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Started by #578610 at 19,Jun,19 17:20
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Even though I much like this creation, I still think we should discuss where to draw a line between free speech and what should and shouldn't be allowed, relating to the use of people's identity and political speech. I think this is crossing a line.
at one time.
Don't blame liberals for this war, Russia attacked Ukraine.
Then you blamed Biden for it, because of his weakness.
No one is handling this now as weak as Trump.
He's groveling at Putin's feet, giving him everything he wants.
That's not how you deter a horrible murderous dictator who is determined
to destroy people's FREEDOM.
Trump would act in ways to defend the US from these people.
That's the only good reason to have a war.
Since when am I asking Americans to do it?
Are Americans being sent to fight in Ukraine?
I want to support Ukrainians as much as we can, se WE don't have to fight.
They are defending the free world against tyranny, right now.
Letting it win will mean that tyranny gains confidence and power.
That's the dumbest thing we can ever do. It's the mistake that was made before WWII, which allowed Hitler to gain enough strength and support, to start WWII in the first place. I guess you are completely ignorant of that part of history.
If you only care about defending the US, that's not America First, that's America Alone. America didn't get to its position without friends, and you won't be able to keep your position without friends either.
Your country has been killing Iraqi people 'to free them'.
That was not by their own choice, like the Ukrainians.
Tell the Russians to stop killing, instead of making it worth their effort.
Trump is literally giving Putin EVERYTHING HE WANTS. Is he a cuck or a traitor?
If we actually joined the fighting, that would turn into a world war.
Ukraine is actually winning. At some point, Russians will stop Putin.
Most of them are fed up with sending their kids to die for nothing.
If Trump gives Putin a win, that motivates Russians to continue.
Maybe after a pause to rearm for a few years, but they won't ever stop.
This only stops if the Russian people learn that war is useless.
As soon as the next leader even proposes it, they should revolt.
That's how the world stopped the Nazis and the Japanese.
The brutality of WWII taught them to never want war again.
The problem is that you don't learn from history.
At least Putin has to tell the Russians that they are fighting Nazis again.
He needed decades of 24/7 propaganda to get Russians to accept this war.
You just voted in a Nazi, because he told you he would lower egg prices.
And you would go to war with Mexico, Canada, Greenland or Panama,
because of something he made up to distract you from what Elon is doing.
That makes you dumber than the Russians. They have no access to reality.
You can find the truth from hundreds of sources. You just don't want to.
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Violated his green card! POS cunt!
cat52! Worry! What will get Charlie? His poor health or ICE?
prob arrived in the US floating on a door!
Cat's newest pics- The true lump!
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keep hiding from me Saggy Granny/CAT-2...I know you are making comments here I can see you. Your blatant behavior is outrageous
Cat is a feeble minded muppet!
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He put in one finger
She said put in two
Then three
Then his entire first
Then she asked for the second hand and told him to clap
tight huh she said!
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[deleted image]
Married to a sex predator
If she has Psychogenic itch there is help available for that.
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We can rebuild cat, we have the technology.
vote Saggy Granny- a piece of shit member, old as fuck, off brand cunt, and full of racist/homophobic/anti-semitic comments!
Eat shit cunt!
Use the term Towel head. It is a bit more polite?
Also,skittles is in new york, how do you know he is from the middle east?
He can't be in europe as skittles are banned there.
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ops $3.40 a gallon
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I don't know what it is like over there atm, but its no wonder that there are already so many electric cars over here of various different brands, I live in a lower social economic area & there are heaps here even though they are still much more to buy than their combustion engine counterparts.
They stopped building our Holden Commodore & Ford Falcon here about 10 years ago now & they are not as common these days, they are disappearing.
Although they may continue to build internal combustion cars, we are still importing many, I would think that in about 10 years, there wont be many getting around, they 2 will start disappearing, it will be more a enthusiast/collector thing.
Although my Mazda 3 is still quite new, it costs $0.24 in fuel to drive it (spends most of its life driving in the burbs, doesn't hit the highway that often, there it would cost approx. 15 to 18c a km to drive), so I can see myself going electric in coming years, by then though the Mazda wont be worth shit as a trade in, even though its a good well maintained car, no one will want the thing because of its petrol engine.
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* it costs $0.24 in fuel to drive it per Km
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Also with the change to electric, us poor saps with traditional motored vehicles will have to pay more for fuel in its measured amount to compensate for the loss of sales, more or less forcing the purchase of a electric one sooner or later
My Hemi is about 410 miles range towing a load and takes about 15 minutes for me to fuel back up and pee.
so until a electric can come close to that, nope.
Hybrid, may be on to something, Edison motors in canada has a good idea on that.
Will be interesting to see what comes out in the next 5 years or so involving trucks, maybe sooner
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Certainly range & towing capacity would be a big hurdle as well, to transport a truck from Sydney to Brisbane for example is 1000km, its a big ask for a elec truck, my kids Tesla for example wouldn't even make it half way before going flat, its good for about 400km, so when she drives interstate with her bf, they take the bf petrol guzzler
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I do agree with you on Hy-Bred, I have seen you mention those a few times now, its really old tec, they have been using it in mines & locomotives for years, some further development on that gear might even bee a better option for interstate transport for trucks & stuff, to be honest I don't know why it wasnt looked at years ago, maybe it was, but neva become main stream, there must be reasons why that I don't know or understand 🤷♀️
They say makes the car more powerful in some instances, smother to drive without gear changes & stuff, but that takes away the heart & soul of a classic car 🤷♀️
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I bet they all squat to pee
I just get in my car, turn on the smart cruse so all I have to do is sit my fat ass on the chair & steer the fucking thing 🤷♂️
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[deleted image]
You look really beat up Cat
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How come all of your images on your scummy profile are either internet downloads or teenie weenie out of focus images like this a ledged image of Mike 👆, lucky your a Premium member scumbag or you would have been reported & removed from the site, well again, 🤭.
How many times have you been booted out from here before 🤷♀️ you had to cough up some coin from dead Charlies social security checks so you could stay & keep dribbling your mindless 💩
God knows boss man is sick to death of your continuous winging & complaining against Premium profiles like all my 3, you useless ugly scab of a woman
Fuck You CAT
Hey you old cunt CAT this is to respond to your blog; /blogs/56914.html. You are a desperate lonely soul. You should be ashamed of yourself posting pictures of more than 20 years ago. You are an imbecile.
This from a man (well, he says he is) who's last pic is of him 15 yrs ago as a Taliban bottom. Go back to Afghanistan and sell your ass for goat meat.
pitbull - she is losing it! What is next? More homophobic comments from the liberal loser that she is?
“This CAT is a true week cunt, not worthy of this site”
1st, Mongoloid, the word is WEAK. That’s W,E,A,K.
2nd, Wait, there is no 2nd. Mongoloid says it all.
so often a message, perhaps a important 1, is lost because of people's concern regarding errors and exposing spelling and grammatical 1's.
it will be ok, your earth will continue to rotate, flat as it may be,it will continue to rotate. As long as it does not speed up fast enough for you to be slung off it into space,you will be fine.
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Apparently this scabby image is showing poor old Mike as well, looks like a couple of non humans, I thought "****" was a big no no on this site 🤷♀️
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Like, how could anyone be ready for that 👆, seriously is that a mortuary photo 🤷♀️
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Like ready to stuff some cotton wool into the holes so the noise quieted at the funeral 🤷♀️
Did you find where you parked your car 🚗 Charlie
They are 4 months behind in their car payments... Very bad!
The repo man would say, "Uh chief,that's in the swamp,write it off bud"
Stop posting pics that are over 30 years old!
Stupid cunt!
Your pics are from the 90's. Time has not been kind to your body! cat
cat a very smelly cat indeed! Disgusting pig!
Dripping with hot garbage juice!
1. Arby's on Federal Highway
2. Denny's
3. Walmart
4. Your trailer park
5. Greyhound Bus terminal
I am afraid we just run in different circles!
What an idiot!
Let's wait for the edits.. but a screenshot doesn't go away!
[deleted image]
“I am sorry,I don't know who is in the pic but the first thing to come to mind was, "did you find the lost miners cheif"?”
That pic is of me and WOODY58
goes back to a old joke I heard about a colonoscopy.
“Hay CAT fuck off out of here, this tread is no longer yours, me Mongo controls this thread now so go get fucked”
The stupid shit doesn’t know this IS my thread from when I was TWOWARMTTS.
I’ll use it whenever I want. So, dumbass botched abortion, you can fuck off or continue to use it. I don’t give a flying fuck what a BALL-LESS little lady like you does.
I just banned CAT cuz of being a nazi.
CAT how wrong you are. That pic with the Nazi Swastika was created by Sir-Skittles. I don’t like ANY type of repressive government or movement, not the Nazi, the Communist, not MAGA, nor any other.
However, being banned by you is a relief as I hate to see your 💩in any thread.
“The saggy granny CAT was impeached on Wednesday the 13th of March 2024.
Impeachment results; /blogs/56834.html”
The dumbass doesn’t seem to understand that the subject doesn’t give a flying fuck nor that she has to get the info second hand. Pitbull is a chickenshit who won’t let others see his postings.
You were blacklisted by Trump_supporter_7
Ok, so that's #2, #6, and now #7. Trump_Supporter_7, you should ask Admin to give you an automatic CAT blacklisting with every new account.
it's a wonder he didn't ban me for calling him a drunk in a penal colony listening to barney the dinosaur playing a digeridoo.If I don't like someone I just leave them alone and hope they do the same.Mongo makes me laugh,never did me wrong.just trying to get you to think about what your enemy may very be.not much of anything?
"a drunk in a penal colony listening to barney the dinosaur playing a digeridoo"
I must say, that's highly creative insulting
Mommy showing off her new rat 🐀 merkin 🙈
609 W Main St Gaylord, MI 49735
[deleted image]
Mommy's Holiday Apartment 👇
[deleted image] [deleted image]
Shhh 🤫. Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting Grannies
Minor set back you dumb cunt, appears I shared to may url links from a single members wall, or you went off to have a wingy crybaby to the boss, never mind, more to come Saggy
Your a weak useless cunt CAT, come out & play with your son & his friends
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Don't forget to vote Saggy /polls/4777.html
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To set the story straight CAT you fucking dumb ass, no one here alerts me to anything especially phart , he & I have 0 personal contact, I see everything here logged out stalking the site you fuckwit
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Mongo is pleading to be removed from your blacklist:
I do not even understand what I did wrong, can you please remove me from your blacklist and may be explain?
This is the same Aussie 💩 that created the poll listed in another post in this thread. This is one a..hole who trashes the "Saggy Granny", as I'm called, continually. Well, Mr Abbo, kiss my ass.
what are you afraid of? Someone living in the remnants of a british penal colony? Getting drunk while listening to a kangaroo playing Barney and friend's on the didgeridoo,
[deleted image]
Should Saggy Granny CAT 👆 Unblock Mongo, her Son.
Tap following link to take your vote:
👉 /polls/4777.html 👈
👉 /blogs/56819.html 👈
* 🚨Disclaimer🚨
Be aware, tapping the above link 👆, may well send you clinically blind. Parental guidance strongly recommended.
Tap the following link to take your vote/s
👉 /polls/4775.html 👈
Mongo ❤️
Voting has been barely open for 2 hours & a clear winner is already starting to emerge, time for your vote
Who will be the voted "Dumbest Cunt on the site 2024"
Wetnoodle- A cuck in a walker
Site mongoloids
👉 /polls/4772.html 👈
Luv Always
Mongo ❤️.
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 24 hours
phart is correct, what do you have to loose Saggy you fucking ugly mole 🤢🤮, unban me, what do you have to loose you stupid ugly cunt
Or maybe a hot bucket of trash with a slit cut into it
Special limited edition box set now available, be quick 🏃♀️, selling out fast 🔥
👉 /blogs/56807.html 👈
Luv Always
Mongo 💖
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
Un-Block us CAT you weak useless Communist cunt