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Is bigger REALLY better...?

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Started by #452019 at 09,Apr,14 10:25
I've lost count of the number of times I've stumbled upon a group of guys on here comparing or complimenting each other on their dick size. You know what I mean 'oh wow, nice size xxxx' or 'you look 7"' etc.

As a woman my experience is much different. I've experienced enough cocks to know that size is really unimportant. I never measure a guy (honestly, has any woman ever done that prior to fucking?) you soon find out if he slips out that he's smaller and if it's uncomfortable that he's bigger and you change positions to accommodate. What you can't make provision for is a crap lover. I've found a few and each time they were larger than average. I concluded that there are a number of guys out there that genuinely believe having a larger dick will get a woman wet and that technique, passion and an active tongue / digit really have no merit. So I like most of my friends will happily favour average sized guys as they consistently bring all the benefits with fewer negatives.

So that's my view and here's the question(s). How many of you guys have actually experienced a 'big' cock? Did you like it? Is this the basis of your bigger is better philosophy? If you haven't had that experience then why do you think bigger is better? Why do guys believe that black guys have huge cocks (they fair no better than white guys in my experience). Do we blame it on porn again? Is it just engrained culturally? What do YOU think?

Similar topics: 1.HOW DO YOU FEEL WHEN...   2.let's vote about "longdick" out or in??   3.Does your willy get bigger or smaller with age?   4.your partner ever talked about a bigger dick experience?   5.My dick is bigger....  

New Comment

By Lik2play at 26,Dec,24 04:11 other posts of Lik2play 
I'm of average size, I really never heard any girl tell me my dick was to big or to small.its how you use it.
I like big tits but I will enjoy smaller tits too.

By VacuumMan at 14,Dec,24 14:47 other posts of VacuumMan 
I like sucking cocks that are larger than mine.

By raybo36 at 10,Dec,24 15:52 other posts of raybo36 
ive been told by females that a big dick is great for sex but its not a deal breaker if a guy is smaller than average but everything else is great.
By Richie at 12,Dec,24 19:22 other posts of Richie 
What if they were as small as me?

By german_guy at 12,Dec,24 18:18 other posts of german_guy 
I never had any complains being to small. I have 6 inch cock and my wife always wanted me to be careful while doing doggy cause I hit the cervix and she says it really hurts.
I'm glad with the size I've got. besides what the hell you have to live with what you got

By Alwaysnude at 12,Dec,24 16:37 other posts of Alwaysnude 
I agree with you most women are more concerned about all the stuff that is involved in sex and love. I have always had girl friends and wives. My buddy has big dick but was lonely and hung up on how big he was [deleted image]in and out of relationships size is great but my dick got girls too
--------------------------------------- added after 83 seconds

Would any of you not do me because of my size?

By nekekal at 11,Dec,24 06:26 other posts of nekekal 
I have a larger than average cock, and my experience has not been great. Women actually seem to like a fat cock. They have no real sensitive nerves in their cunt, but can feel it filled and stretched in the first few inches. Most speak of enjoying that first opening up.

There is a birth control device in the shape of a ring with about a 2inch hole in it that they can place in their cunt about the length of their fingers up. Most guys can fuck them and never feel it, and the woman cannot feel it either.

But I cannot get my cock through it. And without it, the next thing up is the cervix, which effectively is the end of the cunt. Every time that I have hit it with my cock it has been the end of the fuck. I have only ever fucked one woman that could take the full length of my cock. She was awesome to fuck. I could just ram my cock into her until my balls hit her ass. Hmmm great.

The usual method was to slowly insert my cock into her, about a half of an inch at a time, until I could feel my cock head against her cervix, then look and see how much cock was sticking out of her and carefully fuck her with what I could.

It was better if she was on top. She could control how deep she wanted the cock, and I could slide my hand down between us as a sort of spacer and use my finger on her clit as she fucked as much of my cock as she wanted.

Big cock has not be good to me. I mean I really enjoyed fucking. Nice tight cunt and they were all tight, and long strokes but only a few women came back for seconds.
By Moench at 11,Dec,24 17:48 other posts of Moench 
I think, it’s not only the size. Is the way the men handle his dick. My wife first boyfriend had a very big penis(20 cm ) and she feel only pain and never get an orgasm. For me ,with my 9 cm,she always on top and I let her do what she like till she finish. She ride me like crazy and sliding her clit till she comes
By nekekal at 11,Dec,24 18:30 other posts of nekekal 
Most women will not orgasm from getting a cock shoved into them. Most women enjoy having their clit stimulated, but it is so tricky to do that it is best if they are on top and control the motion. They can grind, or slide, or whatever. But with my big cock, most women cannot get enough of it into them to rub their clit against any part of my body, unless my hand is down there. And if she goes to deep, it hurts a fucking is over.

My wife liked it when my cock was between her legs, against her cunt, either from the front or back and then I would thrust, rubbing my cock against her cunt lips and clit. But having a big enough cock to do that was no advantage to me.

By Threesome at 10,Dec,24 11:55 other posts of Threesome 
My wife loved big cock. She had a smaller one with little balls and it became her favorite. She'd always say " it got so hard." "Harder than anything she had before.

By Allalexallday at 02,Dec,24 00:36 other posts of Allalexallday 
My fiancee say 100% bigger is better. I'm the second smallest she has had and she tells me how better her ex's are. I love it when she talks about the big dicks she had. I like knowing that Jeremy and Tyler are who she thinks about while I'm fucking her.
By boc at 02,Dec,24 01:00 other posts of boc 
Every woman I have dated has told me bigger is better up to a certain size. But I have to be careful about bruising a woman's cervix.

By #428059 at 09,Apr,14 10:38
Finally a woman's view!
The commercials mad adds make me feel inadequate and I'm just over six.
My theory is please the fuck out of your woman before you stick it in!
My goal has always been give here at least 3 orgasms with your tongue,teeth and fingers or a combination of the above, and when your finally inside her, let her tell you what she likes.
By #452019 at 24,Apr,14 13:43
3 orgasms seems an ambitious goal for every session, sometimes one is more than enough, especially when time is tight and you just want to fuck and go. still your thoughts and heart are good and you're packing more than enough.
By #428059 at 09,May,14 09:51
I aims to please

By #276990 at 28,Apr,14 10:10
I totally agree.......well maybe aim for two orgasms, but I agree with you on the giving before sticking.
By #428059 at 09,May,14 09:52
Thank you

By _avg_ at 01,May,14 06:49 other posts of _avg_ 
*bumping for shameless--er, for science!!*

edit: wtf? I "replied" to my own comment below and it edited it?? fucked up... anyway, READ IT

By admin at 09,Apr,14 14:58 other posts of admin 
Blacks having larger dicks is a myth.

Porn industry uses big-dick guys because it's much easier to shot this way. For the same reason they are almost always shaved or at least trimmed. Also, a dick usually looks bigger when it's shot close than when you are looking at your own. Porn, no doubts, makes people think everyone has a big dick.

And from some talks with women - yes, guys with big dicks often think being big is enough and not trying much in bed.
By #452019 at 09,Apr,14 20:10
i do agree as it is my experience that the races are fairly evenly mixed.

i did read once that porn actors are actually all very short to make everything appear larger. it seems logical that less hair also helps.

the last part has proven true on more than one occasion for me

thanks for taking part admin
By admin at 10,Apr,14 16:15 other posts of admin 
I doubt porn actors are short. May be some of them, but not a big portion. As I said, longer dicks are simply easier to work with. Porn movies always show action - dick pumping inside a pussy or ass. If the dick is short - you can't see much of the action, woman's buttocks and man's belly and balls (depending on the angle) will mostly cover the "main actor". Worse if the partners are not shaved.

In big dick niche, however, actors may be short intentionally. Also, I've seen a lot of photos (usually with black actors) where dicks are obviously artificial, sometimes you can even spot a real small dick hanging.
By _avg_ at 28,Apr,14 02:16 other posts of _avg_ 
A lot of the women are quite short (under 5'5") but the men can be pretty tall; the relative difference helps to emphasize the image. Brandon Iron at 5'6" and Mandingo at 5'7" are the shortest ones I can think of, but many of the other "big dick" pornstars are 6' or more: Lex Steele, Criss Strokes, Rocco Siffredi, Ramon, Shane Diesel, Julian Rios, Nacho Vidal, Billy Glyde, Danny D ... Preston Parker and Peter North are also right around there, at 5'11".

If I may be excused for directing to another site, I've been collecting pornstar measurement/comparison pics/movies for years over at LPSG:

http //www.lpsg com/118629-measured-porn-stars.html

The most remarkable thing I've learned is that the vast majority of the "big dick" guys are in the 7-8" range approx., including most of the ones I mentioned above. Lex is measured (from the side) at 9.5" and is the biggest one I've found; he's often considered 2nd only to 'dingo in terms of length.
--------------------------------------- added after 76 hours

*bumping for shameless--er, for science!!*

By WristThick at 23,Apr,14 04:17 other posts of WristThick 
It's a combination of size, skills and chemistry. You need to have all 3 for a truly mindblowing sexual experience. But you can still have very good sex with average size as many super sexually experienced girls and guys will tell you.

Size alone doesn't do it and any idiot with a big dick over the age of 17 will know that. I found that out VERY fast!

Skills can come natural or can be learned. Either way, you have them or you don't. If you don't then don't be surprised when pain never turns into any pleasure if you have a big dick.

Chemistry isn't something that can be learned. Some people fuck really well together. Many don't. You have to find the right matches for you. That means following your instincts and trusting what really attracts you sexually.

My 10 cents right there
By #452019 at 23,Apr,14 04:34
interesting pov, so you still think that size matters?

chemistry? for love yes, i would agree but i don't think it necessary for sex. i think all you need is a willingness to pleasure another and the ability to communicate (although this communication encompasses many aspects, openness, sexual experience, etc.)
By WristThick at 23,Apr,14 22:08 other posts of WristThick 
Sexual chemistry, yeah. Body rhythm, being into the same things, somehow knowing what really gets the other person off, and really fucking well together. Movements are very fluid and both of you really turn each other on. With someone else some or all of those things are missing.

I've trained plenty of girls. Some of them just knew what they were doing no matter their lack of experience. But with another man who they didn't have sexual chemistry with they wouldn't have done the same or be nearly as pleasing.

And yes, size still matters. It can matter for better or for worse if the guy doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Having a big dick should make you a lot BETTER at oral, not worse. When for many it's the other way around. Then they're wondering why the girl is sore afterwards and why some girls say "I don't like it big". Yeah right.
By #452019 at 24,Apr,14 09:13
i think we share many of the same opinions however i still hold the view that bigger is not better, just different.
By WristThick at 27,Apr,14 23:59 other posts of WristThick 
Every girl is different. It depends on how you're built, what you like and how your partners handled you.

By #452019 at 23,Apr,14 06:58
[deleted image]

see what on earth would you do with this? (try not to look too hard or you'll see the join )
By *kmadeau* at 24,Apr,14 13:44 other posts of *kmadeau* 
don't believe all is a pure true you are seeing here, I remember his pics when he was Maverick...

By _avg_ at 21,Apr,14 15:23 other posts of _avg_ 
the sex organ that really matters is between the ears

By #408374 at 12,Apr,14 03:00
Easy one; It does matter on looks, many girls do really care about that. Im no woman myself but Ive talked with girlfriends about this and this was always their honest opinion.
But it doesnt affect sex if the cock is atleast 15cm big. (15 cm my guess). Anything REAL big, you could say humongus, seem to effect only elderly women whose cunts are too wide to feel an usual cock.

So long story short - it doesnt matter if youre not smaller than average.

By NOWHEREMAN at 11,Apr,14 05:01 other posts of NOWHEREMAN 
I'm small it's nice to hear a Women with reason! Many Modern Women don't seem to agree? Maybe they are caught up in the male ego hype?

By #457608 at 11,Apr,14 01:54
Because I'm big I hit deep into my wifes cervex which means I can get her off with my dick in three minutes or less which is great, but as a result she doesn't want me to do her from be hind because it hurts unless I go half way in, and she hurts the next day if I take to long and will not have sex with me,so bigger is not always better it depends on the person your with.

By winnie at 10,Apr,14 11:08 other posts of winnie 
I hope that bigger not better,

By #457523 at 09,Apr,14 18:23
You just sent Ken into a tailspin with this posting
By #316057 at 10,Apr,14 02:54

By Gntlmn at 10,Apr,14 02:44 other posts of Gntlmn 
ultra-violet for president!

By big9inch21 at 09,Apr,14 18:49 other posts of big9inch21 
Well said girl!

By leopoldij at 09,Apr,14 14:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Great question. I have always been concerned with my (not big) size. But, more recently, I understood that having good sex is more important. And I think I'm a good lover :-) Also, I have a really big sex drive. My cock remains hard after cumming and can keep fucking for long time. Some women have told me this is great because most men they have encountered go limb after cumming and that's the end. Also, almost all women I know don't seem to care about size. It is us men who care. Thanks for asking again.
--------------------------------------- added after 23 hours

no replies to me yet :-(

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