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Bella using anonymous to attack people.

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Started by #592419 at 03,Jul,20 16:02
anonymous wrote (Jul 2, 23:16):
such an angry little man.

When I clicked on the link her name came up..Has she done this to others? I banned her a long time ago and it appears that she us using fakes to write derogatory remarks on the comments section..

My settings were switched to disallow anonymous comments but it's my duty to protect members that are here sincerely.. Be careful with her.. She is very nasty person.

Similar topics: 1.No more anonymous voting   2.Do People Change or Do They Only Act Like That!!   3.Is mi-lips mi-lips and bella's new target   4.Who was the fake that defended bella?   5.Freddy.. This is a threat.  

New Comment

By #675701 at 24,Jul,22 03:55
Hi Bella please be my friend

By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 16:05
"It's my duty to protect members that are here sincerely"

So says that paragon of virtue, SrCums. The same person who has threatened that if he ever finds out where I live he will rip my "dick fucked asshole right out and shove it right back down". Public message, amongst many on my page. The even more interesting bit is that he has blocked me from leaving him a public message, replying to vile comments he has made on my pictures, or even private messaging him. What a brave protector of our rights!!

If you read this, weirdo, my nearest city is Plymouth in the SW of the UK. Get your demented self to Plymouth and I will meet you. Then we can see how tough you are, and how you intend to make good on your anatomically strange threat of physical violence.

The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.

PS. pathetic cowardice. Come out from under the rock you've been hiding under.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 18:39
Bring it.. you antisemetic piles of garbage.. and fuck you DG_penile skin graft....
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 20:22
Oooh, now the only thing that does irk me is that you think I'm antisemitic.

Just for giggles: would you care to enlighten me as to why you have reached that conclusion?

"DG_penile skin graft."? Beyond weird. That's fucked-up, even by your standards!

By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:05
And on the 30th day of Av Elul, in the year 5780, our most blessed mensch (SrCums of the Issachar) did say to the Philistine:

"If I find out where you live I'll rip your dick fucked asshole right out and shove it right back down"

And The Lord was sad, because that was a really weird and creepy thing to say to another human being. But SrCums was unmoved by The Lord's protestations, and carried on being a fruitcake!

By #623135 at 03,Sep,20 17:03
What the fuck is a penike skin graft?
By #592419 at 05,Sep,20 01:23
It's where they skin your penis alive but I was just trying to be nice.

By phart at 30,Aug,20 21:15 other posts of phart 
Plymouth? The Plymouth brand was lost in 2001. Were good cars though.I would like to have 1 of the little Scamps or a TrailDuster.
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:24
Get your ass over here, dude. We'll paint the town red!!
By phart at 31,Aug,20 02:38 other posts of phart 
Red hell, have you bought any red paint for a car? Most exspensive!

By #188992 at 29,Aug,20 10:41
You ARE an angry, little man (and I use "man" in a pretty wide sense). You're also a fucking fruitcake and a weirdo. Come visit my page for another dump, whenever you've saved up enough points, you puerile cunt.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 18:33
You are writing like Bella that fat fucking pig so I'd suggest you'd be careful with your words so you aren't caught..
You;re running out of things to say since you repeat your stupidity over and over..Is this all you have to say?
Sure,, just give me your address. You're reply does show fear so write down your address so we can meet ..This is giving the late happyguy away,, He was a skilled fake maker with different personas... But you're slipping..
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 18:55 other posts of bella! 
So I am a fat fucking pig? Perhaps it was you who decided to circulate those pictures that are allegedly of me. Was it you or are you one of the dumbasses that has decided to believe it? Whatever, but I know that you are Arir a "gross man".

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 18:36
I'm angry with you,, yes... But so is the whole fucking site.. You just don't know when to shut your fucking mouth..Then you delete and make more names then you go fucking running and crying to your other fakes... Everyone knows about you just like Hillary Clinton's crimes... YOu're a fucking lowlife jackass..and a stupid one.. SO BRING IT!
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Give me your fucking address,, we will straighten this out like men... get it the fuck over with..
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 18:55

You're still blocking me from leaving a public message on your page, replying to your puerile comments on my pics, AND from sending you a private message. Brave little soldier that you are!!! Oh, and still using your points to send me gifts that I wear as a badge of honour for getting RIGHT under your, albeit thin, skin.

As YOU are the one's that blocked me and you're the one making weirdly sexual physical threats, how about YOU send me YOUR address? My bet is, like 40 odd percent of Americans, you don't even have a passport. Mommy's little weirdo doesn't come across as "well-travelled".

Your obsession with thinking everyone is my "fake" tells me just one thing: people who tell me that you spout your bollocks on here for a while, under one name, and then when the "heat" gets too much for you in this "kitchen" it's YOU that bales out and then reappears with a new moniker are spot on. Is that right, Ari?

Now wipe the froth from the corner of your mouth, dump another gift on my page, and CONSIDER asking your physician for increased dosage on your whack-a-doodle pills.

The State of Israel ... you know the rest, right?
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 19:01
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 19:15
Blimey, CAPS LOCK! That'll show me!! Ha fucking ha.

Told you (in multiple locations): get to Plymouth, Devon, UK. I'll then make arrangements to meet you. What's your problem with that, fruitcake?

Guess what, I will NOT "shut the fuck up" or give you my address. Keep the gifts coming, weirdo, your points you're using up!!

PS. have you SEEN my points total? Remarkable, isn't it?
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 20:05
ok,,, obviously you're either too fucking dumb or scared.. Yeah I saw your point total.. you transferred from banks and other fakes..You've underestimated me.. I've dealt with oval heads like you before.. You're a fucking liar and a crook..

There is 4 possibilities here.. 1-You make other names then save points so when you have 120 points you transfer them to other fakes including the fake you are using now.. 2-Just like older members you bought memberships with cash so you can transfer points.. 3. You have more power than the customer that has nothing to do with stock and you use administration privileges.. 4 you use this name in forum, other fake names in domination and use names in chat to obtain points... Most likely because like monted the size of your penis in reality is small and you use names for humiliation and/or Photoshop pictures to create characters..
So what I'm saying is you have hangups on your personal appearance and you want to sound real tough on here.. You are one fucked up sociopathic individual..
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 20:19
Wrong - 4 times!

Have you ever heard of the largesse of others?

If you ask nicely, like a good fruitcake, and apologise PUBLICLY to Bella I'll gift you enough points to take another childish, puerile shit on my page.

Oh my, I have a tiny cock. I'm heartbroken. Does this sort of stuff normally work out better for you, weirdo?

Sadly, I've had cause to visit your page (primarily to see if you're still "blocking" me, like a 12 year old having a sissy fit) and the phrase "bronzed Adonis" has never once come to mind. Insults based on my appearance? Really?

Do you think I'm here trying to attract nutjobs, like you? Your opinion on me is of the same order of magnitude as your apparent IQ.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 21:36
You're so fucking dumb I can't believe it.. you are one fucking sorry assed stupid mother fucker..
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:43
Wow! That's told me! Your resorting to spittle-flecked, inane drivel is alarming!!

Pssst, that sort of childish insulting won't work against me. I would try mocking my condescending manner, intellectual superiority, the time I "waste" on here, and have another go at the fake profile stuff. I'm sure I AM a fake, really. Free advice, fruitcake.

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 21:36
If you have something to say then say it here... I want everyone to see how fucking stupid you are
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:46
Ad altiora tendo.

You are STRANGE!

Have another go, fruitcake.

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 19:02
You are happyguy,,, you're a fake maker and a bad one at that.. Its because people like you are responsible for turning this site into nothing,,,,
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 19:11 other posts of bella! 
And you must be Twowarmtts, TWOWARMTTS2, bonbon52, WetNoodle, lanser1026, currently known as WOODY1227 and/or ANGEL1227. Only that member uses multiple commas.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 19:13
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 19:16
It's YOU'RE, and that's not a very gentlemanly way to behave. Now say "sorry" to Bella before I taunt you some more!!

Nuttier than squirrel shit!
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 19:45 other posts of bella! 
Let it go. Like I said, an ANGRY, little man.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 20:06
funny miss piggy,, that's what huxley said too.. exact phrase..

By bella! at 30,Aug,20 19:19 other posts of bella! 
And you are an angry, little man that does not possess enough self awareness to see how angry you really are AND with less manners than a pig in slop.

By bella! at 30,Aug,20 19:40 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, I forgot about the Hotpussy profile.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 20:08
I'm not mad at all porky.. I said what I had to say . I know who you really are and now the entire site knows also,,, you have a good day
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 20:12
"Mad" must mean something different where you live/fester!

Your cloak of "Guardian of all that's good and decent" is like The Emperor's New Clothes - everyone can see your/you're nuts!


Save up your points, fruitcake. My page needs more "decorating"!
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 20:22 other posts of bella! 
As a rule, do you send many gifts? Maybe admin would consider a fruitcake as an option?
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 20:59
Only, on a regular basis, to you and phart. I think I've also gifted Scorps, kebmo, and a few others less frequently. I'm, probably, not going to go down the negative/sarky gift route for now. I think I may have done in the past, but (on reflection) it's probably a bit lame.
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:05 other posts of bella! 
You don't enjoy a slice holiday fruitcake? I do! It's like I crave pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, in November.
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:08
Holiday fruitcake?

SrCums at Easter? lol
I like Xmas pudding, but I don't really have much of a sweet tooth, to be honest.
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:14 other posts of bella! 
I'm not suggesting that you buy a pie and a container of ice and eat pie а la mode every night, before bedtime. There are traditional foods for holidays. And what is Christmas pudding?
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:20
LOL. I just don't really like sugar, marshmallows, chocolate or anything else sweet tasting. Pie is OK if it's tart - like a gooseberry pie.

Xmas Pudding is suet, dried fruit, candied peel and other stuff doused in brandy, set alight, and served with custard or cream. Clotted cream in my part of the world.

Google it! I'm starting to fade here!!
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:23 other posts of bella! 
Goodnight, sleep well. All this combat can tire a person.

By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:17 other posts of bella! 
The holiday fruitcake jab at SrCums was not nice. Funny, but not nice.

By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:19 other posts of bella! 
To the best of your recollection, what sparked the tension between the two of you?
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 21:27
I'm NOT nice, when I take it upon myself to take against someone. Dgraff's racism, phart's daftness in commenting on stuff he doesn't really "get", and as for SrCums ...

The best of my recollection isn't that sharp (I blame the beer - tomorrow's a Bank Holiday!) but I think it was just a random rant that came out of nothing and insulted my intelligence directly. I may be mistaken, though. Maybe I just called him a weirdo for no good reason!!

By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:35 other posts of bella! 
Whatever happened, he surely does not like you. Did you ever see Nightmare On Elm Street? The concept is scary, people coming at you in your dreams. If I were you, I would wear a thick pair of underwear to bed tonight. SrCums made it clear, he is after your goodies.

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 21:34
His fucking fowl mouth calling me names and threats... Don't fuck with people you don't know.. I'm the nicest person in the world,,, if you are nasty to me I'll go for the throat.. you know this and if you keep fucking with me I'll attack you too...
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:41 other posts of bella! 
You blacklisted me and called me an "antisemite" which was totally untrue. One of my previous boyfriends was Howard Barsky, a Jew from Oak Park, MI. Google that!
--------------------------------------- added after 66 seconds

Oak Park is to Jews like Dearborn is to Arabs.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 22:32
go back further bella

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 22:34
so what does that have to do with you.. Everything in michigan is the same? You said drop it,,, continue? yOu put masty commments on my page using anonymous AFTER you banned me because of lousy gifts...
You were right before... DROP IT.... My beef is not with you stay out of it!!
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 23:00 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, I don't know how far back you want me to go. When you were arir39, we were "cool". You have had several names since then and you seem to have an axe to grind with me and so many more.

And if you think my "masty" comments were when I called you an "angry, little man", then I am guilty.

Whether you want to admit it or not, you are an angry man. I'm not calling your stature "little", nor am I referring to your penis, either. What is little about you is your mindset and attitude. Do you really think your words, accusations and actions are reflective of a grown man? WOW! That's all that comes to mind, WOW!

If it makes you feel good and you are able sleep better at night when you spinoff on one of your hissy fits and send shit piles, pissing dogs, poison, nuclear bombs, etc , go ahead, send them to me. Those gifts are not a reflection of who I am, they are a reflection of who you are.

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 23:09
No,, I'm just tired of hearing shit about my faith, the countries I love then I get personal attacks because of who I am.. You are not exposed to this... Everyone is something and the hateful ones only care about themselves and let the whole world how much they hate.. She/he just doesn't know when to shut his/her fucking mouth..
I got attacks from deviant, and many others.. If you want to call me names then why get so personal? the answer is hate.. I love Israel. They are the most loving people in the world and this is the only reason why they have survived..Every country that tried to destroy them is dead because of themselves.. Nazie, Romans, ottoman empire, babylonia...Same thing with true americans.. They love their flag, their country and their constitution. Anyone that loves our country too is welcomed here as long as they love our flag,, Israel welcomes in palestinians and arabs too.. So leave us alone,, The hate they give to us is more than the love they have for their own country, their own children.
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 23:12 other posts of bella! 
I have not attacked your political beliefs or your religious beliefs. I do attack your actions.

By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 22:47
If you are good at puzzles you will know that that fake is the same person that said this....

#601496 [Ignore] at 06,Dec,19 16:35 [Delete]


TWOWARMTTS2 [Ignore] at 02,Aug,19 19:48 other posts

But, I don't need a filthy little Jew with a chip on his shoulder to give me advice on what I should do. Go circumsize yourself again. This time, balls deep.

huxley999 wrote (Aug 29, 17:44):
The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.

So what am I missing here... The 2 names use the same words, same attacks, same everything... Then you get involved to doubleteam me... I telling you again.. You are not involved,, stay out of this... has nothing to do with donald has to do with HATE>
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 23:06 other posts of bella! 
I suspect that I know who wrote that, because something similar was written a couple of days ago, then edited out. If you are suggesting that it was me, you would be so wrong. I BELIEVE that admin keeps track of membership names and numbers, ask him who member #601496 was.

And as for being involved, when you malign me on another member's page, YOU HAVE INVOLVED ME.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 23:35
I know.. I know it.. you're reaching out to me like this is warm.. Thank you my friend..
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 23:41 other posts of bella! 
Thank you, I appreciate your gift. Please accept mine, sent to you in peace.
By #592419 at 31,Aug,20 00:01
I always knew there was a strong growth potential when I first met you. When we spoke on skype. That is why I was confused from the contrast as time continued. Many people use past names to disguise themselves with false images have deceived us. When you said to me "let it go" you were speaking the truth, you were right. Nice work..

By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 11:15
You're still a fruitcake and, if you go back over previous communications, I actually defended you from "Angel/Twowarmtts" (or whatever she was calling herself then) for being antisemitic towards you.

If you've been following recent events you will note that I am a passionate ANTI-racist (and that includes prejudice against someone because of their faith).

Do you REALLY think that I'm stupid enough to be antisemitic? For your information: I went to a reputable, JEWISH source to check whether criticism of the State of Israel is considered to be antisemitic. Guess what?

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The key passage being: "anyone is free to reject or criticise the Israeli government's policy regarding the Palestinian territories". Almost word-for-word what I have been taunting you with. I believe what I keep typing too. You can disagree, and think that Israel is some sort of earthly paradise and The State does nothing wrong, but I disagree.

All this "blocking", leaving vile comments on my pics, threatening me with violence (weirdly sexual violence), and wanting to know my home address is creepy and disturbing. I genuinely feel sorry for you. You don't scare, or intimidate, me and we can keep going like this for as long as you like. I would, however, humbly suggest that you fucking stop.

I have not an ounce of "hate" in my heart for you. But .. I don't back down to racists, weirdos or nutjobs. The ball's in your court, fuckface.

By dgraff at 31,Aug,20 00:21 other posts of dgraff 
I think Bella is a delight
--------------------------------------- added after 44 seconds

By #592419 at 31,Aug,20 02:18
By #188992 at 03,Sep,20 17:03
Still agree with dgraff's sentiments? Or have you, like a nutty fruitcake, now taken against her?

Come out and let us all have the benefit of your contributions to this lively discourse, you fucking weirdo!

By phart at 30,Aug,20 21:19 other posts of phart 
Argueing on the internet, wow, I know this Wuhan, China ,covid 19thru 24 ,virus has everyone suffering cabin fever and Lord knows what else.
You folks are going to wear callus's on your typeing fingers if you keep this up.
By bella! at 30,Aug,20 21:30 other posts of bella! 
Look who poked his head into the forum, it's phart, huxley's FAVORITE!
By dgraff at 31,Aug,20 00:50 other posts of dgraff 
I agree with phart in called COVID-19 fever
By phart at 31,Aug,20 02:37 other posts of phart 
USed to be called Cabin fever.
By dgraff at 31,Aug,20 09:42 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha I know I changed it to suit the virus

By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 11:17
I TOLD you it would be full of weird punctuation and spelling mistakes!!! Hey, phart, how's it hanging?
By phart at 31,Aug,20 15:59 other posts of phart 
short and to the right.
By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 16:05
Jeez! If you had started that with a capital letter it would have been perfect - good going, dude!
By #592419 at 31,Aug,20 18:10
You're such a fucking baby... You want more humiliation for your profound stupidy? NAHH,, I already made an example out of you.. Reiterating how stupid you are is a waste of my time and just floods the site.. I made my point..
By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 18:21
I'm a baby?

Who just posted another pissing dog on my page?
Who still has me "blocked"?
Who thought bella! and I were the same person, and is now exchanging gifts with bella!?
Who accuses me of anti-semitism, when I call out ANGEL1227 for calling you a "dirty Jew"?
Who has claimed, in these forums, that Palestine has never existed and that England expelled Jews during World War 1 (both demonstrably untrue)?
You really are the fruitiest of cakes, SrCums. Have another weird day, you strange individual.
By #592419 at 31,Aug,20 18:46
You know what you did fuckass.I was willing to settle and you won't let sleeping dogs lie
By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 18:50
Care to tell all the other boys and girls what the fuck you're on about?

Otherwise, put the conical hat, with the big "D" on it, on your head and go sit in the corner of the class like the fruitcake you are.

"Fuckass"? At least you're trying to extend your vocabulary! Bravo. Mommy must be proud of her little weirdo.

By #592419 at 31,Aug,20 18:20
[deleted image]
Like my artwork?
By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 18:23
Yep. I've told you, repeatedly, that having negative gifts from a fruitcake are worn as a badge of honour. Did that not get through to you?

Fucking fruitcake.

The State of Israel .... (fill in the gaps for me, nutjob)!

By #188992 at 03,Sep,20 15:26
4 tins of spam,
3 pissing dogs,
2 granny pants,
and a fruitcake in a pear tree!

SrCums, you really are a weird little smear of poop, aren't you? Your public messages on my page just make YOU look nuttier and nuttier. And you STILL have an obsession with my bottom! Get help, dude .. NOW!

By #623135 at 03,Sep,20 16:58
In my case it will be calluses in the palm of my right hand.

By kre8tor69 at 04,Jul,20 00:39 other posts of kre8tor69 
Sounds like this person guy or gal should just come to the site sometime and find they are completely block from using the site t all! No reason to do this unless they do it to you 1st. If you do not like someones page info just do not have anything to do with it. If someone gives you grief then block them but o reason to just bad mouth anyone for no reason at all!!!
By dgraff at 04,Jul,20 02:42 other posts of dgraff 
Oh believe me when I tell you there has been plenty of reasons in the past first of all Bella has been on this site for at least 8 years as Bella were by sir crumbs has been here as several members over the years he pisses members off then deletes his account and comes back as some one else thinking he fooled everyone so before you get it twisted I thought I would set the record straight

By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 16:12
His latest missive about me (which again I am unable to comment on because Mommy's little fruitcake has blocked me) is as follows:

"You know, I gotta tell ya.. I had a feeling of your low life moral character(none) since the first minute I smelled you..Say 99% asshole, , 1% uncertainty..

But that 99% is a sound description,, opaque and concrete with no discrepancy.

I know why you are a liberal because it is easy to call people stupid when you are threatened by them of being smarter,,, in your mind you are stupid but you've rationalized somehow that you are stupid but people that do not agree with you are even more stupid. you are a despicable human being. You've got no moral sense of decency in your body.. You are the stench of filth in its purity..
You started this shit,, so I accepted your challenge because yes,, Israel is the best moral country in the world.. Palestine was created by your fucking county, England because it banished Jews during WW1... Palestine never ever existed... Why do you even think its true,, because your a fucking little bitch with your fucking stupid racist attitudes... Palestine is a made up name where when Israel kicked your fucking ass 53 years ago,, it gave up land that it conquered because assholes like you would leave them alone.. But you haven't have you.. Because of your fucking country and Iran they used this land the Jews gave to them and used it as a terrorist training camp to murder Jews and take their land just like what you did to the american Indians you want to do with Jews...

Then when Israel, kicks your fucking ass in you go crying to the UN. UN sticks up with its political correctness,, Just like you go crying to kebmo and that fucking fat slob bella... I believe they are you.. I will always believe... BUT let's say they aren't.. Lets say your a fucking pussy and causes trouble because your a fuckup of life with a small dick,, a fucking reject... You still are but you're a fucking liar anyway so it doesn't really matter..

I didn't cry when we went to war,, and the moment I'm getting in your ass your cry like the fucking pussy you are..

. People like you cause hate in the world.. and the world is much better than the likeness of you.. Even animals are better than you.. The roaches of the earth.. You deserve to be in solitary confinement.. There is no reason you should be on the planet.."

All totally sane and correct!! The Jews were banished from England in World War 1? Just ONE example, from the rant, of how unhinged this weirdo is!

The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.
By #592419 at 30,Aug,20 18:54
Dear fucktard.... Palestine never existed... Are you fucking thick? I do know you are fucking thick but how fucking thick is the shit inside your head?
By #188992 at 30,Aug,20 18:59
The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

Which means it's been around for "slightly" longer than your beloved Israel. But, hey, just like the thing about Jews being expelled from England in World War 1, don't let a small inconvenience like FACTS get in your way.

By #188992 at 31,Aug,20 20:20
I've just spoken to Bernie Sanders, and he seems to think you're wrong about Israel too. Coming from a fellow believer in all things Torahic, that must be a bit of a blow for you?

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By #188992 at 03,Sep,20 15:34
I have a question for you SrCums, just out of interest can you solve this paradox for me:

If Palestine has "never existed", I assume that no Israelis ever have been killed by Palestinians? It would be like saying they had been killed by Narnians, right?

Please enlighten me, you fucking fruitcake!
--------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes

SrCums If you think for one second I will reply to a Private Message from someone who wishes bodily harm on my lovely bottom, and is nuttier than squirrel shit, you're more deluded than I thought!

Bring your thoughts on Palestine (that looks like a cut and paste job to me) to a public forum so we can all have the benefit of your "wise words" (I am, of course, using that phrase quite incorrectly). Fruitcake!!

By #623135 at 03,Sep,20 16:57
Palestine never existed? Then why do they want to become a country? And the territory of Palestine was in control of the Ottoman Turks for 3 centuries , conquered by the Egiptians and later the British.
Of course you have to BELIEVE!!!!!!!

By dgraff at 31,Aug,20 01:09 other posts of dgraff 
What a mess we have going on over here

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