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Bow down before the majesty of my mighty, manly DINGUS!

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Started by #491031 at 30,May,15 23:16
Do it!
Do it now!

(Seriously, my ego really needs the validation.)

Similar topics: 1.shaving   2.Am I the only one not attracted to straight men wearing lingerie?   3.Straight! Fit! Smart! Manly! Men NEEDED!   4.Because she has owned a vagina her entire life...   5.NOT PISSING AT URINALS  

New Comment

By #460385 at 22,Sep,15 21:27
I knew I came to the Forum for educational purposes. All that really cleared up what a Dingus is. That poor xtraTHICK gentleman has been blacklisted more times then Bella. That must be a record. He should be giving a lollipop or something.
By bella! at 24,Sep,15 03:41 other posts of bella! 
If you do your research you will find that there are anumber of members that have been blacklisted more than me.

Do you want a lollipop?
By #460385 at 30,Sep,15 18:18
I would prefer a Tootsie Roll.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

Double dipped in bullshit
By mr_blue at 30,Sep,15 18:19 other posts of mr_blue 

By #454258 at 24,Sep,15 03:34
yup you are a dingus alright

By #491031 at 22,Sep,15 19:20
Y'all a buncha TIME WASTERS!
It's been more than five minutes, and there has been no bowing!
Do you think I'm here for the fun of it?
Get with the program, or the BANNING WILL BEGIN!

(Seriously, it's all about ME.)
By just16cm at 22,Sep,15 20:14 other posts of just16cm 
Sorry, but I am busy bowing down before my brand new "beeing banned for wasting VERY valuable time" badge.

You know, it's, like, shiny... and sparkling in the sun and stuff... I mean, your mighty, manly dingus does it, too, but that badge is, like, brand new. BRAND NEW!

So, call again later, when I'm not, like, busy anymore and all.

By big9inch21 at 22,Sep,15 20:15 other posts of big9inch21 

By #415959 at 22,Sep,15 20:16 offer no pictures of your mighty manly dingus. Are we submitting to an invisible majestic mighty manly dingus?
By bella! at 22,Sep,15 20:22 other posts of bella! 
Uh, I heard through the grapevine that the dingus that the penguin is flashing is replica of what "TheUnicorn" is packing.

By #458225 at 31,May,15 22:31
n. Informal
1. Something whose name is unknown or forgotten.

2. A person regarded as stupid.

3. Vulgar Slang The penis.
By #491031 at 31,May,15 22:38
1. Its name is Roger
2. It is far from stupid
3. There is nothing "slang" about my dingus, thank you very much...
By #458225 at 01,Jun,15 00:34
No offense intended, that isn't my definition:

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Your welcome.
By #491031 at 01,Jun,15 02:52
No offense taken.
Truthfully, while my dingus is not stupid, it can be a real dick at times.
By #458225 at 01,Jun,15 04:05
Let's not forget mighty and manly!

Salutations, yours
By #491031 at 24,Jun,15 14:58
I'm not sure I've ever been salutated in the Forum before.

By boc at 02,Jun,15 02:21 other posts of boc 
But it is vulgar, right?
By #491031 at 02,Jun,15 02:40
Bastard can cuss like a fucking sailor...

By smplcsms at 01,Jun,15 08:15 other posts of smplcsms 
Interestingly: dingus - spelt "dinges" but pronounced identically - has precisely the same meanings in Afrikaans! Does this perhaps indicate that the US word has a Dutch (or perhaps Low German) origin?
By bella! at 01,Jun,15 09:25 other posts of bella! 
used to refer to something whose name the speaker cannot remember, is unsure of, or is humorously or euphemistically omitting.
"here's a doohickey—and there's the dingus"




From Dutch dinges, ding (“thing”).

By #491031 at 01,Jun,15 14:27
You have to watch out for those "low" Germans. Little bastards are always skittering around under foot and stuffing crap in your lexicon...

By spermkiss at 31,May,15 22:03 other posts of spermkiss 
I'd be more inclined to kneel for it than bow. It's easier on the back. And I do some of my best work on my knees.
By #491031 at 31,May,15 22:39
Kneeling before the dingus is actually the preferred practice.
(I just didn't want to come across as too bossy.)

By #396572 at 31,May,15 21:14
Uh, is that some kind of dog?
By bella! at 31,May,15 22:26 other posts of bella! 
Are you thinking of dingo ( plural is dingoes ) that are native to Australia?

By #491031 at 31,May,15 22:37
Never bow before a dingo.
It will eat you.
(and not in a good way.)

By mr_blue at 30,May,15 23:22 other posts of mr_blue 
If you stroke the ego,people will come and cum...
By #491031 at 30,May,15 23:26
I appreciate your response, but were you actually bowing when you typed it?
By mr_blue at 30,May,15 23:29 other posts of mr_blue 
On one knee, I fell over...
By #491031 at 30,May,15 23:56
Being in awe of the dingus can have that effect I'm afraid.
Sorry. I should have warned you.

By #415959 at 30,May,15 23:37
What is a "dingus"?

Is it not that dangly skin stuff on your elbow?
By #491031 at 30,May,15 23:54
That would be a "wenis".

A "dingus" is the masculine sexual appendage. Also known as a "wanger".

Make with the bowing...pronto.

Adult Discussion Forum