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Let's see your frenulum

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Started by Lickm25 at 30,Nov,19 20:10  other posts of Lickm25
Mine was cut

Similar topics: 1.Show your frenulum   2.Frenulum orgasm   3.Frenulum cutting/tying   4.Frenulum   5.Frenulum fetish  

New Comment

By Francesco at 12,Jun,24 08:52 other posts of Francesco 

By neednopants at 11,Jun,24 06:23 other posts of neednopants 

By hornymat at 11,Jun,24 05:26 other posts of hornymat 

By Louis at 10,Jun,24 09:06 other posts of Louis 

By Smalljhbcock at 10,Jun,24 08:06 other posts of Smalljhbcock 

By neednopants at 10,Jun,24 06:16 other posts of neednopants 

By massco at 23,Mar,22 15:25 other posts of massco][/URL]

By Soerencut at 20,Mar,22 08:23 other posts of Soerencut 

Can you answer me what is that?

By dhood at 04,Mar,22 12:59 other posts of dhood 

By Jagtstein at 18,Feb,22 13:49 other posts of Jagtstein 

By Jagtstein at 18,Feb,22 13:46 other posts of Jagtstein 
Frenulectomy is particularly suitable for intact foreskins. Because of this procedure, the foreskin can be moved much more freely. This means that the full stroke can be utilized during masturbation. In addition, the foreskin also remains in the withdrawn state, where I want to have it. When the Frenulum is gone, it does not strain when pumping the penis. I have already removed my Frenulum Praeputii myself many years ago and am very satisfied with the result. I have also not been able to notice feelings of loss. I believe, therefore, that I can recommend any uncircumcised masturbant to this procedure.

By s0m3r4nd0m at 16,Feb,22 22:12 other posts of s0m3r4nd0m 
virgin frenulum

By ThickDick9600 at 31,Jan,22 09:37 other posts of ThickDick9600 

I think my frenulum is fairly large

By Emerald at 30,Jan,22 01:30 other posts of Emerald 
Oh joy! Someone wants to see my frenulum. I'd better make sure it's all visible.

By Francesco at 09,Jan,22 12:24 other posts of Francesco 

By quint at 08,Jan,22 23:10 other posts of quint 

By Lucky at 05,Jan,22 10:30 other posts of Lucky 

By tixHH at 16,Dec,21 08:53 other posts of tixHH 

By Aussie123 at 16,Dec,21 03:28 other posts of Aussie123 

Mine broke early in life during a great sex session..

By Chiara_Sevenseas at 15,Dec,21 18:01 other posts of Chiara_Sevenseas 
i dont have one, but 2 point and a small skin-stripe there. maybe i had accidently ripped off in Childhood, i cant remember. [deleted image]

By Justin20 at 12,Dec,21 10:06 other posts of Justin20 

By PowerStroke0178 at 12,Dec,21 09:02 other posts of PowerStroke0178 

By #121361 at 09,Jan,20 11:35
[deleted image]
By Lickm25 at 09,Jan,20 12:33 other posts of Lickm25 
Wow... I tried this but it snapped ...
By #121361 at 09,Jan,20 21:39
Good Feeling

By agp052 at 01,Jan,20 20:41 other posts of agp052 

By new2day at 01,Jan,20 17:12 other posts of new2day 
Most of my pics are top side or side on, this one shows the underside

By #518391 at 01,Jan,20 10:25
Not much of a frenulum showing here[deleted image]

By #570598 at 01,Jan,20 00:39
Go to my profile.piercedmeat

By Hihello at 31,Dec,19 19:56 other posts of Hihello 

By foreskinlover52 at 31,Dec,19 00:31 other posts of foreskinlover52 
[deleted image]Love uncut cocks

By Curious77 at 30,Dec,19 23:54 other posts of Curious77 

By shavedpubis at 29,Dec,19 05:18 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 29,Dec,19 05:17 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 29,Dec,19 05:17 other posts of shavedpubis 

By Dickventures at 18,Dec,19 01:33 other posts of Dickventures 
Not much, but:

By jocstfr at 16,Dec,19 02:10 other posts of jocstfr 

By #605383 at 01,Dec,19 12:59
[deleted image]
By #602189 at 16,Dec,19 00:06
That's basically how tight mine was before I tied it and cut it. So glad I did. So much play with the foreskin now

By #602189 at 15,Dec,19 23:54
First Post so hope it works. I had a really tight frenulum, I recently tied it and freed up loads and then did a clamp and cut for even more! Really happy now and foreskin can be pulled right back. You can see the little bump near my thumb where the frenulum used to connect to see how much I have freed up!

[deleted image]

By qhaos at 13,Dec,19 12:24 other posts of qhaos 

Here’s the best view of my frenulum... for now...

By Italian8 at 04,Dec,19 02:56 other posts of Italian8 
[deleted image]
By #121361 at 05,Dec,19 10:45

By #121361 at 05,Dec,19 10:44
Little Pic from me.[deleted image]

By b4idie at 05,Dec,19 08:49 other posts of b4idie 
My uncut

By #518391 at 04,Dec,19 10:55
My frenulum on my circumcised cock...not much of it left, but still gives a great orgasm[deleted image]

By cut5x5 at 01,Dec,19 13:14 other posts of cut5x5 

My circumcised frenulum.

By doedeldi at 01,Dec,19 11:30 other posts of doedeldi 

By #551147 at 01,Dec,19 07:05
[deleted image]

By uncutjoy at 01,Dec,19 02:41 other posts of uncutjoy 

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