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Licking Assholes, man or woman.

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Started by #559941 at 24,Aug,18 03:01
I'm straight and I love going down on women. I read a forum where eating pussy smells like rotten fish and nice fish. But that is where I'm confused. Men, especially gays love licking assholes but wont eat pussy.. I find that to be inconsistent. Assholes smell like assholes and I'd rather eat fish than asshole.. Can anyone enlighten me on this idea? So if you are gay and only like men, isn't an asshole an asshole?

Similar topics: 1.lets see your assholes   2.clit licking and sucking   3.loves woman assholes   4.Licking Ass Holes   5.Ass sniffing.  

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By Bicunova at 21,Feb,25 14:32 other posts of Bicunova 
I love licking and tongue fucking my wife’s delicious asshole. She loves it and when she cums she almost passes out.

By Cody8789 at 01,Feb,25 22:51 other posts of Cody8789 
Licking or rimming, whatever you want to call it is so dangerous to do, there are so many STDs you can get not to mention hepatitis and bacterial infections, is there anything left. The only thing you have a low chance of getting is hiv, so if you want to live dangerously, go ahead, please be careful. I certainly would not put my mouth or tongue there, there’s so many other options for you to have safer sex activities.

By nakeddude at 01,Feb,25 12:39 other posts of nakeddude 
Licking her cunt is such fun, start dry and it will become wet and flowing in no time. Mostly love the taste, but sometimes can be a bit stronger. At these times keep licking back and slide your tongue into her crack, keep licking around until you reach her hole. Run your tongue around and all over it, it is very erotic for you and her, makes her shiver and squirm. As it swells and relaxes you can poke you way in a bit. Feels great for you and drives her crazy, one of the most intimate things you can do and you will be rock hard, I assure you. No real taste at all when clean and very pleasurable. Then it's your turn...hands and knees and assume the position, you are going to love this more than you can ever imagine...

By cumonme1 at 30,Jan,25 22:10 other posts of cumonme1 
When i eat pussy the asshole is always on the menu. It took a long time before she let me eat her asshole,im glad she let me go back there i really enjoy the entire package.

By Nel61 at 30,Jan,25 09:23 other posts of Nel61 
Here I am tonguing my girl's arsehole. Look how wet its making her.

By knewbi at 16,Nov,24 18:43 other posts of knewbi 
If it's clean I love licking and tongue fuck an asshole, beit girl or guy. And love mine having it down to it too.

By SexIsLife at 03,Nov,24 19:13 other posts of SexIsLife 
I love eating women's asshole as well as love the erotic smells from there.
By leopoldij at 05,Nov,24 20:40 other posts of leopoldij 
I'd be doing that if I knew they were clean. In the absence of this info I avoid the practice.
By SexIsLife at 12,Nov,24 13:45 other posts of SexIsLife 

By Nel61 at 08,Nov,24 13:09 other posts of Nel61 
Cleanliness is essential. I love it. Licking my girl from arsehole to clit and back again is a massive turn on, but I think having her on her knees and just concentrating on her arsehole is the biggest for me. I've licked a few men's arseholes as well, but much prefer a lady's.

By Southcarolinapussy at 19,Oct,24 19:05 other posts of Southcarolinapussy 
I will eat both men's and woman ass I love men's ass the best
By Jamie at 20,Oct,24 03:31 other posts of Jamie 
Your welcome to lick my ass
By Cody8789 at 20,Oct,24 04:54 other posts of Cody8789 
By Jamie at 20,Oct,24 14:35 other posts of Jamie 

By Bicunova at 16,Oct,24 15:03 other posts of Bicunova 
I love rimming and tongue fucking my wife’s delicious asshole. I love the scent and tangy taste. Especially after a nice hot day.

By Jamie at 08,Oct,24 23:22 other posts of Jamie 
Felt good when I was a teenager. He rim my ass and suck me

By #715400 at 08,Oct,24 23:05
For me it jas to be a men's ass spread his ass cheeks and lick that hole slide my tongue deep up in that ass and let dump a load of shit I'm my mouth and throat

By Trisexual at 19,Sep,24 08:54 other posts of Trisexual 
I lick n eat both tuna and a holes my favorite

By #722320 at 13,Sep,24 17:50
I love eating a nice ass! Male or female.

By cumonme1 at 13,Sep,24 13:11 other posts of cumonme1 
I tried for a couple years to eat my ladies ass she would not let me ☹️ finally one morning she got up on her hands and knees, ass up and I for the first time I ate her ass. She really enjoyed it pushing back on my face as I used my tongue on her butt hole. Now she lets me lick her ass crack and butt hole when ever we have sexual activity.

By #709493 at 10,Sep,24 00:33
Its a buzz licking a clean asshole

By Smoothsilk at 07,Sep,24 19:30 other posts of Smoothsilk 
When my girlfriend is sitting on my face, she will rotate a like forward and I can get my tongue in her asshole. I love it. Makes my dick harder and I would cum right away, if she did not move it away soon enough.she likes it and knows I do, tool

By SexIsLife at 29,Sep,23 02:42 other posts of SexIsLife 
I love to lick and suck my wife's asshole most of the times. Doesn't matter whether her hole is cleaned or not. I've licked her asshole so many times when she's back home from outside. The smells before refreshing her hole seems more erotic to me!

By routemaster at 21,Aug,23 06:55 other posts of routemaster 

--------------------------------------- added after 48 seconds

I love licking my hot horny John's awesome hole, this is me doing so in a Glasgow hotel room in September 2022

By #275407 at 24,Aug,18 04:18
I only lick my own asshole, I know it's clean and I can reach it with my tongue
By Gntlmn at 25,Oct,22 22:32 other posts of Gntlmn 
By Cody8789 at 21,Aug,23 06:01 other posts of Cody8789 
Wow, did I say that four years ago

By #680818 at 19,Aug,23 22:09
Use some plastic wrap then you can even suck the whole thing into your mouth

By wycowboy at 24,Feb,20 20:41 other posts of wycowboy 
I love having my asshole licked, it is a very intense feeling and I can have an awesome orgasm from it so, turn about is fair play. If my woman licks my ass I am definately going to lick hers. I enjoy doing it so that isn't a problem.

By cumcouplessa at 24,Feb,20 19:35 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here, I firmly believe its all about hygeine. I love licking wifeys pussy, and enjoy licking her butthole too. Both holes always smell and taste awesome when we do this. She clearly knows whats coming, and prepares herself for the occasion. The same should apply to a guy. If you know theres a chance someone is going to be eating your butt, make sure its clean. I wash my cock long before wifey or anyone else goes down to suck it.

By #522791 at 24,Feb,20 16:48
I love eating a girls ass

By onthelose at 24,Feb,20 04:33 other posts of onthelose 
I don't care if they are fresh out of the shower, but you go right ahead and enjoy yourself. The only reason this happens now is because so many porn videos include it in the plot. It wasn't that long ago when we never saw or heard of this behavior. But like I said enjoy yourself.

By #608810 at 23,Feb,20 15:14
Asshole taste like nothing if it's clean and it's a real turn on tongue fucking some chicks asshole.

By #423426 at 11,Feb,19 18:40
[deleted image] I love it. Got to be straight from the shower of course. Here's me with my tongue in my lady's arsehole.

By #579062 at 11,Feb,19 14:29
Yeah? Let's see a pic of That!!

By abagurio at 11,Feb,19 14:21 other posts of abagurio 
After a good wash, any asshole smells as good as the soap you used.
This applies to women's asses too.

By #577478 at 11,Feb,19 12:20
I love licking older men's assholes and I am able to make them cum just by rimming them. Anal orgasms are much more intense for men than regular orgasms. For me it's a great pleasure to make seniors happy.

By #563965 at 24,Aug,18 19:41
But most vaginas don't smell and if they do they are probably not very well looked after and I assume gay men won't go near an unclean asshole although yeah it has always seemed weird to me, licking where the shit comes out

By up-for-it at 24,Aug,18 17:59 other posts of up-for-it 
Pussy and assholes are two different things.Just like a pussy an asshole doesn't smell or taste the same!

A lot of gay men will not lick an asshole

You are straight will you kiss a man, after all a mouth is a mouth, right?

Get my point? :x
By #559941 at 24,Aug,18 18:08

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Aug,18 03:12 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By #559941 at 24,Aug,18 12:25

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