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Started by #647707 at 06,Feb,23 18:59

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By knewbi at 15,Feb,23 16:22 other posts of knewbi 
I've had a few times when a woman would grab a hand full of ice as I was getting close to cumming and slap a that hand full against my nuts. I also had a GF who loved putting ice in her mouth and then sucking my cock.. That was fun!!!
By biggg at 15,Feb,23 22:40 other posts of biggg 
ouch! did that hand full of ice against your nuts hurt?
By knewbi at 16,Feb,23 21:29 other posts of knewbi 
Well, it achieved the desired effect. That being, stop me from cumming. She actually did it a number of times.

By #647707 at 20,Feb,23 23:20
not at all

By biggg at 14,Feb,23 21:16 other posts of biggg 
By bella! at 15,Feb,23 08:53 other posts of bella! 
Oh, ice on dick and your one word response is "cool"? Such a sense of humor!
By biggg at 15,Feb,23 22:39 other posts of biggg 
tee hee, seemed like the obvious thing to say and so very subtle
By bella! at 15,Feb,23 23:07 other posts of bella! 
Yes, subtle!

By phart at 15,Feb,23 22:52 other posts of phart 
When I suffered a testicular torsion as a kid ,I laid in the hospital bed for about 4 days with a latex glove full of ice on my balls to reduce swelling and supposedly releave pain. Bullshit. I don't want ice no where near my dick now.

By wycowboy at 15,Feb,23 15:13 other posts of wycowboy 
I admit to a female lover doing that to me but never to myself. I can't say I really enjoyed it when she was doing it.

By #275407 at 06,Feb,23 22:33
Looks like it's working, keeps the swelling down
By Dev01 at 06,Feb,23 22:42 other posts of Dev01 

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