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What Makes You hard

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Started by ero2715 at 15,Feb,09 16:16  other posts of ero2715
What makes you hard other than stroking your cock?

Similar topics: 1.diaper fetish   2.Who likes to look at BIG hard cock pics?   3.Powerful ejaculation   4.It's hard   5.What makes a great pic?  

New Comment

By Lvphose at 03,Jun,24 20:13 other posts of Lvphose 
My pantyhose/nylon fetish

By WHATSUPDOC at 24,May,24 05:28 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Pics of pussy hasn't got me hard on I don't know when but pictures of cock some get me hard instantly. I know what turns me on. I never wanted to admit it, but cock is my new finally high. Long live the COCK.

By nekekal at 23,May,24 22:30 other posts of nekekal 
Women. Thinking of them, looking at them. I have a great imagination and even looking at nice hands causes me to think of them around my cock and makes me hard. My cock is hard most of the time.

By SexIsLife at 22,May,24 05:05 other posts of SexIsLife 
Watching my wife's sleeping face.

By boc at 22,Apr,24 11:22 other posts of boc 
black women with big boobs

By Wantsome at 22,Apr,24 05:23 other posts of Wantsome 
Thinking of sucking someone’s cock

By PITBULL at 21,Apr,24 18:02 other posts of PITBULL 
being around naked men

By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 15:04
Reading taboo stories on Nifty.

By #275407 at 04,Jan,23 02:23
By Sir-Skittles at 10,Jan,23 23:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Gluing yourself to Bjuka ??

By LGA6969 at 10,Jan,23 21:48 other posts of LGA6969 
Watching 2 guys go at it

By #514663 at 10,Jan,23 20:50
Being naked outside or being naked around others. When people look at my dick it always gets hard in a hurry. And also the pics and vids on this site

By Gulpereel at 10,Jan,23 20:38 other posts of Gulpereel 
Nice comments

By massco at 10,Jan,23 20:01 other posts of massco 
Wish I could figure that out!

By neednopants at 06,Jan,23 18:13 other posts of neednopants 
I get hard walking in the streets seeing a young lady in stockings or pantyhose, geeting hard seeing girls in shorts or miniskirts, getting hard watching a girl walk and the titties dance, I get hard standing a the stairs and watch a ldy go up, I get hard in the shop with the saleswoman wearing no bra, I get hard at the swimming pool, at the beach, I can get hard anywhere anytime - even right now writing down these words.

By german_guy at 06,Jan,23 17:03 other posts of german_guy 
a juicy pussy and a musky cock

By wycowboy at 05,Jan,23 17:26 other posts of wycowboy 
A nice hairy pussy with a musky scent and dripping some wetness.

By quint at 05,Jan,23 02:19 other posts of quint 
..the smell of genitalia.

By #682523 at 03,Jan,23 20:30
There's some of that! Round asses, hairy pussies, small firm titties, large breasts with great nipples... Young hotties, mature housewives and elderly ladies generously endowed by nature.

By #662360 at 29,Dec,22 21:54
Watching my wife (or other women) slowly undress and nude in hot poses.

By #463848 at 29,Dec,22 11:23
At my age touch is the main thing. Some visuals will bring on a semi. Full erection only at orgasm.

By #16281 at 21,Jul,09 23:38
Teenage girlie legs ;)
By #28806 at 16,Oct,09 11:40
By MoeJoe at 23,Nov,09 15:36 other posts of MoeJoe 
Microsoft Word ??

By MoeJoe at 16,Oct,09 09:04 other posts of MoeJoe 
Posting my own pics here, looking at all of the hot cocks, and exchanging comments and pics with others.

By #1501 at 23,Jul,09 23:55
Nibbling hard nipples!

By #747 at 12,Jun,09 11:59
Horny wifes with hairy cunts!

By #6437 at 21,Feb,09 12:40
sucking cock eating a mans asshole being Bi!

By #6437 at 20,Feb,09 06:47
making gay love to a man sucking his cock eating his asshole swallowing his hot cum playing in hot cock piss mmmmmmmm

By #7976 at 20,Feb,09 03:18
An intelligent, beautiful women with large breasts, naturally harry all over, a small waste, womanly hips, great smile and thoughtful personality that looks into your eyes when talking and loves to cuddle up anytime and everywhere. She needs to be aggressive in bed and be able to have an intelligent conversation between saying, "lets fuck". Young women are sometimes hot but middle aged women usually are the sexiest get me harder quicker. Sometimes, I get hard looking a a particularly well hung male having sex with a woman but not as often. When I was younger, almost everything made me hard. Now, I am more particular about my likes and sex is better too. I just wish my erections wouldn't last so long. My lover gets tired before I do and finishing alone is disappointing.

By #5440 at 16,Feb,09 14:03
sucking cock

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