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Question for you Straight Guys?

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Started by decatur212 at 07,Apr,12 13:02  other posts of decatur212
I Have a straight friend, and we've watched porn a few times and jerked off together! I've noticed that, when He think I'm not watching, He'll use a finger in His Ass! How would you react if a Bi. friend, that you felt comfortable being Nude and Hard around, gave you a Butt Plug? Good or Bad idea? Would really like to hear your thoughts?

Thanks Sam

Similar topics: 1.Question for the straight guys   2.FIRST CONTACT WITH A GUY   3.Gays guys fucking women   4.Question for gay or bisexual men.   5.Straight guys; What's your price?  

New Comment

By CreativeOne at 06,Jan,23 10:10 other posts of CreativeOne 
Hi Sam... Rob the CreativeOne here and I see this thread is 10 years old now. wycowboy gave a really great reply resurfacing this again. Kudos to him and upon reading your question, curiosity got the best of me as to after all these years... What ended up happening. Did you in fact give your friend the awesome gift of enjoyment that you wanted to give him ? Hopefully yes and to this day do you two still have your guy time together? I mean strait or not. Every guy I'm sure has enjoyed the pleasure of at least dipping his own finger tip inside his own love tunnel for pleasure.

By wycowboy at 05,Jan,23 17:29 other posts of wycowboy 
I consider myself a straight guy but I finger fuck myself and I use butt plugs/dildos on my self all the time. If you offered one to me I would thank you and use it. If you offered to suck my cock I would let you. If that makes me bi, so be it.

By #671336 at 04,Jan,23 08:42
i dont jerk off with friends, i dont put a finger in my arsehole while jerking off.

By tecsan at 04,Jan,23 07:33 other posts of tecsan 
For me bad idea but I presume that it is probably 50% or there about.

By #677376 at 29,Dec,22 03:52
That would be AWESOME! I love finger fucking.

By slipper at 20,Apr,12 04:55 other posts of slipper 
Ask him.

By bigone21 at 19,Apr,12 20:00 other posts of bigone21 
oh oh... what are all those "straight" guys doing???

By #61033 at 08,Apr,12 05:45
Maybe if he knew what an intense orgasm it would give him he might not be offended. Some guys are conditioned to reject this kind of activity outright. You know him best to make this decision.

Adult Discussion Forum