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Started by phart at 08,Mar,19 23:34  other posts of phart
If all on this green earth you have to do to be able to get your giggles is to be a troll on a website of any kind, you need to get a fucking life !
Being famous on the internet is like the special olympics,if you win ,you are still retarded.
As for the site,even if you become famous,you are still lonely and in the basement trolling internet sites.
I guess 2warmpuss has multiable personality disorder the reason she speaks of herself in third person.Who knows? Who really gives a shit.
What we need to do is if she post something,just fucking ignore it.stop feeding her like a bird.Maby she will quit coming back?

Similar topics: 1.girls who like sucking cocks in real life   2.Life is all about ass. (_!_)   3.real life-like dolls...anyone?   4.Happy Mother’s Day   5.Sexual Hangups  

New Comment

By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 14:51
Hey Charlie, (because that's really who we are speaking too). As 2nice said, AoD is a beautiful woman, one you only wish you had the honor to be with. Your mouth is spewing shit, I assume the same shit you clean out of your diaper everyday. I'm sure you would have gotten a better response out of some old lonely members by being nicer. But you stank shit mouth ruins it. You keep asking who is gonna take these granny panties off my page? Bitch get your Aussie friends to take them down. I mean really, if they were your friends they would send you some gifts to move the other ones off. Yeah, but I don't see that happening.
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 15:05
Funny how it actually thinks it has friends. Just because some desperate dude that would fuck the crack of dawn if he could and has to get hookers says he would fuck them, doesn’t mean it’s your friend.

If it’s truly Candy/diabetes and not Charlie horse talking; well maybe if he was as sweet as they claim he’d do more to tell his woman she’s sexy to him. It’s clear by the desperate need for attention they it ain’t getting it at home. Sadly we give it to them, and they lap it up whether it’s good or bad. Look at how hot flashes constantly reposts what others have said. It loves it.

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 15:13
Anything you say,,,,,I don't care. I certainly won't change your mind

[deleted image]

you were the last remaining minion to put your two cents into this.
All this because i said that Bella's forum was BORING.
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 15:35
All of this because you can't keep shit from spewing out of you pie hole. You can post anything I say, cause I stand behind every word. And if you think leo and the Aussie will come to battle, keep waiting. You are bat shit crazy.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 15:41
Why would I wait for anyone???? When are you people going to get it through your thick skulls I walk alone. You think I need help battling a bunch of idiots like you? Don't make me laugh. If you are right, then I've been twisting your Knickers for the last 3 yrs. Maybe, what you should do is ask the Aussies and Leo for help. Now, be a nice little boy and go play with your resident pussy. You don't belong in adult conversations.
--------------------------------------- added after 29 seconds

Pie hole,,,hahaha
My opinion
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 16:13
Unfortunately, I don't and have never given a flying hillbilly fuck about you. I'll take the little boy comments, seeing as I'm under 90. And to think I didn't blacklist your crazy ass this time around thinking you might change. Time to change yours and Jerome's diaper now.

By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 16:07 other posts of JustWill 
She says that she "walks alone". Is that really possible when you have a dozen different personalities living in your head?
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 16:15
I think there is a lot of "pretend" that goes on in that bag of rocks.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 16:24
little boy,,little boy,,little boy,,
did Mama teach you to wank yet??? Go ahead and block me. I did come after you didn't I? Well,,,do it and then you can try to get up. I'm sure your wife would like some feeling
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 16:26
WTF, hey Will I h-ate to ask again. But I'm gonna need a translator on this please.
By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 16:32 other posts of JustWill 
No problem. I can translate whack-a-do. The Crone says:

She is waaay older than you. Older than dirt.
She believes that a mother should teach her son to masturbate.
She likes to be blacklisted. It turns her on, and she hopes it turns you on also.
The last part is some deranged comment about Mrs. CC54's feelings. It doesn't really translate in any sane language.
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 16:57
Ok, so in a nutshell. She is still a bat shit crazy whack job. Got it.👍
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 18:24
You know? A few years back I sugested you are gay. You really got mad. Either you are still in the closet or you are a secret homophobe. I mean, all those pics in your page, are they really your wife? It looks like Internet pics to me. And the way you always mention AissieMan, you want to suck his dick, don't you? Well, good luck with that. He's not into sissy country boys

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 18:11
I meant to say you are not man enough to satisfy your wife
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 18:38
Is she my wife or some internet chick? Make up your mind. You got happy pills for this. Take em.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 19:20
I don't know. I'm betting you don't know either. At least, not in the Biblical sense, little pee pee

My opinion
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 19:24
Fucking English please. I can't keep asking Will to interpret. God damnit man.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 21:41
Then go back to school and get a proper education

By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 22:28 other posts of JustWill 
I don't mind interpreting. There are probably a lot of people who don't understand what the Crone is blathering about.

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 18:30
Professor, you got to get new material. You are supposed to be an author (that's debatable). Can't you come up with new stuff?
Tell you what, why don't you label your ragging with numbers 1 to 10 then you can say:
"Hot saggy etc, # 5 to you" It would save time for both of us

My opinion

By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:19
Thanks Will, now I got that stupid green day song in my head.
By JustWill at 13,Mar,19 02:27 other posts of JustWill 
Isn't "stupid Green Day song" redundant?

By phart at 12,Mar,19 19:29 other posts of phart 
When I ask about posting pics of yourself,this IS NOT what I had in mind.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 21:42
Sorry, I'm not a mind reader
By Sir-Skittles at 13,Mar,19 02:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Hotpussy told me she has an MBA.. I think she was confused with she wants to fuck some rat in the NBA
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 03:02
The NBA has rats?

By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 01:56
People, stop. There is no woman on the other side. It's been a ratchet old man from the beginning. I don't care what kind of personal conversations you have had with twowarmtts. It's always been a guy.
By phart at 13,Mar,19 02:02 other posts of phart 
Yea,I just wish the yapping would stop.I keep throwing rocks trying to get it to stop and it won't.
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 02:05
Keep trying my friend.

By JustWill at 13,Mar,19 02:31 other posts of JustWill 
Besides, verbally slapping the Crone down is like shooting fish in a barrel. Mentally retarded fish. Grotesque, attention-seeking, mentally retarded fish.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:47
This from a gay cayote. Ha

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 02:51
So, twowarmtts was a guy, twowarmtts2 was a guy, those other two, I don't know them was a guy, and now hotpussy (me) is a guy. And you say I'm delusional?
Cunt, you need to swith your account to the SYC side

By Sir-Skittles at 13,Mar,19 02:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
is it Salt or Pepper typing??
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 03:00
It's a toss up. Depending if Jerome has his dick in Charlie's mouth or ass.

By #275407 at 11,Mar,19 19:31
You know what happens when you leave a old fish lying around, it stinks up the place. And you can't seem to get rid of the smell.
By #487013 at 11,Mar,19 19:43

By JustWill at 11,Mar,19 19:53 other posts of JustWill 
The only way that pussy is "hot" is from inflammation due to chronic yeast infection...
By #487013 at 11,Mar,19 21:35
That or Old Charlie left the jar of mayonnaise in it again after making himself a lox and chopped beef sandwich
--------------------------------------- added after 14 hours


You’re a fine one to talk about pussy stink. Yours smells like low tide and putrification. As for old limp dick Charlie Horse, I wouldn’t want that decaying corpse anywhere near me any way. The only reason anyone thinks your old dried up carcass is sexy is because this is the internet and most of the men are beyond desperate. All you have to do is post a pic of your dried up creviced Grand Canyon snatch and those mouth breathing horn balls will like it. You’re a delusional old bat. Seriously the embalming fluid must be affecting that rotted mush you call a brain. Not only are your posts nothing but inchoherrant rants, you’re just flat out fucking annoying. No one likes you. No ones going to take off the panties. Quit asking. Take them and cover that petrified prune you call a face you old irrelevant whore. I tried to be nice and not say anything and just ignore you... You come back and pretend to be someone else but anyone with half a brain can see through your shit. You’re a fucking lying bitch. You call people names, steal their pictures and make homophobic slurs; then try to justify your crap by oh I’m bored and defending myself. Ever notice your three friends never come to your defense? It’s because NO ONE FUCKING LIKES YOU. Go back to whatever convelescent home you escaped from, and take your Metamucil and Estrogen. You think you’re witty and dish it out to everyone but you’re just sadly pathetic. You’re desperate for attention, and you’re grasping at straws trying to get it. You’re also stuck in the past by the way you post pics of yourself from the 30’s of when you were semi attractive. You can tell by the way you style your hair with little g/irl ringlets and bows like you’re really Baby Jane except uglier and with more makeup caked on and wrinkles. You tell everyone you’re 61 but the faces on money look younger than you do. I’d tell you to grow up, but you would more than likely die.

I’d also say go buy a cat or a dog so you would have something to love you; but why make the poor animal suffer.

My opinion. And you can shove that up your ass. Knowing you that’s probably the only thing that old pit gaping mausoleum you call your snatch and ass can get off on anymore.

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 14:27
Angelofdeath is a chicken shit. She sends me trash gifts while hiding behind a blacklisting of me. Anyway, I'm honored you've spent all those points. Heck, I just figured out that you dummies contributed over 600 points to make me cry,,,BOO HOOO!!! all my friends are having a laugh. The gifts stay up there to show what shits you all are. Oh, By the way, Angel

[deleted image]

My opinion
By phart at 12,Mar,19 19:32 other posts of phart 
That is not a load of horse crap,that is only a small single deposit.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 23:12
Sorry, I didn't know you or DeathWarmedOver collected it,,
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:13
No but you seem to collect it there twobadkidneys.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 23:20
DeathWarmedOver,,,,how surprising,,,and again, you used a bunch of points that cost me 35 points to get rid off. Dumbass.
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:22
More where that came from twobadkidneys. You’re welcome you shit for brains.

By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:12
Because it pisses you off.

Nice shit btw. Old Charlie Horse must of had to be really careful when he yanked your tits to keep you from shitting on the floor.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 23:21
I didn't know you were an expert on shit, but, it's not surprising,,,
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:22
Well you are giving lessons.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 23:30
"they aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree" one of the comments from one of my chat buddies,

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 23:27
BTW, I saw your page and except for a set of manmade jugs, you got nothing to show. I may be old or my tits may sag, but, lady, I'll put mine against yours any day. At least I'm honest. I don't hide behind a dress.
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:43
All real here grandma Moses.

Put your tits against mine then, maybe your chat buddies can get a go fund me page going for you to help you rent a forklift to pick up those two fried eggs you got hanging from your chest.

And of course there’s no dress for you to hide behind, Charlie wears them all. So use your shower curtain.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 00:00
Well yeah,,,,,silicone is real...And yes, My Charlie likes to dress in drag,,He also fucks like few men can. Of course, he doesn't do n.ecrophilia. BTW, either I have huge ones or fried eggs. I can't have both. Like I said, This site is full of brain challenged people
By #487013 at 13,Mar,19 01:44
You being the most challenged of course.

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 22:19
Old Charlie would throw up if he had to taste Angelofdeath's pussy. But, like the professor said, a pussy with a chronic yeast infection can be intense. Someone should tell her that she smells really bad. Cody, It was bad to bring Angelofdeath's condition up, After all, your balls are in danger of falling off from that untreated STD.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

BTW guys, are you teenagers? How childish can you get? Between the 3 of you there might be a total of 17 yrs of what? Poopy diapers ??? Really???
Hey Bella,,,are these the serious people who get offended when I complain about BORING forums??
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 22:44 other posts of 2nice 
Charlie wouldn’t know what to do with AoD’s pussy. First of all, it’s a beautiful pussy, not a cavernous stank pit of holy fuck.

Charlie would blow before she even had her pants off.
By JustWill at 11,Mar,19 22:53 other posts of JustWill 
Wasn't the Cavernous Stank Pit of Holy Fuck a torture device used during the Spanish Inquisition?
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 23:02 other posts of 2nice 
Yes, it was worse than execution.

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 23:15
First, JustWill wouldn't recognize a pussy if it sat on him. He's as Gay as a 3 dollar bill. You would be lucky if a woman says hello to you, let alone show you pussy. So, who are you trying to kid???HAHAHA
My opinion
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 23:29 other posts of 2nice 
You will NOT do this.

Will, does...recognize the human form, in that which is beautiful. Regardless of sex.

Do not pigeon hole people.
By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 02:29 other posts of JustWill 
Mr Yumm, the Crone is a homophobe. This has been well established in posts throughout all of its many incarnations.

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 03:14
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
By phart at 12,Mar,19 03:56 other posts of phart 
damn,I was going to hang a few more pairs on the line for ye but them things are 20 points EACH!

By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 02:42 other posts of JustWill 
On the other hand,I have no problem whatsoever when it comes to recognizing a delusional, lying, shit-talking Crone, Candymandybonboncharlietits....
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 02:59

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 03:10
I'm not a homophobe. What I am is a JustWillphobe. The fact that you are gay is not my fault. The honorable guy that was going to stay neutral did not. Now you complain that I am delusional, lying,shit-talking Crone. Professor, wheather you are straight or gay,whatever your sexual proclivity is, you still are a shitty human being, a back stabber, and a low life.
My opinion

By #489701 at 11,Mar,19 23:08
You have no right to insult anyone's pussy cougar whore. Yours looks like a cross between rotten roast beef and a liver with cirrhosis. I know i said i was finished with this, but that was based on a hope that you'd shut your fucking mouth. Fat chance...
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 23:12
Oh, my GOD, Curveball45,,, , You meany. I'm really upset now.
My opinion

See guys? everyone jumps in to get their pound of flesh.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Hey, asshole, did you borrow that Avatar? You sound like a pussy. Anyway, who the fuck asked you for your opinion. And while we are at it. Please finish. You stink and I could use fresh air. You know, now that i think about it, you post no pics, talk like the professor, are you the alter ego of the professor??
My opinion
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 23:17 other posts of 2nice 
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 23:27
?????????? ok, lollipop,,,you got me,,,,I don't know how to answer that,,
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 23:34 other posts of 2nice 
Then don’t, for a change.

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 03:16
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?

By phart at 11,Mar,19 23:31 other posts of phart 
I don't recall anyone asking your for yours either.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 23:42
There's a difference giving an opinion about an event and about a person.

By #489701 at 11,Mar,19 23:44
Your stupidity amazes me to no end. Did i borrow my avatar? Hmmm...let me think that one over. YES, DUMBASS!!! It's a photo of my hat you assclown. As far as why i do or do not have photos on my page, that's a simple enough response also. Don't fucking worry about it. And finally, am i Will? No, but i accept that as a compliment as i consider him to be an awesome friend here. Buzz off now as i've already put enough of my time here into clarifying your stupidity. By the way, the queen of multiple accounts would know all about that subject wouldn't you?
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 23:55
So why are you still here commenting on my posts? I didn't know you are gay. Now I get it. JustWill is a good guy. BTW, You really think i'm going to listen to your ORDERS? "BUZZ OFF" HAHAHA. It's obvious the best part of your father ran down your mom's leg when you were conceived. Idiot,
My opinion
By dgraff at 12,Mar,19 02:22 other posts of dgraff 
See there you go again running your fucking mouth again and your not thinking your so close to crossing the line again with that crude comment to curve ball why don't you just leave my opinion
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 03:15
Are you going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours


[deleted image]

By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 02:26 other posts of JustWill 
Thank you, my friend.
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 02:59

--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes


By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 14:35

[deleted image]

My opinion

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 03:15
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 03:16
So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
By dgraff at 12,Mar,19 09:34 other posts of dgraff 
Certainly not me I like them on top of your page it gives other members something worth while to look at when they visit your page
By #489701 at 12,Mar,19 10:40
I thought after the inappropriate comment she left me earlier that i'd leave a gift that REALLY lets people see what she is.
By dgraff at 12,Mar,19 13:28 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha a very appropriate gift for a very inappropriate woman or man
By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 23:16
All those granny panties and other HATE gifts cost over 600 points. Free or paid for? I don't care. I love the fact you fools cared enough. And then you say I'm to blame for the fighting. FOOLS,,,,FOOLS,,,,FOOLS

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 14:19

[deleted image]

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 19:17
N.ecrophilia --the act of making love to a corpse. Ex: CountryCunt made love to DeathWarmedOver.
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 00:42
OMG WTF again. Ding bat bitch talk English. If your saying I would have sex with AoD, your good damn right.--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutesTake your
medication and stop drinking the Walmart box wine. Charlie, you know those old saggy tits pics are from your old dead wife and Jerome fucks you up the ass while you wear your pretty pink dresses.
By phart at 13,Mar,19 00:55 other posts of phart 
Wow,that is stooping low.I aint sure meds will help that.
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 00:56
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 01:00
I guess you need one syllable words.ok. here it goes

Making love to AoD aka ( that means also known as) DeathWarmedOver, is the same as making love to a corpse (that means a dead, putrifying person )
--------------------------------------- added after 97 seconds

I'm sure you would make love to a corpse. Your live wife would not let you touch her, Cunt

By phart at 13,Mar,19 01:03 other posts of phart 
I was refering to luke warm vagina stooping low,not you CC!
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 01:12
By phart at 13,Mar,19 01:13 other posts of phart 
I took the time to look over Angel's pics,Damn,Wow,
I think 2 luke warm breast is jelous of her.
By #487013 at 13,Mar,19 01:41
Two bad kidneys thinks mine are man made. Sorry toots just cause yours look like a sock full of butter doesn't mean mine are fake.

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 01:14
Phart I've decided not to try to change your minds.
I am mean, uncouth, vindictive, relentless and just waiting for a good fight. And when I find one I will be so mean, so vindictive, so relentless and so trashy mouth, you people will wish you never found me in the forums. As you guys say, I am coo-coo, live with it. I ain't changing because of a bunch of sissy cunts and two corpses.
By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 01:16
Now you're seeing t
he light.

By #487013 at 13,Mar,19 01:40
Mmm and it was hot as fuck too. Too bad your old Charlie horse needs 10 bottles of viagra to fuck you. But fucking you would probably be the equivalent of fucking a bag of smashed bread.

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 00:11
All the points being spent,,,good for the site,,
By phart at 13,Mar,19 01:02 other posts of phart 
Yea,thanks for that 30,I saw you had several sets of underdrawers on the line already so i held onto them.
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 01:06
Your choice.

By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 17:46
Well since I’m the Angel of death and all, a certain someone better watch their ass. Especially considering that old bird carcass is long past it’s expiration date.
By #460385 at 12,Mar,19 18:04
Things are quiet now. I think twosaggybonbonmandycharlie is taking her afternoon nap.
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 18:42
Hopefully it’s a dirt nap.

By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 14:42
Oh looky, the expired old rotten jug of milk left me a pile of shit. Looks like the dementia is a lot more advanced than she lets on. Silly cow, you’re supposed to use the panties people left you since you ran out of depends and are having to resort to leaving shit pics every where. No need to thank for the gifts. I wouldn’t never spend money on points. You’re a dumb ass to think so. Lol They accumulate and just sit there anyway.

Still laughing at the friends part. You would think at your age you would be too old for imaginary friends.
By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 16:19 other posts of JustWill 
When you have Multiple Personality Disorder you NEVER walk alone.
By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 16:35

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 16:19
I guess I hit a nerve. How does that go?? Sticks and stones might break my bones but cadaver pussies just don't scare me? Honey, You couldn't get a guys cocks up even with a cock pump. But, what the heck, give it your best. BTW, I'm not trying to justify myself anymore. What I've said about you all stands as is. I said it and I am happy I did. You are all a bunch of idiots with the brain of a flea. and if I'm homophobic (witch I'm not) I'm not the only one on site. And If you think I need a friend from this cauldron of misfit, slutty, perverted group, then honey,, did you ever read me wrong.

By Angelofdeath [Ignore] at 11,Mar,19 17:35 other posts

You’re a fine one to talk about pussy stink. Yours smells like low tide and putrification. As for old limp dick Charlie Horse, I wouldn’t want that decaying corpse anywhere near me any way. The only reason anyone thinks your old dried up carcass is sexy is because this is the internet and most of the men are beyond desperate. All you have to do is post a pic of your dried up creviced Grand Canyon snatch and those mouth breathing horn balls will like it. You’re a delusional old bat. Seriously the embalming fluid must be affecting that rotted mush you call a brain. Not only are your posts nothing but inchoherrant rants, you’re just flat out fucking annoying. No one likes you. No ones going to take off the panties. Quit asking. Take them and cover that petrified prune you call a face you old irrelevant whore. I tried to be nice and not say anything and just ignore you... You come back and pretend to be someone else but anyone with half a brain can see through your shit. You’re a fucking lying bitch. You call people names, steal their pictures and make homophobic slurs; then try to justify your crap by oh I’m bored and defending myself. Ever notice your three friends never come to your defense? It’s because NO ONE FUCKING LIKES YOU. Go back to whatever convelescent home you escaped from, and take your Metamucil and Estrogen. You think you’re witty and dish it out to everyone but you’re just sadly pathetic. You’re desperate for attention, and you’re grasping at straws trying to get it. You’re also stuck in the past by the way you post pics of yourself from the 30’s of when you were semi attractive. You can tell by the way you style your hair with little g/irl ringlets and bows like you’re really Baby Jane except uglier and with more makeup caked on and wrinkles. You tell everyone you’re 61 but the faces on money look younger than you do. I’d tell you to grow up, but you would more than likely die.

I’d also say go buy a cat or a dog so you would have something to love you; but why make the poor animal suffer.

My opinion. And you can shove that up your ass. Knowing you that’s probably the only thing that old pit gaping mausoleum you call your snatch and ass can get off on anymore.
--------------------------------------- added after 119 seconds


It's not only my opinion but a statement of fact. Now, DeathWarmedOver or whatever you call yourself (sic) you can stick it up your decaying ass.
By JustWill at 12,Mar,19 16:25 other posts of JustWill 
We'll stick by what we've said about you, too, Crone.

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 13:54
To Phart and all others, The story of Twowarmtts:

I joined SYC about 3 years ago and in that time i met many nice ( and yummy) people that in real life i would have explored a relationship that would have meant more, to me, than just friendship. There are a few of you that have become special. Those that did know who you are and i love you with all my heart and thank you for countless hours of joy. One or two of you, well, let’s just say there exists grouchy people in every facet of our lives.
I’m writing this because I’m leaving SYC (for real) and i wanted my friends not to think i left without saying “Good bye”. It has nothing to do with the site (i love the site) or it’s people (my friends and “lovers”). The true reason is that my guys, my husbands, are starting to complain. Not because of the sex, but, because according to them, i’m gluing myself to my PC and ignoring family time too much. And, i’ve been noticing that i try to fit my work hours to get more out of SYC.
I’ve tried twice to scale back and it doesn’t work, so, this time i’m closing the account. Who knows, i may change my mind and come back as “ONEWARMPUSSY” or “MY TITS ARE HEAVY”, or even “ISUCKYDICKSLUTWHORE”,,,HAHAHA. But not for a while. Therefore, I love you all and hope we connect again. Keep it hard, or wet, or active. Remember, sex is just an act,,,connecting with someone is life. Kisses.
By the rules of the site, the account will be open until the beginning of June, but I will not be answering many, if any private mesgs.

During April, May and June of 2018, Candy's husband, Charlie, Under the name Lanser1026, joined SYD. He did not like it. He said it was full of gay men and almost no women. He quit in July 2018

On June 2018, Candy rejoined under the name Twowarmtts2
Last January 2019 she deleted her account. She did that. No one else did that. Here's a copy of Bella's own words

"Who really knows why member #562152, TWOWARMTTS2 deleted her account, that might be a question best directed to the KOOL KIDZ for an answer."
Mandy658 was linked to the above 3 accounts by no less than Bella and again I quote from her forum dated January 18, 2019:

"But as soon as the TWOWARMTTS2 account was gone, her "secret" profile established under the screen name of mandy658 seemed to come alive. I was online early in my morning and later on in the evening so I really do not know what happened but from what I gather, mandy658 ran her mouth just a wee bit too much and admin pushed the "eject button". There was no Evaluation Panel referral, admin acted as the "judge, jury and executioner"."

Now, my account is being linked to these people. Get over it. You want to argue with me, fine, but, let's do it on a one on one basis.

My opinion
By #580336 at 11,Mar,19 14:05
Well all I can say , if you are not connected to twowarmtts etc, how come you have posted pictures on the Random bullshit thread , identifying that Charlie is sucking YOUR tit? The picture looks remarkably like one of those from a certain persons account.....
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 14:09
It's true the pic is there along with others too. But,,did I say they were my pics or borrowed from my friend, Candy???
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Besides, who cares? The fact remains, Twowarmtts 1 and 2 was never banned and she has a right to come back like many other members. Why don't you make a poll to see how many members are on their second, third or other account
My opinion
By JustWill at 11,Mar,19 16:26 other posts of JustWill 
Admin deleted your account because you crossed a line by making false accusations against someone.
He informed the membership of his reason for banning you in the forum.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 16:35
no he didn't. He banned what's her name for saying things about your partner. The above entries are true. If Admin decided to join the accounts that's his right. He owns the site, but, it was unfair. Tell me, what does Charlie have to do with this?
admin pushed the "eject button". There was no Evaluation Panel referral, admin acted as the "judge, jury and executioner"."

ask Bella if you don't believe me
Anyway, I don't care. If I lie then so be it. Who the fuck are you, professor to care so much?

By #578610 at 12,Mar,19 14:20

[deleted image]

By phart at 11,Mar,19 17:01 other posts of phart 
Well,ok,lets give you the benifit of the doubt for a moment.Why not post pictures of YOURSELF? No face needed,just show us a differnt body,that cant be reverse searched using the internet.No harm would be done to post Your tits instead of your friends tits if that is the case.Does your freinds know you are posting thier pics? I think people tend to get upset when photos are not of the posting memeber don't they? Just asking questions here.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 17:06
Phart,,they are my pics,,,I just answered all that to Bella..For Gods sake,,,Can't you guys read?
By phart at 11,Mar,19 23:09 other posts of phart 
I am sorry to say but you sent pics of the same lady as was in the 2warm page.
It is not your opionions that I find a problem.It is your attitude. If you are bored,who gives a hoot,go elsewhere.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 23:25
You were dropped on your head as a child right?? Think about it. Think why I did that??? And If I'm bored NO ONE HAS TO GIVE A HOOT. BUT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY "I'M BORED"
By phart at 11,Mar,19 23:32 other posts of phart 
What happened to me as a kid was hell and I don't care to talk about it but it has no effect on my feelings or opionions of what is going on here.

By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 14:36 other posts of 2nice 
You gave us the same whiny bullshit reason before when you left. Just do us all a favor and stay gone for good this time.

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 14:49
I wouldn't give you the pleasure. And you know what? If it's whiny, I hope it grates on your ears. I assume your nastiness is good enough to rate the following. To the Powers That Be. Please note this maggot is trying to burrow under my skin. 2nice, in the nicest terms I can muster for you, you are a piece of shit with a mind the size of a flea. You want confrontation with me at all costs. Why don't you crawl under the rock you call home. If you can, If you have a dick bigger than thimble, go fuck yourself.
My opinion
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 16:34 other posts of 2nice 
How original.


By dgraff at 11,Mar,19 15:26 other posts of dgraff 
Good bye and good riddance don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out my opinion
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 16:20
Not worth much
My opinion

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 22:41
Angelofdeath posted this. a little while ago. She blacklisted me but knew i'd be able to read it.
I didn't want to comment on it out of context.

"I’d rather not give this person a response, but the reason I banned them is I’m tired of seeing their posts. Plus the complaining that others are not being nice, yet the need to take their pics without permission and turn them into bad memes or photoshopping buttholes over their mouths. I just don’t want to see it when I’m logged in. I do read posts logged out as I’d rather not get a membership to hide my presence and sometimes I don’t want anyone to know when I’m online. Anyway I refuse to feed the troll further, so my last reply.

My opinion... Opinions don’t really count anyway seeing as they are like assholes and everyone has one.

My comment
Angel, if opinions don't count why is everyone in a tizzy about My opinions? If someone leaves a pic in my forum, that is fair game. If that person doesn't like it, don't leave a post. Well, you did right, if you don't want to see my posts, blocking me is the way to go. What I don't understand is why you felt you had to explain. Did you need a rag change and you needed to act out? You could have just said to me , Candy, I can't stand your posts. I'm going to block you. No offence. You chose to do it in a cowardly way. Well, if you change your mind, I'll be here for as long as I survive another attack by the Cyclops minions.

My opinion

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 15:13
Angelofdeath just blacklisted me. Why? Who knows. I guess she just got on the rag and needed to act out. Otherwise, if you can read this, Angelofdeath, at least have the decency to face me and tell me what your problem is.
My opinion
By bella! at 11,Mar,19 15:27 other posts of bella! 
This is a sincere post and I'm going to give you the respect that you do not show yourself or others.

I think that people are just tired of you, your rants, your lying, your hate.

You think that the Forum is boring and you think by insulting people that that kicks it up a notch and makes it less boring? Maybe, but only for a moment. This is something that is credited to Eldridge Cleaver for saying, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." I'm not sure that the path you've taken is a solution.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 15:48
Bella, you may be right. I don't mean to be a solution. I don't know how you view the site. I view it as being in two parts. One part is the sexting with all my friends, acting out fantasies that the men seem to like and I do too. That part is very satisfying and I seldom have a problem there. The other part is the forums. I regret deeply having found them several years ago. I am a person that sees something that doesn't agree with me and I have to do something about it. With all respect to Eldrige Cleaver, there's a third position, that of concerned observer, neither the solution nor the problem. If people are tired of my rants, my lying, and my hate, have you asked yourself why I am like this? Did you notice there were at least 2 new forum threads to fight my views and, most of all, attack me personally. 2nice, there's a good example, i didn't even engage with him. He came after me because i was having a back and forth with Dgraff. I guess he was DEFENDING A FRIEND. Sound familiar? And, what about Phart? How in all that's true did he have the right to come after me? Dgraff I understand. He's been in every possible forum spewing crap, so I won't go there.
You want me to tell you what happened this time? You happened. Oh, don't worry. I'll take the blame for the last 5 days. You guys will insist anyway, but, the only way I was able to give you my views on what is happening in your forum was to post in other forums how boring your forum had become.You had me blocked. Your "friends" soon told you and I knew they would. The big fuckup was by Dgraff (remember his post in your forum? Time to swat some people in other forums?)
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

You know me fairly well by now, At least to tell me "I think that people are just tired of you, your rants, your lying, your hate." The part that says your forum is boring I would have said it to your face. The "rants" are responses to several people describing me in every degrading way possible. Sometimes, even I reach a braking point. It takes a lot as you know. I engage many of you and i trade punch for punch. Lying? Yes, I do. I built a persona here and sometimes i mix the real me with that persona. All of you decided that if I'm not truthful in that then i'm a pathological liar. You would think every cock on site belongs to the guy who posted it.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

Hate? I don't hate you people. When I get mad I will hurl insults that may (probably will) make you think I hate you. You, Bella, bring your private life to the forums. You talk about your work. Does your real life get influenced by being here? I don't think so. With all due respect (and at the moment I don't have much) none of you get even a second of consideration when I log off. Hate? what for? You people have more than enough for all other members.
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

Twowarmtts and Twowarmtts2 left the site in good standing and on their or her own. Now I'm going to tell you about me. It might clear up those lies. I don't care if you believe me. I'm neither 40 yrs old nor 67 yrs old, I'm 61 yrs old. Yes, I'm a granny and proud of it. My husband since I was 19 yrs old has been Charlie and, GOD willing, we'll be together all eternity. I don't have any other loves. Here, on site, I play a slutty whore. I like being that, as it lets me explore my sexuality better. In real life I'm no saint but that's another story. So I lied, so what? You think my tits sag? So what. Many men love them here. You have a better set? Be happy. You don't like my views? Don't look for them.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

So, Bella, in closing this whatever you want to call it, was it sincere enough for you and your "friends". Can I expect them to jump all over me for being truthful? If I have offended anyone it was very intentional. While I don'y hate you (plural), I don't like you. You are shallow, unfriendly and like to carry a grudge for ever.

My opinion
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 17:03 other posts of 2nice 
The extremely sad thing here is that YOU brought all of the backlash on yourself. And you REFUSE to see it, recognize it or accept it.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 17:08
Excuse me. I just answered Bella and I did say it's on me. So what? If it's sad it's your feeling. I don't give a damn either way. You think I live or die because of this perv, home site? I wish you people would read.
--------------------------------------- added after 100 seconds

Damn type correct
The phrase was "You think I live or die because of this perv, HOMO site?
--------------------------------------- added after 113 seconds

My opinion
By JustWill at 11,Mar,19 19:51 other posts of JustWill 

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Mar,19 16:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 





Are you Lix?
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 17:57
What??? Seriously??? This is good. All you people are obsessed with hidden personalities. At this rate i'm going to have to call McFly from back to the future,,,all my pics are dissolving,,,

My opinion

By phart at 11,Mar,19 13:16 other posts of phart 
I got a good laugh this morning.2 Nice helped rotate out warm2tt's wardrobe with several new pairs of underware! Wow.
That is a little known indicater of the condition of the economy is the purchase of new undergarments. So I am glad 2 nice is doing well and glad to see warm2tt's get some new undies. Maby now warm2tt's won't be walking around in a hissy with her panties in a wad strikein out at everything like a mad snake.

As far as blacklisting her,not much good really.She has been deleted a half dozen times and keeps coming back for more.until the isp is blocked the warm2tt will linger.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 13:27
The only damn thing I have that is 19 years old, besides the yellowed underwear is, Well everything BUT a lover and a freind.My trucks and cars are all old and shot,my lawnmowers are old and shot,hell,I am old and shot. If Dgraff can still take care of a 19 year old and they are happy,more power to him!

My opinion
--------------------------------------- added after 75 seconds

Hey, did you hear?? 2nice gifted me 10 pairs of granny panties and a coward badge. He's mad because Dgraff wont give him dick. Maybe he should go to the Cyclops for a pat on the head.
My opinion

wasn't that 2nice of him?

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 13:29
BTW, OLD PHART,,she has NOT been deleted a half dozen times.

By #487013 at 11,Mar,19 15:56
Unfortunately with IP hiders being free now, that might not help either. I blocked her because I’d rather not see the snail trails of this incantation.

By #487013 at 11,Mar,19 11:28
Just blacklist her. It drives the senile old bitch crazy. Obviously her grandkids and the staff at the nursing home don’t pay enough attention to her, so she has to act like Baby Jane on the forums.
By 2nice at 11,Mar,19 14:00 other posts of 2nice 
[deleted image]
By bella! at 11,Mar,19 14:29 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps you and Angelofdeath could put your heads together and let your creative juices flow!

By bella! at 11,Mar,19 14:20 other posts of bella! 
Are you able to do a Photoshop picture of Bette Davis as Baby Jane and TWOWARMTTS2 as hotpussy, side by side? I think there might be a remarkable resemblance.


Oops! I almost forgot, MY OPINION.
By #487013 at 11,Mar,19 15:54
Lol The antics of the person make me think of Baby Jane too, but the resemblance is uncanny.

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 03:36
Hey, did you hear?? 2nice gifted me 10 pairs of granny panties and a coward badge. He's mad because Dgraff wont give him dick. Maybe he should go to the Cyclops for a pat on the head.
My opinion
By dgraff at 11,Mar,19 09:40 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha your a fucking joke Charlie
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 11:13
Hahaha you are a fucking joke Dgraff

My opinion

By #578610 at 08,Mar,19 23:44
[deleted image]

My opinion
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 01:22 other posts of dgraff 
What nothing to say come on don't you want to play any more I'm ready any time you are
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 01:28
Hey, I've got a life and it ain't a 19 yr old boy
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 02:54 other posts of dgraff 
You couldn't get a 19 year old guy if you tried unless you lured him in to your ginger bread house with candy
By #275407 at 10,Mar,19 03:18
Wish I had a nineteen year old
By kebmo at 10,Mar,19 04:47 other posts of kebmo 
I had a 21 year old guy... /blogs/28976.html

By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 11:30 other posts of dgraff 
You can Cody come visit me we can tag team him you take one end I will take the other and will see if we can meet in the middle
By phart at 10,Mar,19 15:00 other posts of phart 
The only damn thing I have that is 19 years old is, Well everything BUT a lover and a freind.My trucks and cars are all old and shot,my lawnmowers are old and shot,hell,I am old and shot. If Dgraff can still take care of a 19 year old and they are happy,more power to him!
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 15:37
Dgraff would be happy with anything that has an ass. What I don't understand is that 19 y old. I mean, have you seen Dgraff's page??

Come on, boy,,,so much left in the sea and you settle for this mess???
My opinion
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 18:04 other posts of dgraff 
Now your walking a fine line I believe that's what you we're deleted for before bringing some one in to this that has nothing to do with this site when he gets off work I will be sure to ask him how he wants to handle it or maybe he will just want to tell you why he's with me it could be because he feels safe with me and I'm a good experienced lover and a great provider and a fun guy
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 20:06
Your boy reads this? You introduced him to the site. I didn't say anything wrong about him. I just gave my opinion of you. And, again, it was not me.
My opinion
By #275407 at 11,Mar,19 02:53
Hottpussy, you have a big mouth, why can't you be nice. You act as if being mean gets you off, dgraff is o Hott looking guy, if you don't like him, well he don't want you, your used as a worn flat tire. Stop picking on other people and worry about yourself and your own hi gene.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 03:27
Cody8789. another one. What is it with you guys and my big mouth? Did I forget to promise you a BJ? Yeah, yeah, I know. You wouldn't be caught dead getting a BJ from me. I can not be nice because none of you are nice to me. Take you, for instance. I don't remember asking your views on what's going on. If Dgraff is so hot then, by all means, go fuck him, or, let him fuck you.I don't care. But, you specifically came to me and started spouting shit. BTW, I don't get off being mean. I get off showing you guys up with as much venom as I can muster without going overboard. Why? Well if you haven't figured it out by now then not only are you an interloper but, stupid too. I'm not picking on other people unless they pick on me first. Just below this entry of yours you have 2nice. He just sent me 10 granny pants and a coward medal. I guess he did it because he is deeply in love with me. Cody, go wank and leave the adults to do what they do,

My opinion
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes


[deleted image]

My opinion of course
By #275407 at 11,Mar,19 03:40
This isn't your post, so I can say anything that I want, and by the way, you make Bella look like sister Theresa.
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 03:45
--------------------------------------- added after 44 seconds

[deleted image]
By #275407 at 11,Mar,19 03:47
Another intelegent responce from miss intellectual
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 03:55
"Intelligent",the word is intelligent. If you are going to make a comment about me at least spell it right. And no, it wasn't meant to be intelligent or high brow. It was aimed at the low IQ of you guys. It's the only things you get. Potty jokes and insults. Mind you, you said it, It was a RESPONSE. You know, a response to "you make Bella look like sister Theresa". That, chupete, is enemy action. While it's not my forum i can respond to churlish comments by dumb people, about me.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

What, No reply???
My opinion
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Sorry, baby,,,I didn't know you were a kid

[deleted image]

come back when you grow up
My opinion
By #275407 at 11,Mar,19 04:02
Wow, you hurt my feelings, maybe I should delete, NOT, GROW UP, ACT LIKE AN ADULT for a change. Ban the people you don't like, get a life, don't let this site controll your life because it's making you sick. You just go on the way you are, looking like you do. Nobody likes you and your not making any new friends.
--------------------------------------- added after 68 seconds

End conversation because this isn't getting me anywhere, I have better things to do then talk nonsense with you, goodbye
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 04:05

total number of friends: 98
♂ $#olebuck#$ mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ *lovetoshow mutual 1 day
♂ 4soft7hard mutual 8 hour(s)
♂ 7scores mutual On-Line
♂ 84rrocksy 2 days
♂ Amaru32 mutual 1 day
♂ Anon3456 mutual 8 minutes
♂ Arlo mutual 8 hour(s)
♂ arman mutual 9 days
♂ AussieMan187 mutual 2 hour(s)
♂ averageguy44 mutual 1 day
♂ Ballsack mutual 11 hour(s)
♂ bibi1 mutual 4 hour(s)
♂ blkmeat47 mutual 38 minutes
♂ bmac20 mutual 4 days
♂ bona-fide mutual 17 days
♂ Bonerbo mutual 12 hour(s)
♂ braswood mutual site anniversary 2 hour(s)
♂ bronson66 mutual site anniversary 4 hour(s)
♂ caprad604 On-Line
♂ CockMass mutual 5 days
♂ corona mutual 4 days
♂ curiousone 10 days
♂ Danny645 mutual 4 hour(s)
♂ datalw mutual 12 days
♂ Dcklvr 54 minutes
♀ DirtyKnickers mutual 19 days
♂ Dong69 mutual 1 hour(s)
♂ dony12 mutual 18 hour(s)
♂ Edmonton mutual 8 hour(s)
♂ eduard99 mutual 9 hour(s)
♂ foreskin78 mutual 1 hour(s)
♂ FreeWilly mutual 2 hour(s)
♂ funtoy4u mutual 4 days
♂ George7 mutual 23 hour(s)
♂ gqsmooth 2 hour(s)
♂ HairGuy 3 hour(s)
♂ HardGreekCock mutual 3 days
♂ himart mutual 3 hour(s)
♂ Hornydawg mutual 4 days
♂ HornyDutchGuy mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ iccockb4thee mutual 1 hour(s)
♂ ILoveBouncingTits mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ ionutvoicu020296 mutual 2 days
♂ irvineboy 6 hour(s)
♂ jackie mutual 2 days
♂ jackmeoff3991 mutual 2 days
♂ Jimbowie mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ Jrbowen2016 mutual 3 days
♂ Killermuffin69 mutual 17 hour(s)
♂ kittyboy mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ Labboy#3 mutual 1 hour(s)
♂ leanguy4u2 mutual 11 hour(s)
♂ lesloups01 mutual 21 hour(s)
♂ lilcock mutual 1 day
♂ Lostinny mutual 2 days
♂ Marko mutual 18 hour(s)
♂ Masterofmydomain mutual 1 day
♂ MatrixOrion mutual 3 hour(s)
♂ Merlino 7 hour(s)
♂ Minimalglory mutual 4 hour(s)
♂ mtbaldy32 mutual 2 hour(s)
♂ nakidKirk1 8 hour(s)
♂ normo mutual 15 hour(s)
♀ Nov897 12 hour(s)
♂ nudedude125 mutual 19 hour(s)
♂ paininthedick mutual 2 days
♂ picsofme mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ piddy mutual 2 hour(s)
♂ Pleasure_Pump 1 hour(s)
♂ Pollord mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ PoloFields mutual On-Line
♂ Prem mutual 2 hour(s)
♂ pussyluvr 7 hour(s)
♂ randy mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ razzle4 mutual invisible
♂ resurrection 10 minutes
♂ rg30760 mutual 17 days
♂ Robnnikki mutual 21 hour(s)
♂ rolo12carat 5 hour(s)
♂ sinful22 mutual 10 minutes
♂ sir_cum_cised 15 hour(s)
♂ SlimBoy mutual 6 hour(s)
♂ south99x 1 hour(s)
♂ Steve116969 mutual On-Line
♂ Strokin_D 1 hour(s)
♂ Tankerale mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ TASTYCOCK mutual 4 hour(s)
♂ thunderjunk mutual 21 hour(s)
♂ tinypeepee mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ Topbanana 5 hour(s)
♂ truckers mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ vsdick mutual 5 days
♂ wmw6cut mutual 5 hour(s)
♂ xmarco mutual 6 hour(s)
♀ Xoxo1234 mutual 1 hour(s)
♂ xSunny 3 days
♂ Yipyip On-Line
I guess they didn't get that mesg,
My opinion

By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 04:05

Go baby,,,

By phart at 11,Mar,19 05:18 other posts of phart 
Medicine could be making the hotpuss act this way.Who knows? Why care,just have to ignore it like the crying baby in the corner of the nice resturant just as your meal comes to the table.

By 2nice at 10,Mar,19 18:27 other posts of 2nice 
A "mess"?? Unbelievable. Have you had a look at your OWN page?
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 20:10
What about it? I don't have a locked pussy on it. 2nice you are still around? Don't you have to go do your yearly wank?
Why don't you ask the Cyclops to suck you off?
My opinion
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 20:16 other posts of dgraff 
Who the hell is this Cyclops you keep speaking of I never heard of them
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 21:23
In Greek mythology, the Cyclops was a one eyed beast.
only registered users can see external links
Think about it. Who does it remind you off?

My opinion
By leopoldij at 10,Mar,19 21:50 other posts of leopoldij 
He doesn't know what "Greek" means. He didn't know the word "mythology". He probably doesn't know the word "think" either. Certainly he's never practiced it.
So don't challenge his hillbilly abilities.
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 22:14 other posts of dgraff 
Greek are the people that live in Greece and mythology is a bunch of nonsense the Greek people once believed in and think is what Leo does when he puts money in an envelope and marks it hooker money good god he's the Charlie Harper of SYD

By #489701 at 10,Mar,19 22:01
2nice is quite capable of dealing with you on his own should he choose to do so. All i'll say is that at least his photos have class. They don't resemble a bunch of desperate granny porn poses that are a dime a dozen anywhere on the internet.
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 22:33
Did you pay your dime? I hope so. Tell me, in a porn site, should I have posed in an apron and army boots? You, moron. I get more hits in one day than most women on site get in a week. And I don't provide pics only. That's for women that don't know men. And while we are at it. Tell us your view of hundreds of men that send me a pic of their junk with the caption. Please rate me as if they are anything special. 2nice's pics have as much class and originality as a disassembled pocket watch. You and all your brethren are a joke. A perv joke. Only when I chat can I be entertained. My lovers would be embarrassed to show what you show. And this comes to you from an old cougar whore. What a laugh.

My opinion
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

[deleted image]

You don't even have one pic of your junk

My opinion
By #489701 at 10,Mar,19 22:43
You're a cougar whore alright. You said it all right there perfectly on your own. I like many others really have no desire to reply to your lunacy any further. Like the old saying goes, please do not feed the animals.
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 23:45
Lollipop, that is your right. Let me remind you, you stuck your nose here. You were the one that commented in a bad way about me and my pics. There's over 150 pages of forums you can go peruse. Don't waste my time anymore.

My opinion
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Oh,by the way, there's more class in a cougar whore's finger than in an asshole's whole body.

My opinion

By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 20:13 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha she is so funny

By #580809 at 11,Mar,19 00:00
That your not baby! Very hot pics!
By #578610 at 11,Mar,19 00:40

By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 22:16
In the last 4 day at least 5 different forums lit up like the 4th of July fireworks display. There were several people using their noodle to make me jump through hoops. Some members liked it, some did not, but, they got curious and commented on the goings on. That, people, is how you get out of "BORING". There's so many other interesting subjects than peanut butter ice cream. Do as you like, but, if the forums sink, so do you. Think about it.
My opinion

By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 13:40

Mar 10, 09:38 Hotpussy:

Mar 10, 09:36 Hotpussy: Hotpussy has deleted phart from his/her friends

Mar 9, 20:58 phart: phart has deleted hotpussy from his/her friends


My opinion
By phart at 10,Mar,19 14:57 other posts of phart 
My response,unedited to her tears .

"Sad that I had to do it,at 1 time we got along fine,but for whatever reason,you have turned on everyone and everything and it makes no sense to me,so when you passed out insults,I returned them.But frankly I am going to try my best to stop responding to your snsulting,demeaning remarks to others as it is accomplishing nothing. You have to be smarter than you are acting like you are,if you are a real person. Step up to the plate and be real for a change."
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 15:30

Mar 10, 11:23 Hotpussy: So now, because you got to the point you hate me you miss out on a friendship that could have been good. It doesn't matter. This is an internet porn site and whatever friends I make here are fleeting at best, but, I have many friends here. Most are Americans but many are from other lands. My motto is "If you are nice to me I'll be nice to you". You have not been nice to me. I know you'll repudiate this rant. So be it

Mar 10, 11:18 Hotpussy: perhaps follow your own advice to me,ignore and move on.,,,,,,,that phrase meant for you to ignore an posts I post that is a general statement, not a personal attack. I know I can argue well and you guys can't stand that. You all have the view that because other members let you roll over them would be the same. But, I won't. You come after me in a personal way and I will make your life miserable. I think most of you know that. You did notice I'm staying out of the Cyclops forum. This time it was Dgraff that started it and you and 2nice and JustWill just had to geit into it,

Mar 10, 11:12 Hotpussy: the funny thing is that all these posts were in my forum, and AussiMan's forum. You and your people came to me,,,on purpose, and dumped on me, Leo, and The Aussies in a roundabout way

Mar 10, 11:11 phart: No,I am not asking you to thank someone for their insult.I am not asking you to do anything but perhaps follow your own advice to me,ignore and move on.

Mar 10, 11:10 Hotpussy: I posted that on the 8th of this month, It escalated fro that because Bella's following started getting your two cents in. Generally with insults. Now, tell me, Am I supposed to ignore all that? Would you have turned the other cheek? Go on..go read every post about and from me since 3 days ago. You say my remarks are insulting, and demeaning remarks. I've been called saggy tits, crone, skippy, Charlie, A man, and a troll. Should I have said thanks for insulting me?

Mar 10, 11:04 Hotpussy: Mr Dgraff, your post in Bella's forum last night 3/6/19

For a month I stayed quiet and in my own yard till yesterday I had a visit to the other stuff just stuff only to see there poking fun at us

That sounds like you were asking Mommy to go after the other mean kids.
My opinion


That was the full conversation
My opinion
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 16:22 other posts of dgraff 
Pardon me missy but if you look at the top of Aussie mans stuff just stuff you will see what started this mess you Aussie man and Leo poking fun at our boring forum thread did you think I would let it slide by and say nothing on the brighter side lix is remaining quiet and I commend her for that and Bella is telling me to just let it go but I'm not wired like that but someone should commend her for that
By phart at 10,Mar,19 16:25 other posts of phart 
What to hot seems to forget is there is a time difference between her response and my repost of what she said.I don't sit here all day like they do,so I don't have the response at the time of the repost.Bear that in mind when reading her back lashes.
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 16:39
Yeah Old Phart,,,would you like me to answer more slowly??? What is a decent interval?? 10 min? An hour? the next day? Would you like me to make suggestions as how you can answer??? I don't want to tax an old man even though this 80 yr old crone has a few on you,,

My opinion
By phart at 10,Mar,19 16:40 other posts of phart 
Nothing to do with age,I left the friggen computer to do something else.nothing to do with me being "slow".
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 16:42
Sure, That would have been my guess,,but, baby,,,I callmy brain "MY BRAIN" i never heard anyone refer to his computer,,
My opinion
By phart at 10,Mar,19 16:48 other posts of phart 
considering the fact our brains use electrical energy to carry messages to other parts of our body,and it processes input and creates output,it is very similar to a computer.Could be refered to as a organic computer.
And my "computer" is to large to fit in my dick,so it is in my head like a normal human. I made that point since you made it a point to remind me of my shrivled small penis that urinates just fine..

By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 16:35
"poking fun at our boring forum thread " since when is it your thread???? And don't blame AussieMan and Leo. That opinion was all mine, and since I was blocked at the moment from the Cyclops forum, you can't really tell whom i was referring to. You took it upon yourself to come and make trouble. Why? Because you stick your nose where you are not welcomed. Lix does her thing. So does AussieMan. If they ever tell me not to post on his forum, I won't. As far as the Cyclops, I thanked her for allowing to visit and told her i would be gone from her forum. It still BORING. Now, you see how you've created a huge battle over a simple opinion (The cyclops forum is boring)?
My opinion
By dgraff at 10,Mar,19 17:54 other posts of dgraff 
Yes your opinion not any one else's

By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 17:08
Why not just eat the fuckin choclate and let the ants and grasshoppers do their thing? Or leave them to the "birds" both out there in the wild and here on the forum.
damn, i just hope I don't park under the tree it roost in ,grasshopper innards all over my truck!

isn't chocolate exciting????
My opinion

By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 16:18

only registered users can see external links

My opinion

By 2nice at 09,Mar,19 04:49 other posts of 2nice 
Here Here. Totally agree. It’s difficult though. There has never been a more annoying member onsite.
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 01:29
Isn't it fun?

By #569341 at 10,Mar,19 05:17
“Under Watch Band Smell Forum Topic Guy” - remember that one, Nice?
By 2nice at 10,Mar,19 10:48 other posts of 2nice 
I do remember that guy. His posts were funny though. There’s absolutely nothing funny about what this thing posts.
By #578610 at 10,Mar,19 15:41
Thing???? Did someone forget to unlock you???


My opinion

By phart at 10,Mar,19 02:09 other posts of phart 
Well,starving the troll seems to be the only recourse.

By dgraff at 09,Mar,19 00:12 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha and if she eats like a bird I bet she is cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep
By phart at 09,Mar,19 00:17 other posts of phart 
I just wonder where she roost so I won't park my truck under it!
By dgraff at 09,Mar,19 00:29 other posts of dgraff 
Ohhh that's funny yeah I bet she would make a real mess on a truck hood

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