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People over 30--Your porn access as a youngster

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Started by #4222 at 06,Sep,09 14:19
Hello people over 30! I saw a post about "too much porn." I wonder back to my youth--my only access to porn was at the barber shop when I got my hair cut, and that was specifically playboy only--no cock. I didn't have HBO, computers, or the ability to purchase porn in my teens. I had no brothers or friends who had magazines either.

So I wonder how I would have turned out had I grown up with the internet porn. On a positive note, I think the internet would have opened my eyes and I could have had free, open discussions about sex and sexuality--and been a lot more comfortable about my own sexuality early on. But I am also wondering what a negative effect it could have had. What are your thoughts?

Similar topics: 1.Why do people post porn?   2.proposed uk online porn restrictions   3.Always wanted to be in porn?   4.This site or a porn site?   5.Shemale porn??  

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By Lvphose at 18,Mar,24 21:41 other posts of Lvphose 
Swedish erotica brand. Seka was really popular when I was starting to like porn.

By #662360 at 09,Sep,22 20:21
I started in my teens with the lingerie pages in my mother’s catalogues. Women just in bras and panties seemed to be the ultimate. I scoured them for any hint of what women had between their legs. I looked unsuccessfully for the outlines of vagina slits and even a wisp of cunt hair. Occasionally I’d be treated to women in suspender belts and stockings. It seems tame now but at that tender age secretly guiltily flicking through in the privacy of my bedroom it got my dick so hard I felt it would snap and I wanked my cock sore.
By DJS at 11,Sep,22 09:37 other posts of DJS 
Seems unreal in today's world but that's all what we had then,to pull one of to,fking good memories tho

By nekekal at 10,Sep,22 23:07 other posts of nekekal 
I saw my first pictures of tits around 1960. Befor that it was wondering what women had under their shirts and between their legs. I had seen my first naked girl in the mid 50s. But from a distance. There were a lot of second hand descriptions around which fueled endless amounts of masturbation. Then in the early 60s I discovered playboy and it was tits galore. No twat shots. By the 70s there were crotch shots everywhere. But by then I knew exactly what it looked like between a womans legs and how good it felt to slide my cock into her cunt.

But I still like porn.

By #621517 at 26,Nov,20 15:43
When I discovered porn there were only porn magazines. My first sight of them was when boys at school brought them and loaned them out. I wanked my cock sore over them! When I was away from home at uni and my own place I started buying porn mags. I would find a quiet news store, walk in trying to calm my nerves, take the mag I wanted, usually Fiesta, Mayfair or Escort, quickly pay and get out quickly. I’d try to use a store where the salesman was a guy. But sometimes it was a woman. The look on her face was a thrill! Best was when she was a young sexy woman! I still remember getting home and patiently leafing through. Then get naked, find my favourite and get wanking! I still prefer magazines to internet for the excitement of daring to make that purchase.

By gnomon79 at 13,Jun,20 19:45 other posts of gnomon79 
We were among the relatively few households to have cable TV back then, and it would play porn after midnight. Most of the time I'd watch when my parents were out for the night. Sometimes I had my best friend sleeping in, and we would jerk off together watching the stuff.. I don't think I've ever been as horny as I was back then

By #588327 at 13,Jun,20 12:25
I think if people talked more about sex it would not be so secretive. People could have better sex because you would know more ways to think about sex. It's like guys are always looking for that perfect body. When we get old you can't have that. So people lose interest or don't have sex.

If people have sex to feel good together then you don't need a perfect body or huge cock or perfect pussy it big tits.

By wycowboy at 13,Jun,20 03:37 other posts of wycowboy 
I found my dad's stash of magazines when I was about 10 and started jacking off to them not much later. This was almost 40 years ago.

By #485312 at 12,Jun,20 22:26
the porn of today is mostly too far fetched, l think todays porn, that is mostly viewed by males, is putting the wrong idea of what sex with a 'real' girl is like in the sack, and women that see it, are usually offended and amazed that this sort of stuff happens.
maybe l watch too much hardcore, but l do think that getting laid now, is less likely than it was 'back in the day'. l think womens standards are so high, they cant find anyone that's 'perfect' or the imaginary 'knight in shining armor' bloke that doesn't exsist. Women can stay single and live torment free lives, and not even know they probably have the better end of stick, while men expect women to 'perform' like porn stars, thinking this is how most women behave, when it cant be further from the truth. lve always felt l was a pretty liberal and out there kind of women it came to sex, but l still get blown away from the kind of porn l can find on the net. makes me feel like lm mother Teresa compared to the some of the pics and vids l viewed online.. men might think theyre learning about their sexuality, when its really installing unreal expectations on their partners. finding love in this day and age is harder than finding a 'fuck', and l think its toss up what people really want in life. lust or love or both if youre lucky ... *Lix*

By #524919 at 11,Jun,20 17:11
When I was 8 or 9, I found a few hard core books in my dads closet. Loved looking at all the fucking and sucking. Loved reading the stories later. I don't know how many times I jacked off looking at those pics.

By #616943 at 09,May,20 17:59
I found my Dad's stack of mags in the closet when I was 8. Thankfully.

By #463848 at 08,Dec,17 11:38
Well, I am older than you are so things were even worse when I was young.

The first magazine that did the rounds was Health and Efficiency which was a naturist publication. I believe it is still about in a different format:

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It does have explicit personals but not the photos that I remember.

It was not until the 1970s that the really graphic sex magazines came to my view.

The Internet then was a revelation and I, like you, wonder how I might be different if I had access to the sort of material that teenagers have now.

By #540402 at 25,Aug,17 12:01
I didn't have access to Internet porn until college. Bought my first porn magazine when i was 18. When I started masturbating around 12 I'd look at girls in the sales fliers that came in the newspaper. Starting around 13 I would sometimes shave my legs and wear pantyhose and panties taken from a friend of my parents house we'd visit regularly. I was a virgin and would put them on while masturbating imagining a girl. I believe this lead to me focusing a lot on my penis and started my interest in other sexy cocks. At 14 I was starting to jack off to both girl and guy pics in the sales fliers and started drawing pics of cocks. Started working at 16 and bought a polaroid camera and sexy men's undies to take pics of myself. I'd masturbate while looking at my own pics. Eventually, my fascination with my penis and blowjobs lead me to discover I could self suck and would do that occationally. I'm not sure having access to Internet porn would have done anything accept speed up the learning process perhaps and waste more time if I had accessibility to it earlier.

By RealTitsLover at 05,Aug,17 12:53 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I spent the weekend one time at my much older cousins' at around 10, and remember finding a magazine that I opened to a black-and-white picture of a naked girl. I stared at it for a few seconds before someone took it outta my hands. A couple years later, I found a big stack of old Playboys in a shed next to a camp we were renting. Got to look at those for about ten minutes before my parents caught me. Found a picture of a naked girl under the bleachers in middle school, but I also went up my girlfriend's shirt and fingered her around that time so it wasn't too exciting in comparison.

That was also around the same time we got the internet at my house. I saved up and bought a used original iMac (still got it) so I could use the internet in my room. In the middle of the night I'd look for porn on there, but the selection was very limited. I remember the first one I liked that I saved and watched many times was a girl slapping her huge tits with a big cock and then stroking it until the cumshot, which she aimed at her tits. It was by far the hottest thing I'd seen at that point, and I can't imagine how many times I got off to it...

By #534172 at 05,Aug,17 11:37
I fortunately developed an interest in rude bits later in the century, but it was the case in Oz in an earlier decade that the definition of obscenity in nudity was visible nipples on female breasts - so in the 'girly magazines' of the day, nipples were airbrushed out of the pictures. My elder brothers I suspect grew up with very strange ideas about female anatomy...

By #514661 at 02,Aug,17 22:26
I grew up in Brooklyn N.Y. and had a very large group of friends (whom all had criminalistic tendencies lol), around 11 yrs old about a dozen of us just bum rushed the magazine section in a candy store and stole the entire rack of porn mags on display, I had about a dozen or so myself, hustler, penthouse, juggs, etc. My older bro wound up taking all of them for himself lol. I guess that was karma. As far as vhs, I actually had a few sexual experiences before I saw my first porn at 14. After that I was addicted, would go to China town in Manhattan and but them regularly and they never asked my age EVER. By the time I was 16 my sex game was A1 and had a reputation for being a player. Now that I'm in my mid 30s I'm kind of a sex addict. Looking back I wish I hadn't been exposed so young but it is what it is.

By #482836 at 02,Aug,17 20:42
Think it was when I was about 12, there was a classmate at school who used to steal (what he claimed were) his old man's porn mags, but he charged what seemed to me a hell of a lot for them - 3 pounds per mag.

At the weekend, me and a few mates would mucknow about on some waste ground near some industrial units. Occasionally we'd find a copy of the daily sport that always had loads of tits in it, and once we found a copy of Mayfair

But then when I was 14 I found my brothers stash. I remember my favourite was 1 particular photo shoot called "the high priest of whoredom" and was 5 guys and 2 women. I wanked myself crazy over those pictures.

By #4162 at 08,Sep,09 09:19
I used to read Naturist mags and wank to TitBits a paper
By #6568 at 08,Sep,09 14:10
Blimey!...yes, good old 'TitBits'...that and 'health and efficency' were the ONLY racy stuff in UK for many many years. H&E had the womens pubic area smoothly airbrushed and I grew into adolescense thinking that women were actually like that between their legs !!!......not only did the Lord Chamberlain's Office forbid genitalia, they forbid even pubic hair,...MUCH to racy !!!

........Oh how things have changed !
By Andthisisme at 02,Aug,17 10:07 other posts of Andthisisme 
Oh those bring back memories from the 1960s. Then of course Paul Raymond arrived with 'Men Only' , and there were others, and 'all was revealed' at last.

One rather sinister thought, Some of the images included in 'Health and Efficiency' in the 60s and 70s included **** and teenage girls. The sort of material that would probably put you in a police cell these days.

By t-rex at 02,Aug,17 04:47 other posts of t-rex 
The odd playboy I could find, until I got older and would hit the adult book stores 😃

By #536760 at 02,Aug,17 03:09
Good topic.

By #485312 at 10,Oct,16 03:50
my old man had a great collection, ribald, bawdy, sex to sexty comics, and plenty of literature that had plenty of hot sex stories, most of it was kept in the loo and we'd sit and read for hours *lix*

By #518223 at 09,Oct,16 09:59
Porn in all forms were banned in South Africa till the mid 90's!!

By onthelose at 08,Oct,16 23:07 other posts of onthelose 
Internet porn has been a boon to men everywhere. The only reason young people think porn is real is because no one has taken the time to help them learn about what is normal. Since I was a young boy, sex was a forbidden topic. I wonder how exactly we (men ) were supposed to become the sex studs we were told women craved. I had no sex education formal or otherwise. I just had to learn from the limited experience I gained from conversations I had with my friends. I think maybe they knew less then me, which wasn't very much. So we blunder along playing hit and miss and then we wonder why so many are screwed up sexually. I too didn't have access to any kind of sexual material until I was in my 30s.A little porn would have gone a long way to helping me explore sex. One thing porn has done to me is make me jaded. I don't get hard just thinking about sex or when I see an attractive woman like I did when I was a lot younger.
By leopoldij at 08,Oct,16 23:09 other posts of leopoldij 
No access to sexual material until you were in your 30s? Why, did you grow up in a convent?

By kebmo at 08,Oct,16 21:19 other posts of kebmo 
National Geographic!

By #6568 at 07,Sep,09 06:04
My experiences with pppirmitive 'porn' is very similar to that described by all of you. I can still remembr vry well seeing an American nudist magazine when I was about 12 and being utterly amazed and fascinated by the womens prolific pubic hair!

As others have said, there essentially was NO photo porn up untill I was already and adult in the late 60's and even then it was not only difficult and expensive to find, but fairly tame by modern standards. It was against the law to show the erect penis in the UK until quite recent times so photos of 'sex' was not very realistic or detailed.

I have to say that since the flood gates opened and the most explicit American porn has swamped all young people there HAS been an enormous effect on sexual attitudes and apparent knowledge. I say 'apparent' because the problem is that many people assume that what they see in porn is either 'real sex',...which it most certainly is not,...or, that it represents a normal rang of sexual activities.

Until recently I was (for 10 years)an adult instructor with what I shall call a 'youth group'. Ages of the youngsters ranged from 10 to 20 with some older hangers-on and some younger siblings around. I learned to greatly admire current young people saw them in a very different light to that portrayed in the media. However, I also saw the huge pressures on them and how society has diminished and fragmented since my own youth. I discovered that ALL kids regardless of their family background/affluence, know about drugs and where to find/avoid them,....and, they ALL know all the basics of 'porn sex' as a kind of 'standard experience'.....

Kids now KNOW that women are always shaved,...they always suck the mans penis,..without any form of foreplay,....then switch for the man to perform a quick and rough cunilingus,....then intercourse in a full and quick variety of very visual positions,.....and ALL sex must end with anal penetration before withdrawl and voluminous ejaculation over womans face.....

....All kids KNOW that there is no tenderness or lovemaking involved in 'real' sex.....
By spermkiss at 08,Oct,16 21:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Since we're pretty much peers in age I can identify with most of what you have said.

A few things jumped out at me: "...NO photo porn..." "...difficult [to find] and expensive...fairly tame by modern standards". I remember an amusing quote from the sixties as porn was beginning to become mainstream. It said porn was becoming more accessible but there are three things that never will be shown: erection, penetration and ejaculation. Seems quaint now-a-days, doesn't it?

By #496814 at 08,Oct,16 16:29
Pornaddiction is one of the major problems that come with internetporn. That is besides the abu se and ille gal practices recorded which often is uncontrollable from userend. It is one of the reasons I ended up here at this amateur, exhibitionist site. It gives me my bit of daily porn, let me feel ok with my exhibitionist nature and it doesn't make me question the origin of its content (although fakers do exist here, but thats another topic).

However, Im glad I didnt have the porn access like I have now during my puberty. I can imagine guys now really get a deformed image of sex, a woman's body and the experience of having sex themselves.

By #64328 at 15,Jul,13 23:38
Even before I had seen porn I was jacking off the underwear section of dept store catalogs. Damn I was a horny ****
By #519017 at 08,Oct,16 15:18
Yeah! I used to browse through my mum's lingerie catalogues straining my eyes to see if any of the models' panties were sheer enough or brief enough to show any pubic hair or a cameltoe. They never were, but the sight of thin white cotton over those sweet sexy mounds sure turned me on. In fact I'm still turned on by my wife's lingerie catalogues.

By slipper at 30,Jun,14 05:59 other posts of slipper 
When I grew up there was no Playboy and such. My first "porn" were my dad's "girly" magazines with no nipples even. He didn't care if I looked at them but even then I got raging little hardons with no idea why. I remember after looking at one of his mags one day I asked my mom why it got that way, standing in front of her with my summer shorts sticking straight out in front of me... wish I could remember her reply! The research has been clear from the earliest published, porn is not bad, and much used to show that sex-crimes were committed by those who saw significantly LESS porno than most. But, I've been retired for years and don't have any reason to follow the professional literature any more.

By #455846 at 29,Jun,14 12:17
i was about ten when i first got to see some porn...

not sure if thats young or older than most ?

By skot at 06,Sep,13 10:28 other posts of skot 
Porn was non existent unless one of us plucked up the courage to buy a wank mag from the newsagent.

Other than that I was reduced to ogling bare-chested guys on Top of the Pops

By Odin_york_pa at 16,Jul,13 02:51 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
when I was in school the boys would trade porn magazines around, kinda like baseball cards. We all knew what everyone was doing with the mags, but few spoke of it in those days. Time to time we would meet in a clubhouse (I grew up in the country) or down at the lake and we would jerk off together to someone's magazine. Times sure have change, now anyone can just go online and find whatever kind of porn you like in a few seconds. In those days(80's/90's) there was really only str8 least that I knew of.

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