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It pays to be a winner! Trump!!!

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 09,Oct,19 16:20  other posts of Sir-Skittles
Just a few salient points to share to the site Muppets who think President Trump has done nothing.

FACTS- Trump Successes:

And mind you, this all done with the most hostile media in history, BS investigations, and a hostile Congress.

It pays to be a winner!

Almost 4 million jobs created since election.

More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.

We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.

Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.

Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.

New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.

African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.

Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.

Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.

Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.

Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.

Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.

Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.

Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.

The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.

95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.

Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.

Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.

As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.

Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.

Record number of regulations eliminated.

Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.

Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.

My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.

Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.

We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
Signed Right-To-Try legislation.

Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.

We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.

Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.

Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.

United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.

Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.

Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.

Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.

NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.

Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.

Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.

Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.

Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.

Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.

Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.

Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.

Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.

Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.

We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.

MAGA cunts!

Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME   2.No Collusion.   3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis.   4.NOT TRUMP............NOT EVER TRUMP   5.Fun voting game  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Nov,19 18:49 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Schiff is a fluffer!

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said on Sunday that the facts in the impeachment inquiry are "not contested" but that he has not yet personally decided where he stands in terms of supporting the impeachment of President Trump.

Schiff, who has led the probe, said on CNN's "State of the Union" that the "facts" are "not contested." He said there is overwhelming evidence based on testimony from various fact witnesses that backs allegations that Trump solicited foreign interference in the 2020 election.

But Schiff would not go as far as to say he supports impeachment.

"I want to discuss this with my constituents and colleagues before I make a final judgment on this," Schiff said.

CNN's Jake Tapper asked Schiff how he has not yet come to a conclusion if he believes there are overwhelming facts that back his position.

Translation: If he had the smoking gun he would have pulled the trigger... but he has also gone too far and can't back out. What a fucking joke!
By #551147 at 25,Nov,19 19:33

Speaking of fucking jokes...

Check out the 3 parodies on Adam Schitt

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By Sir-Skittles at 26,Nov,19 03:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By #551147 at 27,Nov,19 23:29
[deleted image]
By kebmo at 28,Nov,19 08:17 other posts of kebmo 
Piddles, at least give Rebeca Klar credit for writing the article that you plagiarised.

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By Sir-Skittles at 28,Nov,19 15:03 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I never said I wrote it fucktard. Now, go crawl back up and return to Bella's taint.

Like most Canadians, you suffer from a YUGE inferiority complex.

By #591921 at 26,Jan,20 00:57
Adam Schiff before he was a representative in Washington do you know what he was? He was a script writer and wrote movies and screenplays. After he did it for over 20years and never sold one single screenplay he decided to run for congress and get his sister married off to George Soros. So if you wonder why the impeachment is so personal for him,Soros owns Barisma energy company in the Ukraine and Yovonavitch was on the cash payroll. That is of course if anybody wondered.
By phart at 26,Jan,20 01:47 other posts of phart 
only registered users can see external links
By #591921 at 26,Jan,20 03:28
Thank you I had it wrong but I was sure Doros was involved in some way.

By andrew999999999 at 05,Dec,19 18:51 other posts of andrew999999999 
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.

Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.

Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.

Explain why these are successes.
By phart at 05,Dec,19 19:29 other posts of phart 
Uh,I think it is a great idea that Nato nations pay their fair share instead of using us for renta cops.
That Paris thing,that is just a stepping stone to 1 world government.
By andrew999999999 at 05,Dec,19 20:48 other posts of andrew999999999 
NATO should just disband, no need for it. Also, I thought the USA liked that role. Interfering in other countries politics, overthrowing governments because they won't do what they want, or do things differently to how the USA wants them to.
I wonder who will be in charge of that one world government?
By phart at 05,Dec,19 23:50 other posts of phart 
I Had not thought much about the disbanding of Nato because of the chance that it might be the only thing holding back some really stupid shit from happening.
But no it was not right for the US to be the only spender.
If the liberals had their way,the folks in charge of the 1 world government would be in europe somewhere.That is where it all started anyhow.
I am tickled pink he got us out of that stupid paris thing. Coal miners need jobs,we need electricity. Look at California.What did that state have before it had liberals? Electricity.

You know what he new pickup line is for men to use to get women in California? "I have electricity!"

By #591921 at 26,Jan,20 00:49
The $69 billion in funding means thats that much money the US doesn't have to spend now that other countries are finally starting to pay for their part that they haven't paid in the last 30 years. It also caught Germany buying from Russia because they didn't have their share. Germany has been giving their share to Russia for 30years and having to pay their percentage finally to NATO got them busted talking out both sides of their mouth.

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Jan,20 14:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Snowflakes melting, Jim Acosta on suicide watch, Rachel Maddow in therapy

Senate confirms Trump's 170th Federal Judge with even more to come

Trump signs bill restoring funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Trump signs bill that makes Extreme Animal Cruelty a Felony

Trump signs executive order protecting Medicare

Trump Signs Bill Protecting Disability Payments for Veterans Who Declare Bankruptcy

Trump signs 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund into law

Trump signs bill to fund Autism CARES Act

Trump meets Kim Jong Un at DMZ and becomes first sitting US President to enter North Korea

Trump signs measure aimed at Preventing Veteran Suicides

Trump signs Major public lands Conservation bill into law

Trump signs into law Genocide Prevention Act

Trump signs legislation enhancing US Leadership in Indo Pacific region
President Trump signs Ashanti Alert Act into law

Trump Signs $867B Bipartisan Farm Bill with Welfare Reform Work Requirements

Trump Signs Law Punishing Chinese Officials Who Restrict Access to Tibet

Production of Hemp to become Legal in all 50 States with Farm Bill passage

Trump Limits Asylum Migrants must come in Legally

Trump Signs New Hezbollah Sanctions Into Law

Trump signs Opioids Law at White House event

Trump signs bipartisan Water Infrastructure spending law

Trump signs the Music Modernization Act, the biggest change to copyright law in decades

Trump signs bills to Help Patients stop overpaying for Medicine

Trump signs law ending Gag Orders against Pharmacists sharing Money Saving information

Trump signs bill requiring Airports to provide spaces for Breastfeeding Moms

Trump signs Karis Law on the 50th Anniversary of 911

Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Military Prison open

Trump signs proclamation directing troops to secure border
President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un sign ‘important document’ at Singapore summit

Trump signs law giving Border Patrol better Fentanyl detection tools

Trump signs law expanding Hate Crime protections to Religious Institutions

Trump signs technical education bill into law

Trump signs law to expand Childhood Cancer Research

Trump signs bill easing U.S. bank rules into law


Trump Cuts aid to Palestine

Trump signs law creating national historic park for Martin Luther King Jr.

Trump signs into law U.S. government ban on Kaspersky Lab software

Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law

Donald Trump signs law aimed at cutting abortion funding
President Trump signs law declaring National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Trump Signs 3 Executive Actions on Crime Against Police, Drug Cartels


Trump signs Space policy directive

Trump signs First Step Act criminal justice reform into law

Trump signs Historic USMCA trade agreement replacing NAFTA

President Trump secures release of Pastor Brunson from Turkey

President Trump Approval Rating at 51 Percent

Justice Kavanaugh SWORN IN to Supreme Court

Trump Shrinks Government by 16000 Jobs since elected
US Cuts 300 Million In Aid To Pakistan

Trump Cut Off 200 Million in Aid to Palestinians

Trump ends 230 Million Dollar Rebuilding Payments to Syria

Trump has our soldiers remains returned home from Korean War

Trump signs Right to Try drug bill

US Embassy moved to Jerusalem by President Donald J Trump

Trump secures release of American Prisoners from North Korea

Trump Negotiates Peace between North and South Korea

Trump Signs Order Calling for Work Requirements for Welfare Programs

HISTORIC: Trump Nominates First Woman for Head of CIA

Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts; runs surplus in January

Trump signs sweeping two-year budget deal - MILITARY FUNDED

Trump proposes biggest civil service change in 40 years - 'Hire the best and fire the worst'

Trump signs bipartisan bill to combat synthetic opioids

Trump Shrinks Federal Bureaucracy by 16000
President Trump set a record for lifetime appointed judges in 2017

Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017

Trump Administration Set to Roll Back $900 Million in Obama-Era Offshore Drilling Regulations

Individual Mandate of Obamacare REPEALED

Senate Passes Historic Sweeping Tax Reform

Climate Change REMOVED from 'Threat List'

Trump Admin is a Deregulation Machine: Eliminating 22:1

Trump signs $700 billion defense bill, gives troops largest pay raise in 7 years

New Space Policy Directive Calls for Human Expansion Across Solar System

Trump Declares Jerusalem the Capital of Israel

Senate Passes Sweeping Tax Reform - 20% Corporate rate - Largest in 31 Years.

Trump Shuts Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels

House Passes Tax Bill in Major Step Toward Overhaul

Senate Passes Budget Resolution Clearing the Way to pass Tax Reform with a Simple Majority

Trump's HHS defines life as beginning at conception

President Trump Declassifies and Releases JFK Files


Four Months into FY 2018, Refugee Admissions Plunge to Lowest Level in 15 Years

US increases security screening measures for vetting refugees

US Delays Payment to UN for Palestinians

US Suspends $2 BILLION in security assistance to Pakistan

Global Magnitsky Act Signed: Targeting Global Corruption and Human Rights Abuse

North Korea Designated as 'State Sponor of Terrorism'

United States Announces a New Strategy on Iran

Trump Administration Announces 'Extreme Vetting' Plans

Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half, takes more Christians than Muslims

Trump: 'We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values'

Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming

School Choice tops the list of Priorities U.S. Education Department Grants

Trump Signs Healthcare Order, Expands Choice and Access through associations

US and Israel withdraw from UNESCO citing "anti-Israel bias"

Trump has written 46 Executive Orders

Treasury Deparment to target companies doing business with North Korea
Trump has signed 53 bills into law

New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From Seven Countries

UN Security Council unanimously steps up sanctions against North Korea

Fewest Monthly Refugee Arrivals in August Since 2002

Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security

America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign aid to Egypt

Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure

11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump - downsizing government
UN Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea

Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various positions

U.S. Small Business Administration opens assistance center

800 Obama regulations cut - Saved over $200 billion

EPA's Pruitt moves to roll back over 30 environmental regulations in record time

Cut the White House budget - Saved taxpayers $22 million

Haley Tells Congress US Assuming More Assertive Role at UN

Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule

Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness

President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform" Push

Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System

Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord

Treasury to call for rolling back banking regulations

Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate 2016 election

Fired corrupt and incompetent FBI Director James Comey

HHS to Rescind Birth Control Mandate in Obamacare

Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion In Errors during Audit of Obama HUD

President Trump's executive order will undo Obama's Clean Power Plan rule

U.S. Will have Free but Fair and Balanced Trade: Mnuchin

Executive order to reduce operating costs of the Federal Government

Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama

Tillerson to shutter war crimes focused State Dept. office: report

Rex Tillerson, Mediating Gulf Dispute, Signs Antiterrorism Pact With Qatar

Canceled Obama Era special immigration program for foreign entrepreneurs

Critical milestone in the global fight against ISIS

Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern Europe against Russia

Tillerson Tightens Limits on Filling State Department Jobs

Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid, merge State and USAID

US to make at least $285m cut to UN budget

Tillerson on North Korea: Military action is 'an option'

It's a bloodbath at the State Department
Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists

Fixing lobbying laws - 5 year lobbying ban on White House officials

Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies

Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)

45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America, DONALD J. TRUMP

By phart at 25,Jan,20 21:50 other posts of phart 
That music modernization act thing,bah humbug on that.
That has caused a big increase in the cost of satilite radio and such .It was already high enough.Starving artist my ass.

By sherryann at 25,Jan,20 22:39 other posts of sherryann 
--------------------------------------- added after 118 seconds

Well said Skittles!

By #591921 at 26,Jan,20 00:43
Thank you for that information I stated a few facts about coast guard news and border patrol mm newsroom a month ago. After I posted the statistics that were certified by homeland security websites all of a sudden I had lots of people block me. So now I try and get points so that I'm allowed to just send messages to anyone at all. If anyone wants to friend me to help me rid myself of having to spend all my points to just message anyone ill be glad to accept anyone's friend request who likes this post. Oh by the way can you post one from coast guard and border patrol newsroom please I like the way you just stated the facts and left out opinion and commentary,very tasteful.

By Sir-Skittles at 03,Dec,19 18:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Sen. Kamala Harris is reportedly planning to drop out of the 2020 Democratic primary on Tuesday, according to reporters at The Atlantic and Politico.

This comes after multiple news reports detailing friction and an internal revolt among Harris' campaign staffers.

A total loser and should have never been in the race to begin with!

By phart at 03,Dec,19 19:03 other posts of phart 
You could put everyone of those jokers running on the Dem ticket in a jar and shake them and put them all in the office as 1,and they still couldn't do a damn thing.
Bunch of do gooder flunkys.
By Sir-Skittles at 04,Dec,19 19:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Crime would be down... because they all keep legalizing felonies...
By #551147 at 04,Dec,19 20:18
LOL You got a point!

By phart at 04,Dec,19 21:40 other posts of phart 
People would still be doing what is wrong,but it would be "legal" so they could brag about the crime rate being "down".Doesnt' mean anything good has actually happened.

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Dec,19 16:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The Newsweek reporter who was fired after writing an inaccurate article about President Trump's Thanksgiving Day plans is deflecting some of the blame onto her editor.

Newsweek initially published the article Thursday morning, before the president's trip to Afghanistan was announced publicly. The story's initial headline was, “How is Trump spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, golfing and more.”

Kwong told the Washington Examiner that she was assigned to write a story on what Trump was doing on Thanksgiving. The next day, Kwong reached out to the editor on duty and relayed the president's latest actions, after which the story was published. When the president's trip to Afghanistan was announced, that editor then decided to assign another reporter to write a new story about it but neglected to update Kwong's original piece in a timely manner.

The story, which received backlash from both the president and Donald Trump Jr., was updated hours later with a new headline, a note at the bottom of the story, and the angle of the piece was changed to focus on the president's trip.

The new headline reads, “How is Trump spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, golfing — and surprising U.S. troops in Afghanistan," while the note at the end of the story reads, "This story has been substantially updated and edited at 6:17 p.m. EST to reflect the president's surprise trip to Afghanistan. Additional reporting by James Crowley."

Kwong apologized on social media for the story saying it was "an honest mistake" and added that the story had been updated, and she had deleted a tweet about the original story.

“Newsweek investigated the failures that led to the publication of the inaccurate report that President Trump spent Thanksgiving tweeting and golfing rather than visiting troops in Afghanistan," a Newsweek representative previously told the Washington Examiner. "The story has been corrected, and the journalist responsible has been terminated. We will continue to review our processes and, if required, take further action.”

Newsweek did not answer additional questions about the editor's status with the outlet or if they would face any consequences over the publication of the story.

Newsweek is toilet paper.

More Fake News from left wing nut jobs
By #551147 at 04,Dec,19 19:59
Now Skitts! Are you plagiarizing again?

By #551147 at 23,Nov,19 09:10
@ Twowarmtts!

You just keep repeating over and over endlessly how Obama is in the past and why do some of us keep bringing him up. I will attempt once again to illustrate the HYPOCRISY that you just cannot seem to grasp.


The ABSOLUTE proof of spying on an American citizen, AND a political opponent, Donald J. Trump, started under Barry's watch! There's NO way, as the POTUS, that he did not know what was going on, on HIS watch. COLLUSION with Russia and Ukraine to UNDERMINE Donald J. Trumps campaign was initiated by the DEMOCRAPS!! That's where the REAL COLLUSION was going on. You people are SO upset that he mentioned Joe Bidens name on his call with the Ukrainian President. So, just the mere name mentioning has your feathers all ruffled up but not the fact that there was a REAL effort to undermine our current President, then candidate. THAT'S HYPOCRISY 101!!

NEXT! There IS proof that something was afoul stated by Joe Biden himself, his own words, no one else's. JOE BIDEN stating... Fire the prosecutor OR we are not giving you the aid. Reeks of quid pro quo to ANY sane person. ON VIDEO no less which I have previously linked for YOU before! The VERY thing you people are accusing Donald J. Trump of. Here's the exception! The Don, has gotten NOTHING in return for ANYTHING from the Ukrainians! YET! Joe Biden stated himself that they (the Ukrainians) DID in fact do what he asked for, thereby making his bad decision a REAL CRIME or a quid pro quo!

As you people like to preach... NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!

Not Hillary Clinton, Not Barry Obama, Not Joe Biden, Not Adam Schitt, Not Hunter Biden!

JUST because Joe Biden is running for President, does NOT give him a pass for HIS OWN STATEMENT of a BRIBE, QUID PRO QUO, or whatever you wanna label it. NOR does it give him a free pass simply because his time and Obummers time in the oval office has expired.

Now! You want them to be forgiven and forgotten, perhaps they shouldn't have started throwing stones at someone KNOWING GOTDAMNED GOOD AND WELL that THEY actually committed the VERY crimes that they are accusing President Donald J. Trump of.

THAT'S HYPOCRISY! For the umpteenth time for YOU!

Once again, we have actual proof of the previous administration's transgressions. You people have ZIP!
The Aid was released, there was no statement made by the Ukrainians, and they did in fact meet. What you got is a bunch of conjecture, opinion, guesses, simply put... A BUNCH of BULLSHIT!

Lastly, the BULLSHIT started by the Democraps is making us the laughingstock of the world. NOT the President! That only exists in YOUR mind. This whole BULLSHIT scam is dividing our country which is not good for American citizens.

You don't like the guy, fine! You don't like his beliefs, fine! You don't like his policies, fine! You don't like his ideologies, fine! You don't like his abrasive mannerisms, fine!

Then BEAT him the proper way and put someone forth capable of doing such. NOT BY A BULLSHIT IMPEACHMENT SCAM! That alone shows how cowardly the Democraps truly are. You can't beat a duly elected President so, you start scratching for every crumb you can and try to beat him with an ill conceived impeachment cause you can't beat him at the ballot box.

Frankly, it's sad and disgusting and dividing a nation who's strength comes from be UNITED!

Have you figured out HYPOCRISY yet?
By phart at 23,Nov,19 15:08 other posts of phart 
Frankly,it is not about justice.It is about division,disruption and eventual failure of America as a free country that are the goals of the Democrats.
You can't control a united people.United people take care of their own,thus you can't own them.
This country is the most divided I have ever saw it in my 52 years and I seriously am afraid of the fallout of the 2020 election. Not that I don't think Trump will win,that is almost a sure bet that Trump or at least a Republican will win, due to the current circus in Dc right now.It is the people unwilling to accept failure for the second time that will be a problem. Riots,fights,property loss,deathes,terriable thing will happen all because lazy,no good bums that vote democrat can't stay home and cry it out and move on

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Nov,19 15:15 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You really think the Saggy Granny can read all that??
By #551147 at 23,Nov,19 15:37
Ummmmmm I think her issue is comprehension. As I've tried breathlessly to help the poor thing to understand a simple word like, HYPOCRISY. Albeit she chooses to spell it differently or wrongly, she has NO concept of the meaning.

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Nov,19 15:32 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
D Stands for DEFEATED - NOT democrat!

When it comes to the present moment, Trump is the one dominating the trophy case courtesy of the progressive cult based on the latest Democratic primary polling data, the impeachment hearings and the particular case of Mayor Pete (a total fucking moron from a hick town)

● A recent Marquette University poll has Trump beating Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg in the state of Wisconsin. In the case of Trump versus Biden in particular, that marks a 12-point swing from only August, when Biden was besting Trump by nine points. Furthermore, a national Emerson poll shows Trump's approval rating rising five points to 48 percent in the last month as well as presidential electoral victories against all of the above except a within-the-margin-of-error loss to Sanders.

What happened cunts? Well, the old polls where almost every carbon-based life form beat Trump had a lot to do with an understandable level of Trump exhaustion syndrome due to his grating antics and persona, along with a limited understanding of the field of Dems who would oppose him. But after multiple debates and state-by-state barnstorming, now we all know who we are dealing with. And it's as if we were transported back to 2016, when Better Than Hillary won the hearts of many.

The Democratic candidates are terrible. Fucking awful really. Again. So Trump wins.

● And guess what? The Democrats in Congress are terrible, too! After more than a week of House impeachment hearings, the viewership for this week's Democratic presidential debate was among the lowest so far in the 2020 electoral cycle. That clearly means that a lot of people, including a lot of voters who lean left, have declared "Fake News" to be the most fitting label for impeachment and its feckless propagandists.

There simply is no there there, other than the existence of countless deep state hacks who want Trump gone because he has somehow violated their elitist safe space, after none of them could be bothered to raise a finger when Biden and his son turned Ukraine into their own money-laundering shell company. Twowarm is too dumb to understand any of this!

● Lastly, there is the cunt monster that is Mayor Pete. A monster that the Democrats have been breathing life into for decades, via various sexual revolutions that have culminated most recently in a Chicago-area school board voting for mentally ill male students (or creeps pretending to be) to infiltrate girl's locker rooms.

Can somebody remind me why #MeToo was ever a thing if high school girls can be so easily preyed upon by the mentally ill and the morally deviant to thunderous applause? But I digress. The crucial point to be made here is that a podunk mayor from a less-than-idyllic city, who was destroyed in the only statewide race he ever ran in, has now claimed frontrunner presidential status in both Iowa and New Hampshire for no other reason than he is gay.

Yet that is clearly an issue with black voters, who have been Democratic loyalists par excellence but frown upon Buttigieg in South Carolina to the tune of giving him 0 percent of their support so far. Yikes. When will the blacks stop being used by the Dems? They only come around every 4 years looking for votes.

Why are so many blacks in US jails? Just look back at BILL CLINTON'S 1994 crime bill! Oh my!

The rainbows are coming home to roost in the Democratic Party, and I for one am gleefully popping some popcorn to watch the show. How the same people, who have systematically taken the black vote for granted for years while failing to deliver on countless promises concerning racial/urban improvements, will now with a straight face try to shove Will and Grace down their throats in the name of civil rights is a mind scrambler.

So what's it all mean cunts? The D will once again stand for defeated if this keeps up.

PS- fuck you saggy granny!

By nekekal at 10,Oct,19 02:24 other posts of nekekal 
Of course, most of the line items are bullshit.
By phart at 10,Oct,19 13:25 other posts of phart 
care to elaberate?
By nekekal at 10,Oct,19 16:58 other posts of nekekal 
For example. There are more americans now than at any time in our history, so even at normal unemployment numbers, more americans would be working than at any time in history. But unemployment is historically low. Nothing dumbo has done to promote this.

Then there is job creation, it is lower than was previously reported. There are about half a million fewer jobs this year. The number has just been revised downward. The rate of job creation is lower than the last of the obama administration.

And the jobs created are lower paying. A lot of americans have two or three jobs. Manufacturing jobs continue to decline. GM is closing plants. Ford is closing plants. Steel is shutting mills. This claim is just a lie.

There is no indication that clean air and water kill jobs. It is just a right wing talking point.

Tax cuts were all for rich folks. I actually paid more taxes last year than the years before.

Etc, etc, etc.
By #592419 at 10,Oct,19 17:37
Where are you getting this information from?

The stock market is over 26000, it raises and lowers with pressure on China because the crooks that invest with China hope that China continues to rip us off and profit from Americas loss of revenue.

Lower paying jobs are only the beginning. When Education is stripped from the socialist bullshit democrats we should see these numbers changing since americans need to be qualified in order to get better paying jobs.

The constitution is our law. This has been in effect since 1787. Thats 232 years,, meaning you've had 232 years to do homework and understand what our law is. The democrats have been trying to do a soft coup with ripping up this documents for that amount of time. Like I said,, The constitution is our law and it is used to protect americans. Those that severely oppose this constitution should either move to another place like socialist country or learn to live with it..

Obama is illegal immigrant brought forward by the deep state.. He is thought to be the osama bin laden that destroyed world trade center and I believe that. He never went to hawaii high school and was imported here from Kenya. He made life worse for blacks than ever before.. There goes the opportunity for races to bond together.. Michelle is a travsvestive and obama is gay.. Joan Rivers lost her life because she spilled the beans on them..

All the democrats do is steal money from Americans to support illegals, drug cartels with inside tracks to import drugs across the border and recruit domestic terrorism if they are challenged by the right in any way.. Gun shootings are a setup to propagandize taking your guns away..Chil d sex trafficking is their biggest revenue builder. In California at this point raping a child is not considered to be a felony...
By nekekal at 10,Oct,19 22:47 other posts of nekekal 
So, you think.obama is an illegal immigrant? Michelle is a transvestite? But a damm good looking one. And you are an asshole.
By phart at 14,Nov,19 19:15 other posts of phart 
there is evidence of a lump in the high school football players dresses in more than 1 photo.

By #592419 at 14,Nov,19 22:14
Yeah I do.

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 18:37
Holy FUCKING crap, Sir Cums! And I even said you had some intelligence. But, just to support some of your viewpoints, obviously gained from FOX propoganda station...I live in California. And BEFORE you accuse me of actually BEING a 'Californian let me say I have lived in around 25 different places on this planet. California does some DUMB things. No different than the state you currently reside...So, just to PROVE how ridiculously STUPID your statement about child raping is...As I walk and drive the highways and sidewalks of California...I am AMAZED at all the children being RAPED! In broad daylight! And that it is LEGAL!!! Jeez, this is STILL some semblance of America, Srcums! You need to get out more and see how your imaginings are impinging on your sanity...Get help...Soon...

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 19:13
Sorry Srcums. I know you said 'over and out' to me recently, but...read my reply to skittles who also suffers from the belief that the Stock Market is America's Economy. Not so even as a representation of it anymore. The Stock Market is it's OWN entity, driven NOT by economic health, but simply...BY MONEY...LOTS OF IT...Oh and these days by computers monitoring buy/sell ratios with algorithms put there by 'Quants' (smart computer geeks that figured out how to 'rig' the market in their favor and that of the 'fat cats'. To use an age old phrase) Frimplehead LOVES to point to the Market as he is one of those Fat Cats. Even tho he is fake as hell living off borrowed Deutsche Bank monies (360 Million. Did you know DB is going under? Look it up) and CHEATING with taxes, real estate, etc...I only WISH the Constitution protected Americans. But it has become so HORRIBLY bent to the wishes of the few in power to get ONLY what they want. Think you have the right to a fair trial? Of your peers? And soon? Think again. You will be held for sometimes YEARS while your case goes sluggishly thru the courts. In the meantime, you will lose your job, likely your family ALL your money...even IF you are innocent. Prisons are now for profit. DA's and Defense lawyers ONLY care about win/lose SCORES...Damn, I could go on and on, but even this TINY amount of facts has just tired my old body out and depressed the ever lovin' HELL out of me...
By #592419 at 14,Nov,19 22:10
Personally I do not care about the Stock Market, although money is a convenience it has nothing to do with the subject matter. I know it has dropped and risen recently but only because of Chinese tariffs..
To continue with Children in California, yes it was on Fox News but also several articles,,,, California is particularly vulnerable because of "proximity to international borders, number of ports and airports, significant immigrant population, and large economy that includes industries that attract forced labor." It serves both as an entry point for slaves imported from outside the US as well as a destination for slaves. Slavery is found throughout California, but major hubs are centered on Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and San Francisco. According to the 2011 Department of State report, California, together with New York, Texas, and Oklahoma, has the largest concentrations of survivors of human trafficking. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center reported receiving 3,609 calls and emails in 2015 about human trafficking in California.


Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right.

SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

This terribly destructive legislation was written and passed by the progressive Democrats who control California's state government with a two-thirds "supermajority." To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing **** prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the reality is that the legalization of **** prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side.

The unintended but predictable consequence of how the real villains — pimps and other traffickers in human misery — will respond to this new law isn't difficult to foresee. Pimping and pandering will still be against the law whether it involves running adult women or young girls. But legalizing child prostitution will only incentivize the increased exploitation of **** girls. Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can't interfere with minors engaging in prostitution — which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.

As Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley, a national leader on human trafficking issues, told the media, "It just opens up the door for traffickers to use these kids to commit crimes and exploit them even worse." Another prosecutor insightfully observed that if traffickers wrote legislation to protect themselves, it would read like SB 1322.

Minors involved in prostitution are clearly victims, and allowing our law enforcement officers to pick these minors up and get them away from their pimps and into custody is a dramatically better solution than making it legal for them to sell themselves for sex. That only deepens their victimization and renders law enforcement powerless to stop the cycle of abuse. SB 1322 is not simply misguided — its consequences are immoral.

Unfortunately for Californians, SB 1322 isn't an outlier — it's only the tip of the liberal iceberg. 2017 will see the Golden State subjected to wave after wave of laws taking effect that are well-intentioned but disastrous embodiments of progressive utopianism.

One such new Democratic-authored law throws open the door to even greater government dependency on the part of the poor by rolling back proven reforms. In 1996, welfare reform was one of the greatest social legislation achievements of the last century, ending the lifetime welfare system and putting millions of Americans on the road to self-reliance and self-respect. In its wake, California lawmakers passed a law barring increased payments to women who have more children while still on welfare, in order to encourage women to achieve independence before having more children.

It's a tough provision that works — which was apparently irrelevant to Gov. Jerry Brown, who just signed a bill repealing that prohibition. Henceforth, no matter how many children someone has while on welfare, the state government will ratchet up payments with each child, with no limit. Incredibly, the Democratic author of this bill claims she wants to discourage women from having more children while on welfare — but instead passed legislation replacing that effective reform with a law that restarts the cycle of welfare dependency.

In similarly inverted fashion, state Democrats have taken action to make California's youth unemployment rate — one of the nation's highest — even worse by boosting the minimum wage. It is an empirical fact that minimum-wage hikes increase unemployment among those who are the least skilled and most in need of entry-level jobs — our youth. Like other misguided liberal policies, this latest minimum-wage legislation will only lead to fewer jobs for our youth.

And the list goes on. Thanks to other new Democratic-sponsored bills, an estimated 50,000 felons will be voting in the next state election, many from their jail cells; if you go hunting with a buddy and lend him your shotgun, you'll be breaking the law; state employees will be forbidden from traveling on business to states which prohibit transgender bathrooms. The parade of inane and idiotic legislation in California is virtually unending.

The common thread running through this avalanche of liberal-left legislation is the total absence of common sense and a stubborn insistence on ignoring human nature. On a certain level, we shouldn't be surprised. After all, progressives still believe eliminating poverty is a matter of spending enough money on enough government programs. Despite spending $15 trillion on anti-poverty and welfare programs since 1965, our national poverty rate is actually slightly higher today than it was then.

California is loaded with natural resources and talented people who want to work hard, be successful and enjoy the fruits of that success. The tragedy is that California is in the grip of liberal politicians who believe we can help **** prostitutes by making it legal for them to be prostitutes; who believe we can reduce welfare dependence by increasing opportunities to become dependent; and who think we can increase employment by making it more expensive to hire people. California is ruled by a political party that places a higher priority on dictating to public schools their mascot choices than enabling parents to send their kids to the school of their choice.

Do Brown and the Democrat politicians behind this wave of bad legislation mean well? I believe they do, but unfortunately they're only succeeding in proving that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's the bad luck of Californians that they're dragging the rest of our state down that road with them.

Travis Allen, a Republican, represents the 72nd Assembly District in the California legislature. Thinking of submitting an op-ed to the Washington Examiner? Be sure to read our guidelines on submissions.
By #568769 at 19,Nov,19 19:35
"This legislation addresses “childhood prostitution” as what it is; statutory **** of a child victim. Children are legally not able to consent to sex and, as such, should not be prosecuted as criminals. SB 1322 will ensure children picked up for prostitution are treated by the dependency court system as opposed to the criminal justice system and are offered services for victims of human trafficking."
SR1322 is simply trying to NOT prosecute KIDS...for they 'know not what they do' It does NOT legalize child prostitution!
You are watching TOO much BS, Srcums. I am NOT defending California as they have many stupid laws. Just like your state, no doubt. But, please get it right before you state total falsehoods driven by FOX, trumpley frumpley, that are repeated over and over...and OVER again. Until, lies become 'truths'.
BTW, money makes the World go round. Haven't you EVER heard that? Hardly a 'convenience' as it has MANY forms beyond just the paper/plastic we both carry. Just WHAT do you think drives the dying American capitalist government?...Money makes WMW go round...WMW means White Man's World. Invented after white men took the land of this country from it's previous owners, the American Indian...followed by them taking Africans to this country to work as slaves. Pretty UGLY history this country has IF one cares to really think about it...Look around this WHOLE planet and see just how America has influenced even our ENEMIES! It's the US dollar that is and has been the WORLD'S currency...soon NOT to be as China is revolting against it and more than a few countries are going with the Chinese RMB currency over the dollar.
Ever notice how China, Russia, N. Korea, etc...all wear suits with ties?! I will let you figure that out for yourself, based on what I just said, Srcums.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

R A P E to fill in the censorship. How utterly stupidly STRANGE that a site full of full on pictures of hard cocks and dripping pussies...would use censorship over a fucking WORD...Will they censor 'fucking'?? Let's see...
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

By phart at 19,Nov,19 20:01 other posts of phart 
we all know a human over 14 or so knows exactly what they are doing.The question is are they doing it against their will or willingly.If willingly, then they are criminals regardless of age.
I am aware of a situation about 20 years ago that a 13 year old was providing sex for beer and alchol.A fellow i knew of because of work was actually dumb enough to take her up on it and lost his job over it and was up on several criminal charges.The charges were later dropped because she was found to be using 2 other men for the same thing under survalance. She was the first 1 to make a move.She was not charged but taken from the home and put somewhere to get help.
No telling what kind of person she is today,.
Or are they starving and homeless and trying to keep themselves alive because of sorry ass, dope head parents not taking care of them? In that case,they need help of course as the 1's doing against their will.

By #592419 at 19,Nov,19 22:49
DUDE,,, This is not coming here-say from me.. I'm just stating verifiable facts..
The rest is based on moral correctness.. Since I believe you are just politically correct and hate our president past the point of reasoning there really isn't much sense to debate with you here..
By #568769 at 20,Nov,19 18:37
Am I 'DUDE', Srcums? If I am, well you did NOT read my reply in full. Because I stated EXACTLY what SB1322 does. WITH verifiable facts. Really, there is NO place in this country of ours that prostitution is LEGAL! For ANYONE no matter their age. No WHERE!...Actually, I do wish prostitution were legal as it has been in the Netherlands for years. Germany too. Saves LOTS of money prosecuting 'johns' and helps prevent sexual decease. As legal prostitutes in these countries are checked for decease monthly. And you are QUITE right. I HATE the fucking hell out of this president!And NOT from the media. Just simply watching and LISTENING to him! Reading his frickin' CHILDISH tweets! Media coverage is NOT required to judge this loonytoon CHILD...I know why you don't want to debate me, Srcums. It's 'cognitive resonance'. Yeah, I know, I had to look it up, too. But after I did, it made PERFECT sense why the 'forever trumpers' (like that twist?) cannot see 'HIM' for what he truly is. A completely DANGEROUS lunatic that cannot even control himself, let alone this country with it's MASSIVE responsibilities for not ONLY the safety of THIS Nation, but the entire planet. Why should America (flawed as it is) do that, you may ask? Because...there is NO ONE else that could do it. Do you think China will? Russia? ETC.??? Hell no. And now under that dumbass in chief, we will do nothing EITHER....I do think you and I both agree about what will happen to human'kind' in the end. Just with different viewpoints we have arrived at the same conclusion. A very sad one, unless some country stands up and leads all the others. Historically since WWII, it's been us.
By #592419 at 20,Nov,19 19:57
Stop ya belly aching.. You think you are so right then just go with it
I've given you the history of the democrats,, Appears you haven't read that quite well.. Republicans are divided into 2 or 3 groups. You have the conservatives, for E.G. Reagan,, but after they tried to kill him he started going left with selling weapons to Iran and honoring Nazi's.... The one before him was Lincoln and they assassinated him then formed the KKK soon after for domestic terrorism. The purest conservative in our history is Trump. The 2nd of Republicans are more establishment, they pay to play with Democrats promising one thing then going left after their election. Only these use war to perform pay to play such as chil d trafficking and dru gs... They say there are moderate republicans which I do not believe exist..
Then you have the ch ild molesters you protect... So what else can I tell you?. This is only truth. You want to argue with truth then why not just take the truth up with G-d... Perhaps he can help you..

By #592419 at 15,Nov,19 04:56
In modern society most of us don’t want to be in touch with ourselves; we want to be in touch with other things like religion, sports, politics, a book — we want to forget ourselves. Anytime we have leisure, we want to invite something else to enter us, opening ourselves to the television and telling the television to come and colonize us.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

By #551147 at 10,Oct,19 18:35
👏👏 Helluva of an effort to distort the truth. I'm sure some may even believe the bullshit your spouting off. Smoke and Mirrors, right!

First, yes the population is higher, 100% true.

Thank goodness percentages make that point completely irrelevant! For example... 15% of the 202mil population of 1969 VS 15% of the current population of 329mil. Yes, OBVIOUSLY there would be more people in numbers, BUT that's not what is being stated. 15% is 15% PERIOD! The percentage itself makes it possible to compare periods of time with complete respect to one another. Therefore, if unemployment was at 28% in 1969 and the current unemployment rate is 6% in 2019, then you can in fact make an equal comparison as the percentages are concluded from their respective population totals.

Unemployment WAS in fact HIGHER under Obummer! Thereby making your "historically low" reference BS! I and my Wife and many of our friends were victims of the unemployment amongst other things that occurred during Obummers reign. Just coincidental, right?

Jobs are jobs, every job cannot be high paying. So, you are agreeing that there are MORE jobs under this President they just don't pay good enough for YOUR liking. Thanks for conceding!

I know of TWO steel mills that have reopened all due to the job killing regulations being lifted, under this President. Seeing the reopenings with my own eyes and knowing of people that got their skill based jobs back, tells me you're statement is more BS!

"Clean water and air" are left wing talking points, what have you been smoking?

The party of... Let's get rid of cows, the combustion engine, coal, etc. Sound familiar? The U.S. actually makes far better efforts to being environmentally friendly than most other large nations. We will NEVER be able to reduce our impact on the environment enough to compensate for tremendously larger populations pollution. i.e. China, India... And to think ANYTHING that JUST the U.S. can do will have a MAJOR impact on the rest of the Earth is ASININE at minimum.

Lastly... "Tax cuts were all for rich folks"

Oh Really! I'm far from "rich" and I got back more than I have ever. Over 7k with 2 dependents. You conveniently left off the tax cut that IMMEDIATELY gave EVERYONE more back on their weekly paychecks. OR are you one of the few that just conveniently didn't notice?

And are you really bitching about taxes? To give healthcare for everyone in the world you best be ready to pony up the dough buddy. AND that's just ONE idiotic idea that taxes would HAVE to be raised to cover. COLLEGE for ALL... Shall I go on?
By phart at 10,Oct,19 18:56 other posts of phart 
I know of several companys that have expanded,2 really major companys in this area,expanding both employe numbers and building size.
The economy is better now that it was 4 years ago.
These folks that can't see things getting better must live in the gutter citys like San Fran and Chicago.
By #551147 at 10,Oct,19 19:50
I have NO doubts about what you're saying Phart.

Here's where the problem lies... 98%, 99%? Of what people are being spoon fed come from the media, which is SO biased most don't realize it or even care to find out whether it's the truth or not.

For example... Adam Schiff's reading of what the phone call between Ukraine and Donald Trump was. That fucking jack-off TOTALLY said what HE wanted to say. NOT what was ACTUALLY said. Guess what all these muppets saw? Adam Schiff's version, since the 98%, 99% of media sources ONLY showed HIS reading of the transcript. Which was COMPLETE bullshit! There's the problem! You wonder why all these idiots believe what they believe, it because, that's ALL their fed. Therefore, they just eat it up and thus Trump should be impeached. The difference between what Adam Shitz said and the REAL transcript are two different things. Get what I'm trying to say here? It's simply NO wonder why these people believe what the hear because it's all they are being told. Suggest they watch a more credible news source and they will scoff at such a notion as they TRULY believe what they are being bombarded with. Everything from local nightly news, daytime and nighttime talk shows, the major news networks, almost ALL the paper news rags, EVEN primetime shows like Grey's Anatomy interject with left wing ideas. The shit is EVERYWHERE! I mean everywhere! I'm certainly not giving those gullible fools a pass, just illustrating why many believe the way they do. It's ALL they see!
By #568769 at 19,Nov,19 19:56
You are TRULY confusing, Srcums! How can you NOT realize you are a creation of the VERY propagandist FOX news and it's MANY online conservative channels?! Really, you and I do NOT agree on much, BUT I do KNOW and do realize media has ALWAYS been dangerous. No matter what one believes...got to be careful about supposed 'facts'. I will quote you, 'the shit is EVERYWHERE!'. You are so right...But, really? How can you NOT see thru trump? He is a liar par excellence...Just like all those 'fake' news outfits he loves to blame...Don't make me start listing PROVABLE lies he's told Srcums...It will just be depressing as HELL...

By nekekal at 10,Oct,19 22:43 other posts of nekekal 
I am retired. I get no more money in my check. I paid more at the end of the year.

I pay for healthcare. Medicare for all would cost about what I pay.

Unemployment went up when the bush trashed the economy. I lost my job in the great recession. After that the economy steadily improved.

But, as a rule, I dont argue with idiots.
By #551147 at 10,Oct,19 22:58
😮 Oh! OUCH! 😖 That REALLY hurt my feelings... 😒 Perhaps I am an "idiot", for taking the time to debunk your BULLSHIT response to Phart up above ⬆️. Perhaps I'm NOT! Just because YOU say so, doesn't make it so. I'm personally more inclined to believe that your statement, "But, as a rule, I don't argue with idiots" is what one says when they (YOU) have NO argument at all. Now, who's the idiot?!

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Oct,19 13:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Look back further Grandpa... it was Clinton and the Dems that fucked this in 2008 with this everyone can afford a house BS scheme.

They relaxed lending requirements to the point where a fast-food worker would get a mortgage for $500K. What could possibly go wrong?

I think that was even the phrase: “A home for every American,” like “affordable health care for all Americans.” As Nancy Pelosi said, “A home has always been the symbol of the American dream.” And, of course, not everybody can afford a home. Well, that’s just not right, and that’s just not gonna stand. So how are we gonna do it? Well, people who can’t afford loans, we’re gonna give them loans, and we’re gonna find other ways for people to pay that money back. But we’re gonna have people in homes, and we Democrats are gonna get the credit for every American that wants one being in a home, ’cause we care, ’cause we’re compassionate. Because we don’t like concept of winners and losers! We don’t think it’s right some people have big homes; others have small homes.
By #551147 at 12,Oct,19 04:19

By kebmo at 12,Oct,19 04:32 other posts of kebmo 
Skittles: "Look back further Grandpa... it was Clinton and the Dems that fucked this in 2008 with this everyone can afford a house BS scheme.
They relaxed lending requirements to the point where a fast-food worker would get a mortgage for $500K. What could possibly go wrong?"

Skittles, who was president from January 20th 2001 - January 20th 2009?

By #592419 at 14,Nov,19 22:18
I think Bush is an asshole too.. But the economy was not trashed by him being primary. The primary cause for the crashing economy was the NAFTA DEAL by Bill Clinton and 911 which was an inside job in America by the deep state and clinton foundation.

By phart at 14,Nov,19 23:13 other posts of phart 
A reply to Scrops above, The trouble with college for all is that those proffessors would be on the government pay roll.Hell the teachers on the payroll are ALWAYS screaming more money more money more money.When the kids coming out of the schools are DUMBER by the year.Compare our k1ds scores to that of the k1ds in Japan or China even. Our k1ds are dumber than fucking rocks now.They can't balance their checkng accounts,pay bills or make change or do anything normal.The government dictates what they are taught.So it is partly the governments fault the k1ds are dumb.The rest of the fault lies on the parents or lack there of.
NOW why did I go on that rant? Because College for ALL like the "catch farts in Jars" crowd wants,means yet again,the government will dictate what is taught in college.They already do to a point because of grant money.But once the colleges are paid for by the government,it has the right to dictate what is taught.NOT good.Not only will we be taxed to death to help pay for it but our k1ds will be even fucking DUMBER and hungery with that "masters degree" in pet theropy or soccer coaching and no job to earn money.
By #551147 at 15,Nov,19 10:03
I'm quite confused Mr.Phart as to why this post is directed at me... I can't even find where I mentioned "College For All" and I sure as hell ain't a proponent of such a thing. In my opinion, NOT everyone is "College" material. I know, cause I hated every minute of it, which is why I only took 2 years worth. I'll just wait for you to shed some light why you mentioned me. 🤪 I will say one other thing about the matter though, I DO believe that Colleges and Universities should have some skin in the game for those that DO want to pursue a College education. In other words, they SHOULD share 50% of the financial burden towards loans, grant's, etc. Then! Maybe then, they will be more inclined to take students education more seriously as opposed to indoctrinating them.
By phart at 20,Nov,19 00:46 other posts of phart 
These threads get to be a mile long and confuseing as hell.But you did mention it/
"To give healthcare for everyone in the world you best be ready to pony up the dough buddy. AND that's just ONE idiotic idea that taxes would HAVE to be raised to cover. COLLEGE for ALL... Shall I go on?"

I just took the discussion on over to cover my feelings on that while I was ranting.Sorry for the confusion sir.

By phart at 19,Nov,19 20:05 other posts of phart 
Goes back to what I said yesterday.Alot of folks want it all and want it right NOW. They don't notice the larger amount on their pay as they are on direct deposit and blow it all at starbucks anyhow.
That is 1 reason the idiots don't see the affects of the tax cuts.

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Oct,19 13:49 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A lot of Americans have two or three jobs? Debunked. Next!

And you did NOT pay more taxes you math moron. You had bigger paychecks and less of a return.

You hardly have to be an economist to understand just how wrong Ocasio-Cortez’s statement truly is. First, as Noah Smith of Bloomberg pointed out, the number of Americans working two jobs is around 5 percent of the workforce, another historic low. But, much more importantly, the candidate’s claim suggests she has no idea what unemployment actually means. “The unemployment rate,” as Robby Soave helpfully explained in Reason, “is calculated by taking the number of unemployed people and dividing it by the number of people in the labor force. The raw number of jobs being worked by Americans has no bearing on these numbers."
By phart at 11,Oct,19 13:54 other posts of phart 
Some of this 2 and 3 job shit is because people try to live above their means.
By Sir-Skittles at 11,Oct,19 13:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

I bought a BMW and have to have 3 jobs to make the payments. Fucked up priorities. At best.
By phart at 11,Oct,19 18:50 other posts of phart 
Trucks with Heated seats,tailgates that go up with electric, cameras all around so you don't have to learn how to use a friggen mirror?? 75,000 dollars just for a pickup truck and they can't seem to keep them on the lot? Somebody is lazy and no count for nothing and in debt up to their eyeballs!

By #604343 at 15,Nov,19 22:55
And I might add: Trump has not gone to war since 2016. The only war he's been fighting is the war against the deep state.
By #568769 at 19,Nov,19 20:07
Pirot-Trump is not at war with the 'deep state' He's at war with EVERYONE who says ANYTHING against 'HIMSELF'. King that he is, if this were the 13th Century, it would be 'Off with their heads!' As simple as 'HIM' saying it, it would happen next morning...Try to actually THINK for yourself and NOT spout off made up stuff about the 'deep state'. There is NO deep state, only people against the idiot in chief...Well, there is actually another government. It's called the 'Military Industrial Complex'. Which has run this country since Eisenhower...

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Nov,19 12:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Major stock indexes close at new highs on fresh trade optimism and retail sales beat

U.S. stocks swept to fresh records as investors turned more bullish on a trade deal with China and focused on rosy consumer data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.80% closed about 222 points, 0.8%, higher, just above 28,000. The S&P 500 SPX, +0.77% jumped 24 points, 0.8%, to close at about 3,120. The Nasdaq was about 62 points, 0.7%, higher at the close, at 8,541. Shares of J.C. Penney Co. Inc. JCP, +6.36% jumped after beating earnings expectations for the recent quarter.

By #551147 at 14,Nov,19 13:57

BOTH Star witnesses on the stand for the Democrats, the ENTIRE days worth of testimony solved in the matter of less than ONE minute.

QUESTION: Please state the impeachable offense...

GO AHEAD! Either of you... Just shout it out!





How much longer, how much more tax money shall be wasted for this farce?

They were given AMPLE time to respond, they said NOTHING!

Hatred, Dislike, or any other STUPID reason you drum up is NOT impeachable offenses. Gawd you fucking supporters of this sham are dumb!
By phart at 14,Nov,19 14:19 other posts of phart 
I honestly don't think the democrats care if they can impeach or not.All they care about is to impead Americas recovery and tarnish as many good names as they can.They want to ruin America.Socialist ideas that can't work.IF you look back at how Hilter got control,part of the methods used were to demonize the people that had good reputations.Demonize all that was in disagreement.And it worked for a while.But the rest of the world stood against him and He was stomped out,sold out by his rocket team and so forth to the point his ideas failed.

The democrats took a simple act of asking a favor of a world leader to help shed some light on a controversil,nation dividing subject so that resolution could be found and turned it into something else.READ THE DAMN TRANSCRIPT..Instead of actually dealing with the problem,they are complaining about how the information was requested.
What a weak as water case.
I predict this next election will prompt actual riots and fights amoung the people to the point of near civil war.Because folks like me are FUCKING TIRED of the fighting and fussing while real problems like drugs,border control and so forth are left undelt with.
By #551147 at 14,Nov,19 14:51
Thanks phart! I will concede I completely missed that angle. You are most likely correct, and I applaud that assessment.

I maintain they (the Dems) are a fucking embarrassment to the U.S. The whole world is watching these dimwits, sadly. Frankly I think it makes our country look weak. Such in-fighting, and for what?! Because they simply didn't like the results of the election. Too fucking bad! I and many others suffered through their golden boy. Now he was one of the most divisive Presidents to EVER have served.

I can only hope you are wrong with people acting irrationally come election time next year. But the chances are high. I'm personally sick of it too, which is why I been quiet lately. Enough is enough! I will just let the 2 or 3 biggest instigators in the forums ramble on and on as they are the minority and they really hate it. They're like little yapping chihuahua's nipping at your ankles. Annoying but getting no where which just infuriates them further. Part of it is comical, to me. But how many other's are buying or believing the bullshit they are fomenting? That's my ONLY concern. 😉
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Oh! And just for the record... I'll be prepared as I always am should the nutjobs get too outta control. That! You can take to the bank.
By phart at 14,Nov,19 14:56 other posts of phart 
I don't consider the folks that disagree with me to be chihuahuas, they are simply missimformed,or perhaps lacking something.IF they are thinking about it at all,it is a start,perhaps in the wrong direction but it is a start.
The thing folks are missing is this. IF the Bidens are corrupt,then that is a major concern as Joe is running for Prez himself. We as Americans need to know what is going on BEFORE we put him in office.He is actually my pick of the democrat liter because until recently I just thought he was kinda slow and could be shown the better way by advisors and such and not lead the country completely off into left feild,I didn't know the potential for corruption until this impeach thing came along.
But for some reason, all that is not a concern to the democrats.That yet another 1 of their front runners has a past not condusive to America and a better future.

I will not be the first to raise arms against those that voted different than me.BUT if their ideas and policys leave me no choice,I will defend my family,my home,my food and my life from the low life trash that threatens me to take it since their leaders left them starveing and homeless.
By #551147 at 14,Nov,19 19:05
I 100% agree with your final paragraph.

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 18:13
THAT is crazzzzy talk, Phart! I fear you are quite right. Even tho we have viewpoints that are clearly opposite when it comes to the current dummy in chief...As I have been saying ad infinitum...this World's problems are WAY beyond the comparitively small ones of this country. Believe me, America's enemies (need I list them?) are truly ENJOYING how we are self destructing from within...Of course with the help of Russian/Chinese/Iraninan etc hackers. All American politics are to blame as 'Rome burns'...

By #592419 at 14,Nov,19 22:20
political reasons.. only.
By #551147 at 15,Nov,19 10:05
Ya think!? 😉

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 18:07
Just like ALL you 'fucking supporters of this prez are DUMB as hell'! Just quoting you, Scorps. I would not have said it that way, except...like in ALL interactions between people these days, had to respond in kind. titter, titter...Said as a person who HATES dimocrats n publicans! I HATE the WHOLE goddamn political system!!!! It does NOT care about ANY one of us individually. My problem is simply with THIS one IDUT in chief, who cares EVEN less about any one of us (you Scorps)...Or this country! WHY are supporters of this worthless piece of shit NOT able to see thru his 'lyin' ways'??!!!
This Impeachment is quite likely a sham as it comes down to an individual's preference in presidential behavior. I personally, like a president I can trust. Said with my tongue firmly in my cheek!! As NONE of them are truly trustworthy! It's just that this PARTICULAR one is SO FUCKING obviously a COMPLETE SLIMEBALL...Are any of you aware of the Ukraine's importance as it relates to Russia and that other, MUCH smarter, slimeball?? The 'Poothead'. If you were, I am NOT so sure you would BLINDLY keep supporting this incompetent asshole...I'm shouting it out, Scorps...You are a complete 'idjut' suffering from 'cognitive dissonance'. Actually, that should be as it is so stupidly DANGEROUS to this Nation that SO many CANNOT see the fucking OBVIOUS...Have a nice day
By phart at 14,Nov,19 19:12 other posts of phart 
So had Hillary got in 2016 you think we would have had a better chance with Russia? Probably since she sold them uranium!
I am for America first,help the rest when we are on our feet as a people and as a government.

As for Ukraines importance, I hardly see any importance.And IF YOU READ THE transcript of the "PHONE CALL",you will find both presidents discussing the LACK OF HELP from neighboring Europe.NOW ,use your noggins for a minute. DOn't you think Europe is threatened alot more than We are if something goes wrong in Ukraine?they are alot closer and if freedom and this other stuff that guy was on his soap box about on tv the other day is really important,The EU should be stepping up to the plate to help.
BUT they are not.They will sit back and wait on the go ol US of A to bail them out once again if shit hits the fan.Which it will.
By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 19:51
Hi Phart-It's me, yet again. I am sure that makes you but...I MUST point out...This World is not (it really is) the World of the 1930's, when many Americans were saying EXACTLY what you just said when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. Ukraine? Poland? 75 years? Different times, different faces...but we ARE living the 1930's AGAIN Phart. Only this time around as history repeats itself...with DIFFERENT weapons...

By Sir-Skittles at 14,Nov,19 18:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
@ Scorps! 100% agree... a even more fucked up proceeding than Mueller and his report
By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 18:17
; ... skittlehead...

By phart at 14,Nov,19 19:19 other posts of phart 
Yea,I thought they were going to impeach based on his report of some issue that supposedly happened a while back.But suddenly,this new over heard phone call thing is better?
All of it is money wasted.
By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 19:38
Phart. My personal wish is they would FINALLY come up with some completely OBVIOUS PROOF that NO ONE could deny about our current 'leader'...They have NOT, so it's up to each of us on an individual basis to see trumple frump for who he REALLY is...It's just that it is taking some of us longer than the rest. I wish America had the time to wait for some kind of 'awakening'...
By phart at 14,Nov,19 19:43 other posts of phart 
We woke up in November of 2016. And those that were day dreaming woke up to a different world than they expected!.
Instead of doing something productive they sit in rooms asking dumb questions and sapping the government coffers dry.
By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 19:58
While I agree with much of what you say, Phart...There is NO 'they'...Only 'us' And 'us' suck and will be the end of 'us' at some point.
Have a good wkend, Phart. Yeah, I know. It's ONLY Thursday, but everyone's wkends are different. Just like their opinions...My wkend starts now even tho I am retired, my schedule is dictated by a loved one's working life...

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 19:28
HOLY MOFOS! Truly wish it was CLEAR who was responding to 'whom' Is that correct(um) teehee English? Really, if we are all going to argue and argue some more...PLEASE make it clear to 'whom' one is responding! It has become so FUCKING confusin'...'Jis lak life be'...
By phart at 14,Nov,19 19:45 other posts of phart 
I notice it is hard to keep up with whos ass I am chewing on at any particular moment.Somebody has got to try to keep you folks inline. If it were up to you all there would only be Star bucks and Tofu bars and we would hover around by igniting our farts to create rainbow bridges across land and sea.
By #551147 at 14,Nov,19 20:01
BLEK! @ Phart

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 20:08
FUNNY!!! Talkin' ta Phart, case anybody not be 'shore'...

By #568769 at 24,Oct,19 18:08
It just occurred to me...WHY are you calling MAGA people cunts?! Sounds sort of...I don't know...traitorous? Plus while I am at it...STRONG BORDERS = NO CRIME??? Jeez, loueez. NO crime in America simply from building a WALL? What kind of world do you live in where you can POSSIBLY believe THAT? America and ALL countries are just crime ridden thruout ALL history! If it were so SIMPLE that just by building walls we could escape all the murders, robberies assaults ad infinitum...we would be a world full of WALLS on EVERY fucking border planet wide. Please, tell me how MUCH you personally would LIKE a world like that?
By phart at 25,Oct,19 00:48 other posts of phart 
you know the idea of Make America Great again,should be approved of by everyone.Everyones ideas may be different but we should all want America great again.Like it was years ago.People worked,raised kids and we had something to show for it.
By #601496 at 26,Oct,19 20:24
Not again. Who decided it wasn't great already? The perpetual, ignorant, have nots? Because I, and most of my friends and accueintences were enjoying great already and because of this dumb ass no longer enjoying it.
By phart at 03,Nov,19 22:15 other posts of phart 
The best I can tell your job is in the medical feild.Even in a resession,your wages will not suffer. So while others went without,you did ok.

By #568769 at 14,Nov,19 18:47
Hi, Phart-I ONLY wish the past could be regained. Believe me, it just cannot as time is such a CRUEL master of EVERYONE'S lives. MAGA is JUST a political ploy for votes by a complete imbecile...who is smart enough to play LOTS of people wishing for something different than what the present offers. I am with you, Phart. That 'innocent' past during the Cold War of our youths just seems SO pleasant. teehee...Just like this tumultuous time may seem in 10 years...God help us all. Said only as a useful phrase, because 'HE' is an asshole bigger than trumplefrump...Ah, oh. Have I opened yet ANOTHER can of worms?...Sorry

By #601496 at 12,Oct,19 17:19
Thank goodness percentages make that point completely irrelevant! For example... 15% of the 202mil population of 1969 VS 15% of the current population of 329mil. Yes, OBVIOUSLY there would be more people in numbers, BUT that's not what is being stated. 15% is 15% PERIOD! The percentage itself makes it possible to compare periods of time with complete respect to one another. Therefore, if unemployment was at 28% in 1969 and the current unemployment rate is 6% in 2019, then you can in fact make an equal comparison as the percentages are concluded from their respective population totals.

Percentages show relationships but not actual numbers. 10% of 200 million is 200000. 10% of 300 million is 300000
100000 more means more food stamps, more unemployment insurance, more ER patients and more crime
By phart at 12,Oct,19 21:36 other posts of phart 
Trump supporters are not the first or only people to use numbers in different fashions to prove or disprove anything.
By #601496 at 12,Oct,19 22:00
That's true. However, they call it fake news
By phart at 12,Oct,19 22:02 other posts of phart 
And the Dems call it what?
By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 12:26
The truth? Honestly, baby, both sides will put their spin on it. Only time will out the truth. I, like you and others, have my opinions.
By Sir-Skittles at 13,Oct,19 15:06 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Two, way to sink and lose the very point YOU started! Imbecile!

And you can't spell for shit. Your grammar is below imbecile level. I am sure math is just as bad...

Stay in your lane!
By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 16:35
Explain. I'm a dumb blonde
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

I'm going to change. I'm done making my arguments using logic. From now on I'm doing it like you do it
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,19 12:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Using your logic... I can't wait!

By kebmo at 13,Oct,19 19:12 other posts of kebmo 
TWM, just for the record, 10% of 200M is 20M and 10% of 300M is 30M.

Skittles, you are in no position to critique the grammar of others.
By #551147 at 13,Oct,19 19:28
I was wondering how long it was gonna take for someone to catch her ineptness.

At least now we know why HER 401k is suffering and why she's struggling to pay her taxes. FUZZY MATH

For example... 5 adults one small house and yet we struggle to pay our taxes. Make sense to anyone else?
By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 20:06
Scorps as usual you jumped to conclusions. I never said we had a problem paying the taxes. I said I had a temp cash flow crisis and on top, the taxes are coming due.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

And it's a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, living, dining, and family room home with 2 lots 150'Ч50' each. We paid $575k with a $2800/month motrgage. We made the mistake of not including the taxes in the mortgage payment so, sometime between October and April we have to pay $4850 to the county.
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,19 12:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Two, you are truly a moron with horrific life/financial skills.


By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,19 12:46 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Scorps, there are 5 morons there and no one has any common sense.

It is EXACTLY people that Two and her crew of welfare rats that make it so easy to vote dem: free stuff for the idiots!
By #551147 at 16,Oct,19 04:16
Sadly... ( NOT REALLY ) I cannot argue with you!

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 20:03
Keb, you are so right. ZEROES always got me in trouble. The premise though, is the same
By Sir-Skittles at 05,Nov,19 14:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
TwoWorms, you should be used to zeroes. Look at your bank account!

I truly believe you suffer from Dyscalculia

By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,19 12:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Kebmo, you are about the weakest cunt on here. Go monitor your black face PM... A known scummy.
By kebmo at 15,Oct,19 16:37 other posts of kebmo 
Ah, did I hurt your feelings? Sorry about that. I noticed that there's a new Snowflake club for you to join so why don't you sign up.
While you're there you can look up the answer to the question I posed to you regarding your "fact".

Skittles: "Look back further Grandpa... it was Clinton and the Dems that fucked this in 2008 with this everyone can afford a house BS scheme.
They relaxed lending requirements to the point where a fast-food worker would get a mortgage for $500K. What could possibly go wrong?"

Skittles, who was president from January 20th 2001 - January 20th 2009?
By Sir-Skittles at 04,Nov,19 02:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You would never hurt my feelings. Change your name to Bella's taint. That is where you live.

And BTW, look back to the 90's. Clinton and the dems fucked everyone on housing! Open a book you old rat.
By kebmo at 04,Nov,19 09:57 other posts of kebmo 
Piddles, you've lost track of your story. You said "Look back further Grandpa... it was Clinton and the Dems that fucked this in 2008 with this everyone can afford a house BS scheme.
They relaxed lending requirements to the point where a fast-food worker would get a mortgage for $500K. What could possibly go wrong?"

Now Piddles, Canadian books say that George Bush was President from 2001-2009. Isn't that what American books say Piddles? How could "Clinton and the Dems" have possibly initiated the near collapse of the world's economy Piddles? They weren't running the show, Bush was Piddles. Maybe you should pick up a book and check these things out Piddles because I certainly don't expect a person of your superior intelligence to believe the ramblings of a lowly Canadian like myself.

So Piddles if you have something intelligent and factual to say, which I seriously doubt, please feel free to share it here.

By #601496 at 05,Nov,19 23:48
The housing you describe is the deregulation of the banks in 1999 and was a bipartisan effort to allow more banking services. As usual, you got it all fucked backwards

By #568769 at 24,Oct,19 18:49
Holy Crap! I CANNOT get your idiotic post out of my mind! That must make you VERY happy, except for the fact it's so dumb...But here is yet ANOTHER point about your el prezidente and just HOW FUCKING...stupid...he really is..."And we're building a wall on the border of New Mexico. And we’re building a wall in Colorado. We’re building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works — that you can’t get over, you can’t get under,” Trump said during a speech at the Shale Insight Conference in Pittsburgh...You and all your other turmpity dumpitys are following a guy with a 6th grade, maybe 3rd grade mentality...do I need to tell you where Colorado is in this US of A? Because somebody obviously needs to tell him. I take those back. This is TRULY sad! That so MANY Americans cannot 'see' how dangerous this time in our history is and what it could lead to is just DEPRESSING.
By phart at 25,Oct,19 00:46 other posts of phart 
Weren't it Obama that said something along the lines of all 53 states?
Bush also knew how hard it was to get food on your family.
Everyone makes mistakes talking in front of people.
By #601496 at 26,Oct,19 20:26
Yes, we all make mistakes when talking. Most of us say, "Sorry, I meant to say etc etc etc"

By Sir-Skittles at 04,Nov,19 02:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Like most of the liberal media, Trump plays you like a riddle. Try to keep up!

Quasi intellect. Where did you get your education? Talking about life at Starbucks with the rest of the unemployed morons??
By #568769 at 04,Nov,19 19:06
Actually, skittle pittles, I retired @ 56 and am quite happy (excepting that asshole in chief) after a life of living in many places in this country and over seas...PLUS, I absolutely HATE Starbucks!!! Just stupid to pay so much money for foaming, stupidly decorated cups of 'coffee'. Starbucks addicts are much like trump followers. Cultish and blind as they cannot see how they are being played.
Thanks for the complement of 'quasi' intellect! Must mean even YOU are seeing some sense in my posts.
But saying trump plays me like a fiddle (assuming THAT is what you meant. But just made a mistake while 'posting')... OR?...is there some deeper meaning to your 'f' for 'r' mistake? Just like trumple dumples saying there was a deeper meaning to 'covfefe'? Besides just being a complete, imbecilic simpleton??
Did you, just by chance, see the 'Joker' movie? Because wasn't the Joker into big time RIDDLES? Joker was definitely NOT into fiddles.

By Sir-Skittles at 04,Nov,19 02:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Most in denial and can't see the gains. Uneducated at best. Endless complainers.

By #551147 at 20,Oct,19 08:37
Let the melting continue...

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By #601496 at 26,Oct,19 20:29
You don't believe any large news organization, so, why do you believe this one?

By #568769 at 24,Oct,19 17:44
Well, IF you were NOT quoting the biggest fuckin' LIAR in the history of American presidents, this would be FRICKIN' great! Unfortunately, you are quoting that COMPLETELY stupid asshole in chief. However, despite my total HATRED for that shithead...I will say I like his China policies with trade. China is DANGEROUS and have gotten away with way too much both in trade and the theft of our technical secrets. Which they are putting to use in upgrading their military... I just DO NOT LIKE how he lies about how it's ONLY China that is hurting over this (needed) policy. American farmers, etc. are hurting A FUCKING LOT! Nothing is just one sided. But the REAL problem is...WHY all this trump WORSHIPPING and total blindness to see who he REALLY is? A lyin' out for himself butthead. And one that is NOT good for America...For proof of his lies, I will just mention ONE monumental lie. The LIE to end ALL lies...Mexico will pay for the wall...How can you trumpites NOT see how that has now morphed into our (yours and mine) tax monies paying for it???? Plus, it's not happening, despite that orange liars claims. Like a wall would fix all that is wrong with immigrants coming into this country...I ask you, if you were an immigrant wanting access to America and their was a HUGE 'impenetrable' (I hear an 8 year old girl climbed a copy) wall along our southern border...Are you NOT smart enough to go AROUND??? Thru Canada? Thru lots of ports on BOTH coasts? As has been PROVEN to be the 'leak' points!
Such worshipping of leaders has led to BAD things in history...Japan in the 30's-40's, Germany/Russia same era and what that all led to...It's sort of like cock worshipping in that while kneeling at that 'phallic temple' you lose ALL perspective!
Would you like to suck trump's cock? EEEECCCHHH!@!!!

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 17:00
Isn't it funny? All these right wing religious nuts with their conspiracy theories and Obama obsesion are the inbred hillbillies that support a NY born Brooklyn rat.
By phart at 15,Oct,19 13:05 other posts of phart 
Well a New York rat has a bit tougher life than a Arkansas rat.A Arkansas rat can just go down to the creek and get some water,or go out to the corn field and get something to eat.A New York rat has to fight for every thing it gets. So it is tougher.A Fighter,and that is what we needed in DC,is a fighter for our country. Not a lazy,corn fed rat out of Arkansas.
By #551147 at 16,Oct,19 05:07
BOOOM!! I gotta applaud that one! LOL

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 17:03
The vice-president's wife said that women should sink to their knees and pray for Trump. Yes, he likes the women on their knees. Ask Stormy.
By phart at 13,Oct,19 19:46 other posts of phart 
I don't recall her accusing him of r@pe do you?
She musta wanted to be on her knees before a Billionaire.IF you could read womens minds,alot of them would want to be on their knees in front of a billionaire.Thinking some of him money might fall thier way.
By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 20:15
What's your point? Paying for love is so admired by the public. It's why hookers get arrested and Johns get off
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,19 12:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Looks like Stormy is going to be light nearly $300K.... for running her mouth and lying. Oh my! NEXT!

The porn star Stormy Daniels must pay Donald Trump nearly $293,000 for his attorneys’ fees and another $1,000 in sanctions after her defamation suit against him was dismissed, a federal judge in Los Angeles ordered Tuesday.

Trump’s attorney, Charles Harder, had requested nearly $390,000 in fees and equal amount in sanctions as a deterrent against a “repeat filer of frivolous defamation cases”.

Judge S James Otero cut the requested legal fees by 25% and awarded just $1,000 in sanctions.
By #601496 at 15,Oct,19 12:55
And that's important because? A porn star/hooker gets fucked? Isn't that what she gets paid for? By a lowlife that uses a hooker when his WIFE is expecting?
By phart at 15,Oct,19 13:02 other posts of phart 
What it amounts to is she was paid 30,000 dollars to keep quite and she signed a paper stateing it. Then she breaches the contract and makes a big deal out of it by doing a "Make America Hard Again" tour. And Trumps lawyers took care of it and held her feet to the fire and held her accountable for breach of contract.

She was probably paid by Soros or a similar entity to use her encounter with Trump to help bring him down.And it backfired,just like the Kavenough thing and what all else the dems have tried to do. This impeachment thing,when it falls flat of it's ass for whatever reasons,it should be the final fix for the 2020 election.And put the dems on their ass's. MABY, JUST MABY< they will figure out,if they want anything,they will need to learn to work WITH others instead of against them.

By phart at 15,Oct,19 13:08 other posts of phart 
The only reason it is illegal is the sorry ass government has not figured out a way to tax pussy yet.
By #601496 at 15,Oct,19 13:57
Phart, until the 2018 elections, the Republicans controlled the House and the Senate AND the president was a Republican and for 2 years they accomplished. ...............NOTHING. Don't you think if they had done something, anything, for the country, most of the country would be more supportive?
Why do you and the rest of Trump's supporters alway blaming others for the state of the union?
Here's McConnell refusing to bring up gun control. Why are the top 1% getting a tax break? Why is so little being spent on infrastructure?
There's a fool here that complained that Clinton, the president, cut the military's budget and the reason our military is not up to par. And the next 18 year? What happened?
I'll give a new, wet behind the ear, president the benefit of the doubt, but, so far, it's been one scandal after the other. Can you explain without blaming the left for all of it?

By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,19 12:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
TwoWarms will be using her logic here to educate us all! Thank goodness she is a member.

What is your CV again Two? Coffeeshop waitress?

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 16:49
Skittles could never be president. He was born in the Bronx. You have to be born in America to be eligible.

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 16:47
Obama wanted to use moats and aligators to close the border with Mexico. The Republicans did not like that and wouldn't a locate money to purchase alligators.

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 16:45
I don't know why Trump wants to do away with Obamacare. 80% of the American public wants it.

By #601496 at 13,Oct,19 16:41
Well, so what if I misspell some words. I'm trying to be like my wonderful President, Mr Trump
--------------------------------------- added after 70 seconds

You, Skittles, are a terrible speller too. It's ok. Mr Trump does it too.

By #568769 at 10,Oct,19 18:47
Holy shit. It's HOPELESS! The Russians have won as they have turned Americans against each other and countries against us!
Trump is NOT a winner, despite that LONG list of supposed achievements.
As I said, the Russians and beyond them, the Chinese, Iran, SYRIA, Isis and that little dangerous fatso in N. Korea have won.
America is dying. Wake up...Or, I got it! KEEP on blaming EVERYBODY else for what is happening! JESUS H. FUCKING CHRIST.
By phart at 10,Oct,19 21:50 other posts of phart 
Uh,and folks blaming Trump is any different? Kinda the pot calling the kettle black aint it?
By #551147 at 10,Oct,19 22:04
I'm beginning to think this dude lives in an underground bunker and listens to NPR on a little hand held radio, and as I mentioned elsewhere, drives a Prius with a "co-exist" sticker on the rear.
By Sir-Skittles at 11,Oct,19 13:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
and sips on commie tea no doubt.

By #551147 at 13,Oct,19 05:55
No doubt!

By phart at 09,Oct,19 20:52 other posts of phart 
Just for shits and giggles,is there similar list for Obamas first couple years in office? Just to compare apples to apples.
By #551147 at 09,Oct,19 21:27
😄😆🤣😂 BAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're SO funny Phart That would be like comparing a go-cart to a Rolls Royce.
By phart at 09,Oct,19 21:31 other posts of phart 
Well,it would put both side by side, Then the proof would be there to see.
By Sir-Skittles at 09,Oct,19 23:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Yes, it is the polar opposite of this list

By phart at 10,Oct,19 13:26 other posts of phart 
Strange,I was just looking at a Rolls the other day.Rough shape,thinking of street rod material.
By #551147 at 10,Oct,19 21:20
Years ago, a friend of mine purchased Jim Carey's beloved Rolls Royce Silver Shadow when he was going through his divorce. I got the opportunity to drive it... Oh man! I gotta say, that car was solid and ran waaaay stronger than one would think for a large luxury vehicle. The interior was so supple and amazing. I actually loved it. 😍
By phart at 10,Oct,19 21:48 other posts of phart 
These 2 aint seen the road in 20 years,been out in the weather,tops rusted thru.no engines,

By #534268 at 10,Oct,19 04:20
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By #551147 at 09,Oct,19 18:39
Very very nice job Bro! I was gonna get around to this eventually for Kebmo's thread. Afterall, I did promise...
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Funny how the people NOT from the U.S. start these threads to bash and bad mouth OUR President. Why you suppose they do that? 🤔
By Sir-Skittles at 09,Oct,19 18:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
All the libs do is scream and call everyone a racist.. Very low tolerance or IQ. In my opinion.
By #601496 at 09,Oct,19 19:18
When Obama was president all the conservative radio hosts, all the religious right, all the red necked bigots, screamed at him and his politics. Now you complain? Two faced
By #579822 at 09,Oct,19 20:04
Obama was the worst president in history
By #601496 at 09,Oct,19 20:41
But he was not a traitor. Besides, you forget he got us out of the worst recession ever. You have to thank him for your present day great economics, even in The UK. Trumpo is taking a bow for something he doesn't even understand. Tariffs, yeah, right

By mr_blue at 09,Oct,19 19:02 other posts of mr_blue 
Everyone just copies trump now,so why worry about bashing someone,if it's good enough for trump to make shit up ,good enough for everyone else too

By #579822 at 09,Oct,19 20:06
Trump is unique in putting America first, the woolly liberals think that is a bad thing.

By #592419 at 09,Oct,19 19:29
And don't forget to salute that flag.

By #601496 at 09,Oct,19 16:41
You forgot. First president to be a traitor

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