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What does cock taste like?

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Started by #543348 at 11,Jul,18 10:23
I’ve seen people talk about how they sucked cock and enjoyed it but what does a mans covk taste like? I’m curious.

Similar topics: 1.Anyone Taste their precum?   2.Who likes the aroma and taste of a big uncut cock?   3.Tasting my own cock?   4.The Taste of Cum   5.The taste of skin  

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By admin at 11,Jul,18 20:18 other posts of admin 
I'm not an expert on dick sucking, since I'm straight, but palms, including front side of thumbs are covered with special kind of thick skin that is not encountered anywhere else except feet basement. It's very different in structure, you can easily verify it yourself - just lick your palm or thumb and then lick back side of your hand. It's very distinct, you could not mistake one for another. So, penis just can't feel like a thumb. When covered with foreskin it should taste and feel like a normal thin skin, back side of your hand is probably a good approximation. But not a thumb.

Also, penis glans is covered with mucosa and not skin. If foreskin was cut, mucosa changes over time pretty much into skin and probably tastes and feels like delicate skin. But if penis is uncut it still has mucosa on it's glans under foreskin and it should feel and taste like mucosa, which is what you have in your mouth. Inner side of your cheeks for example. Or inner parts of a vagina, for that matter. So, uncut clean penis glans probably does feel and taste similar to clean vagina which as a straight man you are probably quite familiar with.

But there are also different secretions. And if vagina has rather acidic secretions that help to keep it clean of fungus and bacteria, mens secretions are rather alkaline, it helps sperm to survive in vagina, because acid kills sperm too. And while mild acids have quite pleasant taste, alkaline tastes kinda like soap. And in my opinion soapy taste is disgusting. So I don't know how women (or men) can suck dicks with that taste. Actually, couple of women told me that they don't usually like to suck dick exactly because of that sticky soapy taste of penis secretions, but they have no problem to suck mine because I have very little or no "precum".

If you are curious enough, you can taste your own precum and that is pretty much what cocks would taste like if you suck them.
By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 12:03
Mr.Admin you must have been bored as hell...
By Dev01 at 14,Sep,19 13:17 other posts of Dev01 

By dgraff at 14,Sep,19 11:59 other posts of dgraff 
I think it tastes like chicken finger licking good
By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 12:04
Hey! I said it first, stay out my head!

By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 11:59
I've heard it tastes like 🐓

By WHATSUPDOC at 14,Sep,19 11:55 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Tastes like the finest cut of steak

By #545732 at 20,Jul,18 06:44

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 06:38
I wish I could find out with my own mouth how it tastes like.But I think if the guy haven't showered for a while it must taste salty.I wish I could suck someone in the shower so it won't have much of a taste.

By foreskinlover52 at 13,Jul,18 17:45 other posts of foreskinlover52 
A mans cock tastes so much better than a female pussy..Think about a the jucies a females pussy drains everyday..A mans precum is fresh and sweet the first time and his sperm comes direct from his balls and clean! I have sucked my own cock many times and love the taste!

By knewbi at 13,Jul,18 17:07 other posts of knewbi 
It was more the texture of a stiff cock in my mouth that the taste, which was also great, that I noticed. Love it and have been sucking cock ever since.

By cumonme1 at 12,Jul,18 12:31 other posts of cumonme1 
Try it if you don't like it you don't ever have to do it again and no one except you and the other guy will know, as long as you don't know the other guy I went to an adult sex shop and sharey a booth with another man and satisfied my desire.

By #535819 at 11,Jul,18 21:38
So easy.

Next time you masturbate, cum in your hand a little, or a lot, and smell, then lick it.

You'll get the general idea.

By #491031 at 11,Jul,18 17:26
Chicken. Everything tastes like chicken.
By Ray10754 at 11,Jul,18 19:03 other posts of Ray10754 
DAM You beat me to that one!! Was going to say the same thing!
By #491031 at 11,Jul,18 20:39
Sorry, Ray! Next time, I'll let you say chicken first.

By #550094 at 11,Jul,18 16:46
Just for the playful fun of it, I had often described
a partner's cock as tasting like "butterscotch",
because that's one of my favorite pudding flavors.

What does a cock actually taste like? I don't know
how to describe it other than as everett mentioned,
"same as sucking your thumb".

I'm too busy enjoying a cock to think about what
to taste for while it's in my mouth.
And I won't go into details about how I enjoy it
or how I'm sucking it.

But one thing with me is certain, I love the taste
of a freshly-showered hairy cock; usually right
before bedtime.
Any other time of day I ask my guest to take a quick
soapy shower before i go down on him.
And if I were getting My cock sucked I hit the shower
just minutes before my guest arrives.

I can handle tasting a sweaty hairy cock when
said partner and I are in a local bath-house sauna,
because he and I have taken a fresh shower before
going into the sauna; therefore I can tolerate a
clean sweaty cock. After all that sucking is done
he and I would relax in the hot-tub, and if the mood
strikes we'd swap blowjobs again, thanks to having
our cocks clean and freshly bathed all that time.

Nonetheless, whether I'm hosting - or my partner
is hosting - we always hit the shower Before engaging
in oral sex.
Fresh outta the shower, and NO nasty cologne smells
or strong deodorant fumes... fuck all that Old Spice
"Hai Karate" shit, I just wanna enjoy a freshly
showered natural-tasting cock.

I can't emphasize it enough:
A clean freshly-showered cock = happy cocksucker!

By #1102 at 11,Jul,18 10:29
same as sucking your thum
By WHATSUPDOC at 11,Jul,18 15:33 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Really that sounds boring
I know yours with cum shooting everywhere definitely tastes better than a thumb

By spermkiss at 11,Jul,18 15:20 other posts of spermkiss 
As Everett has said, it's like sucking your thumb. But the best way to find out is to suck one and taste for yourself.

A better question is what do the secretions that come out of a cock taste like, in particular Cowper's gland secretion (pre-cum) and sperm. Cowper's gland secretion is clear and viscous and for all intents and purposes flavorless. Sperm can range from essentially flavorless or mildly to moderately salty or mildly to moderately bitter or some combination of the two.

Again, the best way to find out for yourself is to suck a guy off and find out. Yes, I know you identify as straight, but that doesn't preclude your sucking another guy off. It's something a lot of straight guys do and something every man should do at least once in his life. Real men suck cocks. But if you just cannot bring yourself to that, taste your own.

By #542930 at 11,Jul,18 11:02
It is a long time since I sucked my thumb but a man's cock tastes just like if you licked him as his cock is part of his body (a special part yes but still only one part)

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