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Started by #578610 at 07,Mar,19 16:30
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By CountryCouple54 at 31,Jul,19 10:44
So I see that HotPussy had to use bellas' picture to finally get the top spot on Best Image/Member. She had no chance with her own pics. @ bella, you should feel good about that.
I was looking at the first page of the POLLS listings. Skittles authored 12 dedicated to me, HOTPUSSY.
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You know,,,I really try, but some people just keep coming.
By Skittles [Ignore] at 07,Apr,19 10:45 other posts
Have any original thoughts, or forum topics of yer own lass?
What a jackass!!!!!
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Sometimes I wonder how a jackass like skittles is still here and so man good members are allowed to leave or pushed out by that cadre of misfits
I am a fan of Bella's "WORD OF THE DAY.....IN A SONG". I think it's a great game and a tribute to the imagination of it's creator. It's hard to come up with a song that fits the word of the day. Today, I found out it's even harder than I thought, Why? Well, the member that provided today's word (4/6/19) has me blocked. Guess what? I can't see any of it or participate.
Regardless of how sexy you feel you are, with the skills and ability to deliver the fantasy that SYD members desire, some folks just don't want to be embroiled in all the BS and drama. Slightly knowing the personality of the member who posted the "word", he laid low for a long time and hadn't visited the forum in YEARS. The thread appealed to him and he came out of "retirement" and has been active. However I BELIEVE that when you continued to insult him and others, in other threads, he had enough. You have used "heat of the moment" several times. You can't continue to hide behind that reason and expect people to forgive and forget but it is difficult. I hope that you are able accept MY explanation without any malice intended and use the situation as a learning tool.
Yes, I can hide behind the truth. Heat of the moment is a nice way to say I was mad at something or someone and I wanted to hit back. I don't expect people to "forgive and forget". Honestly, do you think I give a hoot about some member with a fart going crosswise? A member that decided I was in the wrong so he decided to, oh, I don't know, block me? As far as I'm concerned they can rot in hell. It's not a learning tool. It's a fact of life. You believe, and I'll take you at your word, that your explanation is without malice. Ok, lets see if you mean it.
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I remember people used to complain on programs on TV. They were too explicit or violent or whatever. Other people used to say, "Well, change the channel". These members that don't like drama don't have to stay in that thread. There are about 160 pages of threads yet they complain about the one i'm in.
I do not share the same opinion as you, just because this is the internet, anything goes. Just my opinion.
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BTW, maybe I'm the one that is too thick headed. Do you think I'm going out of my way to be disrespectful to you? This is who and how I am. I may be hard or harsh but it's not personal. I don't see the upside of being disrespectful when the truth and the obvious is enough.
You have to decide how you receive and respond posts. Be who and what you want to be. We don't have to agree but I think we should be more respectful to one another. And your "who cares what is said in the forum of a porn site?" attitude, admin does and my guess is so do the people that have blacklisted both you and I.
I don't think that this conversation is productive so I'm stopping here.
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You guys are delusional. Leaving?? Where did you get such an idea? I like being here
It's what she does.
I like that word, Wack-A-Fuck.
Well, all is not lost. At least I have a picture of an asshole mouth now. A treat for family show and tell.
Sure, it was one of your typical attention-seeking stunts, but it was there--and full of lies--before you deleted it.
And I did not delete anything. but, I bet you had a shit fit:
Tumblr did a massive blog purge, terminating 1000s of blogs without prior notice.
Coyote Boy Tales was a victim of that purge.
I'm so sorry. Maybe they thought you were lying and the blogs were not yours?
Wouldn't surprise me at all if they are spinning around in the floor or something
My opinion
You know what? This is becoming incredibly unfair.
I feel like I am throwing rocks at someone in a wheelchair.
Peace out.
I bet when you drop yer panties lass.. it looks like a dead bird hitting the floor ... with its tongue sticking out
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But,what do you know about women?
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So who's going to remove all those granny panties on my page?
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Who is posting all of yer comments lass? Is it Salt or Pepper???
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Roast beef is good. I use it to make breaded steaks with mash potatoes and a salad.
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The thing is that there's always hundredths of men in a deli and only one asshole in a fine restaurant. Have fun with the arm candy.
ASSHOLE---a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person like you.
My opinion
Top definition
Badly Packed Kebab
Discription of female genitalia. Specifically where the labia majora protrude to some degree.
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I was surprised that so many men pee in the morning before the wank. Well, another mystery solved.
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and say that I'd gladly fuck it.
[Let's see if the stinky morons will complain because I said this.]
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My opinion
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Now if only you could get the mouth of the South to shut the fuck up just once everything would be fine
Who knows, maybe Lix and the Cyclops were told to tone down their retoric. Neither one is getting involved. At least, not directly.
My opinion
But he understands nothing.
He's a fucked up hillbilly.
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My opinion. And I can defend it.
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So, smart. Did it come to you after you blew him that must not be mention?
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My opinion
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So, smart. Did it come to you after you blew him that must not be mention?
My opinion
Assholes not withstanding
The guy sucking my tit is Charlie. He is 6'2" with an average cock and a very sweet disposition. I'm lucky to have him. Everyone here thinks i'm Charlie. If you people think that then at least spell the name correctly. For a woman the name is spelled C h a r l i,,,,,I know you graduated from kindergarten and did not go on to higher education but, after all your years, i would have thought you'd have picked up some know how.
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That pic of me is an actual "now" pic. I may post younger pics of me but i'm not ashamed of my looks. Make fun all you want but as the cyclops said, beauty is skin deep. The real essence of a person is how he/she thinks.
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If I choose to be friends with (not hang out, and this you can ask Lix if she'll talk to you) Lix, AussieMan, oe Leo, it's because they never put me down, unlike you and your fellow Cyclops Rats.
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You are a sorry excuse for a human being, let alone a man. You pick on a woman and think it's a good, funny thing. Now I guess you'll come back with something like "saggy tits" or "80 yr old crone" or whatever, but, I know what I am, and neither you, nor JustWill, phart, or the Cyclops will ever come up to my levels.
You know, it almost sounded like a plea to stop. You and the others crossed the line sometime ago, not all at once, but you all did. Like I asked Old Phart, you expect me to turn the other cheek? I rather die in a cyber death than do that.
You, more than anyone, stick your nose where it's not welcomed and make trouble. You know how to bait other members to fight. You truly are a troll. Well, if you noticed, I fight dirty. You could just go back under your handler's skirts and leave me alone.
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and it looks like this war will go for a long time or until you go crying to Admin like you guys do all the time,
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Sorry,,I guess a nude woman is repellent to you,,,
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I guess this is more your speed
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IF you are not something you are happy with,YOU and only YOU can change or improve yourself.
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I'm so sorry, lollipop. I did not realize. I've been taking advantage of a man-child
My opinion
only registered users can see external links
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My opinion
Lets make them chilly flavor. Or is it butterscotch?,,
that earned the "pie-in-the-face" contest.
My opinion
House Republican explains decision to vote against anti-hate resolution
only registered users can see external links
My opinion
Chapter 31 )
According to the plan initiated by Eric and Mark, his younger br*ther and my best friend in the world, the goal was to see how many times the two of them could fuck me before their parents got home from work that afternoon. Since there were few things I enjoyed more than having either of my guys stuff his cock in my bottom (having either dick in my mouth edged that out by a slight margin), I was more than willing to participate in this exciting endeavor. When it came to my guys and sex, I was a total whore--and I am not at all ashamed to admit that. I loved sex, I loved their dicks, and I loved them; not necessarily in that order.
As it turned out, the number of times that Mark and Eric could bone me during the allotted time on that wonderful Snow Day, not including my older playmate's marvelous sodomizing of me while I was bent over the arm of the sofa earlier that morning, was five. That's five times between the two of them, not apiece. I'm not sure that even my horny ass cold take that.
My opinion
So, CandyMandyBonBonCharlieTwits IS logging out to read the forum topics that she cannot see or otherwise participate in? Such a sad, sad woman.
The pot calling the kettle black. So, how did you find out what I posted?
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Did you log out too? We both are interested in the other's posts. I have to do it the hard way. All you have to do is give tit to one of your minions, like Phart.
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I bet they even know the brand of tampons you use and yes, I'm not a lady. I don't believe in hiding behind a made up persona,
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My opinion
As for being a "Real" man because they ban you,it is just the only way the site has setup for us to get rid of annoying people that are causing issues to us.
Nothing anti man or wimpy about it.
Go play with your voodoo dolls or something
Is it that I said go play with your voodoo doll?
Mar 8, 18:15 phart: I just got into this mess that you have with these other folks,don't understand it,and think it is a bunch of silly bullshit.
Mar 8, 18:15 phart: who is that?
Mar 8, 18:08 hotpussy: so, did you collect your tit suck from the Cyclops???
Mar 8, 16:36 Hotpussy: you guys are right about one thing,,,i like excitement. the more you rattle my cage the more i snarl, but, i have to be careful.
Mar 8, 15:39 phart: Hehahahaha, rattleing your cage.
now you know why I planted that comment! You give a person enough rope,they will hang themselves, all you have to do is wait.
And really I am wondering if it is a woman.
Phart, you are a double dealing RAT.
My opinion
You say your father taught you to stand and fight.i seriously doubt he taught you to pick a fight.You are doing that on purpose with whoever you can just to stir trouble.Funny thing is,trouble here is of no real issue in the real world.A couple clics and you are out of my world and I am out of this 1.So for your twisted mind to consider me dishonorable for not copieing and pasting what could be read by anyone here and calling me a rat, really doesn't bother me.
I would say Fuck you, But you would just lay there. So I will just say fly a kite whoever or whatever you are.
I honestly think you are a old guy in the hand dug basement under his ex mother in laws single wide trailer getting his jollies trying to make others miserable..
A real person would not act the way "you" do.
You posted this and I said I'd stay out of your forum. I didn't say I'd read it and answer your diatribes,
Have I gotten personal or nasty with you? It's a rhetorical question, I'm not looking for you to respond because I have not, yet.
You are delusional. Your profile bio says you are 49 years old yet in a previous conversation with you, you said you were born in June, 1952 and that makes you 67 years old in June. In that conversation I did say that you were an attractive woman. So for that, you justify calling me a cyclops, tit, bitch, witch.... You continue to deny that the different profiles were not you, that it was someone else that insulted JustWill. Own your actions, don't try to play it off that it was someone else. My pops has this saying and it seems to be fitting in your instance; Beauty is skin deep and ugly is to the core. You have an ugly heart.
It was someone else. You are all those things. Yes, I have an ugly heart. Beauty is skin deep and yes, Ugly is to the core. I see your "pops" knew you well. You and your,,,,,,what ever you call your rats,,,,,are obsessed with Twowarmtts and twowarmtts2. That lady closed her accounts voluntarily b4 JustWill was insulted by that other person, but, because you and your rats poisoned Admin's mind, She can't come back. The same with her husband and her friend. You think that's right? And all because you hounded that other friend of her to the point she said something very nasty even though she didn't mean it. They are my friends. We exchange pics, stories and husbands. Now, you come after me. Fuck you lady, and I use that noun very loosely. Candy can be very loving and as far as I know, Charlie was as normal as anyone else in this perv hole. So,yes, I am nasty. Are you going to get Admin to delete me too? You notice i'm in my own forum and I am telling the truth as I see it. I may be wrong, but, this is
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My opinion
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Virtually every comment you have made in the forum since Admin banned you has been a personal insult against someone, Crone.
We have all seen in your numerous incarnations that you are completely oblivious to the problems with your own behavior.
As has been pointed out many times before, you certainly get-off on pretending to be the "victim" when you get slapped back into your corner for being abusive to others.
And don't whine to me about getting "personal". As a refresher, YOU were banned from the site by Admin for making personal (and wrongful) attacks on my partner--a guy who wasn't even involved with this site. THAT seems pretty "personal", Crone.--------------------------------------- added after 76 seconds"If another member attacked..."?
YOU are the "other member".
No one is buying the act. You've tried and failed to make that work at least a half dozen times, Candymandybonboncharlietits.
No one "hounds" you.
You say odious crap in the forum, and people call you on it.
You earn every jab that comes your way.--------------------------------------- added after 107 secondsI "don't have the right to be flippant" with you?
Snag a grip, Crone.
Flippant is my default setting.
Obviously you have not been paying attention. Perhaps your dementia meds aren't working properly.
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Sorry, but my allergy to stupid acts up on occasion.
If you have something to say to bella, why not grow a set and tell her yourself?
After all, you're pretty damn brazen when it comes to talking shit on people you've banned. Why not try the less cowardly path for once.
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Okay...just stop.
Look, I honestly tried to keep to my agreement and not poke a stick at you, but sitting by and watching you post all this stupid, antagonistic crap in the forum seriously hurts my soul.
If you are finding the forum and the site so damn boring, then I suggest you log-off and read a fucking book.
It seems that you just aren't happy unless you are slinging shit and causing trouble. And then you whine and cry because people are being "mean" to you.
Knock it off.
Ban me if you's no skin off my nose, but I am not going to let your odious behavior pass without pointing it out.
And, posting "my opinion" after every comment you leave is an idiotic and annoying affectation which doesn't, in any way, absolve you of the stupidity contained in the comment. Of course it's your fucking opinion--you posted it.
It's like saying "no offense" just before saying something offensive. Meaningless
Not so honorable any more.
I just broke my word about not poking a stick at Candymandybonbontits and told her to knock it off.
Seeing all that stupid shit in the forum just hurt my soul, and I couldn't take it.
I'm only human...--------------------------------------- added after 36 seconds
Here's the thing:
No one is keeping you here, and no one is making you read them.
If you don't like the topics, shut your pie-hole and move along.--------------------------------------- added after 66 seconds
It is a suggestion.
Regardless, you will interpret it to fit your agenda.
That's what the mentally damaged do.
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My opinnion
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The funny thing is that I have several forums: Music, sex, politics, jokes. I have polls, several blogs, and a page that's full of tributes to my friends and the only thing you notice is my bitching about the state of the forums. Either you are blind or you should open your eyes.
My opinion
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Your opinion??? HAHAHA
I'm just stating a fact.
Every time I link a pussy these people behave as
if I publish porn in their church prayer book.
My opinion
Look, I honestly tried to keep to my agreement and not poke a stick at you, but sitting by and watching you post all this stupid, antagonistic crap in the forum seriously hurts my soul.
If you are finding the forum and the site so damn boring, then I suggest you log-off and read a fucking book.
It seems that you just aren't happy unless you are slinging shit and causing trouble. And then you whine and cry because people are being "mean" to you.
Knock it off.
Ban me if you's no skin off my nose, but I am not going to let your odious behavior pass without pointing it out.
And, posting "my opinion" after every comment you leave is an idiotic and annoying affectation which doesn't, in any way, absolve you of the stupidity contained in the comment. Of course it's your fucking opinion--you posted it.
It's like saying "no offense" just before saying something offensive. Meaningless.
My opinion
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BTW, I didn't know you had a soul. Do you also have a conscience? You know, one of those little voices inside your head that tells you when you behave dishonorably?
This is not my opinion. It's a real wish to know
To answer your question, my conscience told me that sitting by and watching you spread idiocy over the forum was much more dishonorable than slapping you back into your crate.
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All I need from you is to advice me when you want me to be nasty to you so you'll have an excuse to block me. Sooner or later all of you dump on me and then hide. Real "MEN"
My opinion
(Sorry, I know it bothers you. Thanks for the tip)
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entertaining than bologna sandwiches. Tell you
what, this is my forum. What if I give you my blessing to come here and bash me and my opinions? You can say whatever you like. No holding back. I also get to tell you what I think of you and your opinions of me or anything else I pick up in the other forums? You guys can “COPY” your other comments in other forums and “PASTE” them here. That way I can have the last word all the time. For instance I can state:
“Little pee pee’s like 2nice have little opinions. I’ll not say anything about our resident author, but, we can invite everyone that wants to vent even if it’s not about me.
At the end of the day we can sign off and grab whatever flavor of poison we like and think about good comebacks for the next day. Heck, I’m willing to invite even the Cyclops. It would be like the chat rooms where everyone insults everyone. It might save the rest of the site from falling asleep reading the other forums,
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My opinion,,
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or "BLUE whats up"?
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or even "What SYC/SYC members have you masturbated to?"?
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Mr Dgraff, if you are starting to spew it i'll have to put my boots on. What's wrong, Bella's pussy dried up so you cum here to jiggle your uglies? Or, she gave you marching orders?
My opinion
For a month I stayed quiet and in my own yard till yesterday I had a visit to the other stuff just stuff only to see there poking fun at us
That sounds like you were asking Mommy to go after the other mean kids.
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My opinion
Just a question, are you up in their posts making unkind remarks?----Bella
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