Started by #533479 at 18,Dec,17 10:32
Similar topics: one likes me 2.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise.... 3.Small Black Cocks 4.Small or big? What is the discussion? 5.Do small cocks want to see other small cocks New CommentComments: |
this way...there's an angel on one shoulder, a demon on the is about you, your not a stereotype, flick them both off... My choice on cock size, haha... big ones are scary
Not rally big but works good 😂😉
Mine looks pretty small when soft but gets to 6" but I still consider it small.
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So few women actually get AMAZING orgasms from just big dick penetration!
What if some 'small dick' guys know some things that make women's toes curl with joy??
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