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Started by Cummingforyou at 19,Jul,23 09:12  other posts of Cummingforyou
Any ever ever did this . As much as in love sucking and and getting sucked, it was a guy on Craigslist a few years ago I met for a mutual wank. We met in a remote area , took out our cocks got them hard and stroked them off. Think he was a little shy so I made the first move and took hold of his cock. He did the same to me . Always better to hold each others till I got horny and went for it so took my penis and his and joined them together and rubbed them till it got too much for him and with a grunt blasted a stream of cum over my groin area was so hot . Want to do again some day

Similar topics: 1.Frotting   2.Frotting & Docking pics   3.Frotting   4.First frotting experience (frottage maybe...what ever)   5.Bi sex  

New Comment

By Panda696973 at 17,Jan,24 11:59 other posts of Panda696973 
I want to try that out!Looks like a good time!

By steve8211 at 22,Dec,23 13:50 other posts of steve8211 
Love to do this it looks and feels great

By quint at 13,Sep,23 17:29 other posts of quint 
By t-rex at 18,Dec,23 02:14 other posts of t-rex 
Nice 👍

By shackles at 17,Dec,23 19:01 other posts of shackles 
Love it!

By t-rex at 17,Dec,23 20:58 other posts of t-rex 
Now that is hot buddy

By LGA6969 at 17,Dec,23 23:05 other posts of LGA6969 
Love frot

By Lvphose at 09,Dec,23 19:51 other posts of Lvphose 
I’d like to try it.

By 4438cr at 05,Oct,23 19:24 other posts of 4438cr 
Love frotting! Two dicks rubbing together and cumming on each other!! All slick and slippery!!!

By #662360 at 05,Oct,23 16:50
Closest I got to that was wanking with another boy with my cock head poking his sex kit so I wetted his pubes with my cum and he did the same for me. Best was when we wanked like that simultaneously.

By Fixittight at 05,Oct,23 05:23 other posts of Fixittight 
Love doing it. But would really love a couple of buddies to be doing it and use my mouth to hold them next to each other

By tixHH at 04,Oct,23 17:11 other posts of tixHH 

By HornySyd at 21,Sep,23 00:14 other posts of HornySyd 
It's great! And the first guy that cums makes great lube for the other one. Gotta love that goey semen!

By MojoMan77 at 20,Sep,23 23:09 other posts of MojoMan77 
I love it. I have a buddy that comes over sometimes and we suck eachother off. Sometimes we frot, it's amazing.

By wycowboy at 13,Sep,23 19:25 other posts of wycowboy 
I haven't tried it but would love to.

By shavedpubis at 10,Sep,23 06:05 other posts of shavedpubis 

By Fixittight at 07,Sep,23 17:38 other posts of Fixittight 
I have and liked it will do it again. But would love to have two other nice cocks doing it and wrap my mouth around both
By Cummingforyou at 07,Sep,23 23:49 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Sounds hot

By thebeewolf at 22,Jul,23 19:44 other posts of thebeewolf 
I have never done it, but I would like to. And maybe even try sharing a fleshlight sleeve, one guy in each end, bumping into and sliding past each other in the middle.

By LGA6969 at 19,Jul,23 23:51 other posts of LGA6969 
I love frotting

By dhood at 19,Jul,23 23:26 other posts of dhood 
Frotting is my number one fantasy. Hopefully I'll get to try it someday.

By petunia51 at 19,Jul,23 09:46 other posts of petunia51 
Wow ..... I Want to rub my cock on yours!
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

I am always ready for it and I promise you the greatest fun!
By Cummingforyou at 19,Jul,23 13:28 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Same here , would love to rub our penises together till we shoot our load

By Cummingforyou at 19,Jul,23 23:00 other posts of Cummingforyou 

By #590628 at 19,Jul,23 12:26
Yes! It's very hot 🔥 I can't wait till I get the chance to do it again

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