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Ever fucked a hitchhiker?

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Started by leopoldij at 21,Apr,19 19:01  other posts of leopoldij
This is every man's dream, I suppose.
You drive on the highway, a girl waves at you, you stop.
She wants to go to the next town.
She's looking for a lift (ride, for Americans).
She's not that hot, or maybe she is, but who cares? A fuck is a fuck.
And, yes, that's on your mind.
And it's very visible.
She can read your mind.
To make a long story short, she's responsive to your advances.
She grabs your cock, already hard. She gives you a nice rub.
So you stop at the next car park and fuck her senseless.

The question is: has this ever happened to you? Not in your dreams. For real.

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 26,Sep,22 08:49 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 29,Apr,19 18:39 other posts of leopoldij 
I hitchhiked today!

By nekekal at 25,Apr,19 22:10 other posts of nekekal 
No. And i have picked up a lot of hitch hikers. Hope springs eternal. I would have fucked any of them that offered, or even accepted a blow job if offered.

All i ever got wax thanks for the ride.
By leopoldij at 26,Apr,19 07:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Sometimes it's the attitude that gives the go ahead message. I've noticed that on me. They're were times when I was clearly thinking "i wanna fuck you" and it did happen.
By nekekal at 26,Apr,19 17:26 other posts of nekekal 
I was always thinking "I want to fuck you" and it didn't happen. Probably my weak mind.
By leopoldij at 26,Apr,19 20:42 other posts of leopoldij 
You didn't think hard enough.
By nekekal at 26,Apr,19 22:00 other posts of nekekal 
That is probably it. Not thinking hard enough. It was the only thing that was not hard enough though.

By fatcock66 at 24,Apr,19 18:07 other posts of fatcock66 
was on long road trip. In Colorado, I noticed a chick hitching. Of course I stopped. From a distance, cute, but up close... ugly with nice body... and dirty. she'd been on the road awhile. She rode with me the rest of that day, and stayed with me in motel. After she took a bath, she offered a blow job... I accepted. Then, we fucked. Not bad. Did again in morning. bought her breakfast, some smokes, and gave her a bit of $. She got out in Utah. I'll see if I can find the old pics I took.
By leopoldij at 24,Apr,19 18:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Please find them!!!!
By fatcock66 at 26,Apr,19 00:41 other posts of fatcock66 
working on it. they are buried deep so wife doesn't find
She wasn't nude, but did pose like she was.

By #584524 at 24,Apr,19 18:42
Did he fuck your ass or did you swallow his cum?

By #545468 at 23,Apr,19 01:47
It actually did happen a few times with guys. I love to drive in the nude and a few times I will offer to pick a guy up (especially if he's cute). Sometimes he says no, sometimes he hops in and pretends not to notice that I am nude. Most times if he gets in, he strips, and a few times he strips and asks to find a secluded picnic area, especially when they find out I love to bottom. Some of the greatest fucks I have ever had have been at a picnic site.
By leopoldij at 24,Apr,19 17:17 other posts of leopoldij 
sounds like you've figured out the way!

By dgraff at 22,Apr,19 09:59 other posts of dgraff 
I was taught not to pick up hitchhikers there street trash that can't afford to drive
By #275407 at 23,Apr,19 01:12
You picked me up twice
By dgraff at 23,Apr,19 01:27 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha I wish and you have nice rides

By 2nice at 22,Apr,19 16:32 other posts of 2nice 
I don’t see many hitchhikers any more. It’s an unsafe activity, especially if you’re a woman.
By leopoldij at 22,Apr,19 17:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Depends where you live. There are many places in the world outside north America.
In Europe there are hitchhikers.
In Africa there are more.

By langer011 at 22,Apr,19 11:18 other posts of langer011 
Always a dream, never happended to me; who knows what would happen

By up-for-it at 22,Apr,19 07:32 other posts of up-for-it 
NO, come to think of it don't see many hitchhikers around anymore.

By spermkiss at 21,Apr,19 23:23 other posts of spermkiss 
With a woman, no. With men, lots of times.
By leopoldij at 21,Apr,19 23:45 other posts of leopoldij 

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