Male Multiple Orgasm
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Empty cum(dry orgasm)

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Started by #455893 at 27,Apr,14 03:10
Empty cum (dry orgasm) is when you have ejaculated everything in there.. The orgasm is amazing when there is nothing left and nothing comes out.. Usually you need to cum four times or there abouts, for it to happen... Anyone done that ??

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By nekekal at 20,Apr,23 01:55 other posts of nekekal 
When I was a kid, say 9 years old, I had a lot of dry orgasms. I beat my penis all the time. It felt great but nothing came out. The good news was that there was no mess and I could do it over and over.

Once I started to cum, I seemed to generate lots of the stuff. I never ran out. Sometimes it got less and less but it always felt great. To be honest, with my cock deep in a cunt, I am not sure if anything was coming out or not. But it was a great orgasm.

By LGA6969 at 19,Apr,23 22:44 other posts of LGA6969 
Yes . I use to do it a lot when I was younger. The orgasm feels great when your empty.

By neednopants at 17,Apr,23 15:44 other posts of neednopants 
I think I had my last dry orgasms at the age of 9 or 10. By getting older, there was always something to cum when I have an orgasm - even if sperm runs out, the prostate is still working. But one thing is true: After three or more orgasms, the feeling get much more intense. You will not really know if it is pain or passion. It is unique !
By #692343 at 18,Apr,23 23:03
A mixture of sensations inside the cock and body, a slight pain but also a lot of pleasure, orgasms that feel like they are squeezing your cock
By neednopants at 19,Apr,23 17:08 other posts of neednopants 

By kockslinger at 17,Apr,23 20:00 other posts of kockslinger 
Amen to that. Love to plug the hole and stop the cum from coming out. Is it pain or pleasure. After two or three times it's intense.

By #692343 at 14,Apr,23 14:36
At 16 I reached 5 or 6 wanks a day and the last ones were with dry but even more intense orgasms

By #64328 at 25,Jan,16 20:51
After the 3rd im might get a drop but thats it. Orgasms without sperm seem to feel even more intense.

By #505462 at 22,Jan,16 18:32
I have had several of these dry orgasms while edging multiple shots of cum onto my food. Sometimes they keep coming fast and intense. The first time it happened I thought maybe I broke something by masturbating too much!

By 22john22 at 06,May,14 15:34 other posts of 22john22 
I often have when I don't want to cleaning or I'm in a hurry.

By leopoldij at 27,Apr,14 09:01 other posts of leopoldij 
I haven't. How can you get an orgasm without cumming????
By #204902 at 01,May,14 12:46
Before the Age of 10 I remember dry orgasms
By leopoldij at 06,May,14 09:47 other posts of leopoldij 
lucky you!

By naked-porn at 01,May,14 14:03 other posts of naked-porn 
I remember (many years ago) dry orgasms due to the third or fourth ejaculation in the same day. I think was this the reason why they were particularly intensive, as if somebody was catching my balls. In effect I have to say that I never cummed very much.

By jocstfr at 01,May,14 02:54 other posts of jocstfr 
yes this has happened to me after shooting 3 loads in a short amount of time. It is a very strange sensation. It feels just like a normal orgasm except on climax nothing cums out. My dick started to spasm as it does when I am cumming and my cum slit opened and closed several times as if it were shooting cum out but nothing came out. In the end I felt satisfied with no mess to clean up!

By pifad at 30,Apr,14 18:54 other posts of pifad 
I have many times. The feeling is utterly intense.

By Odin_york_pa at 28,Apr,14 00:08 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I love a dry orgasm. They were always my favorite even going way back to pre-puberty

By WristThick at 28,Apr,14 00:05 other posts of WristThick 
No matter how many times I cum, I never go dry. I guess my balls start working overtime producing more cum when I fuck lots. My balls are usually full anyway and it doesn't take that long for them to get that way after unloading several times.

By #64328 at 27,Apr,14 17:40
Yes...I have many times

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