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Questions for those who love to suck cock

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Started by #536019 at 18,Sep,18 06:54
Here's a little survey for those of us, men and women both, who get an erotic thrill from taking a hard cock in our mouths.

1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
- Jumbo 9"+
- Large 7-8"
- Medium 5-6"
- Small 3-4"
- Tiny - less than 3

2. Preferred girth?
- Thick
- Medium
- Slender

3. Cut or uncut?

4. Pubic hair?
- Natural
- Trimmed
- Bald

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?

Similar topics: 1.Bi guy needs help.   2.Would You Suck The Cum Out?   3.I Want to Suck Cock!   4.Retarded ass questions that you know are retarded but still want to ask anyway.   5.ladies,biguysgay, can you describe somehow what its like to suck a cock?  

New Comment

By #709493 at 10,Sep,24 00:28
Medium, thick, cut, bald,40,5/6 my uncle got me to suck his cock. Its a really nice feeling having a slippery cock in your mouth

By HornySyd at 06,Sep,24 21:24 other posts of HornySyd 
I prefer medium, with pubes trimmed out of my way. If trimmed enough, a small cock is fine too. But I like them thick. Oh, who am I kidding, I like any cock, thick or thin. A nice, swollen head feels great too. A+ for a mushroom head cock!
When I was younger I didn't much think about sucking cock, even though I did as a teen. But now, as I approached 50 and older, I seem to always want to suck cock.
I really don't know why I like it, but I do know I love the rush when the guy cums in my mouth.

By #721785 at 05,Sep,24 18:58
1. - Medium 5-6" or Small 3-4"

2. - Medium or Slender

3. - uncut

4. - Bald

5. 10

6. 12

7. because it's good

By #451452 at 25,Feb,20 13:48
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
- Large 7-8"
- Medium 5-6"

2. Preferred girth?
- Medium

3. Cut or uncut - either

4. Pubic hair?
- Natural

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis? 6

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!) The first time was with a neighbor boy who was 4 years older than me at 11. We had been playing with each other for a bit when sucked me, it felt wonderful, he asked me to do him so I did and found that it was as enjoyable to suck him as I had imagined. We shard many loads that summer and I really came to enjoy having him cum in my mouth. He also took my ass cherry which was delightful.

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock? Because it is fun, tastes good, gives pleasure and can lead to having a cock in my ass.
By #536019 at 25,Feb,20 18:55
Did he first fuck you that same summer, or later?
By #451452 at 26,Feb,20 07:42
That same summer. He also wanted me to fuck hime, but even though he was older and physically bigger than me, my cock wouldn't go into his ass.
By #536019 at 17,Mar,20 14:25
Were you 7 and him 11? Or you 11 and him 15?

By #536019 at 24,Feb,20 12:14

By What-once-was at 15,Oct,19 18:18 other posts of What-once-was 
Number 1 is Medium and below (Large maybe but it wouldn't be as fun for me or him because I'm not taking that all in my mouth).

For 2 any is good for me as long as I can't fit it in lol

3 is definitely uncut. not hating I just like it more.

4 Natural is good really but if your bush is massive then trimmed is better (don't really like bald but it's not a deal breaker)

5 I have always been bi so really since I started thinking about sex so probably like 8 or 9 maybe.

For 6 I was 12 and so was he but a couple of months younger then me, we jerked each other off often since we were about 10 and we just thought why not? I enjoyed it more then him (the giving I mean) we didn't do it a lot and we always used a makeshift condom which was a thin latex glove he didn't like the idea of us being skin to mouth since he thought that was just to far! Hahaha mate we did anal and sucked each other off, using a glove condom isn't going to make it less gay lol

7 I like making other people feel good so it's a good way to do that

By #535819 at 15,Oct,19 17:34
1. Large 7-8. Currently 1 of then 3 men I see often (weekly) is about 8 and thick. With a big knob-like cockhead. Everything about him is thick, especially his muscular build and his semen. I do have a guy who you could say is small, about 4 inches, but fun to blow, cums like crazy, its like a flood.
2. I do like thick, but keep my options open.
3. Prefer cut, tho I don't ask that question when I'm about to meet up with a prospective new guy. 20% of the men I've blown have been uncut.
4. Like them on the hairy side. More natural. Seem to be more virile also.
5. 12-13. Probably showers after gym class is responsible for that.
6. 14. Was my cousins older friend, he was 24. Was my first taste of sperm. That went on quite often and for a few years.
7. Fills the void. I'm bisexual and interested in sucking an occasional cock, not into anal, giving or receiving. I like awakening a cock, what it feels like in my mouth, and its taste and smell. And the nuances when you suck different men. The semen is just an added bonus really.
By #536019 at 15,Oct,19 18:11

By #581412 at 06,Jul,19 20:44

#1-Large 7-8"
#2-Thick (now) more pointed /thinner when I was first doing it in my pussy though
#3-doesnt really matter for fucking , but prefer circumcised to BJ
#4-Trimmed or Bald
#5-The age part has 2 remain a HUGE SECRET OK 2 Guess if u want
#6-Same 4 this ?...needs to be a HUGE SECRET OK 2 guess if u want
#7-I like the dirty slutty feeling I get from sucking and making guys cum in my mouth..It makes me climax in a different way then regular fucking, Pussy or in my Butt..Other than touchings me 2 them and them 2 me...Sucking a guys dick was the firts sex I ever did and I liked it a LOT..the cum in my mouth and swallowing it was not as fun THEN...I luv it a lot now..Sucking off a guys dick can b easy and quick and fun and can b done anywhere, even in a Mens room ....
By #536019 at 15,Oct,19 11:25
I'll bet you're really good at it!

By #558501 at 06,Jul,19 15:03
1. 7 to 8
2. Medium
5 Since High School
6. 27 he was 50+
7. I get a real thrill of placing a grown mans cock in my mouth.

By #593709 at 06,Jul,19 02:59
1. I love medium and small
2. I prefer thick
3. Uncut tasted better
4. Bald. I love to lick the balls.
5. and 6. I was eleven years old. He was much older than me.
7. I love to suck cock, cause it's so much fun. And I have to admit that I am addicted to it. But I only suck cocks of older men. Most of them are over 50 and uncut.

By Apantyhoselovr at 13,Jun,19 03:52 other posts of Apantyhoselovr 
med-lg 5-8
thk med slim
about 50
about 11, older neighbor talked me into it
erotic for the guy to see and feel what is done

By #591464 at 13,Jun,19 00:03
1: 6-7"
2: Medium
3: Both
4. Natural
5: 7
6: 8
7: I was trained by an uncle starting at about 6. I loved the experience because my uncle made it fun. After he moved away I started looking for someone else to have fun with, and it grew from there. It's just been with me all my life and I think cocks are one of the most beautiful parts of the human body.

By #590128 at 06,Jun,19 12:33
Because it is a total turn on.

By #585606 at 06,Jun,19 06:15
1. Medium

2. Medium

3. Uncut

4. Trimmed

5. About 12

6. 14

By #516354 at 06,Jun,19 02:32





6.25,whilst in the army hitching home.(full story on my blogs)

7.As a submissive I love giving pleasure to others be they male or female!!

By thicknsmooth at 04,Jun,19 03:23 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Jumbo, large,medium/ thick,medium,slender/. Cut / trimmed or smooth/ first fantasy 4 or 5 / first time sucking and getting sucked was age 8. You can read the whole story on my blog. I love the smooth texture taste and scent of a beautiful piece of meat love everything about it

By #570353 at 10,May,19 21:54
1. Medium

2. Medium

3. Cut

4. Trimmed

5. Maybe 12

6. 17

7 it's exciting having another person's intimate places in your mouth. Gives you a sense of control which is nice

By niginni at 10,May,19 11:23 other posts of niginni 
1. Medium

2. Medium

3. Uncut

4. Natural

5. 13 After my friend caught his brother sucking a friends cock and said it looked like fun

6. 13 In my friends bedroom he said he would suck my cock if i sucked his and dared me tasty

7. tasty precum a cum reward

By foreskinlover52 at 09,May,19 15:30 other posts of foreskinlover52 
1. 7 to 8 inches

2. Medium

3. Uncut

4. Natural

5. 7 or 8

6. 7 or 8

7. I love sucking mens cocks and swallowing their sperm!

By #587454 at 09,May,19 14:15
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?

- Medium 5-6"

2. Preferred girth?

- Medium
I want to be able to play with the cock without having to worry about cutting with my teeth

3. Cut or uncut?
Uncut, for sure. I'm uncut myself, most US men my age are not.
I have a fetish about this almost.

4. Pubic hair?

- Trimmed
if your balls are shaved, I'll be sucking them

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?

18, maybe

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)
20. I had a roommate in college; we sucked each other off almost every day.

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?
Enjoy seeing how hot and bothered I can make the cock owner.

By #584076 at 09,May,19 10:39
That's a fine set of questions and I shall endeavour to tackle them as forthrightly and thoroughly as I can.

1. Anything about 7 and a half inches or less... Anything bigger hurts my throat and is therefore less enjoyable

2. I like thick but am not fussy.

3. Uncut is much nicer to me but again, I'm not terribly fussy. 

4. Trimmed bush but shaved cock.

5. About 10 or 11 I think. 

6. First time that wasn't forced (abuse) was my mate John when I was 13 at a scout camp... We would get together fairly regularly until he moved away when I was 16.

7. It's not really gonna be an essay but I'm a very giving person and I'm also very sexual...

I love the energy that comes from bring anyone to sexual release and to be able to feel that pulsate through my mouth and electrifying the nerve endings on my tongue is immeasurable.

By SluttySarah069 at 08,May,19 20:44 other posts of SluttySarah069 
All cocks bt
1. Large
2. Thick
3. Cut
4. Trimmed or Bald
5. 12
6. 127. Love making guys enjoy themselves by treting me as their cumwhore

By #571187 at 08,May,19 20:38
1. Medium or smaller (but I’ll suck it all)
2. Slender
3. Undecided cause I ain’t never sucked uncut
4. Bald
5. 8 or there abouts
6. Playing with same age buddies 8 or there abouts, however first real time knowing why and getting my first taste of fun. me 12 him 18 Boy Scouts 100% mutual.
7. I’ve just always liked it, the feel of it soft but hard one old enough the tasty treat. I love getting a guy to cum more than cumming myself. But I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT into being a submissive.

By #536019 at 18,Sep,18 07:19
Here are my answers.

1. I prefer to suck a medium or small cock. Exactly 5 inches is perfect.

2. Medium or slender

3. Cut

4. Trimmed or bald

5. I was 13, just AFTER I actually did it.

6. I was 13 and pretty clueless about sex. I had compared boners with a couple boys, but that was it. A boy in my neighborhood who was popular and a good athlete (I was neither) invited me hang out at his house. We were shooting basketball in his driveway and he challenged me to a game of "horse", and said the loser would be the winner's sex-slave for 10 minutes. That got me excited, because I had been having vaguely sexual Dom/Sub fantasies. Naturally he won, and naturally he soon had me on my knees in his bedroom with his hard 5-inch cock in my mouth. It definitely wasn't the last time!

7. While I enjoy getting with guys for mutual blowjobs, and like giving pleasure, I also love the thrill of being submissive to a dominant man
By #586324 at 08,May,19 20:06
My answers would be identical to Bil's except I was 44 when I sucked my first cock. It was in a 69, I loved it, I was swimming in a sea of pleasure from having my dick sucked when I first took his into my mouth. I was surprised at how pleasant it was and how much I enjoyed pleasuring him too.

By #536019 at 02,May,19 11:39
Anyone else want to take the survey?

By #586400 at 22,Apr,19 20:32
1.Medium or Large.
3.Cut, because mine is uncut.
4.Trimmed or bald
5.I was 16 when I started to want suck dick.
6.I was 18, when I found a courage and sucked my friend on his bed.He came in my mouth and I tasted another guy's cum for a first time.
7.When I see a cock it excites me.When I suck it I become so horny.
By #536019 at 23,Apr,19 00:00
The firmly-erect cock is the sexiest thing in the universe.

By #541363 at 28,Jan,19 18:39
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?

- Medium 5-6"

2. Preferred girth?

- Medium

3. Cut or uncut?

4. Pubic hair?
- Bald

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?
16. When i could suck my own cock i started to fantasize how it would be when i could suck someone else. Would be much easier to reach and it would be possible to take a cock fully in my mouth.

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)
my own i could suck when i was 16.
I sucked someone's cock for the first time when i was 44.
That was on a sex party on curacao. we were with 9 girls and 2 guys. The other guy was bi and he had a 9" cock which he could self suck. he asked if i could self-suck. I said i could not reach it any more because of my weight. But that i did when i was much younger, mid teens till early 20's.
My gf's said, that i should try his cock now. And after a bit of hesitation i did.
He was cut and i started to massage his balls and licked his cock head. After a minute i took his head in my mouth and let my tongue go up and down underneath it. he loved it. His cock started to get rock hard.
I let his cock go deeper into my mouth and started to go up and down with my mouth. Shortly before he came i stopped with going up and down and held his cock head in my mouth and used my tongue only. He came with a huge load. Had to swallow two times to get his load without spilling a drop.

While i writing this down my cock is rock hard and i am damn horny again.

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?
I just love the shape of it. And the reward when he cums.

By #536316 at 28,Jan,19 18:12
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
- Medium 5-6"

2. Preferred girth?
- Medium

3. Cut or uncut?
- cut

4. Pubic hair?
- Bald

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis? 12

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!) 12

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock? for the cum

By kre8tor69 at 28,Jan,19 01:09 other posts of kre8tor69 
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
Large 7-8" to Medium 5-6" but do not care either
would be fun
2. Preferred girth?
Thick to medium
3. Cut
4. Pubic hair?
Trimmed at least but Bald to show as much meat as
possible is prefered
5. How old were you when you first fantasized about
sucking a penis?
about 55+ late starter I guess
6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth?
At about 55+ told a swinger GF that I wondered why so many gals seemed to actually love to suck dick not just do it for the guy. She taught me sex is just sex and does not need to have anything to do with your romantic life. She was correct for sure so far!!!
7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?
Too much a newbie so far to have any reason except it is sure fun to do the same thing wife and every gal we ever slept with enjoyed doing. Wanting more experiences to get more reasons! Still working on the taste and texture thing but it is sure fun to have a guy squirm as I suck his tool!!!

By #578258 at 27,Jan,19 23:18
1.Medium or Large.I love feeling it whole in my mouth and down my throat.
2.Medium or slender.Thick one's makes my mouth sore for too much opening.
3.I preffer cut cocks to suck as mine is uncut one.
4.Everytime bald. I enjoy sucking smooth shaved cocks.
5. Maybe around 12,when I watched my first porno. Girl was blowing a guy and got facial.I wanted to do the same.
6.Around 14. I visited my friend same age. We were both home alone. I pushed him on bed and got on top of him.We kissed together, then I took off his shirt. Licked his nipples and went down. Pulled down his pants and saw his small dick before my face. Licked it and enjoyed taste. Then wrapped my lips around it and made it hard in my mouth. I felt my dick so hard in my pants. Halfway into giving him a head I finished him with my hand.
8.As I sucked my first one I found hard to stop.I love everything about sucking a dick. From feeling cock get hard in my mouth, to swallowing guys warm load after giving a head.

By #578014 at 27,Jan,19 01:30
1-4 to 7 inches
2-medium or slender
3-either one is good
6-12. had a nice -6-7 inch cut one
7- it has a great feeling in the mouth. the shaft and the head contrast

By #446346 at 25,Jan,19 22:53
1 Large 7-8 I like to feel it in my throat.
2 Medium girth so it goes all in.
3 UNCUT tastes best
4 trimmed
6 I was 13 he was 32

By cumonme1 at 13,Dec,18 12:47 other posts of cumonme1 
1 I want to try jumbo.
2 thick
3 uncut (never had one)
4 Bald
5 early 20s
6 I was about 60 yrs old. (don't know why I waited so long)
7 it's a different type of sexual experience very exciting
My first time

By #573046 at 13,Dec,18 04:59
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
Large 7-8" or Medium 5-6" as Jumbo cocks makes me gag a lot. I enjoy sucking smaller dicks too, but bigger one's give me more challenge and satisfaction sucking them.
2. Preferred girth?
Medium as I don't like opening my mouth so wide it would sore later.
3. Cut or uncut?
I preffer cut cocks to suck more.As I have uncut cock myself and cut one's looks cleanier to me with no foreskin.
4. Pubic hair?
Trimmed or bald as I love deepthroating guys and don't want any pubes stick between my teeth or in my mouth.
5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?
I was 14 just after learned about masturbation.My brother showed me how to masturbate and I saw his hard dick then.After that night I started fantasize of taking his erection in my mouth and getting a taste.
6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)
I was 15 and we still were slee_ping together with my one year older bro.At night I said I dream about taking his dick in my mouth and he let me do that.So I sucked my br other for a first time and enjoyed feeling of his hard dick in my mouth and taste of it.
7.I enjoy everything about taking hard dick in my mouth.Love the taste of different guys.Enjoy giving men satisfaction and swallowing their reward for me.

By #545468 at 12,Dec,18 16:33
1. Length does not matter. It is the sucking that counts. THe longer the cock is, the less gets into my mouth.
2. Again it does not matter. I have found slender girths easier for my tongue to probe and explore.
3. I prefer cut but have done both.
4. I love bald ... I am there to suck your cock ... not to floss my teeth.
5. 12 or 13.
6. 16 ... it was with my first boyfriend (he was my age). We gradually wore less clothes with each visit. First bare feet ... then shorts ... shorter shorts ... no shirts ... etc. Soon, we decided to hang out nude. That led quickly to starting to play. It was awesome to feel his cock and even better when I started sucking him off.
7. I love pleasing others. I love to be nude with nude guys. I love the feel of his pulsing cock in my mouth. I love the taste of cum and of feeling him hit orgasm.

By thicknsmooth at 08,Nov,18 05:29 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Well I love and enjoy all cocks but my favorite size would be 6 to 7 and any where from 5 to 6.5 in thickness. Definitely a cut cock. I’m cut keep it all smooth. I first fantasized about sucking on a another boy at age 7. Sucked my first boy at age 8. Loved every bit of it from the smell and taste to the soft texture of the head shaft and ball sack. I have The complete true story in detail in my blog if anyone would like to read about it. Let me know what you think I love to read the comments
By #536019 at 09,Dec,18 14:11
I enjoyed reading your first-time account!
By thicknsmooth at 12,Dec,18 02:05 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Thank you I’m glad you like it it’s a true story

By #532695 at 11,Dec,18 01:28
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
- Medium 5-6"
- Small 3-4"
With smaller men, you can really go to it, moving around and using your tongue.

2. Preferred girth?
- Medium
- Slender
I like medium best, it makes your mouth feel fuller, but thick can be uncomfortable.

3. Cut or uncut?
Never done an uncut guy. Interested in trying it someday.

4. Pubic hair?
- Trimmed
Hairy looks sexier and more adult.

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?
Never fantasized about it before the first time my buddy convinced me to try it.

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)
Ten. His idea, he was smaller. No orgasms yet but we liked it.

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?
It turns me on to make another man feel that special way. I really like taking turns, I wanna get sucked too.

By #571688 at 11,Nov,18 16:01
1.Large or Medium as I like to feel warm hard meat in my mouth,while I suck.
2.Medium or thick
4.Trimmed or bald
5.I don't remember correctly,but I think around 15 years old.
6.when I was 16
7.Because then I feel so sexy and hot with a guys cock in my mouth

By Kooster94 at 02,Nov,18 14:05 other posts of Kooster94 
Started by bil47 [Ignore] at 18,Sep,18 02:54 other posts

Here's a little survey for those of us, men and women both, who get an erotic thrill from taking a hard cock in our mouths.

1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
- Jumbo 9"+
- Large 7-8"
- Medium 5-6"
- Small 3-4"
- Tiny - less than 3

Small to large

2. Preferred girth?
- Thick
- Medium
- Slender

Medium to shick

3. Cut or uncut?

I am cut

4. Pubic hair?
- Natural
- Trimmed
- Bald like


5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?


6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)


7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?

It just harouses me. I like it coz it gets hard, its super pleasure experience. I like to see men moan and groan

By #555896 at 02,Nov,18 13:36
Nice tiny cocks ,yummy

By #570258 at 24,Oct,18 06:26
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
- Jumbo 9"+
- Large 7-8"
- Medium 5-6"
- Small 3-4"
- Tiny - less than 3

I'm not too choosy. In this small community I live in, finding someone that is willing to let a guy suck their dick, is few and far between.

2. Preferred girth?
- Thick
- Medium
- Slender

I'm kind of like the USPS, "If it fits, it ships"
If it fits, I'll suck you off.

3. Cut or uncut?

As long as the proper nerve endings work properly (the ones that control excitement and orgasm), I could care less. At this point in life, I've yet to suck off an uncut....still waiting...

4. Pubic hair?
- Natural
- Trimmed
- Bald

See above

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?

I would have to say in the area of 12-13ish

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth? (Feel free to describe!)

When I was 23 me and my gf at the time were at a buddies New Years Eve Party. The party dwindled and it was us, and him and his gf there. We played a game of strip pool. The girls lost, his gf got sick, then ****. Somehow I had this scatterbrained idea that we should keep playing pool and up the ante. The winner got to choose what the next 'game" would be. I lost, she lost. His game idea (him and I had already talked in private about how we should end the night anyway) was a threesome. She looked so shocked. Me and my friend knew it was coming though, since either way, she wasn't good at pool. So I looked at her, she said only if it's ok with you. I said it was. She got some fucking from him and me. The he leaned back, and she proceed to start sucking his dick. I was taking her from behind. So, I wanted a closer look, crawled up beside her and watched it go in and out of her mouth. When she came up for air, I proceed to have a little go with him. He didn't mind. Who would ever know, right? A couple yrs down the road, we divorced. One night my buddy and I were at the bar. When last call came he said we can drink at my house. Cool. We got there, cracked some beers. After some normal conversation, I asked him, "so, what would you think of me finishing what I started that night at the party sometime?" I got the answer right away when he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. So I told him he had to keep his eyes closed and pretend I was anyone but me. After several minutes of sucking, bobbing and massive tongue swirling, in a nervous tone, he says, do I need to let you know when I'm gonna cum. I said nah, I'll figure it out. (I already knew what cum tasted like, come on, who else as a **** hadn't jerked off in their own hand and sample what just felt so good?) About 2 minutes later he blew his wad. And I'm here to tell ya, it was good to the last drop. It was the first of several times I got to enjoy sucking him off. I would do it all again in a heartbeat, hell, it wouldn't even have to be him...or her... I learned then, that I love to suck and swallow. Been a dry spell lately. So I'm definitely seeking a suck buddy...SOON!!!

7. Essay question: Why do you like to suck cock?

Wow, where to begin? I guess what I like most about sucking cock is the end reward. However, I love the feel, the warmth and texture of a cock in my mouth. And when I here someone moaning with pleasure, I get kinda of a natural high. When the squirming starts, the tongue swirling really speeds up, making them all but crawl out of their skin. Almost hearing their toes turn inside out from getting such a focused, highly thought out, toes curling, well practiced and presented blowjob. Then there's the cum itself. Different people have different flavors. Some salty, some sweet, some both. Some have super slick, thin, highly viscous cum, while others have thicker, slower moving, almost like heavier cum, and some even have "lumpy gravy" style cum. Whereas is so heavy you can damn near chew it (might wanna check your diet there And the compliments. Oh yeah, I just love it when someone compliments me on how great it felt, or that's the best blowjob I've ever had or, get this (from the guy that I gave my first blowjob to..) "I wish you could teach ____ to do it the way you do. She could use some lessons and pointers" Which she is the gal that puked and **** the night of the party and other festivities. And happens to be his wife now.
Hmmm..What I would have given back in the day for her to agree to some schooling hands on, rather, mouth on learning. Hell, what I wouldn't give nowadays to do the same. That way my buddy could take notes and compare us together. Oh, and me and his wife share his cumshot together.

By #547532 at 24,Oct,18 05:02
My preferred length is 6 to 9 inches; I like a cock to have some girth but not too much, but I don't like skin dick I want that feeling that I have real man in my mouth; cut; trimmed or bald; I was 15 when I first thought about sucking dick & I sucked my first when I 16 and I loved it immediately. Why do I like to suck cock? First off like you state that I love to suck cock. Why I love to is sort of hard to put into words. I love the way it feels in my mouth as I work up & down the shaft; I love to hear him moan & sense the pleasure I am giving him, & I love the feeling of his cock when you shoots his cum into my mouth.

By #530092 at 24,Oct,18 02:08
I think length doesn't matter,medium sounds good,cut , bald is beautiful or very trimmed, i fantizized about it by about 12 didnt get one in my mouth until I was in my 40's and it was a really cute younger guy and he had a great cock!!! And I have loved it ever since and I'm not sure why but I'm getting really good at it and I love too swallow every drop!!

By MM_DD at 24,Oct,18 01:09 other posts of MM_DD 
1. What's your preferred penis length (erect) to suck?
My husband's is 6.5" erect, and that seems to be a perfect fit for me; so I would say anywhere between 6.5" and 7". But I would love to go down on a much longer one.

2. Preferred girth?
Medium, I guess.

3. Cut or uncut?
Definitely uncut.

4. Pubic hair?
Natural all the way.

5. How old were you when you first fantasized about sucking a penis?
Oh geez...maybe early teens? Not sure. I always knew I was attracted to penises but didn't really have a concept of sucking them till later on.

6. How old when you first took a penis in your mouth?
I was 26. It was my first boyfriend's. It was average in length and pencil-thin, like his body. It was very exciting but awkward. I didn't manage to bring him to orgasm, but he stayed rock hard.

7. Why do you like to suck cock?
Because as a gay man, there's nothing more thrilling to me than to take another man's penis into my mouth and suck on it until he gets so aroused that he finally has an orgasm and ejaculates in my mouth. I wish I were a poet or at least gifted enough as a writer to describe how fulfilling it is for me, but that's the best I can do. It's just something I really, really enjoy doing and think about all the time.

By #551147 at 23,Oct,18 21:06
Medium 5 to 6

Any thickness is fine as I'm on the thicker side

Cut (never had an uncut )

Trimmed or less

I was 13 for first time thinking about it.

I was 14 when I sucked my first cock.

I really enjoy sucking to experience the consequences of my actions on said cock. Also it's very empowering. Love it love it love it!! Oh and I like to make some others happy.

By #537175 at 23,Oct,18 18:59
between 5 and 8 , but so long as it can get rock hard Im not that bothered .
I love a thick cock , mine is quite thick

Uncut preferred , but I will suck uncut as I just love cocks

Yes like to see guys with some pubes , left alone or t trimmed a little
I was probably 13 when I first fantasized , and 14 when I sucked my then best friend at school , , so I suwe had been jerking each other for almost a year and saw some porn with oral , so I persuade him to let me suck his cock , and a couple of weeks later he eventually relented an sucked mine
I love oral sex because I get a real close up view of nice cocks ,and Ilove to see than squirt on me

By #64328 at 23,Oct,18 18:47
1. Small to medium
2. Slender
3. Cut
4 Trimmed or even shaved
5.Right around 12. Maybe a little earlier
6 I was 12 and he was 15. We had masturbated together before and he asked if I wanted to feel something that felteven better. How could I say no to that
7. I dont know for sure but the secrecy of it all was intoxicatingly horny. Nobody had any idea the things we would do when we were alone. But know I know we were probably not the only boys doing these sorts of things

By foreskinlover52 at 20,Sep,18 05:06 other posts of foreskinlover52 
1. Any size
2. Medium
3. Only uncut
4. Natural
5. 6 or 7
6. 6 or 7
7. 6 or 7
8. I love swallowing sperm

By Joe93930 at 20,Sep,18 03:25 other posts of Joe93930 
1. Medium 2. Medium or slender 3.cut 4. Trimmed 5. 10 6. 13 At the time I've already been wanting to try it for a while and I saw on of my friends dick a lot and I convinced him to suck each others. 7. I enjoy the feeling of a cock growing in my mouth and giving pleasure to someone else

By #553286 at 19,Sep,18 20:20
Medium. Medium both. Natural. 25. 30s just enjoy giving pleasure to others the taste of cum

By spermkiss at 18,Sep,18 20:10 other posts of spermkiss 
1. Medium without a doubt, enough to be a satisfying mouthful without triggering a gag reflex. Small is also fun, especially if it's a grower. There's something really rewarding about sucking on a micro that grows to a medium in my mouth.

2. Medium or slender.

3. Cut generally, but there's something satisfying about slipping my tongue inside a foreskin.

4. Bald, bald, bald. Hairless is hot, especially with a micro. Trimmed very short is OK, but he's got to have shaved his balls, taint and ass crack.

5. Less than eight, just after I first sucked a dick and had mine sucked.

6. Suck at less than eight. Suck to climax and take a load, twenty-three. Yes, I swallowed.

7. In much of society the word "cocksucker" is used as an insult term, but I wear that label with pride. Sucking guys off is a pursuit as old as mankind and it's an honorable thing to do. After all, we cocksuckers give sexual satisfaction and orgasmic release to our fellow men. What is more noble than that? When asked if I'd rather give or receive a blow job, my answer is give, give, give. Mostly because I can do it more often. Even the most potent of men are limited to the number of times they can climax. So there is an upper limit on the number of blow jobs they can receive. But there is no limit to the number they can give. I've sucked off as many as twelve men in one evening. There's no way I could climax that many times myself. I doubt any man could.

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