I dont think I have ever gone an entire week since I started at 8 but only had dry orgasms till I was 13 and a half
By #516354 at 17,Sep,20 10:09
My ex wife/Mistress used to lock me up in a cock cage for punishment.The longest she did this was for 2 weeks.When she unlocked me she would edge me for about half an hour or so. I would be begging her to let me cum because of the pain.When she eventually let me cum it was heaven!!!
By #454187 at 03,Sep,16 04:25
I can but sometimes if i don't do it especially if im horny i have had wet dreams and woken up c9vered in my own cum so i try to get a load out as often as possible
By #485312 at 29,Aug,16 01:46
aussieman holds off for a week before l get there, he says it intensifies that first orgasm, he's held out for nearly two weeks once, that was the first time he came in me, and lm sure it was worth the pain for the pleasure at the end of it...l wished he wouldn't do it, l believe in the theory of 'use it or lose it' and l don't want him denying himself these pleasures while lm not there...he gets drained while lm there...*lix*
By #46165 at 28,Aug,16 22:32
Easy. Ive gone 2 months once. Sometimes I ;ike to tease and deny myself, almost like self enforced chastity.
I went up to 36 days. I had an accident when I was in my mid twenties and couldn't move both my arms.
By #510909 at 18,Aug,16 20:48
I cant go without cumming, enjoy I way too much!!!! Lol
By #517796 at 20,Aug,16 07:14
Right on!!
By #517796 at 20,Aug,16 07:14
No way!! Why put yourself through the torture. Its hard by itself after two days. You gotta release them filling balls!
By #514663 at 13,Aug,16 23:15
I've found I can go about 10 days before I literally lose control. I try holding off for fun to see how long i can last sometimes and I've found if I go that long i get so horny i can't hold it and I cum in my pants. Happened last 2 times I tried
By #496814 at 18,Aug,16 13:51
Exactly the same for me, aside from the cumming in pants part. After 5 days without, my penis start doing the thinking for me. After 10 days I lose control and can't do any longer without an orgasm. Twice Ive got to that point so far, once to find out how long I could without cumming and once due to personal stressful circumstances. The latter btw wasn't really an effort though, I held off so far without noticing.
By #514663 at 19,Aug,16 00:20
It's fun but scary for me cause at that point I literally can't stop it. It becomes all I can think about and I'll pretty much have constant erections that'll make me so tingly it builds and shoots by itself
By #491031 at 18,Aug,16 19:54
Scientific studies have clearly shown that, at the precise end of the seventh non-cumming day, the guy will explode and die in agony.
By #64328 at 18,Aug,16 18:57
In 37 years i have never gone a week without masturbating.
I can and have on occasion. The longest I went was 18 or 19 days while working as a wildland firefighter. I wish I had a video of that cumshot! I was also 19 at that time so it was tons of cum
By #358797 at 06,Jun,14 15:10
Um... No. My pussy declares war if it waits more than a day and a half.
I love to go a week without cumming. Its so much more enjoyable. My cock gets hard so easily. I let it get hard a few times during the course of a week but I dont wank it for a few days. I used to see a girl friend regularly but we could only meet once every two weeks for actual sex due to so many other commitments. That suited us both though and for me the wait was worth it as I always had anal sex with her. After two weeks of no cumming my cock would be bursting and I would slip that erection deep down into her anus and enjoy the pleasure. I found that keeping my legs straight whilst fucking I could go for a good 20 minutes before I cum and unleash two weeks worth of cum into her rectum then my legs trembled like hell for 10 minutes after it was so awesome.
By #208346 at 08,Apr,15 04:13
Can go 2 at most.I'm a horny fuck.
By #454442 at 05,Jun,14 22:27
Interesting fact every day that you don't cum you will produce another half a tea spoon of cum the next time you do cum. This is a rough guide.
not cumming every day, in general will get you some more juice, but it depends on how horny you are and howmuch pre cum you also get to get more cum...
By #249452 at 04,Feb,14 17:16
ive went many times for up to a month without going
108 days and counting. Also no more porn. With that I have more energy, more time, and have nothing to hide. Overall self-improvement and easier to talk to girls now.
By #289712 at 01,Feb,14 06:15
With all due respect for your choices, you can keep that. I masturbated last night, this morning, and im gonna have some great sex with my girlfriend tonight. I try and have as many orgasms as I can.
By #447395 at 31,Jan,14 22:15
I went 4 weeks in my early teens because it was kinda a turn on. The fixation on my penis was incredible. However, haven't had the restraint or desire to withhold since then.
By #289712 at 01,Feb,14 06:11
You would have blown a fucking HUGE load after a month!! It must have flown all over the place! I love watching the cum spurt out of the end of my cock. Must have felt amazing!
By #136427 at 28,Jan,14 12:46
Why would I even want to try?
By #289712 at 01,Feb,14 06:07
Agreed. If the choice is either leave my penis alone, and not touch it at all, or masturbate everydsy, I think ill keep playing with myself. Its just too much fun, ill rub one out whenever I can.
By #62682 at 01,Feb,14 02:19
Managed to last 13 days when stuck in bed in hospital but every time the nurses came round was a job to stop the bedcover looking like a wigwam.
just got to yank the plank every couple of days usually though
By #289712 at 28,Jan,14 13:44
Although I reckon ive been close, I doubt ive gone a week ever since my first orgasm. I just have a high sex drive. I get plenty of sex, and I masturbate pretty much svery day, I love it!
The healthy answer is the plumbing needs to be taken care of regularily.....more then a week without ejactulation is not good for the combustion chamber if your balls are loaded!
By #408718 at 25,Jan,14 23:32
ive lasted 2 weeks and the wank after is the best ever
By #291618 at 25,Jan,14 22:01
my personal record is 16 days without cumming but to be honest i cant stand more than 2 days without
maybe 4 days at the most, after that my balls start to hurt. Specially once I decide to go for a release, they really hurt during and after the release for a while
Scientific studies have clearly shown that, at the precise end of the seventh non-cumming day, the guy will explode and die in agony.
Oh, by the way, why would you want to go 6 months without cumming? Was that a bet? Were you trying to be a monk? Or what?