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Started by #502711 at 29,Apr,17 09:07
Similar topics: 1.Does my cock look flat to you? 2.is my cock flat 3.Flat asses. 4.How Did It Come To This / How Did I get Here? 5.Women's breasts - what size is most sexy? New CommentComments: |
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From the way you describe,if you drop a french fry while in the front of the car driving, it should plaster it's self to your chest or the seat as the car is moving forward.
You are travelling at 1000mph with the earth as it rotates. If you jumped up and came to a sudden stop at 0mph the forces on your body will turn you into pulp. No, you continue at 1000mph and land back in the same spot. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Me so dumb
My brain is like a Crumb
But voting for the Trump
would make me a chump
Kisses too
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I found a satulight on vimeo only registered users can see external links
All you have to do is have Donald Trump tweet to Rosie Odonald that he thinks the earth is flat and the flat earthers will suddenly deny ever thinking it! they will burn their books and start going on trips AROUND the world to prove Trump a liar. It will work.
It's where all rich people keep their undies.
There is a great view of Jerusalem from the other side, thanks to a mirror that reflectts quantum light from the temple which bounces on the moon.
The moon is also flat and that's why we can never see its other side.
In 1836, the battleship Pensacola sank in the middle of the Atlantic. When it hit the bottom, a door opened and it was transferred to the other side, to the undieworld. It was captured by the free Masons who stripped the sailors off their undies and enslaved them. They used them as cooks because they were masters of the famous Pensacola cuisine.
Several years later, around 1921, a big asteroid hit the sixth of the four corners of the earth. The Earth then lost a corner. The Japanese found a passage near Hokkaido that leads to the other side.
Last year, there were pictures of the Earth's side taken from the Hubble telescope.
But United Nations seized them and destroyed all of them. It was the first photographic proof of Earth's flatness.
A famous scientist, in the 80s, called Hommer Simmson, developed a system of mathematical equations that clearly showed that the only solution is a flat Earth. He did so by taking logarithms and cubic roots and a lot of celery. When celery entered his equations everyone realized he was a genius.
What happened to him? Well, he was assassinated and his name was deleted from all records. Just because he brilliantly showed that the Earth was flat using his undies, and his mathematical equations, with celery.
Just be careful about taking on an idiot because they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience!
It is very deep, YOU can't understand it and that's why you dismiss it.
[deleted image]
But I get the idea.
So, now you believe.
If you believe, you are not an idiot.
All it takes to become smart is to believe.
You're right: The Earth is not just flat, but it's also a square. A square is a rectangle with equal sides. The proof of this is by looking the Earth's shadow on the moon. It's either an angle or a straight line.
And if you say you see crescents and shit like that, that's because you, like billions and billions of other humans who live now or ever lived, are all deluded. The proof of this is that they are all deluded because it is so.
The earth's shadow on the moon is never elliptical.
That's because the earth is flat.
PS... Hubble image of earth is now open to all members, you should be able to see it now.
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anything that's on the internet is true.
"Leopold firsst do not call me a flatearhther. You are so anxious to put a flag or a title to me."
So I apologized that I called him flat-earther and amended my statement as him being someone who believes that the earth is flat.
What do you think?
I hereby solemnly declare that I shall not use the label flatearther for him. Instead, I shall merely say that he's someone who believes that the earth is flat.
He agrees with that, as witnessed by his very own words that I repeat verbatim in the sequel.
By Greek18cm at 05,May,17 22:03
"Maybe i was not clear.
The earth is flat and that is obvius and a fact. I dont reslise the need to discuss it here.
Although i dont judhe you... but this is a closed case.
The earth is flat but the scientific society dont admiting it"
The epithets "idiot", "moron", "deluded", "silly", etc, are only used (by me) as an accurate characterization of their condition.
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Comic relief is permissible though.
After all, their beliefs should serve some purpose: they can make us laugh and spur the invention of anecdotes, stand-up comedy, humorous plays, etc. Aristophanes knew that long time ago and wrote plays towards this purpose.
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--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
You're right about the Earth too. It is flat. The proof is on the internet again!
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For a start. Whos actually been to Pluto ? Whos been to Mercury? How did he or she know it was 'Mercury'...and not Mars? If this 'gravity' thing was so awesome and 'powerfull'. Isn t it slowly drawing all the planets to wards the 'earth' shaped ball we live on, supposedly? I mean they say the moon changes the tide? Thes are just a few basic ideas to begin with? Who managed to 'proove' somehow the moon changes the water levels, on the earth? And hences the 'tides'. Who s varified it ? Perhaps using another theory that tells US the same concept? etc
Scientists are loosers and liars. They write books 2 make money and they just beleive in whataver the governement tells thm. If the earth wadnt flat we wouldnt be able 2 stand on it. Noboody has been to Pluto and look they were sayin pluto was a planet then they changed they're minds they dont know what their sayin. And u know why? Becoz Pluto is as flat as a cookie and if they said it waz a planet peeple mite start lookin closer and see it was flat and they dont want the truth to leek out.
Fucking looser scientists. They dont understand that the truth will preveil. The earth is flat and u know what? Ive watched 100 hours of utube videos how many hours have they spent in showin the earth is round? 5 minites! Ive studied 100 hoyrs of utube videos and i know!
The Earth is, as undoubtedly proven in this forum flat. But, of course, there are mountains, so it's not like it's totally flat, it her some anomalies.
The question is:
What is flatter, the EARTH or this GIRL? only registered users can see external links
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If YOU think you see this, then you're deluded. The earth is flat. The proof that the earth is flat is that it's on youtube and because it is flat and because those who say it' not flat are all deluded. That's the proof.
Regardless though, despite being flat you can still fuck her.
The earth is flat and that is obvius and a fact. I dont reslise the need to discuss it here.
Although i dont judhe you... but this is a closed case.
The earth is flat but the scientific society dont admiting it
The person who calculated this, Eratosthenes, lived about 2300 years ago and didn't believe anything. He calculated and measured and verified and therefore proved that the Earth is a sphere.
Beliefs are not valid. They are concepts employed by the religious, the politicians and the idiots.
There are plenty of thoughts about it, we xan not discuss it here in full strength...
Some things are like...
Personalyy i see no proof of o globe. There are no actuall photo of the earth from space. I see no curve (except videos that use special cameras who create curve).
Water in a spinning ball is fly away from the ball (figokentros). Not staying in the ball.
And the air is supposed to stay around a ball that spinning and moving aound the sun that also moving to some unindedified point so... Do you realise the speed the sciense are throuwing to you?
Airflights with strange emergency stops or strange original lines. i also thing (not syre) there is no gps in south hemisphere???
Also an airplane would be impossible to land in an earth that moves in the speed that they told us.
And i have to say this. When we are talking about flat eart we are not talking about a table with edges that you can fell...
The earth is believed to be a planet because some decedes or a century before us,at a time none had gone to space because we dont even have airplanes, someone put a globe in the schools and said here, this is our planet. And noone question that a century after because we are tought this is a fact.
And as you speak about ancient Greeks there is a famous saying tat i will try to make it good in english... The sky bodies are in the shape of sphere, the line says. But hte sky bodies, which earth is not a sky object... Its more clear in Greek.
Just because someone is on another path of believes than you, doesnot make him an idiot...
Actually idiot is a greek word and originaly means personal or self / selfish. Which supposed to mean if you are selfish you are an idiot who doesnot work for the common good.
thousands of km/h x thousands of km/h x thousands of km/h
Earth rotates on it's axis at about 1000mph, and it's mass produces a gravitational f0rce of about 9m/s^2. I'll leave the conversion of units to an expert like you, but does this rotation provide enough inertial f0rce for an object like a molecule of water to achieve escape velocity?
If not, how much faster would the rotation need to be in order for an object to achieve escape velocity for a body with the mass of the Earth?
Does that speed need to increase for an object more massive than a molecule of water?
Does that speed account for atmospheric pressure? Friction? Electrostatic attraction?
Think like that, you are driving with 100km/h only, and you put your hand out of the window and you feel this power/resistanse of the air...
Now multiple that speed, and what...? you just can felel anything? i just dont go with that. maybe the earth is a globe but something wrong is there about the explanation....
The maths does not match.
Gravity is not proven it is just an invented meseuare.
Something is incomplite.
Actually it is suprising that every scientist in the ancient past calculate for both theories flat and sphere and both they match...
But suprisingly no modern scientist even bother to run the numbers for a flat earth model.
Nothing is disproven. There is no actual photo of earth from space that indivcates it is a globe.
Or drop by drop. is a drop of water no massive enough to escape the spinning ball? it is but the drops of water or rain falls never escape.
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darn--f o r c e,,,
And no the atmosphere of the air is weaker than the oceanic pressure if i can say it that way...
The water and air supposed to fell of a spinning ball due to the power that in greek is called FIGOKENTROS. i dont know the english term...
The thing is i dont care if the earth is flat or not. i just care that people who believe in flat earth are opene minded to the globe thing while those who believe in globe thing are not openminded to the flat earth....
That is the problem i see in the society. They all believe what they told and stay there.
And it IS important to be open-minded, but it's important to note that DOESN'T mean "staying open to a possibility which has been disproven on multiple levels." Or perhaps you simply had too much FIGOKENTROS and your brain flew away from your open mind...
I just dont speak good english
And i font type good.
Is that so strsnge or snoying to you?
The photoes are photosoped or manipulated.
Eliptic shape doesnot mean globe.
You are not a globe yet i can make a pic of you look like one...
Just see carefull some photoes... for exanple , in a 5cm pic of an eliptic supposed earth you see usa...so what?50% of earth is usa and in the rest is the other continents?
There are so many and obvius wrongs and faults mathmaticaly and phitoshopicly in those pics that my brain cant understand how the common eye doesnot see it.
Perhaps the common eye is too used to graphics and iconic manioulation these days.
Take a peace of paper with some draw or pic or even a map, then take some cylindrical shaped item and try to see or photoshoot through this item the map...
The map now looks eliptic in your photo. Is the map a glob? No!
The only curve i saw,so far is by this "fish eye camera" i think is called. Those csmeras nasa uses. If you turn them enough the curve turns to the other direction,is hilarius...
The flat shape is the true sight i see.
I see no curve. If it is a globe...then the earth must me much more bigger than we thought and the curve so slighly that we can not see!
And as i said...those pucs that in the 50% of a glibe us usa or egypt...where suposed to fit the rest of the world?
James May witnesses the curvature of the Earth: only registered users can see external links
Its goibg to be endless list.
For starters i could find and send you an 8 hours vid... lets dont do that
I didn t even realise when I first saw this post how far back the comments go. Stangely I feel exactly the same in my thoughts. It is a huge topic to explain, but it just has to be flat. Theres NO OTHER WAY. For us to live on it.
People are just like sheep. And basically just beleive anything and everything that NASA and others, has to show them. While everything in the books was basically assumed.
Go on everybody. Beleive what you want. Just don t try and state that sheep all know when to get walking towards the sheep penn to go to **** or whatever. They just follow the heard. Like lots of Sheeple do
can't see the truth.
Maybe the Flat-Earthers would say it was taken using a fish eye lens or 'shopped.
Of course, this won't work with Aussieman.
He'll beat they hell out of them. He's a well trained real man.
en around for awhile
I think the Earth is spherical.
There are to theories.
The land is endless or the antarctica is the final frontier that circulate all earth.
By the way its not allowed to you to freely go to antarctica,i think you know that eh?
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Jeez, I be a dummie
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S L E E P...I am just TOTALLY dumbfounded
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NOOOOOO!!! It did NOT print this time either!
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Jeez once AGAIN!!!
I wonder when the next one s gonna turn into 'asteroids'.
I bet it will be one VERY VERY far from our 'earth ball'. That we won t be aqble to see it s turn into pieces that were once a ballish thing
If it happens on a stormy night it will probably sound like thunder ?
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**** = ch1ld or ch1ldren
so mean many things in English:
-- I believe in Allahagamakrishnaputra.
-- I believe my wife is cheating me.
-- I believe I've studied a lot for today.
-- I believe I saw a bad dream last night.
-- I believe I solved my problem.
-- I believe I found a cure for this disease.
Notice that the word is the same but the meanings can be different. So when I said "belief is vile" I meant the bad kinds of belief. These are the kinds that anyone, without any thought, without evidence, can use. I'd say this is stupid belief. For example, when someone says (and many do) that the koran contains a lot of science and that they **** their **** believe that, then this is horrible. Likewise, if someone scares their **** with divine punishment, this is again horrible. I met jewish people who **** their 5-6 year old kids learn certain things from the bible and repeat them by heart. And they reward them for that. I told them they're abusing their ****. They didn't like that and started trying to explain to me why they were doing the right thing. I debated them. They had no good responses. In the end, they got angry. Anger shows that they're wrong. I told them so. They kicked me out.
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Again, **** = ch1ldren
ANSWER THE SIMPLEST QUESTION? do you still beleive in the tooth fairy or Santa/StNik/Farther christmas? ONE yes OR ONE no is perfectly honest!
I beg you, answer that, honestly? (i used to but I no longer do)
Just to confirm, I have actually read a lot of books on this crap. If you don t beleive I can read, then honestly - I ve had, lots of people actually read it to me. At school obviously. Although I obviously wish I didn t have to beleive or listen to it. I just did whatever I could with it
Now, back to the books. I don t care what you say. What you (or I) have read, in theose books. Is total bs. You havent seen the planets, Niether have I . And thats what this, is obviously about. The whole dialog is about what we know or are supposed to beleive. Is bs. The earths supposed to be a 'ball'. Like we ve read or been told! But it simply can t be a ball. For a start, you ve already stated, everywhere we go or you go (around this sphere), up is up. Allways to the North? Always to the so called east? Up = east? That already tell s me it has to be up. BS. If we re on our sphere. In the so called North, up is Northwards. In the south, up becomes -southwards. Even if our 'sphere' is turning or supposed to be turning (god knows whats been making it turn for at least 5-6000 year). North, according to what we ve been, told should always remain , the Northern Hemisphere. Like there, should always be a 'southern' part.Or in facts it s probably easier to TRY and accept the concept of North Est and South skies.
You re already TRYING TO CONFUSE YOUR THINKING. Or taking diferent concepts and put them together. That s because you e simply trying to beleive everything you ve 'read'. And tell yourself that it s all tru. How can you expect it all to be turning (because that s what you re supposed to also beleive). While North will always be North and South lways South. If it turns, each part of this 'ball' will have to get it s 'turn' at being North, East, South etc? Don t try and deny that. Because that s even why we re supposed to have day and night. Don t deny that either. Our 'ball' turns quicker than the sun can follow it. So one part gets iluminated while the other part isn t. (god know s, it s even supposed to all have a SUPER AMASING constant speed, of moving.) Basically what this is about is. What we all beleive just can not be all right. What we re supposed to be accepting is all bs. It contradicts it self.
Lets not go into "true north" and "false north" . Or how other "planets" don t seem to have this 'gravity thing'. While coinsidently, there s also, no life on them. Too funny that , to me. Everyone fell of those planets and landed where it s flat. But some might have gone over 'the edge'. It s too ironic. No gravity, no people, no water. No life. Just a viscious circle. Too funny.
Where as we re on a flat piece of the 'galaxy'. We have water, which hasn t run of the edge. Creatures have managed to stay on, without finding the edge or the end. And then falling off. Probably something to do with the fact that when we re at the edge of a cliff(most of us), don t fall off... Accept it , it simply HAS to be a flat piece of object we live on. Unless you can proove on your own with out any reference to cosmonauts, astronauts Einstien, Julias Ceasor, Isac Newton or the man on the moon and what colour he chose to paint his house. As I stated befor, beleive what YOU want . Beleive what you ve been told.
What did you think of the New s from around the world today? Or yesterday? Or this time last week? Was everything on each news channel, precisely correct. Or was ABC more correct than Fox. Which was maybe pretty similar to CNN. Did it ever occur to you that there never seem to be any 'improvement' on these Cosmic thoughts and beleifs? I think we don t hear any of that, as there s no reason to think anything other than what we ve been told. New s reporters can make plenty of dough, telling people like us about other bombings and tragedies relating to extreme weather, etc. (Ill admit I sometimes take it seriously). Some day, you get the odd 'brave ' News Reporter, THAT tells us something unusual. But yup, it s flat. (excuse my grammer, i tried , lol) FFS...
Why would you beleive things or people could fall of the edge, if you can believe they can reside or exist upside down. Most beleive the galaxy or space goes to no end. So why can t anyone beleive earth has no end?
Beleive what you will.
They got all the proofs.
Ok, I ll just agree. So I don t offened "religious people". The earth we work and live on, is sort of spherical. Has water and people that stick to it. Has a true North and a Magnetic North. Floats, in darkness. With all that stuff sticking to it.
I also , have no way of prooving that, it s actually older than or not quite as old as. Sixthousand years. Hence I ll agree that. During the last sixthousand years, people from everywhere in the world. Have dug up old bones and dead trees. All agreed on how it got there, where it all came from. And how long it s been there. And obviously, nothings been there for much more than about, sixthousand years. Nothing. Anywhere.
As I ve heard Stephen Hawking describe. It all came from space, which is basically darkness. And it all left a black hole behind .Where it all came from. That black hole was an endless tunnel. That was the beginning of time, so it had no date. No disrespect to Stephen, I had and still have great respect for him. May he now be rested in peace. Ha ha
donald trump isn t a scientis as far as I know. So he s got nothing to do with it. (Ausieman)
I ve only seen LOTS of stars, the moon and the sun. And quite frankly, I ve though nothing of them. I ve even photographed the moon. I must say some of those photo s actually do look lovely...
Now, what other 'planets' have you actually seen? Are you a space man ? Are you from the moon ? Are you David R Jones' Major Tom? Than man that fell from the sky?
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Titter, titter! You be fun to play with on the playground! Which is where you 'thinking' ability actually stopped.
Major Tom
But please- can you just tell me at least three reasons (even if it s just one)?..... With out thinking of anything you were taught, at school or told at Uni or had to understand if and when you worked for NASA or any place like it. Why do you seem to WANT to beleive we live on what many beleive is a 'ball'? How can you not beleive it s flat. Don t mention the bs about walking off the edge either. That can actually be explained using sooo many different ideas. No bs.
Please sir, why do you honestly NOT beleive it s flat ish? Because I want you to think. Hey, wait - it may actually be. You don t have to beleive it, because of what I say. 'Flat earthers' can tell you LOT s of interesting stuff. If you d only have it in yourself to think (nevermind say), it might actually be possible. It could be in fact tru. Give it some time. It s flat.
Take care of yourself and your vision, even if I CANNOT understand your lack of reason.
MAJOR Thomazoid.
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Beginnin' ta luk lak ah be superty duperty dum
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OK...I be smart agin!
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(That's a bit more challenging!)
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The problem with this theory is that the flight from europe to OZ should go over the edge. But this doesn't happen. Nobody has seen an edge during the flight.
If anyone knows something about gravity, he shall be able to reduce, from equations of physics alone, that nothing of the mass of the earth could be flat. But this is far too advanced for those who can't even speak their own language.
Like 500 years ago ? People just 'decided' with their basic instruments, that some how we live and exist, all arond a 'ball'???
Jeez, there s even so many other ideas about gregorian or different calenders. Or beleifs and superstitions about "a god". Yet theres only one devil ??
So many concepts? But tell them the most basic concept to understand... The EARTH IS flat ish. Now I m a zombie ?? All us 'flatties'? We re all insane
Jeez...IS THIS WHY TRUMP IS EL PREZIDENTE????????...Yeah, this is why.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes
All errors in syntax be on poipus...
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I REALLY hope this picture works in this forum. Because I be too tupid ta figur out how ta download....But, if the Earth was flat, this is the view we Earthlings would get during an Eclipse...Just in case it doesn't work, the Moon has a totally FLAT shadow across it's 'face'.
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Well, G WHIZ! Duh, did I dood dat?
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That makes me openminded not confused.
I can get that people can believe in many other things like eternal , one being enterties, and paranormal things..bigfoot ..loch ness monster etc BUT there is so much proof that the world is a globe.
Give me one absolutely 100% proof, can't be disproved , fact the the earth is flat
There is no fact. Only manipulated pics.
Di a universal research somewhere else.
Thats my opinion.
For me that puts me in a better position and thats how i see things.
But who am i.... i have so many issues,maybe my pointbof view does not count
Oh they try so hard,that even you dont believe in flat earth you want to!
Or, perhaps, a Mexican hat.
Some others say it has the shape of a dildo.
Make sense!
There is no lab condition exercise that prooves gravity. Even scientist tell that if you make a serius conversation. Yes generally gravity is that and we messaure it by this but in scientific depth ask anyone physysist (i think the word) and will tell you "we dont kniw how it works and we can proove it".
The statistic scinse (wich is a smart wat to be a liar)
And the fields about gravity, space ec.
You can add to this the evonomic and bank system but this is more obvius. The ither two everyone take it for granted.
I mean, REAL flat-Earthers are about as common as straight guys who give blow-jobs to men.....RIGHT??
Examine it with an open mind.
Just relax and look at them again.
****=f o r c e dunno why thats a nono?
Now I am not a scientist, nor have I had a chance to play 1 on tv. BUT look at this pic and tell me 1 thing. What the hell is holding the ocean water to the supposed "FLAT SURFACE"? There is cohesion in water. it tends to "stick" together so to speak and travel in large quantity's.
BUT if the earth was as this pic portrays, then our oceans would have dried up eon's ago and we would be extinct from lack of water. What is holding it around the edges? Try spilling some water on your desk. A small amount will stay on the desk in a spot. But continue to add, it will eventually find a path to the floor. Just as the ocean water would find a path to the edge of the "Flat" earth and it would fall off the edge.
Another thing.If the damn earth was flat, a aeroplane leaving the US flew to the equator and then flew in a direct path of the equator, just like following the seem in a globe, it would not ever make it back to it's starting point . It would fly into oblivion because the starting point would behind it.
BUT this could be the explanation for the Bermuda Triangle we don't hear much about anymore!
Granted, i have questions about the moon landing. But it would take a damn fool to believe man never made it to space at all and the pictures sent back from satellites are bullshit.
Also, a raindrop (or any drop of liquid) is round because of the gravity acting on it. So the earth is also spherical due to gravity.