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Daily Dose Of Uncle Joe.

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Started by CountryCouple54 at 19,Sep,22 15:06  other posts of CountryCouple54
Feel free to show your support or not. 🤣

Similar topics: 1.For bettere or worse   2.Ultimate formula for increasing sperm and precum volume   3.Daily dose of WTF!!!   4.Found some nude pics....   5.Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail???  

New Comment

By #610414 at 08,Dec,22 20:38
And yet, these last elections was a disaster for the GOP and a huge win for Old Joe. Go figure. 🤣🤣😈

By tecsan at 07,Dec,22 08:40 other posts of tecsan 
ALZEHEIMERS or dementia. Trust me Mr Magoo has it.

By CountryCouple54 at 07,Dec,22 00:48 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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This Mutha Fucka has completely lost his shit. He doesn't even know his own name.

By CountryCouple54 at 06,Dec,22 02:49 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By phart at 06,Dec,22 03:10 other posts of phart 
Yep,thats funny!
Walter has Jeff's hand up his butt,
biden has obama's up his butt,

By CountryCouple54 at 05,Dec,22 16:04 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 17,Nov,22 04:46 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 15,Nov,22 18:21 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By phart at 17,Nov,22 02:30 other posts of phart 
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By CountryCouple54 at 16,Nov,22 23:30 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By phart at 17,Nov,22 02:22 other posts of phart 
thanks for posting that.

By CountryCouple54 at 11,Nov,22 17:56 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By Sir-Skittles at 07,Nov,22 21:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Brandon says he is closing down coal.... Manchin goes nuts and he cowers down

Now, it is no drilling. He said this yesterday in NY. What a moron. No wonder energy markets and costs are so out of control.

By CountryCouple54 at 26,Oct,22 16:39 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Oct,22 15:38 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
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By CountryCouple54 at 20,Oct,22 15:57 other posts of CountryCouple54 
This speech was 14 months ago. Ironically, his words are exactly what he and his administration are responsible for today
By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Oct,22 16:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Your right, I mistook it for the other video from October 7th 2022,
which was a lot similar. only registered users can see external links
He was talking about infrastructure. He got a much reduced program through.
Which of his words are you referring through?

By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Oct,22 15:40 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 20,Oct,22 15:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
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By CountryCouple54 at 20,Oct,22 14:18 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 17,Oct,22 18:06 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 05,Oct,22 18:25 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 04,Oct,22 16:46 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 03,Oct,22 15:03 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 25,Sep,22 23:20 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By phart at 25,Sep,22 23:41 other posts of phart 
"Like Pineapple on a pizza!"
By Dev01 at 25,Sep,22 23:45 other posts of Dev01 
Phart wtf is wrong with pineapple 🍍 on a pizza and or a burger
By phart at 26,Sep,22 18:09 other posts of phart 
By Dev01 at 26,Sep,22 19:58 other posts of Dev01 
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,22 20:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
If you ask for pineapple on pizza in NYC, someone might throw a wrench at you!

By #610414 at 26,Sep,22 20:23
It's like spaghetti on ice cream😝😝
By phart at 26,Sep,22 22:36 other posts of phart 
It's like Syrup on a Tbone.

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,22 20:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Dev01 get the take away at Oporto mate
By Dev01 at 26,Sep,22 23:02 other posts of Dev01 
Had that on the weekend cunty

By CountryCouple54 at 25,Sep,22 23:18 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 25,Sep,22 23:15 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 25,Sep,22 14:07 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By #673769 at 19,Sep,22 15:08
agreed...worst president in US history...we need Trump back ASAFP
By #610414 at 19,Sep,22 15:41
That's a matter of opinion. Those of us that voted for him did so because the local dogcatcher would have been better than Trump. So far, Old Joe hasn't stolen any top secret documents, called for an insurrection, nor adviced us to drink bleach.
By #673769 at 19,Sep,22 15:48
You're right, your opinion is your own...over the next few months, when you find out all the nasty things Biden and his pals have done to destroy our country, we will have the post above to remind us of your opinion. Fair enough. Have a great day!
By #610414 at 19,Sep,22 15:59
Thank you, Crockett. You do the same. I look forward to seeing THE PROOF Al you right wingers alude to but NEVER provide. I respect your opinion, but, in the end, only one opinion is right and that's the one that's true. I don't support CC54's opinion, but, I will always defend his right (or yours) to it.
By #673769 at 19,Sep,22 16:00
You are my fellow American, and thank you for supporting my right to free speech

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Sep,22 13:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Proof? Those numbers are posted in just about every publication out there...

CRIME- up across the board, but very bad in blue cities. From Defund the Police to bail reform , and liberal do nothing prosecutors. The left 100% own the rise in crime. Sadly, the crimes mostly impact black and brown people. The very cunts the left pretends to give a fuck about. Funny how it is going so badly that the SAME left Dems are pretending they never said these things.. Even funnier is the Dems across the board doing their best to avoid debates this fall. Wonder why...

ENERGY- up across the board- amplified by Brandon being duped into being dependent on foreign energy. The US was energy independent under Trump. Green energy, sounds great. But is NOT ready for prime time. Not even even close. So the idea of punishing traditional energy when the economy sinking is just about the stupidest thing to do... But Brandon did that one DAY ONE grinning like a retard.

Don't even get me started on so many of the idiot libs pushing electric cars but can't explain where electricity comes from.. Those interviews are hilarious. Or, RETARD RICH California banning gasoline engines and the next day begging everyone NOT to charge their electric cars. The power grid was failing!

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION- Nearly TWO MILLION illegals crossing and ZERO plans from Biden on how to support any of them. And anyone that can't see these countries are emptying out their prisons is an idiot. Cartels are also having a boom with an insecure border. The Northeast Liberals demanding open borders but can't handle a fraction of what the border states are dealing with down there. NIMBY liberals! Even more retarded is Biden can fly immigrants during the middle of the night and land them, but not one lib complains about that of course.

Over-Spending- OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL. Like a family with no money trying to buy a Mercedes S560. That is exactly what Biden and left have done. Spending money they don't have.. The inflation reduction act is widely ridiculed as having ZERO CHANCE of doing anything about inflation. To that point, that is the business of the Wharton School of Business and many other respected experts.

November can't come soon enough.

That imbecile Cat loves to cut and past things into debate, but she cannot even understand what she posts... A total moron.
By dgraff at 23,Sep,22 13:37 other posts of dgraff 
Way to go skittles I couldn’t have said it better my self there out of control and we need to stop them I’m doing my part in Pennsylvania to get them out and get the republicans in we have record amount of people flocking in to register to vote mostly republicans and i know this first hand because i was in at the court house a couple times just talking to people and making sure they know how important it is that they vote
By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 13:42
If that's what you think then November 8 will be a Joy for you.
By dgraff at 23,Sep,22 13:55 other posts of dgraff 
I can’t wait I might even hang out and shake hands and kiss baby’s
By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 16:40
Okay, lets play the "Joy" game. Suppose the Republicans win back the House by a simple majority, and, let's say they win the Senate with a simple majority (this is the Republicans prediction). What then? Please tell the site what it would mean for your ideas.
By dgraff at 23,Sep,22 17:24 other posts of dgraff 
It would take Pennsylvania out of the swing state status
By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 18:46
And that's good because?

By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 13:40
That's not proof. All those things you post is the same with rightwingers.

By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 16:44
Major crime is much lower than in the 1990s but, it's been going up since 2016

By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 16:51
That imbecile Cat loves to cut and past things into debate, but she cannot even understand what she posts... A total moron.

Sir-Skittles, it's cut and PASTE, You MORON. ALL THESE ARGUMENTS you've posted are old. They, at best, show singular events and opinions of the right based on keeping corporate America from having to spend some of it's obscene profits.

Stop making your brown ring around your collar your cry of triumph.

By #610414 at 24,Sep,22 16:39
Hey, Sir-Skittles, you are a moron

[deleted image]

By #673769 at 19,Sep,22 15:50
I support the opinion of my friend @CountryCouple54

By dgraff at 19,Sep,22 15:53 other posts of dgraff 
Honey your admitting you voted for Biden in the wrong place you are just another part of the problem you should start your own forum thread called the gospel of joe Biden were you and anal licker can brag him up every one in this thread think’s he suck’s
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Fuck joe Biden
By #610414 at 19,Sep,22 16:04
Mountain Man, if you are ashamed of your conviction, then you are nothing. I voted for Biden and I'm proud to be. Let me tell you something. When Trump was sworn in I said, "Right or wrong, he's the president. He has my support." It's THE AMERICAN WAY." When did you do the same for your country?
By dgraff at 19,Sep,22 16:40 other posts of dgraff 
Joe Biden is not my president
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Fuck joe Biden
By #610414 at 19,Sep,22 20:34
But, weather you like it or not, he is the legally voted president of the United States. If it sticks to your craw, so be it.
By phart at 19,Sep,22 23:05 other posts of phart 
Sadly it is far into the term to do anything even if it were allowed to be fully investigated. no legal precedent to go on either on how to deal with it if proof of wrong doing was found. So regardless ,all we can do now is hang on and HOPE we survive.
Sometimes it feels like I am just another member of the band on the Titanic, nothing better to do than keep playing until I drown.
By #610414 at 20,Sep,22 10:34
Perhaps, your rescue boat is coming.

By dgraff at 23,Sep,22 14:02 other posts of dgraff 
I haven’t heard any thing out of our democrats about a judge ruling mail in ballot’s to be unconstitutional in old joe Biden’s home state oh no the republicans know how the democrats cheated and are getting prepared
By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 19:06
Give it up, Mountain Man. That's as untrue as masturbating leads to blindness in men. WAIT, YOU CAN SEE, RIGHT?
By dgraff at 23,Sep,22 20:54 other posts of dgraff 
How do you know your 1500 miles away from here
By #610414 at 24,Sep,22 00:01
I guess I don't. So be it

By CountryCouple54 at 23,Sep,22 18:59 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By phart at 23,Sep,22 19:12 other posts of phart 
me thinks he is lost in his own mind.

By #610414 at 20,Sep,22 17:01
President Bush Jr's greatest achievement. A republican.

The housing sector led not only the financial crisis, but also the downturn in broader economic activity. Residential investment peaked in 2006, as did employment in residential construction. The overall economy peaked in December 2007, the month the National Bureau of Economic Research recognizes as the beginning of the recession. The decline in overall economic activity was modest at first, but it steepened sharply in the fall of 2008 as stresses in financial markets reached their climax. From peak to trough, US gross domestic product fell by 4.3 percent, making this the deepest recession since World War II. It was also the longest, lasting eighteen months. The unemployment rate more than doubled, from less than 5 percent to 10 percent.

In response to weakening economic conditions, the FOMC lowered its target for the federal funds rate from 4.5 percent at the end of 2007 to 2 percent at the beginning of September 2008. As the financial crisis and the economic contraction intensified in the fall of 2008, the FOMC accelerated its interest rate cuts, taking the rate to its effective floor – a target range of 0 to 25 basis points – by the end of the year. In November 2008, the Federal Reserve also initiated the first in a series of large-scale asset purchase (LSAP) programs, buying mortgage-backed securities and longer-term Treasury securities. These purchases were intended to put downward pressure on long-term interest rates and improve financial conditions more broadly, thereby supporting economic activity (Bernanke 2012).
By CountryCouple54 at 20,Sep,22 17:42 other posts of CountryCouple54 
I don't care Dem or Rep. I just want these people out. Before it's too late.
By phart at 20,Sep,22 18:27 other posts of phart 
Correct, some diversity in party wouldn't be a bad thing if they work together to find mutually agreeable SOLUTIONS to problems instead of taking turns kicking the can down the road.
By dgraff at 23,Sep,22 13:49 other posts of dgraff 
Republicans and democrats will never be able to work together until the democrats hate for republicans stop I truly think we are heading for a war between the 2 parties that’s why they don’t want us to have guns we all ready out number the democrats

By #610414 at 20,Sep,22 20:53
but, sometimes, you have to go with the lesser of two evils
By phart at 20,Sep,22 23:50 other posts of phart 
Yea, I did,but it didn't help much this last go around.

By CountryCouple54 at 21,Sep,22 14:26 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By phart at 22,Sep,22 14:45 other posts of phart 
This comment speaks volumes
"This will be the darkest Christmas in our history. The Grinch has made sure of that."

A trip to get some grocery's this morning. butter that was about 1.86 a year ago, 4.86, Cereal, at least a dollar higher.
Christmas turkey, this year it will be Christmas bologna
By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 12:50
Yeah. Let's forget 9/11. Let's forget 12/7/41.

By CountryCouple54 at 23,Sep,22 11:58 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By #610414 at 23,Sep,22 12:49
Trump Can Declassify Documents By "Thinking About It"
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By CountryCouple54 at 22,Sep,22 05:42 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By CountryCouple54 at 20,Sep,22 16:49 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By DeepThroatThis at 20,Sep,22 17:35 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
both are hilarious

By CountryCouple54 at 20,Sep,22 16:43 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By Gntlmn at 20,Sep,22 10:02 other posts of Gntlmn 
Fuck off and die, little naziboy coprophagia addicts. Trump will trade diarrhea for your money.
By dgraff at 20,Sep,22 10:44 other posts of dgraff 
You can’t tell me you still support joe Biden after the inflation of every thing and the stupid spending of our tax dollars thing we’re a lot better 2 years ago and stable just wait till you see what he has planned for your 401k and your retirement savings

By phart at 20,Sep,22 02:10 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 19,Sep,22 16:56 other posts of phart 
Frankly ,it was all summed up saturday afternoon when my dad was going thru the tv channels while i was over talking to him.
He floored me with what he said but once i gave it some thougth,I agreed. He said, " I miss obama At least he could make a sentence"
I never thought I would agree with such a statement.BUT some things were better under obama than they are under biden.
By dgraff at 19,Sep,22 22:35 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah he wasn’t a retard like joe Biden
By phart at 19,Sep,22 23:17 other posts of phart 

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Sep,22 15:36 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
KYLE’S HOT TAKE: Dark Brandon Is Better Than Obama
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By CountryCouple54 at 19,Sep,22 15:14 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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By dgraff at 19,Sep,22 15:12 other posts of dgraff 
love the video hate joe Biden
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Fuck joe Biden

By Jim65 at 19,Sep,22 15:12 other posts of Jim65 
Just another dick

By CountryCouple54 at 19,Sep,22 15:07 other posts of CountryCouple54 
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