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Started by Sir-Skittles at 27,May,24 21:30  other posts of Sir-Skittles
Where you at you old Cat cunt??!

Oh wait!!! You can't come back! Neither can your scummy husband!

I hope you find this helpful to cover your tracks... and to keep old Charlie out of prison!

Magnetic Destruction (Degaussing)
One of the secure methods to destroy a hard drive is with magnetic destruction. A tool like a degausser uses a magnetic field to scramble and erase all data on a hard drive. The degausser reduces the drive’s data capacity and renders it unusable for even the most advanced recovery techniques. It is one of the most reliable ways to ensure that all stored data is completely destroyed beyond any reasonable chance of recovery.

Physical Destruction
Another reliable method to destroy a hard drive is physical destruction. This involves destroying the physical components of the hard drive through manual disassembly.. The goal is to break apart the device and make it impossible for any data to be extracted or recovered from it. Physical destruction also makes it impossible to reuse the device in another system, further improving the level of security.

A popular way to destroy a hard drive is through shredding. It involves using specialized industrial-grade shredders designed to destroy electronic media. The shredded pieces are then recycled or disposed of safely and securely in accordance with local laws and regulations. This method ensures that the hard drive is completely destroyed beyond any chance of recovery.

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Another way to securely destroy a hard drive is with crushing or milling. This involves using special machines designed to crush, grind, and pulverize media storage devices into small pieces. Once the device has been thoroughly ground up or crushed into small pieces, it is impossible to retrieve any data from the hard drive.

Incineration involves burning the device in an industrial-grade incinerator designed to safely and securely dispose of electronic media. Once burned, the device is completely destroyed beyond any possibility of data recovery.

Data Sanitization
Data sanitization is a process that involves overwriting or replacing existing data on a hard drive with random strings of characters. This method ensures that the original data is completely destroyed and cannot be recovered using any type of recovery software. Data sanitization is commonly used to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. It is one of the most secure methods of hard drive destruction and is certified by many organizations, including the U.S. Department of Defense. Most importantly sanitization is the most environmentally friendly data destruction option as it allows the drive to be reused, extending it’s useful life.

These six methods ensure that your sensitive data is securely and permanently destroyed beyond any reasonable chance of recovery. When looking for the best way to destroy a hard drive, consider both your security needs and local laws and regulations. The most secure method will depend on the type of device you’re disposing of and the data stored on it. Whichever method you choose, make sure that your hard drive is completely destroyed for maximum security and peace of mind.

Types of Information Stored on Hard Drives
Primary storage devices like hard drives store a vast amount of information. From images, videos, and music to important data, the types of information stored on a hard drive can be extensive. We all know that personal information like social security numbers, banking information, and passwords are stored on hard drives. Hard drives also store:

Computer programs: the programs that your computer needs to run and store information.

Operating systems: the software that manages and coordinates your computer’s resources.

Internet history: data from websites you’ve visited, cookies, and other data stored on your hard drive.

Software applications: programs that run on your computer such as word processing apps or games.

Databases: collections of information that can be searched and manipulated.

Media files: images, videos, music, audio recordings, and other media files that have been downloaded or created on your computer.

Email: messages, attachments, contacts, and other email data are stored on hard drives.

Documents: documents like word processing files, spreadsheets, presentations, and PDFs.

System files: settings, configurations, system logs,

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By phart at 01,Jun,24 14:51 other posts of phart 
1 of the things i have done in my life was took some night courses to learn new things. and in 1 of those classes was 2 government agents that worked in cyber security. i learned some things from them. let's just say,you don't have any privacy at ALL.
It was normal for them to deal with damaged hard drives.
Manufacturers of hard drives actually have labs to retrieve info from their products that are damaged. a 1/2 inch section of hard drive can have it's data read and it be used. This amount of work and effort was only expended on high profile cases. but if you want rid of info on a hard drive, make sure any part of it is 1/8th inch or smaller.or the data can be read from it.

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Jun,24 14:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

We found the hard drives you buried!

Oh my oh my! A true scummy couple!

By phart at 01,Jun,24 14:47 other posts of phart 

By bella! at 28,May,24 00:28 other posts of bella! 
I wouldn't be surprised if admin did not allow WOODY's return but CAT can't return?
By Sir-Skittles at 28,May,24 01:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I would have to believe the conditions of being a registered loser prohibit access to these sites if living together

I think the old Cat has bit the dust once and for all!
By tecsan at 29,May,24 04:20 other posts of tecsan 
Naa. She is here with a name no one recognizes. Just waiting for a chance like my cat does (I mean my real cat that someone left when a kitten here). She prowls around waiting to attack me around furniture where I cannot see her until she pounces at me. Beware, liberals are sneaky like a cat. Probably the reason for the name CAT.
By Sir-Skittles at 29,May,24 21:16 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
She is def here- but will NEVER be able to post her rat cunt pics or her BS

She will be recognized and smashed!
By Cody8789 at 29,May,24 21:28 other posts of Cody8789 
All she has to do is open her mouth and her vocabulary will be recognized

By tecsan at 30,May,24 01:22 other posts of tecsan 
I do not doubt that you would find her in a matter of hours. You will probably be the first to find her.
By phart at 31,May,24 02:05 other posts of phart 
cat could use AI to alter her paragraphs. Have you ever did it? 1 forum I post on if you try to post a "angry" post, it will ask would you like to edit your post to be "kinder". If you run your text thru their AI, it comes out so homogenized you can't even cipher what it was meant to say. So impersonal, so dry.

By AngelofDeath at 29,May,24 22:20 other posts of AngelofDeath 
She’s back: only registered users can see external links
By bella! at 30,May,24 00:51 other posts of bella! 
That's a really weird looking cat but that's not our CAT! Our CAT wears a clip on ponytail with a bow.
By AngelofDeath at 30,May,24 22:57 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Well they did say the cat looked like Grandma, maybe the Grandma is CAT.
By phart at 31,May,24 02:04 other posts of phart 

By Sir-Skittles at 28,May,24 10:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
We should show some compassion to the Saggy Granny- her mom used to beat her with coat hangers... then after being born, mom switched to a belt!

By dgraff at 27,May,24 21:53 other posts of dgraff 
That about sums it up all of the above is better than burring it in the flower bed in front of the trailer
By Sir-Skittles at 27,May,24 22:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By phart at 27,May,24 22:18 other posts of phart 
By PITBULL at 28,May,24 00:49 other posts of PITBULL 
Looks like the Omega time bomb of 1996.

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