
Trying to hit below the belt, nothing I haven't heard before. I must have hit a nerve haha, soft cock

By whatsupcocks at 07,Nov,18 06:20 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Krykye mate the bad boy's from down under AC/DC.!.!
By #502711 at 07,Nov,18 07:34
Good man!
By kebmo at 07,Nov,18 11:34 other posts of kebmo 
I've seen AC/DC three times! I've been with them for their whole trip. First time was July 14/1980. Last time was Sept/2015.
By whatsupcocks at 07,Nov,18 13:13 other posts of whatsupcocks 

By uncutjoy at 07,Nov,18 12:53 other posts of uncutjoy 
The list isn't complete without some of the grass roots of Metal, Black Sabbath.
Tony Iommi is sublime for belting out chords that rattle the bones! And Ozzy's voice just competes the sound.

By Ravioli_Max at 01,May,18 09:26 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
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By #502711 at 01,May,18 09:30
I love Linkin Park. Ha.te Jay Z. I do like the original song though
By Ravioli_Max at 01,May,18 23:25 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
I see! :-)
By #502711 at 01,May,18 23:29
By Ravioli_Max at 13,Jun,18 03:35 other posts of Ravioli_Max 

By #569341 at 07,Nov,18 07:55
Linkin Park aren't music - let alone metal

By #561726 at 16,Jul,18 13:20
Battle **** from Finland
By #502711 at 16,Jul,18 13:37
What are you trying to say?

By #561726 at 16,Jul,18 13:21
Battle **** from Finland

By #502711 at 19,Jun,18 10:20
This is my favorite Watain song! It's also the longest song I know: only registered users can see external links

By 2nice at 03,May,18 12:53 other posts of 2nice 

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By #502711 at 03,May,18 13:14
That's what I'm talkin' about! Love BMTH & Dimmu Borgir!
By 2nice at 03,May,18 14:12 other posts of 2nice 

By #541363 at 17,Jun,18 21:38
that is METAL
By #502711 at 18,Jun,18 02:06
Fuckin' oath

By Ravioli_Max at 20,Mar,18 01:02 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
What do you think?

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By #502711 at 20,Mar,18 08:13
Fuck yeah! I didn't know Korn released a new album! It great! They haven't changed their sound & yet this album sounds so new, something many bands can't do. Thanks Max!
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Korn did some songs for the movie 'Queen Of The Damned' a few years ago. Have you heard it?

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By Ravioli_Max at 23,Mar,18 02:57 other posts of Ravioli_Max 

And thanks for that link!
By #502711 at 23,Mar,18 05:10
No worries
By Ravioli_Max at 14,Jun,18 08:50 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
This one is great...

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By #502711 at 14,Jun,18 13:13
Awesome, Max! 🤘

By Dev01 at 14,Jun,18 10:54 other posts of Dev01 
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Ok a bit too much but... i'm not realy a fan just find it out there
By #502711 at 14,Jun,18 13:12
Nice! I love Deicide! 🤘

By #556372 at 12,Jun,18 15:44
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Deep Purple---Smoke on the water
By #502711 at 12,Jun,18 22:51
Classic 😎

By Dong69 at 21,Mar,18 01:30 other posts of Dong69 
Well Aussie Man , yes I love Metal, favorite Band is Dream Theater, they don't have a any bad songs. Can listen to them for hours
By #502711 at 21,Mar,18 06:23
Cool man what's your favourite song?

Join the Heavy Metal group if you want to
By Dong69 at 23,Mar,18 02:04 other posts of Dong69 
Erotomania is one of my favorites

By Dong69 at 23,Mar,18 02:07 other posts of Dong69 
Our new world is another

By Dong69 at 23,Mar,18 02:41 other posts of Dong69 
The best of times is another, come to think of it , I like them all lol
By #502711 at 23,Mar,18 05:10
Hey! I have to thank you! I've heard of Dream Theater but hadn't gotten around to listening to them. Listening to "Pull me under" right now, it's amazing!
By Ravioli_Max at 01,May,18 09:25 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Yeah, Pull Me Under is a good one.
By #502711 at 01,May,18 09:34

By Dong69 at 23,Mar,18 02:49 other posts of Dong69 
This guy does guitar riffs!!!
By #502711 at 23,Mar,18 12:16

By Dong69 at 23,Mar,18 02:50 other posts of Dong69 
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By Dong69 at 23,Mar,18 02:48 other posts of Dong69 
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By #550094 at 13,Mar,18 21:32
New CD album by SKINLESS "Savagery" (2018, Relapse Records)
due to be released on May 11, 2018
By #502711 at 14,Mar,18 09:17
I don't really get into that brutal death metal unless I'm in a bad mood. But I'll give them a listen
By #550094 at 14,Mar,18 19:19
By the way, did you hear the news about S L A Y E R ?
Looks like they're getting ready to retire!

They're playing their final tour this year
(if they haven't started on the road with it already).

They're coming to my area (Albany NY) on August 1st
and they've got Lamb Of God, Testament, and Napalm Death
on the bill with them for the show in my area...

I'm definitely going to see the show, since my birthday
is the next day (Aug 2nd)- so, I'm planning
to take that week Off from work as my Bday vacation!
By #502711 at 15,Mar,18 07:11
Nah, didn't hear that. They have been going for a while though. Wish I could come & see the show with you, mate
By #550094 at 15,Mar,18 16:02
August 1st is still about 5 months away, but I wanna get
my ticket early because the show will definitely sell out
especially with out-of-towners from nearby cities coming
to the show.

I'd like to try a hidden cam on me if I can get it
past the Checkers at the gates, although I really don't
wanna 'bootleg' any video footage of the show.
(but then of course, fans will do so anyway just to
put it up on youtube).

I'm too old to mosh, so I'll have to get a balcony seat
that way I can snap some good pics of the bands as
they perform, especially Slayer.
In all my years as a metal fan, THIS would be my First,
Last, and Only time I'll get to see Slayer play live
in concert, ever!


And, speaking of metal legends... JUDAS PRIEST has
just released their latest new album.
I've been reading some good reviews about it from
fans on Facebook.

I totally LOVED their "Painkiller" album, and their
current drummer Scott Travis did a killer job taking
the band's groove and sound into a darker tighter
"Pantera-esque" dimension. Dude is a B E A S T on
that drum kit... he reminds me of a combination
of Vinnie Paul (Pantera, and HellYeah),
and Gene Hogan (Dark Angel, and Death).
That's an understatement from me.

Their new album is titled "Firepower" ( 2018 )
which appears to take Painkiller to the next level.
It was co-produced by Andy Sneap who has produced
other modern metal band albums recently, and has
been the current go-to guy for his studio skills.
If you're familiar with studio albums by metal
bands whom Sneap has worked with, and have enjoyed them,
then "Firepower" is worth a listen.

Here's an official music video for "Lightning Strike"
off their Firepower album...
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By #502711 at 16,Mar,18 03:03
Hey, you're probably not into Lady Gaga, I don't mind her music. But you might like this Lady Gaga/ Judas Priest mashup:
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You should buy one of those spy camera buttons & stitch it on to your shirt so you can film the concert too!
By #550094 at 20,Mar,18 00:01
I'll have to check that one out, I'm having trouble
streaming the video right now.
Personally, I think Lady Gaga ROCKS! I'd rather listen
to Her SING than most of today's R&B "yodelers". -lol-
She's a metal fan, too.

Last year she did a song on stage with Metallica some
sporting even, I can't remember what even that was.

Then she performed during the summer Olympics in Rio
doing a medley of songs and ended it with a Mic Drop!

As for the spy camera, i have one... it's very small.
I'll have to figure a way to rig it inside my shirt
without sweating all over it.
By #502711 at 20,Mar,18 08:19
Cool man

By #502711 at 21,Mar,18 08:51
You'll LOVE this album, bro. Get hammered while you play this!
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By #502711 at 20,Mar,18 08:08
Advent Sorrow - Skin to suffer in: only registered users can see external links

By #502711 at 24,Feb,18 08:43
Ever heard of Buckethead?
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By #485312 at 08,Mar,18 12:31
sounds like a receptacle for a pile of smashed crabs *Lix*
By #502711 at 08,Mar,18 21:23
You've heard Buckethead. He's what is playing in the background of this video, does he sound like smashed crabs?:

[deleted image]
By #485312 at 13,Mar,18 22:01
no, the name just brings visions of dudes running around with buckets on their heads and smashing into each other *lix*
By #502711 at 14,Mar,18 09:15
This is Buckethead

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By leopoldij at 14,Mar,18 17:16 other posts of leopoldij 
She wasn't interested in buckethead or crabs. She was interested in your dick and ignored all that stuff because she just cared to have a fuck!
By #502711 at 15,Mar,18 07:10
You trying to make me feel guilty, Leo?
By leopoldij at 15,Mar,18 11:40 other posts of leopoldij 
No, not at all!
By #502711 at 16,Mar,18 03:00

By #502711 at 15,Mar,18 07:44
Here's a New Zealand heavy metal movie called Deathgasm. It's pretty good, comedy, gore & METAL!

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By kebmo at 14,Mar,18 19:52 other posts of kebmo 
Justin Bieber!!

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By #502711 at 15,Mar,18 07:39
That's how I feel about him too

By #485312 at 09,Mar,18 11:37
heres a group for you metal heads to share your love of music with each other.. *lix*

By kebmo at 04,Mar,18 12:11 other posts of kebmo 
Does Jakyl fit the category or did they sell too many albums? "She loves my cock" and "Lumberjack". If it's the wrong category, they're 1992 debut album, Jakyl, sure rocked my world!
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By #502711 at 05,Mar,18 00:00
They're close enough to metal to fit in here. I just listened to that 'Lumberjack' song, was pretty good. They've got like a country/ metal sound. I'll post the link to the video here for others to see: only registered users can see external links
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Jackyl - She loves my cock: only registered users can see external links

By #502711 at 05,Mar,18 00:11
Ever heard of a band called Steel Panther? They're like a parody band they must have had some inspiration from Jackyl. I'll post a song here for you. You might like Black Label Society too, they're like a country/ metal band.

Steel Panther - It won't suck itself: only registered users can see external links

Black Label Society - Nomad: only registered users can see external links
By kebmo at 05,Mar,18 02:36 other posts of kebmo 
I loved Steel Panther but Nomad is blocked on You Tube for some reason. I'll find it somewhere.

I saw Def Leppard two nights in a row last spring. I bought one ticket then decided that I'll like them twice. I did! Not in the category but they sure did rock it. The one armed drum solo was awesome!
By #502711 at 05,Mar,18 03:58
Fuck yeah, LOVE Def Leppard! I love Van Halen too!

By #502711 at 04,Mar,18 11:17
Mudvayne - Death blooms: only registered users can see external links

By #502711 at 02,Mar,18 11:26
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By #550094 at 24,Feb,18 01:48
SKINLESS is working on a new album, news to follow
as soon as I can get more info as to how soon it will
get released.
They also have a Facebook page if ya look 'em up.
By #502711 at 24,Feb,18 08:01

By #502711 at 22,Feb,18 21:24
This is a song from my favourite band
Eluveitie - Thousandfold: only registered users can see external links

By Dev01 at 21,Feb,18 10:30 other posts of Dev01 
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Rip dimebag
By #502711 at 22,Feb,18 00:03
Ken oath! Cowboys From Hell! LOVE Pantera!

By #341559 at 19,Feb,18 16:31
Visit us.....http://www.metaldays.net/Line_up
By #502711 at 19,Feb,18 22:04
Fuuuuck, wish I could attend. Some GREAT bands playing there. Are you in a band or you run the site?
By #341559 at 20,Feb,18 07:36
No,no, I m just a visitor usualay...great party....
By #502711 at 21,Feb,18 04:18
Ok cool. Thanks for contributing!

By #550094 at 11,Feb,18 17:25
Another one of my local buddies, INCONTINENCE
from Schenectady NY.
Their CD "Prey For Us" (full album. 2017)

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By leopoldij at 11,Feb,18 17:33 other posts of leopoldij 

By #550094 at 11,Feb,18 17:19
Here's one of my favorites, from my favorite
Japanese metal band DIR EN GREY...

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...These dudes never disappoint, they get better
with every new album they put out
(and they've put out LOTS of albums throughout
their career).
They started out as a young glam-pop band in their
early teens, and since then they have evolved into
a metal **** to be reckoned with.

Their singer Kyo has a humongous range of vocal styles
between pop and grindcore, and it suits the band perfectly
it's hard to pigeonhole them into any single genre.
I'd love to see them at a live concert!

By #550094 at 09,Feb,18 18:35
Some goodies from upstate NY, mate!

TYRANIZE - Remnants Of Society (2014) debut CD, full album

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TYRANIZE - Product Of Disfigurement
(music video, from the above album)

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By #502711 at 11,Feb,18 04:16
Fuckin' oath!
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Check this one out:
JOB FOR A COWBOY - The Divine Falsehood
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By #550094 at 11,Feb,18 17:07
That's fuckin Siiiiick!


Here's a recent vid from SKINLESS
(they're from Saratoga Springs, NY; local buddies)
from their recent CD
"Only The Ruthless Remain" (2015 Relapse Records),
the song is titled "Skinless"...

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Krrraaank thiiis beeeiiitch Uuuup!

By #550094 at 08,Feb,18 22:15
Fuck yeah! Shouting out for my upstate NY Capital Region
Greeting and shoutouts to all my fellow metal bruvas
and sistas, young and old, on this site.
The Pit Is Family!
By #502711 at 09,Feb,18 05:13
About time another metal head responds!

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