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Started by #130192 at 20,Apr,11 21:03
i caught my wife getting fucked by another guy anyone else had the same thing happen ?

Similar topics: 1.I wanna fuck my wife and her friend wife wants to swing   3.What would you do?   4.Come on my wife masturbation!   5.wife watching  

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By wycowboy at 08,May,23 13:04 other posts of wycowboy 
I've never caught her but I am open minded about it, if she wants to ruck some one else I don't care.

By #99700 at 24,Apr,11 00:55
well if you still love her then talk, other wise kick her out and get a girl yourself.
By leopoldij at 08,May,23 11:24 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 08,May,23 11:40 other posts of leopoldij 

By cumcouplessa at 06,Aug,22 22:27 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Haven't "caught" her as such, but on a few occasions when we've had a "friend" share our bed for the evening, I've woken up to find her either sucking the guy, or riding his cock. It's a great way to wake up, and I love joining in the action.

By #628350 at 02,Aug,22 18:09
I had a friend, now sadly deceased who liked to watch me fuck his wife, she was really hot and it happened quite a few times, he never joined in just stood in a corner of the room, fully dressed, while we fucked and sucked each other senseless on the sofa. What happened after I had left I have no idea.

By knewbi at 02,Aug,22 16:45 other posts of knewbi 
All the time. But then we are swingers and if she wants to fuck someone she is free to.

By leopoldij at 01,Aug,22 15:41 other posts of leopoldij 
That's great.
You can now fuck his wife too.
That's a plus.

By #656954 at 31,Jul,22 20:53
My mate used to fuck my wife,as soon as he finished would be in her

By #675701 at 31,Jul,22 02:30
the question is: why was fucking the other guy?

By zzick at 31,Jul,22 02:16 other posts of zzick 
I would ask my wife to let a stranger fuck her, that would keep her freaked out for a year, and she would want to fuck someone else.

By #130192 at 27,Apr,11 20:43
he had a big penis he fucked the shit out of her
By fancyabit at 22,Jun,11 02:47 other posts of fancyabit 
I want my wife to be fucked by a man with a bigger cock then me, and also I would like to pick the guy to fuck her of course she'll have to agree on the guy too after all it him who's gonna bring her to an or even a multi orgasms. And yes if that really will happen I WILL be taking pix and vids
By #315268 at 17,Jul,14 20:08
Me too

By #174339 at 14,Jul,14 05:33
the first my husband caught me was five years ago with sam a friend or his on a sofa it 2am it are house it was weird but ok

By #104279 at 06,Jul,11 16:04
no, i haven`t caught your wife gettinґfucked by another guy

By #172995 at 23,Jun,11 23:47
Some wives need more sex than their husbands can provide.

Some marriages have benefited from the Hot Wife lifestyle. There are forums for the Hot Wife lifestyle.

The Hot Wife lifestyle is an arrangement where married women can receive sexual satisfaction with other men with their husband's full knowledge, consent and permission.

Hot Wife Forum: This forum is a place to discuss the so-called "Hot Wife Lifestyle." For those not familiar, it is an offshoot of "swinging" in which the female gets to play around but the male remains more or less monogamous.

By WristThick at 22,Jun,11 18:58 other posts of WristThick 
Speaking as the "other guy", I've found that some women are so painfully sex-starved that to NOT give them any relief would just help them stay miserable. I don't know any of your situations, but most women need to be properly serviced at least a couple of times a week. If they have a high sex drive then it's gonna be at least 5 times a week. And if they don't get it, then they'll spiral into misery, anger, and hysteria which literally means "sickness from the womb". Does anyone really need that? Your only options are to suffer along with her, give in to her needs or leave her. And if you can't get the job done yourself and toys aren't working, then you might have to make friends with someone like me.

By #7976 at 22,Jun,11 03:11
By saying "caught", I take it that it wasn't consensual between husband and wife. That being the case, it only happened once with my first wife. I probably would have been a bit more diplomatic if he hadn't confronted me and told me to leave (my house) while they finished. That said, he exited a third story window and fortunately survived the landing. After that, we never again had that problem.

By #156187 at 24,Apr,11 05:48
My hub walked in on me and my boy friend....
By #7976 at 24,Apr,11 23:30
And? What happened then?

By slipper at 24,Apr,11 05:21 other posts of slipper 
I hope you videoed it and post 'em!!!

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