Started by #555742 at 29,May,18 06:10
 | Hello guys and girls. My latest video uploaded I asked a couple people to watch or rather just let them know.
One said it costs 14 points so they don’t watch videos and the next member said last time she seen one of my videos it cost her 40 points.
I don’t know much about how the cost is calculated and what factors determine the cost.
I’d really like to know so if anyone has any information on this please let me know.
I don’t know if file size or wether they’re your friends or wether it’s a private upload matter.
Thanks |
It was meant to increase interaction. You want to watch someone's video for free - you need to talk to them so they add you as a friend, not just hit the "add to friends" button.
When clicking on a members video above the image of the video where you click to start it or right click to save in RED LETTERS it’ll tell you how many POINTS it will cost YOU. If nothing is in RED it won’t cost you anything.
If you’re FRIENDS with the person it’s FREE to watch.
If the video was uploaded to you PRIVATELY it is free to watch.
And last I believe that if you’re a DIAMOND member it is FREE as well and I think videos load and play faster as well.
In my opinion, NO video is worth 17 points. Porn hub is free and better!! I pay 18 points per photo I post so I can't afford that expense.
1. Select the file. (can be any file, but meant to be video)
2. Select a screenshot image - will be used as thumbnail, if not provided - the site will try to make it from the video automatically.
3. Type a comment if you wish.
4. Set upload mode if different.
5. Click "UPLOAD!" button
Files go to separate category. For files over 5Mb members have to spent points to view them unless they are your friends or private recipients
Everything his restrictions make sense,why is he gonna cut his own throat by just allowing videos to be provided at no cost?
Especially as mobile technology allows 4k vids...
Just a thought
Then you don't have use points to post your pics...
How I spend my points is my business. I choose not to spend them on mediocre, overpriced videos. Value is in the eye of the spender.
And I just suggested something to help you keep your points,so yeah, fuck you very much....
My 300th most viewed photo has 279 views and I have put a lot of work into my photos so forgive me if I think your idea is out of the question.
I have seen about 15 videos here and they really do nothing for me so in my opinion they are mediocre.
It was just a thought about the amount of pics,I don't really know how many people would go through all of those pictures you post.
So to me,having so many actually goes against your efforts.
And videos are user generated,so quality is debatable, depends what you require from said video...
Do you watch porn without sound and having grainy quality?
Do you get off from it if you do?
Anyway, there's always PornHub