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What Cocksuckers Think of This Site.

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Started by kneelsoften at 06,Jul,09 14:35  other posts of kneelsoften
Some people are cocksuckers (they may be male or female). Sex to a cocksucker is an erotic act that occurs between a cock and their mouth. We feel that our mouths were made to please cocks and we yearn to make them conform to every curve of your beautiful shaft and feel the head nestled in the back of our throats. We don?t want anything else; no foreplay, control issues, reciprocation, or drama. Just show us your cocks and we?ll know what to do. If you want to push us to our knees, hold our heads while you fuck our mouths, or rub your cock all over our faces, that?s cool too. But the main thing, especially here, it that we want you to know that your cocks are the most beautiful things in the world; we dream of them, they make our mouths water and throats ache to be filled. Earning a load is the most satisfying experience we could have. Thanks for posting!

Similar topics: 1.Sucking cocks   2.Shortage of High Quality Pics of BBC (Beautiful Black Cock)   3.Any Kansas City cocksuckers here?   4.Who wants to be Throatfucked?   5.married cocksuckers  

New Comment

By Gntlmn at 13,Aug,21 19:54 other posts of Gntlmn 
WW...'sure wish you lived closer!
--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours

I know my cock needs a good sucking when the glans' shaft-side coronal ridge developes a a constant hot mild aching now, when I haven't cummed in over a month.
By Jonny at 22,Sep,24 19:44 other posts of Jonny 
Would love to give you some throbbing love on the cock
By Gntlmn at 23,Sep,24 02:11 other posts of Gntlmn 

By #650078 at 01,Sep,21 21:39
i am a cocksucker too. i truly love sucking a big, fat cock until it comes down my throat, or all over my face. i tend to prefer cut cocks and i'm not really sure why. Uncut cocks just look ugly, until they are hard of course and the head comes out. then they look like all the rest and fit in my mouth just the same. anyways, just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
[deleted image]

By LGA6969 at 27,Aug,21 00:10 other posts of LGA6969 
I am cocksucker who loves dick. The more the better

By #592419 at 26,Aug,21 22:59
Jim Jordan
Public Official
Joe Biden’s been in office for eight months.
Afghanistan isn’t getting better.
The economy isn’t getting better.
The border crisis isn’t getting better.
The crime wave isn’t getting better.
Gas prices aren’t getting better.
And it’s only going to keep getting worse.

By #592419 at 26,Aug,21 22:57
You have blacklisted this member (bella!).
Reason: A proven nasty filty cunt that hates israeli's.. I'm not even Israeli,, I would have told her to jump off the golden gate bridge but the rusult would have been the ultimate tsunami that destroyed San Francisco
Your black list

By PSerect at 15,Aug,21 06:29 other posts of PSerect 
I started sucking cock at 9yrs old and im still doing it today. I think Im pretty freakin good at it because of all of the compliments and request for second times I,ve gotten. One thing thats different now and has been for some time is no matter how hot a cock might be, if I dont like the life support system for that cock, it aint happening. I just cant have sex with anyone I dont like. Luckily for me, I like almost everyone so it hasnt slowed my down much

By #644817 at 14,Aug,21 01:00
I’m hungry for a big throbbing cock now.

By thebeewolf at 13,Aug,21 13:22 other posts of thebeewolf 
Thank goodness that there are cum-addicted cock whores out there like you! I'm a straight guy with no time for relationships. Women aren't typically into the FWB thing, so... I unzip for guys, close my eyes and think of ScarJo. You get to suck on my throbbing dick, I get a better blowjob than I would get from any woman. Win/ Win. Keep in suckin' fellas! I'll keep on unzipping!

By #632377 at 10,Aug,21 08:54
I have always subconsciously loved cocks. I conformed (sadly) to being what society demanded of me for most of my life.

If I could go back 20-25 years ago (I am 43 years old), I would have swallowed gallons of cum, and taken thousands of Facials. Peter North and many others made me love big cocks, cum, and facials.

I fantasize frequently about him covering me in cum. However I feel it's never too late to get in porn. I may do so in Vegas in November. If I do I will let everyone know. Be a happy "cocksucker".

Last comment. I have self-sucked my cock more than other guy's dicks. My dream is a transexual gangbang/blowbang where I'm surrounded and used by 15 or more cocks.
By curious10 at 13,Aug,21 12:34 other posts of curious10 
Your last comment is so hot and I dream of that also. 15-20 gorgeous shemales using me to ejaculate and being filed and covered in sperm makes me quiver.

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Aug,21 18:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan what do you think mate? This is a forum for you!
By #574505 at 09,Aug,21 20:24

By knewbi at 09,Aug,21 18:20 other posts of knewbi 
I like cock as well as pussy. Lots of times I will come here to check things out with the intention of going somewhere else and jerk off to some sweet pussy big titted mature woman... But after seeing all of those beautiful cocks, 9 out of 10 times I end up jerking to some stiff cocks just drooling over them while I stroke. I always seem to cum so much harder to cocks that tits and pussy.

By Hanrahan17 at 12,Apr,13 18:47 other posts of Hanrahan17 
I'm the opposite. I want you on your knees as I fuck your mouth like a piston, slowing down when I want, & slapping my cock on your face, head, & lips. Feeling my cock in your mouth and my balls on your what I crave....

By spermkiss at 12,Apr,13 21:17 other posts of spermkiss 
That's fine with us cocksuckers.

By #358284 at 13,Apr,13 12:51
Just grab me by my Ears as Skull Fuck my Faggot Brains Out!!

By WHATSUPDOC at 12,Oct,16 21:51 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
What a turn on you are

By #588373 at 30,May,19 08:36
Heck yeah, like a piston, at your pace. When I'm on my knees, the mesage I am projecting ismthis: use me, tell me what I need to do, grab my head, slap,dick in my face andmwhen you're finished shake any left over cum in my face, make me gag

By #644817 at 03,Aug,21 02:59
Yes Sir!

By knewbi at 09,Aug,21 18:15 other posts of knewbi 
Works for me!!!

By JackHammer at 19,Apr,19 12:00 other posts of JackHammer 
This is my go to place. Sometimes I skip a few days but keep cumming back. Only made one hook up here but I keep trying.

By #535695 at 17,Apr,19 20:46

By Sergius at 29,Jul,17 17:46 other posts of Sergius 
I love to suck and I love to be sucked ! Long life to SYD!

By WHATSUPDOC at 27,Jul,17 10:55 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
That is one of the great blowjob storylines. Why can't everyone in the world be happy.

By #252724 at 25,Apr,13 20:41
To be upfront,I'd like this site a lot more if it were easier to make a hook up. I
always get horned up looking at all the meat but it seldom goes any place...
By niceonebighead at 24,Jul,17 17:41 other posts of niceonebighead 
tellall your friends about this site most of the new guys i suck or get sucked by never new about this site spead the wordthe more people the closerthe cock will get 2 u

By #485312 at 14,May,15 13:05
[deleted image][deleted image]

By #471760 at 11,Oct,14 10:28
This site makes me hungry for this...
[deleted image]

By pifad at 27,Jan,10 11:22 other posts of pifad 
This site makes me so hungry. I love cock and I love sucking cock
By #238225 at 29,May,14 04:42
so do i

By #220845 at 25,Apr,13 18:16
After my initial encounter in high school when I first took another guy's Cock in my mouth, I would only let men suck me I wouldn't return the favor, but now I like to give pleasure.

By #329776 at 25,Apr,13 13:09
I love my cock sucked by either a woman or man [deleted image]
By #358284 at 25,Apr,13 13:14
Fuck Yeah, I'd Suck that Big Black Dick!!

By #6437 at 25,Apr,13 13:09
I like pussy but LOVE TO SUCK COCKS

By #332336 at 25,Apr,13 11:52
I love pussy and eating pussy is great, but I also truly enjoy sucking a cock. Love the taste and feel and hearing him moan as he shoots his load in my mouth. I like to feel a woman cum with her pussy rubbing my mouth also. But eating pussy while it's being fucked is the greatest experience of all. Done it several times and love it so much. Wish I could do it every day.

By spermkiss at 12,Apr,13 21:21 other posts of spermkiss 
Sucking another man to climax, feeling his cock throb in my mouth as he goes over the top and gives me his warm, creamy sperm is the most exciting, rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling feeling in the world. There is nothing better than knowing I have given another man a pleasing orgasm and he has rewarded me with the gift of his sperm.

By #358284 at 12,Apr,13 13:00
I am in total aggreement with "kneelsoften." Sucking off men's dicks is all that I live for!!

By #119764 at 02,Mar,13 17:49
thx for the compliment!

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 26,Jan,10 09:40 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

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