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Me and my feelings for my prostitude cousin

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Started by Greek18cm at 29,Apr,18 22:39  other posts of Greek18cm
So, this is going to be a long thread even if i am going to make it as short as i can. I wil try to be brief but...well
I meet this girl about three or four years ago in her 18th birthday. We are 2nd cousins but had not benn in touch since she was just 6 years old and i was working at her fathers bar-cafe at her village before her parents split up.
We met,and i knew rumours that she is a slut so i was thinking,ok maybe if i go out with her i will get lucky with her friends. So, as her charachter was/is she did not hesitate to take me in her day to day life. You know i was working have money and a car so... It seems perfect to her.
As the time goes she had this aproach to me that day by day make me have feelings for her. You know she was acting like she own me, make small jealous scenes if i was interesting in other girls. She demand that i will be there for her and when we were ouy she literaly flirting with me,with her dance and other regular stuff you know.
So once she had me one her grisp, and starting to show her self to the public and make her conections (conections who could make by her own -as she already have some - but i made it easier) she starting to give me this signs that :ok we had fun but you are not going to havr it:... But she continue to demand my presence as she needed. She was using our relationship as a shield so we dont have sex. I was never ask her but she knew. And what it drives me crazy is that she was fucking with every one but me. Fatter than me. Uglier than me. Dirty guys. Old guys. I was feeling the rejection all over me...
So i was backing her at every thing she wants. And my feelings and lust was growing bigger. And every day for a year we spend all the time together and it was then that i was starting seeing things. Also hearing...
People talking me, friends talking me, relatives talking to me. All saying she is a prostitude. I was not listening really, illusioning my self even if i was things in my eyes. Well i did not she someone fuck her and paying her but i saw her dumping me when we are ouy and come back after half an hour or living with a car and come back later.
I saw her exes (plurar ex is it?) one by one, if she was just 18 she already has 2-3 guys at age between 45-55 and all three of them had small or big cafe or clubs at the city. I did not give a fuck i had nice time with her and i was proud to have such a beautiful girl to my side so i pretended to my self that all this is rumours or missforune cuincidences.
In this first year many things happened but it would take ages to give you the details. Maybe in a book... The point is she was spoiled by me, never say her no, and she new i could not be able to be mad at her.
So after a year there was this friend of her to the Metropolis City of our region. She moved from a 80.000 people city to a 3.000.000 . And then i am starting to really tribulate. All things i passed the last year start to get gigantic in the next three months. At the begining she was calling me every day... Talking me about how things is there... Planning to meet me when she come bach the end of the week...
After a while the phones top to be regular. She start to come back and dont even tell me... So what happened, she was working at first at a strip club and then to a greek type o night entertainment (i dont know how to say in englissh-is a place for the very reach people you will understand).
So in one of her calls told me that she is making company to reach people, she is drinking for free and when i said that she is going with them she denied. Later she said me in the middle of the night photoes from a hotel, in an othe cith (athens 5.000.000 people) with sampaighne and fruits and when i questioned that she said :i am with a friend:....
That was to much for me. The rumors in the villlage was killing me. So one day she came back and not telling me so i go and find her. And she goes mad making a scene and dont even want to talk to me. So i am calming her down and take her to er home. She calms me also and tell me to relax and we will talk. And five minutes later she blocked me for some days. I was so in to her that this was all my life...
Some days later she called me and say some knonsens. We talked for an hour. She get mad then calm then emotionally charged, i was terified. And she knew that i was fearing to loose her for ever. So we conclude that she has work and that she does not want to be nothing with me not even cousins.
So we broke our bond and i was monitoring her activities to the big city know lots of people i know. I learn that she was a prostitude. I also knew a guy from my village was going there to she her and i was so jealous. And this guy plays a part in the hole story. So almost a year pass after she left for the big city so, i am informed from my people that she came bach to stay. And i know that something wrong happened.
I was this time at a very bad shape. Having sex with girls and cant cum (that still continius), so i am going to this psychologist who insist to find her and talk to her. So i am at this bar and thinking of her and randomly she apears thera with her best friend. And she comes to me like nothing happened to suprise me and i was like the happiest person on earth.
I grapped her and she was screaming by joy and then, well i dont know what happened first but, i grabbed her uss for first time and also asking her while hug her :why why my babe why:... She just act like that hole year was no bi deal. So we seperate and spend the night with our friends and later this week we get together and talk.
We talk for hours. She was defferent. I was able to see clearly that something hppended. I knew about her prostitution and some rumours about drugs but... She was defferent or at least that was what i wanted to see. So we start hugging out once again. This time i was admit taht except my emotions i a;so have sexual emotions for her
She was insisting that all war rumorous and she was just a little wild. I knew it was a lie. So a new cycle began. We went out. We spent tons of hours. Again we had some troubles. I was working hard and some times she was going out instead of me with this guy i told you arlier. And i was jealous. She said they are friend but i had this instict you know... Also in our bad momments he made me by blackmailing that she is not going to talk to me again, she make me to erase any messages we had in any media...
Well i will pass the details and describe you our last month at August 2017. She was telling me she want to sell her eggs for money. So people told me she is joking me and something else is going on. So i once again do what she wants. I was taking her to the clinic every time she asked. I was again doing what she demands. And then it happens.
I no longer own a car after this and my family insist to leave at another country for job since i get unemployed at September. So i do one last move. Making her some presents and prepare to go. And she was find once again the way to hurt me . She turn the gifts into a case that she can get mad at me. No important how now its details but imagine that you give many presents to someone and this someone get mad at you just because she wants to...
So after that something happened and i stayed at the country did not leave. So i am going to find a job and find the exact place the universe had this time. I went to someplace wich is semi legal i can say. And the other places around us was totaly ****. Actually next to my job there was a place with prostitudes.
And so in taht work day by day or night by night i learned from the people there even more. THey insure me that yes she is a prostitude and even more. That she is going to the peolple and talk bad about me that she is using me and just go out with me in order to do what she wants and for the money.
So after some days she send me a message. As i was expecting, i was going to the rescue every time something was not going as she planned. And there are everybody acting like :do not answer her. So i answer just that i am ok and did not give anything else. And even she was making the move to find me, she stil 7 months later did not oficialy read my anser. (i ansered one word so she could read it anyway and i bet she was furius)...
So time passed and i hear she wants to come to my place to play but is not coming because i am there. And one night she apperas in the door with this guy i am so jaelous. And they freeze as they saw me but i was like i dont even turn to look at you. So she just scream :hi to all" but there was no response the turn out and left since they said came to see the boss...
So this guy is the eternal crush of my cousins best friend. This best friend is really really fat and this guy as i learned is fucking her get money from her and then spends it whith my cousin. What i dont know is if this best friend knows about it and is ok or if they trick her. Also i dont know if my cousin tricking this guy or they do it together...
So i am so jealous about him because she choosing him to have fun and even fuck... And then it cames the cherry to the fucking cake.
The guy who owns the place with the prostitudes who is in touch with me this time, meet my cousin, i dont know how but the last4-5 months they are together. Thats why she did not come back to me yet. He has money. a nice car that she can loan, and he also gave her a job in a night club of the town. Everything she wants.
So, i am now without a car and almost broke because all my money went to her... I am starting a new job in two days but i feel so... First i an on foot and she can do her life with everyone else. It will take me a month so i can have some good money (and she has her birthday in 2 weeks) and even 4-5 untill i buy a new car. That means the hole summer i will be contained will she... I really want her back. I want her to give me some resect... I want to tell you so many things about that but... Thats my story i want your opinion. Maybe you guys can help me.
I know and expect that the most of you will tell me not to get back at her at any case but i really really dont fell able to do this...

She is not really a bad person. She is good,when she wants. I do not know what to do.

Similar topics: 1.My Tight Cousin   2.Feelings   3.Fucking Emotions   4.Sexual objectification of Cheetos and other orange stuff.   5.Lets make a casting for my life  

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By dgraff at 01,Jun,19 17:50 other posts of dgraff 
I’m not reading that whole thing are you writing a book or what
By #551147 at 01,Jun,19 23:42
Don't bother, I already fell for it. It's pretty fuckin twisted and he makes my brain hurt.
By dgraff at 02,Jun,19 03:02 other posts of dgraff 
I figured if Leo was interested then I'm not
By #551147 at 02,Jun,19 03:13
By Dev01 at 02,Jun,19 04:04 other posts of Dev01 
Wtf is a prostitude... Is it like attitude but smells more?
By #551147 at 02,Jun,19 04:08
Roflmao That's as good of a guess as any. 😉 The Authors engrish, not so guuud.
By #584076 at 02,Jun,19 05:01
Prostidude is a male hooker!
By Dev01 at 02,Jun,19 05:35 other posts of Dev01 
Umm but it's titled prostitude not prostidude ..dude oh my
By #584076 at 02,Jun,19 06:20
Well I dunno about you all but I prefer antistitude to prostitude!

Fuck them stitudes!
By Dev01 at 02,Jun,19 20:12 other posts of Dev01 

By leopoldij at 01,Jun,19 15:30 other posts of leopoldij 
It's been a while now. What's going on with that prostitude cousin? Have you fucked her yet? I hope you have.
By phart at 01,Jun,19 16:59 other posts of phart 
Damn,you musta been bored shittless to bring this 1 up out of the dungen.
By leopoldij at 01,Jun,19 20:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Free entertainment dude.

By Greek18cm at 05,Jan,19 19:08 other posts of Greek18cm 
So this is it. Its been 3 months again that she left me since she found someone rich again with night club...and she act like stranger.

So i decide to do what i 've done with some other girls.

I decide to show her my cock. So atleast i will kniw for sure she saw it.

So what i want to know is what the law says about this. I mean she is a prost/whore but still, could she technically do something against me?

If not,i am going to send her my pics.

It worked with two-three others. Maybe will work with her,even if i doubt it will eork without some amount of money.
By leopoldij at 06,Jan,19 09:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Nice. Nice. Did you send your cock to her? What Did she say?
Make Sure to also send her some pics of your cock covered in cum.
By #551147 at 06,Jan,19 11:44
Chicks don't dig that shit... WTF is wrong with you.
By Greek18cm at 06,Jan,19 17:13 other posts of Greek18cm 
I know they are not, i just want her to see. Plus, all the girls that saw it change their attitude to me in a positive way after they saw it

By phart at 07,Jan,19 01:05 other posts of phart 
Better yet,why not just walk in and open your trench coat and say "HERE IT IS" and see what happens.IF she is a prostitute she might give you a estimate on how much it would cost to let you fuck her.
Kinda like taking your truck into a shop with a bad dent in the fender to get a estimate on repair cost.
By Greek18cm at 09,Jan,19 16:33 other posts of Greek18cm 
I curently cant find her.
Plus where i could do this.
Sure not in public,so we could be somewhere alone. And we have 3 months to be alone.

And she does not have to see it to estimate anything. Her price is not about that. Fuck,as long as i know that there was time that she was making blowjobs even for 5 euros i am geting crazy.

I just waiting when the time comes again that she will need me. Now she is ok.

By Greek18cm at 06,Jan,19 17:12 other posts of Greek18cm 
Not yet

By leopoldij at 31,Jul,18 03:38 other posts of leopoldij 
Can we see a pic of her?
By Greek18cm at 31,Jul,18 19:50 other posts of Greek18cm 
i want to saw but i will not. i am to scared. if she find out she is going to be really really mad at me. you dont reaaly loose something. she is not really good or hot. she is not tall. she is thin. not to thin but...well.... there are way more better bodies than hers. she does not have a more tahn average butt. small tits. you really dont need to see
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 00:03 other posts of leopoldij 
But how am I gonna fuck her if I don't see? I want to pay her and fuck her. I can afford that. I'll let you watch or I'll take pics and show you. I bet if I give her 100 euro she'll fuck and suck my dick.
By Greek18cm at 01,Aug,18 02:13 other posts of Greek18cm 
Wwho knowss ? Maybe yes maybe no
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 06:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok. I'll double that.
By Greek18cm at 01,Aug,18 11:54 other posts of Greek18cm 
Dude as i figure out... She can deny even 700 euros if she does not want to do it with someone for any reason... And she can open her legs for less or more than 100 if she likes to. If she is willing to go with someone, she is going to get as much as she can. if she can see that can take more and more she will do it. if she think that she can not take more she will setle for even 50 (if she needs them at this time).

By the way. Where are you and you claim so confident that you are going to do it? I suggest, if anyone cares, all of you chip in and buy me a night without her to know who am i. Because when she knows...not even 700 is enough...

And if you do this, lets film the thing (i can fuck for hours without cum)... Lets film it and you can take all the money. I just want to nail her.
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 17:59 other posts of leopoldij 
You give me a way to get in touch with her and I'll arrange the rest.
By #435701 at 01,Aug,18 18:08
JEEZ FUCKING LOUEEEZZZ! This WHOLE post seems so stupid! So contrived... I hope that you, leopoldij, are just being funny and sarcastic Because anything else just lends itself to just how low humans can go...Are YOU actually Greek18cm?
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 18:20 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm actually hoping to get to own the prostitude and earn some money. I've never owned a prostitude before and she seems to be the perfect one, a postitude with attitute. I'll let men tribude her without exceptions, I won't exclute anyone. And I'll full her too. That'll be absoludely wonderful. Fucking without boundaries.
By #435701 at 01,Aug,18 18:30
lol... There really should be no boundries! But, alas...God himself has put them there so us humans cannot just fuck in peace. Deceases of the deadly type as well as just the multitude of annoying ones. The ones that cause you to go to the doctor and admit as well as show him your sins. Lets ALL of us own a 'prostitude'...cousin hopefully. Just to make us ENTIRELY eligible for entry to HELL!
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 18:38 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you realize that Greek18cm only wants to fuck her once? That's all he needs. He's perfectly aware that she doesn't love him. He also believes that the earth is flat.
No pun intended.
By #435701 at 01,Aug,18 18:58
ONCE is ALL it takes for an entry ticket to HELL! And I have my own picture of an eclipse for flat earthers...Absolute proof we live on a sphere But, these obvious things are not proof for Trumpites n jis overall dumchens And I don't actually believe Greek18cm and his 7.08661417323" cock actually is a true person Just like his imaginary bigger than average one eyed monster don't exist neether.
It's Penthouse Letters 101 in modern times...
By Greek18cm at 01,Aug,18 20:10 other posts of Greek18cm 
i did not undertand anything... first... is 7 inches = 18cm? ...what is the big eye monster means? and what about p.h.101??? what is trumpites? Eclipse is not proving sphere shape. Hell>? what hell? i am feeding this slut evrytime she is hungry, i love and care her. i am going to be prince in heaven.
By #491031 at 02,Aug,18 01:26
Dude, you are obsessed with fucking your own cousin to the point that it is interfering with your life. You CARE for her only because you want to BONE her. I'm pretty sure that kind of self-centered "caring" does not get you into the "prince" section of Heaven.
By Greek18cm at 02,Aug,18 15:04 other posts of Greek18cm 
You are wrong when you think i only care yo fuck her. That iw not true. I caare reaally for her. Its just her actions doenot left much room to emotions

By Greek18cm at 01,Aug,18 20:11 other posts of Greek18cm 
mayne more than once... but atleast once (did i write atleast ok?)

By Greek18cm at 01,Aug,18 20:12 other posts of Greek18cm 
how about i show you pics of another cousin,one from germany that she teach me how to mastrbate...
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 21:15 other posts of leopoldij 
By phart at 02,Aug,18 16:05 other posts of phart 
The simple fact is this guy is just a fictional novel author that is out of work living in his aunts attic in the winter,basement in the summer. The folks that pick story's for Jerry Springer rejected this script so he is pushing it on us. Not much of a way this is real.
By Greek18cm at 02,Aug,18 17:08 other posts of Greek18cm 
Is this a ssofisticated aand manipulatinh way to convince me to share more detaails or even foto to convince you ??? Man the sstory is real. Maybe you are what you described. Really ssory if that s true. The only problemm in my life in order of concern is 1.economicaal like 98% of the greeks. cousin who fucks enyone but me and 3.i caant cum when havung sex... the topic if you believe the tory s true it does not concern me. I dont care so much that i even consider why i spent 3 minutew writting this reply

By Greek18cm at 02,Aug,18 17:11 other posts of Greek18cm 
Is this aunt in thies sstory of yours you say the mother of my prostitute cousin? It would be interesting (since my couwin lives with her mother)
By phart at 02,Aug,18 20:43 other posts of phart 
Well if your story is true,then perhaps I was out of line with my comment.But for goodness sake you have to realize that most,if not 99 % of us, aren't to hyper about fucking our cousins ok? And the fact you can't seem to understand that she is using you and you need to walk away, makes us wonder,why oh why is this guy hanging on.
And also,the fact you can't cum, you could have issues with your "plumbing".I did, so I know what it feels like and it is annoying.Talk to the doctor and get some ideas. But for goodness sake,let go of your prostitute cousin that won't even let you fuck her for money ok?
By Greek18cm at 02,Aug,18 21:02 other posts of Greek18cm 
First of all, i dont think you was over the line, i dd not offended. About cumming, i also dont think i have a problem. Ok maybe sex with any kind of woman does not make me cum even after hours but, is masterbate i can cum. Ok sometimes it takes me an hour or two,or maybe i dont even cum but also sometimes if i masterbate, occationally i can cum in 15 or 20min so i dont think i have problem.

No about the 99 per cent. I dont put it wright so let me ne clear. I am also aware of the fact that fucking your cousins is not acepted as normal behavior. Trust me i am not some kind of crazy pervert. I just thinking... Ok she is second cousin, ok she is a whore and a slut and a pristitute,ok she started it so...maybenot a very bad thing to do it... I say maybe. Trust me,if i was a perv all those years i would have done a move to her even without her permision. The think i did not i think proves that i have second thoughts due to our family relationship.

The only thing i can not explain is the "shee is using you" part. Well it is not like i can not see it. Once i was seeing it. Now i know. The thing is i canot walk away. I care for her, i want her to be okay and she take advantage on this. Sometimes i am taking in a fun way, just to calm the things down. I refuse to admit that i am doing all this just to stick my cock in her. No. I want to fuck her yes, but no,that is not the reason i am staying...

Ah and perhaps... I want to say it with great relactance (if i say it wright), dont assume that 99 per cent of people dont want to fuck some cousin of them. I think that is a nice romantic illution you have. But i think it would be nice if you were wright...

By Greek18cm at 22,Nov,18 22:42 other posts of Greek18cm 
And here is my first experinece ever on anything

She teach me everything


Of course after some years, the other cousin came and she was more advanced from anyone. If the first one was high school the second one was PHD and beyond to my sexual education.

By Greek18cm at 16,Nov,18 01:44 other posts of Greek18cm 
She looks like morgan layne but now sshe changed her hair to black - sshe even act like sshe did it fr me

By Greek18cm at 22,Nov,18 22:35 other posts of Greek18cm 
this is how my cousin looks like


since i am not going to saw a real foto of her, this is the best i can to give you a clue
By leopoldij at 23,Nov,18 00:39 other posts of leopoldij 
She's Very fuckable.
By Greek18cm at 23,Nov,18 00:56 other posts of Greek18cm 
yeah i wish i had the nerve to show you the real thing, but this is reaally good representation.

and ofcourse looks fuckable, how else she could be a prostitute or manipulate me or others?

Funny thing, i dont really think of her so beautifull as other people think.

Propably because i saw her in diferent occations than anyone else.

i know the flaws in her body and aperance

By phart at 01,May,18 12:58 other posts of phart 
Well,I am not the brightest bulb in the long hallway of life and sometimes I buzz and blink and flicker but I don't quickly call others dim or dumb or slow.

But since others have went ahead and said it,i would tend to agree. Apparently,you enjoy this process in some weird way and she is enjoying it to. If you enjoy misery, then keep up the process.

If it were me,I would flat out ask her on 1 of these evenings when everything is going "nice" if you can fuck her for 50 bucks. IF she says yes, then give her 50 bucks and see if it was worth all the sadness and pain.If it aint,then maby you will have a easier time getting over her.
By leopoldij at 01,May,18 15:27 other posts of leopoldij 
You don't understand that the guy has been pestering me for years asking my advice. I've water hours of my time giving him friendly and sound advice. He's now back to Where he was when we started.


He needs professional help, not a friendly advice. So I'm not gonna talk to him (anyway I don't understand half they things he tells us).

Let him run after a hooker.

By Greek18cm at 01,May,18 16:23 other posts of Greek18cm 
The thing iss "what if eshe get mad on me becauase she denieing to mme thatshe is a hookerm. Plus in a straanger maaybe sahe would ssaaid yes but to me... aand do not forget niw she is with a reach pimmp. Ni waay to faall for 50 What you suggest is being suggessted to me by sone friend. And that friend believe that if she get mad aafter some time she will reconsider. What ever the thing is not jusat to fuck her. I waant her to respect what i have done for her.

By Greek18cm at 17,Nov,18 12:12 other posts of Greek18cm 
I am not enjoying it, she is torturing me.

We have talked about the 50 again.
Its not going o worth it like thats,so simple.

Its more complicates

By #570945 at 09,Nov,18 02:51
Its almost like a free kindle book
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 06:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Are free kindle books full of typos and mistakes?
By #570945 at 09,Nov,18 06:43
😂😂 not sure I have got as far into them as I did this
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 08:27 other posts of leopoldij 
So you like trash novels?
By Greek18cm at 09,Nov,18 23:05 other posts of Greek18cm 
it is so nice to see that there are people that are even lower tham myself... i mean ok i have all my issues but...lokk at you, you could talk and comment prodactivily or carry on with your life but as it looks, it makes you feel better to be smart-ass and make fun of me.

Propably there is nothing in your life to be proud of so you need to feel that gap by trying to outsmart or overrank me somehow.

If you dont like the thread dont comment. if you are unable to help or unwilling dont come back here over and over in order to wine about my story or my typos,which i explain why its there every now and then...
By leopoldij at 12,Nov,18 18:26 other posts of leopoldij 
I've been uctively trying to comment prodactively but you won't listen. How more prodactive can I be? You're retourning to the same jejune comments.
By Greek18cm at 12,Nov,18 18:39 other posts of Greek18cm 
i do not know what jejune means.

If i did not act as you predict a normal behavior should be after tour initial productive comments,it does not mean that you are purified to comment in this way that you do.

Fuck even more i would say, it would be a reason to try harder i would say.

+...are you deliberately making typos lately? because i think you did not subtle bullying,nice touch

And ofcourse i am cycling in the situation. i am desperate to take from her a geniuine aproval. not a fake shallow aproval. i need her rejection to stop every time she gets some money.

of course you find your self throughing advices to a cold wall, because its not easy for me to give up her, but still this is not a reason for you to act like schoolboys in a yard that want to look smart to the majority by picking tosomeone that is vanelurable.

And yes i know i killed violently some of these words and the structure of english grammar.

I dont care i am greek, i can put together a frase in any fation and still can mean the same hehe!
By leopoldij at 12,Nov,18 22:33 other posts of leopoldij 
All You should do is act smartly and refuse to depend on a woman.
By Greek18cm at 13,Nov,18 12:27 other posts of Greek18cm 
but the thing is she is depending on me (when she is not depending to anyone else rich guy)

My depending is on to her aproval not to herself mind or body.

i know is the smart and logic thing to do but as i mentioned again there is some things to my head that i am thinking - that i know she does not thinking them - but still prevents me from do the logic steps you suggest.

Even i know she is acting, and oh boy she is very bad at acting.

..."Yes i know she is using me and only be nice when needed but... here is my fucking feelings and hopes.

My feelings told me :Come on you love her are you going to let her with no help?

My sense of honor: you promised her all these things and you are not oing to fullfill them now that she is asking?

My hopes: maybe now she is going to be really nice, maybe now she get her lesson from life, maybe she understand that only i love her and always be there.

But that only last few days untill she find the next money river. .."

So i was weak and i called her at the sunrise (not today yesterday). i know i should not but i was homealone thinking of her for i dont know how many nights and i did. she did not anser and that was a big blow to me. and then how you say drunk-text, i ...i...drunk-voicemail her!

Told her that she is not playinng fair and she only beeing good when she needs and that she promised diferend things.

I know, i know, you would say "dude she knows all these things,telling her you only manage to llook pathetic".

Yeah but i had the need to tell her and put it out of my system. How more pathetic i can look into her when she is out with a pimp-guy with lots of money,house,cars and a club when i currently posses just 50 euros?

Even when i was in my pride, tottaly succesfull she was refused to admit it and get laid with totaly losers just for 5-10 euros back then 3-4 years ago.

So you said smart. honestly i am not stupid man, i am really brilliant to other things, it would sound strange to you but i am. But when it comes to her, a little bit my ego,my feelings and my willingly blindness drives to stupid actions.

I do not know how to do what you want. at the momment i spend to many time indoors and she is out there and i am sad thinking of it.There is no possible thing to restrain my thoughts. Only when i new job will come and i can go out regularly as i did then maybe,i will be40-60 % ready to do what you said, but even then, i could be vonlurable if she comes back and beg as so many times happened in the past, my heart melt when she asks something.
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,18 14:30 other posts of leopoldij 

" i know i should not but i was homealone thinking of her "

"she is out with a pimp-guy with lots of money,house,cars and a club when i currently posses just 50 euros"

"I do not know how to do what you want."


By phart at 13,Nov,18 15:56 other posts of phart 
Leo,this is the kind of person you just kick back with a Coke and a pack of cheese crackers and watch them flop around like a fish out a water. There is no help this type,their brains are not wired to be helped.

His cheese has slid off his cracker and he is just not with us mentaly.
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,18 22:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Indeed, indeed. He's going round and round and round and round. There's no end to his fixation with his hooker cousin who fucks everyone for 50 euro but won't fuck with him. And he has feelings for her, but she doesn't. And the more she ignores him, the more he agonizes (if one can judge from the length of his messages).

You know what I'd say? "Grab her by her pussy and fuck her." (Oops, yes, the boss said this, but, well, once in a while it's fine.)
By Greek18cm at 13,Nov,18 22:41 other posts of Greek18cm 
you mean like **** her? **** her?...come on i cant do that to her...or atleast i cant do that without consiquences
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,18 22:47 other posts of leopoldij 
I repeat:

Honestly, if I knew that the story is really real and if I knew the name and address of the prostitute cousin, I'd buy a ticket to Greece, go find her, pay her, and fuck her. In fact, I'd fuck her in front of YOU (I'd pay her more, she'd do it!) and give you a pass while I blindfold her.

I swear I would.
By Greek18cm at 13,Nov,18 23:29 other posts of Greek18cm 
if you are so confident in that, and you have the money,come to greece,we will cooperate to do this think. only thing i want its to let me fuck her when all this thing is set up...

So, if you are that wealthy and you can come over here,come.

By leopoldij at 13,Nov,18 22:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Honestly, if I knew that the story is really real and if I knew the name and address of the prostitute cousin, I'd buy a ticket to Greece, go find her, pay her, and fuck her. In fact, I'd fuck her in front of him (I'd pay her more, she'd do it!) and give him a pass while I blindfold her.

I swear I would.

By Greek18cm at 13,Nov,18 18:51 other posts of Greek18cm 
i am not as sick as she is, she started all this and if she had not plan-will to take it to the end she is much sicker to started just to play and trture me.

i dont want a romantic relationship. not really, i think i am clear. i want to fuck her as a prostitute and i want her to be nice to me again as my 2nd fucikng cousin,every time you mention cousin cousin cousin,is that fucking hard to temember she is a 2nd...

and she is a hhoker. if we had not met,i could have fuck her by accident. so whats the big deal.
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,18 22:31 other posts of leopoldij 
"i am not as sick as she is"


"i dont want a romantic relationship. not really, i think i am clear. i want to fuck her as a prostitute"


"and i want her to be nice to me again"

By Greek18cm at 13,Nov,18 22:49 other posts of Greek18cm 
Look, lets take it one by one.

If you or anyone fuck her,i dont want to be infront and see it...ofcourse if someone blindfold (how you said it) her in order i to fuck her i would like it.

Why i am sick? Is that so bad that i have feelings for a perosn or is it bad that a woman make me want her and now i am lust her?

I said again, i dont think she will do it for money with me. I mean,espacially now that she find again someone rich, what she needs my 50 or your 50?

She will do things for a price yes,but the price is going up and down depending on her current status.

Plus, i know that she is good to me most of the time due to money but i just hope that once of those times all those things she say it will be true.

ah and one more thing, maybe if someone tell her to pay her 100 to fuck and he is tottaly stranger maybe she will do it but if i do,she will answer "no,you will give me this money because you love me or else i will not talk to you and you will not see me again" because she knows i am afraid of these things....

And yes i know,practically she does these things in periods like this one that she find some gold somewhere...

Dude i am not against you or your logic. Just understand my situation. And dont forget, most of the days now i am indoors,it helps me to talk here about this,even if we dont get to the wright direction.
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,18 22:57 other posts of leopoldij 
By Greek18cm at 13,Nov,18 23:23 other posts of Greek18cm 
yes yes dont translate it like that, i know, anyone ok. the LOGICAL logic in the one side of the ring and my stupiditly repeated behavior to her in the other side of the ring.

Look. Lets take a stupid example. I am a football team, and i am beeing hammered in the half time by Barchellona or Real or what ever...

And you are the coach. and you are telling me "play better"... what fucking advice is this,i know i must play better, how i am going to do?

So you tell me to stay away from her and not talk to her bla bla.

Ok i know that. But how. Lets say i give up to the fucking, and i give up to take her acceptance and all this...

Tell me this. When i am home at night,alone and she is out there having fun and fuck and drinks and money. How i am going to handle this. it is painfull. you say stay away, yes,but my thoughts are still here.

You say forget her. HOW?

Even when i really really tried (maybe not really ok but i tried)...she text me pics of her in the middle of the night. or she came to find me in the club i was drinking.

She can reach me when ever she wants, i can not for now.

Tell me how and maybe i will do it. You are just telling me generally forget her dont talk to her. Ok good, you are sawing me the sun sure,i know its there its the sun, i have that logic,but how i am going to go there, how am i going to alk towards the light.?

how to you get over someone? the only way i knew was to be with someone else (even this did not helped me in the past) but still, i cant be with anyone else now, i am 90 per cent of my life in the house. i cant socialize untill i work again.

...+, ofcourse it frustrates and agonizes me when she does those things i know, and i would love to have the tools and the know how to control it
By phart at 14,Nov,18 01:21 other posts of phart 
It has been 2.5 years since I had some pussy. For 56 bucks I could get some? damn,that is cheaper than I expected it to be.
Have you offered her the 50 to see if you could get some of it?
By leopoldij at 14,Nov,18 01:51 other posts of leopoldij 
I looked it up.
It costs 20 euro for sex with a hooker there:
only registered users can see external links
So his cousin is an expensive hooker.
By Greek18cm at 14,Nov,18 13:02 other posts of Greek18cm 
again with the hookers...i dont care about them , that is not my problem, sex is not my problem. HER!!! She is my problem

By phart at 14,Nov,18 14:43 other posts of phart 
damn,and all these dumb sob's want to do here in the US is legalize pot. Those greeks have it made it. hell,20 euro a few times a month is hell of alot cheaper than getting married,or divorced!
By Greek18cm at 14,Nov,18 19:01 other posts of Greek18cm 
its not 20... the lowest price is 30.

you can do it for 20,if you find some not porfesional young girl in a village that is just starting doing it and has no clue and just want to make some money to drink a beer.

Actually this is how it all started with my cousin. They have told me stories about her young age 14-16, that she did things for even 5 oor 2 euros...

But i cant confirm this. But also i cant denied from the things i saw her do just a little later at her 17-18...

By leopoldij at 14,Nov,18 20:28 other posts of leopoldij 
He says it's 30. Still cheaper than divorce, I suppose.
US is too much obsessed with prostitution
that they won't legalize it.
By Greek18cm at 14,Nov,18 21:00 other posts of Greek18cm 
i do not know what in US is the status, in Greece, even if something is not legal, you can still be able to do it, almost as it is legal.

By Greek18cm at 14,Nov,18 12:58 other posts of Greek18cm 
dude, here you can also get for 30,50,70,150 or even more depending the place the girl and stuff. This is not the point. Fucking in general is not what i want. Thats not a problem. I am good in this area. Not perfect but good.

I can go with this kind of girls as you saay or to other girls without pay.

And about her, well once for fun i told her about 500 or 700 but she did not want,ofcourse all my friends told me "ofcourse she refused you idiot,you dont ask her if she want,you put the money out so she can see them,thats how the mind of this girl works"

Right now i am telling you 50 is not to make anything to her,she is in a nice place for her now,night job,i guess 50 euro per night and perhaps some rich guy to pay for anything so.right now i dont think she is going to need my 50.

By leopoldij at 14,Nov,18 01:34 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't know man.
I give up. Good luck.
By Greek18cm at 14,Nov,18 13:01 other posts of Greek18cm 
By leopoldij at 16,Nov,18 00:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Have you actually ever seen her cunt?
By Greek18cm at 16,Nov,18 00:34 other posts of Greek18cm 
I said , hers no, all we have done is some minor stuff. i never undressed her, i neveer wanted to push her,i wanted all to be by her will.

anything i done with her,is what she let me,i never forced her

why you are so concentrated to this, i mean i answer to this so many times.
By leopoldij at 16,Nov,18 00:38 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok dude. I can't remember.
I'm concentrated on it because I'm trying
to find out if her pussy is worth fucking.
By Greek18cm at 16,Nov,18 00:51 other posts of Greek18cm 
You are joking mw wright?

How you figure out.

What is worth to me it could not worth to you,thats one.
Two, i am geting exited by all the body of a woman not her pussy,generally i prefer not to look at the pussy as less a possible.
Third,you missing the point, she matters to me. Good pussy bad pussy,i fucking love her, i care for her and i lust her.

There are things that i want her to fullfill to me. I dont care about her pussy (i did not mean that like it sounds)

Look she looks hot to those guys that are drooling. To me,nah i saw her without her funcy clothes and make up, i saw her almost naked and i have touch her, and she is not what i like when i touch a woman.


This huge but. She is doing those things that make me lust and plus,i have feelings.

I know, i am in a world or a tine that this is strange, but, i do have feelings.

She knows and she is exploding it,she take advandage of it.

I know. I am almost ok with it,almost. All i want,is her not to vanish as soon as she funds the nest big sponsor.

For fucking shakes, i was always there, feeding her, moving her, taking her out and making anything she asked. And she can not even answer the phone to tell me "relax i am ok"...

Why because she is ok now? Because i am inconvinient now?...and in1-2-3 months when she will have nothing again, she will talk to me again at her own...ok... In the while,all this time she is letting me suffer...

Thats unfair. She prommised this time it will be diferend,she promised we will keep in touch no matter what...

She fucking prommised me,the fuckin
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

I...I maybe going to get a new job the nest 10 days. Not sure but i had a call today.

So, i am thinking, what,if my party wants to go to this place that she is working,what, am i going? Like that? like a stranger? i never wanted that. So what, i call or text her before to tell her i will go... so she can have again the ability to ignore me once again? i dont know, even in the nice happenning things, she make me to thing miserable things to decide... On the other side if i never go all the winter, untill she calls me...she will suppose that i can not afford it to go, and i dont want this either...

Fuck is this so hard to call me to ask me if i am ok?

I fuvking gave her everything

By #562152 at 12,Nov,18 20:47
This reminds me of my feeleengs fore my prostitute cousin only he has a diick

By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 12:57 other posts of Greek18cm 
So today is her name day! i have to see her two months. all summer she was in to me because her mother through her out of their home and then when after i helped her and after she found a job to a dirty club and return to her home she stops to calling me.

who knows maybe she find someone with money again, maybe the guy that owns the dirtyclub, she done it just before. from the one pimp to the other.

So now, i text her and she was just so typiccally and cold manner response...

Come on. If i was not unemployed maybe i would care less but now....

I fucing love her and she always find a way to make me pain its the first time that i saw a person that does not sow the little gratitude from all those colossal things you have done for him.
By leopoldij at 08,Nov,18 13:29 other posts of leopoldij 
Does her pussy look as nice as this one?
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 35 seconds

I'm spreading it with my fingers. Welcome to masturbate.
By phart at 08,Nov,18 15:20 other posts of phart 
You mean to tell me your dumbass is STILL talking to this huzzy? Damn boy,you aint got a lick a sense.
By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 22:10 other posts of Greek18cm 
well we have not spoken the last 1-2 months, since she put some things in order and cut loose again. but yeah before that she came and ask for help and i...provided it.

Last knight i text her and of course every time she asks i am there and talking to her.

i mean... ok, i analyse and understand many things, actually i think i am tottaly aware some times of her real vallue, and what i am suppose to tell her and that i sould not accept her back again or anything bla bla bla.

But when she contacts me, all this logic fall apart.

Or sometimes, when i am anymployed for long time (like now 2 months) there are nights that i am not out and home and feel lonely and remember and thinking her and thinking that she is out late (and late in greece means 3-4 in the night and for her and me means until morning 6-7 or even so i am thinking she is out with all these guys old or young with money or not, in her brothel or any where else and i ,i collapse again and want to contact her but...

But i restrain my self because...well because she sould contact me forst. one way or an other i know that if she is ok and with money she would not care much for me, so i wait.

And every time her ring ends and come to me apologising (not really saying the words but you know) i give up. And then again i am her starting point so she can explore some new root to find the next target...

I know. i know. nut some how, when she came i feel unarmed.

I even wish that the time wil come that she is going to ask me again something.

But it looks like she is geting informed whean i work and when not and she keeps her distance since i am not so useful as i used to be

By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 00:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Come on.... I'm just having a bit of fun.
By Greek18cm at 09,Nov,18 00:31 other posts of Greek18cm 
yeah go, have your fun arround my sadness.

i am not mad i just dont like how pussy looks.

i like the ones that you can not look inside, those that looks like a line.

By phart at 09,Nov,18 05:26 other posts of phart 
Leopold, I was talking to him! Not you! This thread thing is confusing. I think you did him a great service by showing him what 1 should look like.

By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 22:01 other posts of Greek18cm 
this does not exites me. i am more aroused by looking at the body of a woman not a spreading hole. the hole is ok to be there so i can put my thing in or play with it but not looking in in order to get aroused. there are only 1 or 2 pussy outlines i saw and really liked (and tottaly not streched).

And as i said, i dont know how her pussy looks.
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 00:17 other posts of leopoldij 
If you give get 50 euro she'll show you her pussy. If you don't have 50 euro I'll send then to you. But you have to promise to take a pic of her pussy.
By Greek18cm at 09,Nov,18 00:29 other posts of Greek18cm 
she will not. maybe 5 years ago she would do.
maybe now yes but not to me.
and only if she really need her.

i mean, when she has some guy to pay her 50 every night just for nothing,just to be in his bar, and if she gets everything paid by others, do you really thing she is going to show you or me or anyone her pussy for 50? no, she will only if she has nothing else.

and you ae missing the point. why to see her pussy? i want to fuck her pussy not se it!
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 00:56 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok. How much does she need in order to show her pussy? 100? 200? Everything has a price. She'll show it to me.
By Greek18cm at 09,Nov,18 01:06 other posts of Greek18cm 
i dont know(i am not her or her pimp), it depends, cant get into this now...

whats the point of this now?

and in the last thing to say... i want her to want to fuck by me not be paid...of course if this is the only way ok lets pay, but i really woulda like to try it in the other way.
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 01:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Since she'll NEVER fuck you, I'll fuck her. I'll fuck her cunt, her ass, her mouth... everything. And I'll take some pics and show you. You'll never see her cunt in real life so you should see it in pics.
By Greek18cm at 09,Nov,18 01:19 other posts of Greek18cm 
you know... i will fuck her...

and if you fuck her, chears. i dont suppose it is difficult (except for me)...
By leopoldij at 09,Nov,18 06:22 other posts of leopoldij 
That's great. Do fuck her.
And tell us about it.
It'll be thrilling!

By #551147 at 08,Nov,18 13:50
There's 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back...
By #545732 at 08,Nov,18 13:57
Wow, I'm surprised you gave it as long as 10 minutes!

By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 22:12 other posts of Greek18cm 
not really helpfull... i wonder,is there other 10 minutes in other aspect of your life that you geting them back? is that like a refound or something? because i want to use it in order to take back the last 3 years with my cousin.
By #545732 at 08,Nov,18 22:40
Hey, I wasn't joking about it to be mean to you and I really am sorry if I've hurt your feelings.
To be honest with you, I think you should read back through what you wrote and you'll find some answers to help you decide what's best for you.
Think about this - most of what you said about the things she's done, how it's all affecting you badly and how you want her to give you some respect, although really in your heart, you know that's not going to happen. She's making more misery for you than anything else, so why waste your energy, money and time on her when there will be other women out there for you who will make you happy.
"She is not really a bad person. She is good WHEN SHE WANTS..."
Those are your words. Doesn't that tell you she's only good to you when she wants something from you?
There's a saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Really, you do know what to do. You just don't want to confront it. It's time you did.
By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 22:49 other posts of Greek18cm 
no no i was not mean also, i was just joke about the time i spend with her and still cant do the wright thing.

As i mention here and there, and you ve get it, yes i know what i have to do but i am to weak the very moment she ask for me.

Even i know she is acting, and oh boy she is very bad at acting.

Yes i know she is using me and only be nice when needed but... here is my fucking feelings and hopes.

My feelings told me :Come on you love her are you going to let her with no help?

My sense of honor: you promised her all these things and you are not oing to fullfill them now that she is asking?

My hopes: maybe now she is going to be really nice, maybe now she get her lesson from life, maybe she understand that only i love her and always be there.

But that only last few days untill she find the next money river.

Yes i know this saying its almost indentical in greece.

i really hope she will be greatfull someday for anything i have done but not, she only thing that she geting advandage of me and i am a fool that dont understand.

Of course i anderstand but i let her do her thing so she is not getting upset.

I dont know there are times i feel so powerfull and determined and other times i am almost at the edge of crying.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

plus... she is easily respect someone with money and fake power instantly and 2-3 months later she is mad at them.

i can not understand how i am doing everything for her and dont get respect and recognize and others get instant respect from her.
By #545732 at 08,Nov,18 23:00
My friend, your intentions and sensitivity for her feelings is truly honourable and THAT is the kind of thing that makes you a good man, but giving her all of your honour and respect is wasted and harmful to you when it leaves you feeling so sad and confused. Show some honour for yourself by not giving in to her anymore. Trust me, she won't be hurt or saddened by it. She'll only be pissed off because she knows she needs to find someone else to take advantage of - that's the shit she threw at her own fan, and HONESTLY no fault of yours. You're living on the edge of crying and she doesn't care. If she did care, she wouldn't make you feel like this. Let her fend for herself or find another guy to drain of their money. She's evidently very good at it.
By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 23:07 other posts of Greek18cm 
She is finding other guys with money, thats why she get away from me.

i am afraid to live a life without her. and to turn away and then she will have the right to say i was lying all this time. she will make it look like she is wright even she is not.

and she will ironicly acting like "so thats was your love,because i dont give you sex you letting me now ?"... yes after 3 years i should but...

i dont want to be stranger with her... i just dont want to face that kind of music
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Actually. there are 2 behaviors i would like to see from her.

1.have sex with me and then i can handle anything she throws to me.

2. dont have sex with me but respect me,be nice to me...

She just doing her 3rd option "nope i am not going to give you anyhing and you must be thankfull to spend time with me anytime i want ask and need"
By #545732 at 08,Nov,18 23:15
Dude, she's a "player". She knows exactly what to do and say to piss you off and give in to her. It sounds like she enjoys it too. Be a stranger with her. One day you'll bump into each other and you'll be a better, stronger guy because you will have found life is better without her mind games, then you will maybe say hello and ask each other how you're doing. You'll be able to take pride in smiling as you tell her you're doing good. She'll get the new stronger vibe from you and know she won't be able to fool you. You'll say goodbye and you'll walk away feeling fucking awesome. Honestly, trust me. I've been there. In fact, I'll bet you my house on this!
By Greek18cm at 08,Nov,18 23:33 other posts of Greek18cm 
i have think about that but deep inside me, i...i **** my self for this but i think i prefer to beat her in her game once,i would like to win in her mind tricks...

i know you are wright but...
you know things in life dont help much.
imean i am unemployed.
i cant move on...

its a nice picture you are describe but how? how i go from now to then...?

i have no car anymore, no job, just 80 euros (i am writting and cant believe how low i am) and i am back to my parents house after all this years.

I am straggling even to find a job to interview. there are no jobs. literally.i am doing my best wich is better than any average guy in the area but somehow other people with conections take the joobs.

So i was home yesterday, alone, have not go out for 3-4 days,its her name day and, the room gets full of feelings and mental pictures of the past.

And she is out there living just by beeing slutty.
i am straggling and she gets the life.

i never was a player,yes she is. i know she is pushing buttons and say words. but actually she is not my problem. i am my problem. i am not pulling the swich.

i dont know how i am going to have the courage to do what you say...

By #551147 at 09,Nov,18 00:00
Damn! I think even Job would be envious of your resolve. 😉
By Greek18cm at 09,Nov,18 00:08 other posts of Greek18cm 
i am not sure if i understand what you saying
--------------------------------------- added after 104 seconds

a, Job not job. who is Job? Job the biblical ?

By #550094 at 29,Jul,18 10:26
I saw the thread title and I was curious to see
what this is about.

(reading this thread, or Trying to read it)

O...M...F...G, my eyes HURT!

The struggle is SO fuckin REEEEEAL!
By bella! at 29,Jul,18 14:34 other posts of bella! 
So trying to read this only made your eyes hurt?? What about your head?
By #550094 at 01,Aug,18 04:11
Which head? NO Not THAT one!

By #491031 at 31,Jul,18 22:31
Here's an idea to spruce up this depressing thread:
Let's talk about me and my feelings about your prostitude cousin for a change...
By bella! at 31,Jul,18 22:34 other posts of bella! 
Well, what are your feelings about his prostitude cousin?
By #491031 at 31,Jul,18 22:51
Thanks for asking!
At the moment, I am feeling pretty ambivalent.
I got all excited a while back when I was led to believe that she could turn into a bunny, but it turned out that it was a lie. A werebunny would be awesome...even one who is a prostitude. Unfortunately, without bunny lycanthropy in her favor, she's just a plain old prostitude, so...not as thrilling as I would hope.
By Greek18cm at 31,Jul,18 23:06 other posts of Greek18cm 
Dude the only bunny sshe could be iss a playboy bunny. Ha funny thing. Playboy is the naame of the bar her ex - pimp had.
By #491031 at 31,Jul,18 23:32
Obviously her pimp wasn't very concerned about copyright infringement...
Can he turn into a bunny?
By Greek18cm at 01,Aug,18 02:14 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yeah a very fat ugly bunny

By Greek18cm at 22,May,18 20:17 other posts of Greek18cm 
She came back, after her break up with her pimp. So for now sshe behavess nice....
By phart at 25,May,18 15:37 other posts of phart 
I am starting to believe she is the smarter 1 of the 2 of you because she knows how to "push your buttons". 1 or both of you seem to be fucked up as a football bat .
By Greek18cm at 25,May,18 16:29 other posts of Greek18cm 
I dont know what that means... yes we are both unstable. She in general (she startss to admiting it) aand i with her. No in general sshe is not ssmarter. But i am naive eith her and yes sshe knows my buttons.
By phart at 01,Jun,18 23:08 other posts of phart 
It means I feel like you 2 are not stable and really might ought to seek help from a paid professional.
By Greek18cm at 10,Jun,18 13:15 other posts of Greek18cm 
I tried. Sshe is thinking about it

By leopoldij at 17,Jun,18 08:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Wise advice to him!

He wants to fuck some girl who, in his words (edited so that they make sense in English)

*is a hooker*

*is heartless*

*has a pimp*

*makes him feel bad*

*is his cousin*

*has never fucked her before*


and refuses to fuck other girls because when fucking them doesn't make him emotionally attracted to them.

All these point to one thing.

The one you just said.

The guy needs serious professional help.

He's totally unstable.
By Greek18cm at 17,Jun,18 17:43 other posts of Greek18cm 
I do not refuse to fuck other girls. I just cant cum or fell emotionsn
By leopoldij at 17,Jun,18 23:36 other posts of leopoldij 
If you can't cum you need help.

Emotions? What the fuck?
By Greek18cm at 19,Jun,18 07:43 other posts of Greek18cm 
By leopoldij at 19,Jun,18 08:02 other posts of leopoldij 
So if you can't cum by fucking, and can only cum by masturbating, the solution is simple:

Just MASTURBATE ALONE. Problem solved.
By Greek18cm at 19,Jun,18 15:40 other posts of Greek18cm 
I dont want to be that. I want to fuck with girls even if i can not cum. And more important i want to fuck with her. Just once
By leopoldij at 19,Jun,18 17:03 other posts of leopoldij 
There's No Point in Fucking if You Can't Cum.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 seconds

Let me repeat that:

There's No Point in Fucking if You Can't Cum.
There's No Point in Fucking if You Can't Cum.
There's No Point in Fucking if You Can't Cum.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes


There's No point in fucking her even once.
First of all, she's not interested.
Second, if you fuck her once you'll FOR SURE want you fuck her again and you'll be pestering everyone how you can't fuck her a second time .
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

1) Forget about the whore.
2) Don't try to fuck since you can't cum.
3) Buy some masturbation devices and enjoy solo sex.
By Greek18cm at 20,Jun,18 18:47 other posts of Greek18cm 
No, there are things that i enjoy in sex besides cumming. I dont share the same ideas with you in that concept. Sex can be fun even without cumming. About her. Yeah maybe not interested when she is ok but she get interested in me when things go wrong so it comfuses me. Even though i know it is for her economic interest, i still... Well i told you many times. I know i should get rid of her but i cant. When she come to me i melt down and forgive her. The idea of losing her for ever from my life scares me more than the pain she is used to give me every know and then. and yes she is a whore i know but she is also my litlle cousin. cant leave her alone. her mother father and **** don give a fuck for her. i cant do the same... And why everyone keep telling me that once we have sex i would be worst. i tottally believe that if i fuck her once i will calm down. its the rejection that drives me crazy. she said yes almost to anyone but me. i want that to change just for once and then i will be ok. i will be suportive as know, i am not going to left her. but also i will not be pressuring her like i am doing now because she is playing me and rejecting me. once she says yes i will calm. i know that.

By 2nice at 19,Jun,18 15:56 other posts of 2nice 
Why do you keep talking to this bonehead?
By leopoldij at 19,Jun,18 17:02 other posts of leopoldij 
I sometimes wonder about it myself.... lol
It's probably because of scientific curiosity. I am just interested in seeing how low a man can fall or how stupid a man can be.
By Greek18cm at 20,Jun,18 18:51 other posts of Greek18cm 
Well that is sad. once i wass criticising like you know, other men and how full thaey look like for some girls. never expected myself to get in this kind of situation. i know it looks stupid. but i cant do otherwise. every single time she come to me, i know i have to go in one direction and then she smiles talks hug me or cry and i...go to the other direction... it is not logical.its emotional. my emotions overcome my logic in this situation for that girl. in no other girl or women or a friend or anything i am like that. only for her...
By leopoldij at 21,Jun,18 00:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Can You give me her phone number? I'll pay her 100 euro, or more if needed, and go fuck her myself. I'll film the whole thing, I'll even cum on her face, and then I'll show you.

I'm serious. I'm curious to go fuck her. Such a slut is probably worth one or more fucks just for the heck of it.

In fact, I'm prepared to offer her more money while fucking her, to see if she will allow me to do her ass and even fist fuck her cunt. I bet she'll do it for the right price.
By Greek18cm at 21,Jun,18 15:45 other posts of Greek18cm 
I tried more than 100 but ehe said no to me . Its not just the money. she want guys with bar or beachbar or cafe. She want the owners. I would pay for proofs that whe is a hooker. Maybe i could walk in during thie thng to ssaw her that i know
By phart at 22,Jun,18 13:23 other posts of phart 
If she has been fucking everything and everybody in the neighborhood except you it may be a good thing as you might catch something from her Ajax and sandpaper won't take off!

once I found this blog here,I come back and read it sometimes,to remind myself that there are people out there alot more fucked up than I am!
By Greek18cm at 22,Jun,18 20:27 other posts of Greek18cm 
She is healthy. And i use condom. Plus ehe does not have sex with me.

By Greek18cm at 27,Jul,18 23:16 other posts of Greek18cm 
So. In the last month her mother go on some kind of...holidays lets say. And she returned home. From that point that she went back home the constant evry day calls and meetings coffees and drinking drinks stoped and we end up in just texting and calling each other in the phone. She pretented that she did not freeze the relationship and i pretent to believe her.

She did those like jokes "if you have 100 euro come for a coffee and loan me,if not dont come" ...or... "give 600 loan i will give you back 300"... By the way all this time i saw her in a bar making company to people for a drink. she did not hide it, she was not able to, but still she pretend it was for fun... But i was like... ok i knew but untill now i never saw something with my own eyes... no i saw her in the middle of three old guys... they were like coyotes around her... i know she can handle this situations but still... i cant deal with this image when i am at home and know what she is doing...

And now tonight. Ihad to see her 2-3 days and we come acroos the town accidentally and starting tell me where she is going to with who and i...i had to go back home and... i do not feel ok when she is out with someone else and i am at home... it s so...

i just wait my oportunity. work and economics are not in fine place now for me... so i go along with everything... but i can not handle it. its really difficult...

By Greek18cm at 28,Jul,18 14:20 other posts of Greek18cm 
Thiss thing about my buttons, how you realize it with so little information? i so stupid and blind ? Or jusat driven by emotions
By phart at 29,Jul,18 01:42 other posts of phart 
I am not college educated in the field of study that is relevant to your problem. If all this is the truth and not some random off the wall fantasy of a idiot on his laptop at Taco Bell, Just leave her the hell alone and get on with your life.
Jack off in the corner and go to work and get on with life. She is using you like toilet paper.She is Jurking you around as if she is a goat tied to a spare truck tire.
By Greek18cm at 29,Jul,18 02:51 other posts of Greek18cm 
I leave her several times. Ehe dumped a couple more. But one way or an otherwe come again to aeach other. I can not refuse her when she call me. Plus i have a hope she can change... and in the end for the moment i do not have job so i am spending time inside while whe is out. Thats tricky for me. I can not ****. At least when i have a job and i am not with her for a night, i can go out and do staff

By leopoldij at 30,Jul,18 09:49 other posts of leopoldij 
You're wasting your time. He won't let the thing go even if she shits on him.
By phart at 31,Jul,18 04:15 other posts of phart 
Um,maby that is what she is hinting at wanting to do? I think that is called Scatting or something like that? Yuks. but hey ,maby he would at least get a glimpse of what he has been after before the splatter!
By leopoldij at 31,Jul,18 06:41 other posts of leopoldij 

By #491031 at 28,Jul,18 00:12
This entire thread makes me wish that I had a prostitude cousin.
It sounds so dreamy!
By Greek18cm at 28,Jul,18 14:17 other posts of Greek18cm 
Is this ironic ? Becauee if not, and you are serius ib have to tell you ity is not "dreamy"
By #491031 at 28,Jul,18 14:40
Yes. It is extremely ironic.

By leopoldij at 28,Jul,18 19:27 other posts of leopoldij 
If I had a prostitude cousin I'd fuck her and wouldn't pay her. After all, she's family. But I have no prostitude cousin.
By #491031 at 28,Jul,18 19:41
Now everyone here knows what to get you for Christmas...
By Greek18cm at 29,Jul,18 00:58 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yess ! Could you?

By Greek18cm at 29,Jul,18 00:59 other posts of Greek18cm 
But sshe doess not let me.
By leopoldij at 29,Jul,18 13:55 other posts of leopoldij 
Then fuck someone else.
By Greek18cm at 29,Jul,18 14:50 other posts of Greek18cm 
Come on. Ass i ssaid. I do fuck other girls. The thing is i want her just once. Plus its not only sex i want from her. I care for her. Have emotions ti give and sjare. I want het to chaange from a manipulating bitch that take advadage of me to a caring women. I want her to stop uwsing me and start care and respet
By leopoldij at 29,Jul,18 15:01 other posts of leopoldij 
This will NEVER happen.
By Greek18cm at 29,Jul,18 17:56 other posts of Greek18cm 
People change. She already changed enough from the past
By #491031 at 29,Jul,18 19:54
What did she change into?
I hope it was a bunny! Please say it was a bunny!
Bunnies are awesome.
By leopoldij at 30,Jul,18 06:27 other posts of leopoldij 
She's also repented for being a prostitude and went to a priesd to bray.

By #559941 at 28,Jul,18 19:23
if you have to spend money for love, let it go.
By Greek18cm at 29,Jul,18 01:02 other posts of Greek18cm 
She does not love. Only i... not even her parents... ehe only can see money.. one day maybe she change
By #559941 at 29,Jul,18 04:08

By leopoldij at 01,May,18 08:47 other posts of leopoldij 
"I wil try to be brief but..."

But you're a loser and not well in the head so you're either making it up and enjoying masturbating while writing it and reading our replies (which makes your story even more real in your hallucinating head) OR, if the story is real, you enjoy being the victim and cling on to someone who's not worth even being used as your toilet bowl.

In any case, you've no clue what's in your head just as you've no clue what being brief means.

We've exchanged hundreds of private messages but you don't want to listen. It's your choice.
By Greek18cm at 01,May,18 11:57 other posts of Greek18cm 
trust me i tried to be as brief as i could.

the thing is when i have a job (so the money to go out and find other girls, i am almost ok). Not thinking of her very much.

But when i cant do that and she is out with her reach guys i am sad yes.

Actuall she is making cycles around me man, not me. She has me as the center that she can safely come back when things go wrong.

I am just...
By leopoldij at 04,May,18 15:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, you're just stupid for being her toy. She is evil. She could be pretty, etc, but she could be evil too.
By Greek18cm at 15,Jun,18 11:50 other posts of Greek18cm 
Ok sshe is evil i know it for ssure now. Ehe did her awful treat to me again yeeteray. But i want to fuck her. I eant to fucj her one time!!
By leopoldij at 15,Jun,18 14:32 other posts of leopoldij 
You'll never manage to fuck her. Unless you somehow expose your dick to her and make her watch while you masturbate. You live in Greece so probably you can do that and there's no fear you'll get into trouble. Or you can try to finger her cunt when she's not suspecting it. But to fuck her, just forget it.
By Greek18cm at 15,Jun,18 19:49 other posts of Greek18cm 
Why not. Anyone ie fuckingher... no i can not **** her its both ilegal and anethical. I do not have to ehow mydickk. Ithinki have to show her eome big amount ofmoney
By leopoldij at 15,Jun,18 23:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Unethical? Let me laugh. You can't be too ethical with people who have no sense of ethics. Just go grab her by the pussy
By Greek18cm at 17,Jun,18 01:24 other posts of Greek18cm 
No you can not say that. Even thowe people have limits. I cant risk a one year ban of no talking for that... although i obce grab her aes and ehe did not complain... maybe i ehould though thie more... n

By 2nice at 15,Jun,18 15:10 other posts of 2nice 
I’m still trying to figure out what a prostitude is.
By phart at 15,Jun,18 15:55 other posts of phart 
a prostitute with a bad attitude?
By Greek18cm at 15,Jun,18 19:52 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yeah ok my english iw not perfect and my phone is broken... haha so funny... smart thought although

By Sir-Skittles at 15,Jun,18 19:11 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
"So, this is going to be a long thread even if i am going to make it as short as i can. I wil try to be brief but...well"

That's where I stopped reading this tale of a Muppet

By Dong69 at 05,May,18 13:47 other posts of Dong69 
Well she is not Evil, most definitely Bi polar!! By your description, as for advice on trying to date your second Cousin well " JUST STOP" get the message
By Greek18cm at 05,May,18 21:01 other posts of Greek18cm 
Well she should not have sstarted it, pull me back in or try to eeduce me and yeah maybe it all will be ok by now. But she did sso...

By leopoldij at 23,May,18 19:31 other posts of leopoldij 
We're just wasting our words. I've been trekking him, for 2 years now, to completely ignore her. But he won't listen. He keeps coming back again and again to the same point. Maybe he derives pleasure by being treated like shit from a slut
By Greek18cm at 23,May,18 20:25 other posts of Greek18cm 
Do not think sso. Sshe iss just sso nice wheb she needss me. And i care sobmuch that i caan not say no. She is finding me every day aand well... i have a plan. I an going to an island for work ,maybe some disstance will give me some air becauee ass i aam here and she find me i can not eay no. I just care for her man. Ehe does not desserve it but i do. I know the logic thoughts i repeat them every day to my eelf and feel wtrong aand that i will say enough but then sshe calls aand talks and ssmiles and i just can not
By leopoldij at 23,May,18 20:51 other posts of leopoldij 
You know what you should tell her, don't you? "Go fuck yourself you filthy whore, stick any dirty old fat man's cock in your cunt, do anything you can to make money, go get a disease, live the life you chose to live, but don't be fucking calling me again because you' re a piece of shit, a worthless slyt without emotions, I dont fucking care about you or anyone like you, I'd rather touch a scorpion than talk to you ever again, so fuck off, shove your dirty money in your ass, that's probably as huge as the main thessaloniki square from the cocks that enter it daily, and don't ever speak to me again, because, for me, you and the kind of monsters like you do not exist."

Is that clear enough?
By Greek18cm at 25,May,18 13:25 other posts of Greek18cm 
Dude it iss clear aand even ssofter from what i thought to tell her... its thie moment that she sstands infront of me thaat i caant. Aand ssomehow i aam teryfied by theidea not to ssee her aagain. That i will be unable to reach her.... maaybe one day... well in 12 hourds i aamleaving. Hopefully i will enjoy my ssummer thete and maybe forget her. If i do come over her then maaybe i could be brave enough to tell her what you ssaid... aditionaaly i jusst be informed that sshe eas again with her pimp two nighyss ago. Fuck. Im going.

By Greek18cm at 01,Jun,18 19:05 other posts of Greek18cm 
And itss not only that i want her aand cant ssay no. Itds thiss other thing too. I want her to needd and assk for me. And i want her to know that i am ok have money job and car and choosee not to go with her. I dont like to think that i can not do things. I waant her to aek for me aaand i to reject her... but she playsd this game to well... not reading messagee emediatly, unless she need or being in good mood. She is sso....profesional!
By leopoldij at 01,Jun,18 22:10 other posts of leopoldij 
A professional hooker.
By Greek18cm at 02,Jun,18 11:29 other posts of Greek18cm 
Generally i do not think ehe is a pro. She does not qualifyy fot that. But i understand your meaning. Its justso anoying every time ehe reject me first before i can reject her or fuck her... i juwt want once to do my thing!
By leopoldij at 03,Jun,18 00:25 other posts of leopoldij 
When did you fuck her last?
By Greek18cm at 08,Jun,18 10:00 other posts of Greek18cm 
I did not
By leopoldij at 08,Jun,18 10:10 other posts of leopoldij 
What do you mean? Have you never fucked her?
By Greek18cm at 10,Jun,18 13:14 other posts of Greek18cm 
It iss complicated for me to explain but tecnically and with one word anewer "no". ...whe is good to me now. Her mother told her to leave the houee and once more i was there again. For her. Eex is out of the table!
By leopoldij at 10,Jun,18 13:19 other posts of leopoldij 
So the whole Thessaloniki or her village has fucked her except you.
And You're going after her. ..
Are there no other cunts around there?
Or what's your problem?
By phart at 10,Jun,18 13:27 other posts of phart 
Jeez,you are fucked up as a jar of kraut. You just need to ask her to marry you and get it over with. Just go to the nearest pawnshop and get a cheap ring, or take the plastic ring off a water bottle cap,and get down on your knee and ask her to marry you TODAY! CHASE NO MORE. Take a stand and KNEEL AND say, "Will you marry me?".
You 2 were made for each other.

By Greek18cm at 15,Jun,18 11:47 other posts of Greek18cm 
Many cunts bit i do not care. Some times i fuck random girls but i do not feel anything emotionally or physically. I want to fuck her that ehe refusses. I can not accept that eo many they fuckef her and i dont. ...but there are eime recent news. The last five days we were fine but yeeterday she made me mad and i mafe her mad eo...i dont know... she is sso heartless

By 2nice at 10,Jun,18 13:31 other posts of 2nice 
You guys ACTUALLY read this whole thing???
By #556372 at 13,Jun,18 14:58
By phart at 13,Jun,18 15:54 other posts of phart 
you don't have to read much of it to figure out that in reality it is probably all written by a deranged 350 pound teenager living in his rich great uncle's basement .
Real life can be fucked up,but this is just to screwed up to be real.
By #556372 at 13,Jun,18 16:07

By #453781 at 01,May,18 03:06
Are you a little slow in the head? If she wasn't putting out or no playing whatsoever then she's clearly using you. Probably should have listened when family and friends told you she was a whore. Also if she was Fucking others and not you why buy her presents haha ?
By leopoldij at 01,May,18 08:39 other posts of leopoldij 
This has been going on for years. The guy has been telling me his story for long time. I've been telling him to forget the whore. He doesn't want to listen. He's now back at point zero. Either he's making it all up just for the thrills or, if the story is real, he's the biggest loser I've ever come across to. Either way, he is very slow in the head, not just a little.
By Greek18cm at 01,May,18 11:59 other posts of Greek18cm 
Maybe i am slow. Do not know. What i fell? i fell i luck some sertain people skills that she has a lot. Loser. Maybe but just for her, not for any other...

Thing is. Every time i do a small step to cut her out she find a way to come back.
By leopoldij at 03,May,18 22:01 other posts of leopoldij 
OK, tell her to fuck off. Forget her, because she is evil.
By Greek18cm at 04,May,18 15:00 other posts of Greek18cm 
Sdhe is not totaly evil. There is good in her. I know. Just...i have to find the sstrength and i can not... maybe i willn

By leopoldij at 01,May,18 08:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Evidence that your head is empty is that, in your little mind, the earth is flat /forum/thread.php?id=25895#274

The earth is flat with a prostitude [sic] cousin at the center, and you running around trying to get to her, but it's impossible because she's at the very center of the flat earth, surrounded by men fucking her cunt, ass and mouth every single day. And You're watching miserably but misery defines your life and you're just masturbating feeling sorry for yourself. Careful not to fall off the edge of the earth!
By #453781 at 02,May,18 02:01
Fuck I don't think I've laughed so hard at comments on this site before
By leopoldij at 02,May,18 03:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Cool mate! The guy who wrote this thread is a flat earther who cares about his prostitude cousin whose cunt has been fucked by everyone excerpt him. Are you looking to fuck her too? You can't, forget it. You're at the other side of the earth .
You cant get to her cunt without falling off the edge of the flat earth
By Greek18cm at 02,May,18 13:30 other posts of Greek18cm 
Leopold firsst do not call me a flatearhther. You are so anxious to put a flag or a title to me. And if i m flatearther (i am not i juwt likke the idea to research) wht the hell iss your problem. You try very hard on thiss and i can not explain why. Some things you aproach it with logic aand others with temper aand passion. Are you sso anoyed that i want to discusss the fucking possibility of the sshape of earth. Why it makes you sso angry and agressssive and even more, what in god name is the conection between the one ssubject and the other. I can undersstand that ot being listenediss annoying. Yes you as 345 other people told me to cut her of. I did nit ignore yoy. I jusst did not have the strength to ssay no when sshe caame back. You sshould not be angry. ...i have to say all this typos iss becaauee my phone is broken for months (eee i fixed herss and not mine) idiot!
By leopoldij at 02,May,18 16:11 other posts of leopoldij 
OK, you should not be called a flatearther. You are just someone who believes that the earth is flat. It's worse than believing in, say, Krishna or Vishnu, however, because the latter is imaginary. The human mind is incredible. Some humans believe they've seen extraterrestrials. Others believe they can communicate with the dead. Others believe they have outer body experiences. I've never imagined that there would be so much delusion in this world, it's only thanks to the Internet that I find out. This is really really sad, but it explains why the world has so many problems. I'm apologize for calling you flatearther and not a believer in flat earth.

--------------------------------------- added after 18 seconds

(Although I do not see the difference. Semantically, it is the same.)
By Greek18cm at 02,May,18 20:07 other posts of Greek18cm 
The difference iss your atitude first. And second i dont believe it. Just conssidering it possible. No matter whay i beleve the point iss you are not ssuposed to have rhe right to be aggressive againet me just becausse i believe ssomething.
By leopoldij at 02,May,18 21:14 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm Not aggressive. If someone believes, for example, that his astrological sign determines his future then I will just say he's an idiot. But I'll never be aggressive towards him. I'm sorry if I appear to be aggressive. I'm only saying that beliefs of this kind are not just stupid but utterly comical.
By Greek18cm at 03,May,18 13:21 other posts of Greek18cm 
You have no wwright to intitle aanyone aand yess you apear aggresive (if you check the wordss you used befoer) - there is not a ssingle comment without an insult. If i want to believe that the moon is filed with icecreamm you have no wrigt to attack or be inssulting. Exchange your believes in a civilazied way. It felt likke you are targeting me. Not only you refer to me ass aa flatearther but also you bring up an unrelative thread to thiss wwich i obviously did not create to talk about earth.... and by the way yess i could lough t with your comments if i wass not busssy by felling other rhings. You know even if you described an unreaal picture, words can hurt to. Imagining ssomething that it fact happens( i can not fuck her while others can) is messssing with othr human feelings
By leopoldij at 03,May,18 17:36 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sorry but if you want to believe that the moon is full of icecream, do so, but I'll call you an idiot. Not only you, but anyone who believes this. It has absolutely nothing to do with you but only with your belief.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

The other thread is not unrelated. If someone believes ridiculous things then this influences his whole thinking process. That's why, for instance, one shouldn't trust a religionist. Bullshit beliefs transform one's brain significantly. I know many people who believe in that crap called astrology. Well, they can't function properly in other domains either. Beliefs are parasites, think of them as dangerous microbes, that affect the normal behavior of one's brain.
By Greek18cm at 03,May,18 18:36 other posts of Greek18cm 
The other thread is unrelated , i ssaw this ansswer coming. Trust me when i ssay. Except my coudsin noone else has influense on me. The flaterth thing is not aa belief of mine just a ssubject i aam excited to ressearch ehatever the answer is. In fact i do not care. All i care is abouyt her
By leopoldij at 04,May,18 11:46 other posts of leopoldij 
OK, then listen to this: there's nothing to be researched regarding the earth's shape. It's known and the matter is closed.

Suppose someone came up with the idea that the head of a man is a CUBE. Would you get excited and research this?

It's the same.

As for her, forget her. Move on. The only way ahead is to find another woman. Today, not tomorrow.
By Greek18cm at 04,May,18 14:56 other posts of Greek18cm 
I have been with some girls. Sexually i can not cum even after hourw and i give up. Mentaally i just do not care for them and that ie noticeable. I tried. Maybe womeone i would be hapy but not yet. I am not intetessted to anyone... i really tried.

By phart at 01,May,18 00:52 other posts of phart 
I read most of this and basically,you are being used like toilet tissue. Find someone else.
By leopoldij at 01,May,18 08:52 other posts of leopoldij 
He's being used as a USED toilet tissue you mean.

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