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Started by bella! at 04,Dec,17 02:53  other posts of bella!
Similar topics: 1.this site 2.Who else likes there dick cheese to smell like cornchips 3.RANDOM STUFF, JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT STUFF 4.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II New CommentComments: |
But apparently, YOU missed me! Who is thinking about who, you dumb bitch!?
Calm down, calm down.....are you all revved up about not having her Diamond membership renewed on time?
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If you are so hell bent that I created a fake account, ask admin to check the member's IP for you. Oh, that's right, once you've made up your mind that you're right, you're right even when you're wrong!
As if there's anything about her that I want to see!
I just about puke when I visit the SYC side. But members have it right, she's a #1 CUNT!
Every time there is a negative comment made about her, she accuses you or HR13 of creating a fake account to 'attack' her.
No matter how many times she is told by other members or admin that this is not so, she denies it.
Totally delusional.
Apparently she must feel that the title of "cock juggling thunder cunt from down under (Doyalson)" is a badge of honor.
Hey, can someone explain why she's able to read anything I've written since she blacklisted me? Or why admin allows her to spew her venom on "your" page yet when you use an ambiguous string of words like "cock juggling thunder cunt from down under" and/or "walrus", a thread gets dumpster'd?
It's all good, this is just a dick and cunt site and she certainly is One!
After making this post, the cock juggling thunder cunt from down under has once again, changed her WHY? You're thinking about me, aren't YOU, you frickin whack-a-doodle?
I'm always on your mind.......
Funny, I never referred to any member by their screen name but admin assumed that I was referring to suckit.
It wasn't until we got to Belgium, we stayed at the Brussels Hilton, a breakfast offering of what looked like Campbell's Pork and Beans were served. Pork and Beans for breakfast? Not for me! I prefer Bush's Baked Beans to Campbell's any day and these definitely looked like Campbell's!
When I was on my 2 week hiking trip in Austria/Germany Berchestegarden Park and the German Alpine Huttes we usually had hard salami, and cheese for breakfast. I actually got to like that!!!
1) Europe is so diverse that one cannot draw conclusions from visiting a few countries in a limited amount of time. Even visiting a few places in the same country is not a reliable indicator of what the country's customs are.
2) Eating breakfast in a hotel is not at all an indication of what people eat at home.
3) American pancakes in Europe do not represent the actual thing, just as Italian dressing in the US is very different from any dressing that Italians use.
In hotels in the UK you will generally get something that claims to be a 'Full English Breakfast' the percentage of British people who eat cooked breakfasts at home these days has to be miniscule. I think that maybe hotels serve what they think the guests want to see. Hotels with high tourist intakes especially.
It is virtually always a mistake to try something that is not local. Trying an American Pancake in Belgium, or anywhere outside the US is almost certain to be a mistake. On the continent I always drink coffee, the ability to make a good cup of tea seems to be a skill continentals have yet to master.
Most of us came to the conclusion that the French would probably find Mexican food rather disgusting. But what did we know. As the conversation on that topic was winding down, a person sitting at another table had overheard our conversation and wanted to add her observation.
She had said she was on a recent trip to London, and said she and her husband went to one of the few Mexican Food restaurants in London. She said what goes for Mexican Food, at least in England back then was not what we would consider anything worth eating. What was billed as salsa, was a can of tomato sauce, no spices what so ever. No cheese, and not much of a menu.
She also felt the French would not find Mexican Food that appealing.
In my trips to Europe, I have searched for and did not find any Mexican Food restaurants. I am sure they are there but not as common as here.
"Should the blacklisting option go back to where you could visit the page even though you're blacklisted by that member ?
Cuz I know some people want to leave negative gifts on someone who has blacklisted them,yet they cannot show disapproval of someone's actions cuz they cannot view the page..
what if someone blacklisted you when you were not onsite just after they've dumped shit all over your page,you have no way to respond in kind..
Also, what if someone is posting pics of someone they've banned without their permission,how do you know that they are using your pics?
So go back to being able to dump negative gifts/view pages on someone who has blacklisted you...
Not voting or comments on them..
Cuz what's the point of negative gifts if you can't use them ?
People need to be able to show disapproval in some manner.
Thoughts please!!"
The inability to gift another when you're been blacklisted is only one aspect, now you are unable to take back what was yours.
How many members would like to see the blacklisting program returned to the way it was. All in favor, raise your hand!
A woman in California returned a "live" Christmas tree to Costco for a full refund. Apparently, the shopper was not happy or satisfied that the tree was dead and wanted their money back.
Well I'll be. Duh!
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Funnily enough I saw on Amazon Prime yesterday a scene where the waiter offered the customer a glass with a little wine to taste to see if it was acceptable, as waiters do. In this scene the guy drank two large glasses and then said that it was not acceptable as the wine was corked. The Christmas tree woman and the meat customer did exactly the same to my mind.
And in Belgium, prior to having dinner, I inquired about beer. I told the waiter what my taste buds would enjoy, hoping he could make a recommendation. He brought two samples to the table, probably 4 to 6 ounces (120 to 180 ml in each glass) of beer. I made my choice and by the time I drank that and finished the samples, that was enough! Hey, I only drink 1 to 2 beers, I'm a cheap date... That reminds me, the beer was less costly then water!
You are right it is essentially dead once chopped down BUT if I bought a tree took it home and the next morning all the pines had fallen off and it was totally bare I would return the tree and expect a replacement or refund.
However, there is a period of time elapased after purchase when that return is no longer appropriate as what has happened is natural. Don't ask me to specify that period of time though.
This works when people apply common sense..something that appears to be in increasingly short supply at times.
As a consumer, should I EXPECT to buy my "live" Christmas tree at the beginning of December and have it for one month then anticipate a refund one month later? People are ballsy and/or straight up nuts!
I didn't intend to get in this deep
In the Uk the legal benchmark is was the product that you bought fit for it's purpose at the time that you bought it and only if it wasn't or it subsequently failed for reasons beyond your control or expectation within a sensible period do you have you a claim.
The key word is sensible. the tree and meat people did not use common sense.
And yes, the Christmas tree lady was cuckoo for returning her tree after Christmas and CostCo was even to blame for indulging her with this frivolous return.
Sounds like the fellow that bought rare cigars and insured them then reported them lost in a series of small fires. He got a check,got arrested when he cashed it for fraud.
If you look at the short news clip posted above, the tree didn't look to shabby to me!
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I really enjoyed listening to her singing voice...
But there a very fine line between him and the the other major dominants.
173 Yoopers
167 timrat1
164 coop-m
164 nastassjassexpimmel
162 bisub25
161 NoBalls
• Europe is just as beautiful as I imagined. From their beautiful countryside to the amazing structures that might be 100's of years old.
• In the 5 countries that I visited, transportation vehicles traveled on the same side of the street as in the States.
• Water is not free and in many instances, more expensive than beer or wine.
• Using the restroom is not always free.
• Lots of people from lots of places all over the world.
• People are friendly and helpful.
• Goods and services are pricey.
• It rains a lot.
• I'm not certain if this was relative to the time of my visit, there was a high visibility of police presence.
• There was a high visibility of military presence. The military personnel had their HANDS on their weapon and were in "ready mode".
• The airports were a shopping mecca wonderland.
• I want to go back....
I'm sure there are many more things, I just cant think of them now....
Also,why did they make you eat in the restroom?
I was in Switzerland, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium.
And in response to what did I eat in the restroom, that's my s.ecret. Whatever happened in Europe, stays in Europe!
When I first started to travel around Europe the presence of armed police on the street I found really weird - (we are talking 1970s) - as we in the Uk did not have that. Nowadays sadly we, like the rest of Europe, have armed street patrols in major cities. The visibility may be higher as the threats from ISIS/Daesh inspired terrorists is high at present. So yes, they are in 'ready mode' for sure
I am not sure about other countries but in the UK tap water is free in restaurants, but you may need to request it. Bottled water is a total rip off.
On my many trips to Europe - albeit during the summer months - luckily rain was never an issue, and I don't recall a wet holiday. So maybe you could arrange your next visit for the summer months.
Did you encounter the 'woman' sitting in the restroom waiting to be paid or tipped and daring you to leave without doing so?
I have to admit that those toilets that do have an attendant are, shall we say, more pleasant to visit than many in the UK where attendants don't exist.
And for sure beer and wine is cheap in Europe!!! And I love German beer!!!
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And Scotland and Wales too?
You don't appreciate what you have until it is gone.
For instance, toilet paper!
What happened to toilet paper?
I always check for paper BEFORE I take a seat on the throne.
P.S.I also carry extra change and dollar bills in foreign countries (euros when in Europe) in a small coin purse just in case the toilet requires some sort of payment. The one country in Europe that really needs more "public" toilets is Italy. They are chronically short of them.
Interesting happening though, there were 28 of us being bused from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Antwerp, Belgium. We pulled off their highway for lunch prior to entering Belgium. Their highway reminded me much like the Ohio turnpike, easy on and off with eateries and access to gasoline/petrol. There was a McDonald's on our side or a cafeteria on the other side and an underground tunnel to get there. Some of opted to eat at McDonald's and some opted for the cafeteria. After eating, I wanted to visit the Ladies Room and was stopped by 2 Nigerian entrepreneurs who wanted to collect 30 cents/euros to go in. Really? 30 cents to use a washroom after paying to eat there? I asked management if this is legit and was told that they rent their washroom to these guys because they maintain them. WTF! Maintenance, smaintenance! There was only cold water and no hand towels.
Yes, 30 cents/euros was inexpensive HOWEVER, my point was that I was not a motorist pulling off the highway for a potty break, I was a paying customer that spent in excess of 8 euro for a cardboard hamburger (?) and coffee and now I needed to tinkle, thank you very much!
I haven't had a vacation like this in one hundred years, it was go, go, go, every day. It's like I needed a good rest from my vacation before going back to work. Never in my wildest dreams did I plan to return home exhausted.
P.S. My "vacations" were usually 1 or 2 week long backpacking/climbing trips!!! I can't stand the idea of sitting on a beach or siting around.
No toilet paper sounds like it would make for stinky hoo haas as well as very dirty panties/briefs.
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Sammybw is now
Sorry if we missed any pm's and all the gifts and comments. We do appreciate them.:x
It appears I have been unthroned at the hands of the Queen. She seems to buying all the members subs and pissing quite few off in the process.
A physically appealing guy with a good looking dick just might be a straight up dick.
I've said this here before a couple of times, but pictures don't really do it for me. They never have. Nothing beats the real thing.
Keep looking, we're out there. Lift your eyes off the ground; see the smiling, looney face - that's not me!
Seeing all these naked people has made me immune, over the years, until I see that special face, smile....
Edit - I looked up the small city where I live, around the 10th biggest in NY state, on Wikipedia (to check the percentages of each race living here). It says it's become a melting pot for refugees from war-torn countries around the world.
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That picture is significant. That’s when K and I first talked.
Is it possible that she was able to talk only after she was done laughing?
I'm not sure if I should approach admin with my concern as the video is no longer in the member's gallery,
As I said, the video has since been removed but I cannot unsee what I saw.
-20 points - you downloaded 0f7f56zymp67 file. Video does not play? - Jan 6, 09:44
When my feet feel good, so do I. When my feet look pretty, I feel "put together". Who else indulges themselves in this way? Manicures and pedicures are not just a "girl thing".
I know that long ago, when I went for a hair service, getting my hair washed..... Between the pressure of the water, the pressure of her fingers, that was another "I thought died and went to heaven" moment. Have you ever witnessed a dog being scratched or rubbed and you find that spot and it makes one of their legs go crazy? If I were a dog, that's the time my leg would be crazy and kicking uncontrollably!
When the back pain was eased I decided to try a few other types off massage and the head Massage really hit the spot. i had wondered if it was just me that found the head masage so amazing, but clearly you have experience something similar. I recommend you look into finding someone who offers this, there are bound to be people.
One caveat though, I visited 3 different practices initially, only the one that I regularly visit now has that perfect touch. The other 2 were ok, but not in the same league as my present masseuse.
If only I were a billionaire who could afford my own person masseusse.
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Alright, so I figured I should add my critters in as well...
I've got 4 dogs (Jack Russell and 3 of his offspring), 4 turtles (a box turtle, 2 red eared sliders and an alligator snapping turtle), 2 rabbits (one albino and her speckled daughter), 2 rats (both rex) and 1 kitty cat.
I've had rats as pets, too. They are very smart critters, and can be surprisingly affectionate.
And it always tickles my whiskers when someone acknowledges rats in a positive way! They're amazing little critters.
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* * * * s l e e p, for crying out loud. This censorship of perfectly good words is pathetic
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It is so freakin cold in my little town on the east side of the state of Michigan. It's currently 1 degree F (-17 C) and it's going to get colder in the wee hours of the morning!
How cold is it where you are and has snow impacted you?
Wind chill is to get to -30 tonight so school is cancelled for tomorrow already. Bah.
I had to get up for a potty break and decided to look at the temperature. It is currently a -2 F or -19 C and all I can think about is in a couple of hours I will have to walk from my house to my car and from my car into my office building. Brrr......
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I am sure they will be another Brit who will disagree with me but we really do baulk at leaving the tipsof the size that are expected in some countries. Many of us are indeed mean tippers.
Apparently the Republican candidate Mr Moore has lost an election. The reason seems to be obvious in that he has been accused of impropriety by 3 women. This vaguely defined misbehaviour happened, if it happened at all, some forty years ago. Yet it comes not just to light, but to international prominence at what Cartier-Bresson called the "Decisive Moment".
It is merely coincidence, we are perhaps intended to believe, that this unsubstantiated accusation is pushed to the fore by the combined efforts of the MSM. Mr Moore is a Republican and a supporter of President Trump, who supports him. President Trump now has one fewer Repucblican in the Senate to vote for his policies.
The balance of democratic control of the most powerful country on the planet has been rocked by the unproven, and unprovable defamatory accusations coming from three people.
Oh, and NINE women, not three have made these accusations. When nine people make essentially the same allegations it sure adds some credence to it.
We (Americans) will say happy New Year, happy birthday, happy Halloween and Easter, etc, etc, so why do we bid others a merry Christmas?
Dammit, I'm jumping ship, from now on it is going to be "Happy Christmas!"
"We wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year" just doesn't sound as nice.
So far this year I've heard it once each way, "happy" from you, and "merry" from a Dutch person... Oh, and what the hell's Sweetest Day?
Some of our "bolt headed" politicians would like to repeal all of the amendments to our constitution except the first 10 (which we call our bill of rights)!!!!
I guess they think slavery, and not allowing women the right to vote, etc. are okay.
Is there any holiday or occasion, other than Christmas, that we don't bid someone a "happy" something?
No, not really. In Britain we tend not to use the phrase "happy holidays" but we use "happy Christmas" and "merry Christmas" interchangeably. ... British people first started saying "merry Christmas" because of the Charles Dickens novel "A Christmas Carol", where the term "merry Christmas" is used frequently.
Okie dokie!
I'm no longer religious, but I know crappy phrasing when I see it.
For some people, prayer is what helps them get through the day and cope with all the incredibly shitty stuff that life tends to toss at them. If that's what helps them, I see no problem with it--provided they keep it to themselves and don't try to push their beliefs on me.
In this case, though, I wasn't talking about believing in the Lord's Prayer, but the fact that, as a piece of writing, that particular line as it has been recited for centuries doesn't fit with the intent of the rest of the prayer.
Example of revisions:
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I wish my 2nd wife had lived long enough to know this group. I highly recommend seeing this group in concert, they are fantastic!
My 2nd wife was part native American.
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WITHOUT SEARCHING, in your opinion, what is the correct word for the song, Up On The House Top, is it;
Up on the house top reindeer PAWS.... OR
Up on the house top reindeer PAUSE?
1. Reindeer have HOOVES.
2. If they don't PAUSE, Santa would break his damn neck when he gets to the jumping out part.
This one was playing on the radio as I left WV, a few months after I divorced my first wife, a long time ago:
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Heading for a new and what would be a better life in CO!
What songs bring back good memories for you?
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As for the memories, long lost loves of the ones who got away...
In my opinion, Linda Ronstadt looks the same. Yeah, she's put on weight but she's aged well and facially looks the same. Her voice seems to be aging her and she has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.
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I am sure Parkinson's surely has a part in it but it wasn't the primary cause.
As for the weight gain, it happens to us all!! I still see her as that cute babe those many years ago!!!
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It brought back some very old and distant memories of an event that happened to me a very long time ago. A casual encounter with a very pretty and cute girl, that smiled at me. Yes, it was in a park. I had just been discharged from the service and I was making my way back home.
I saw her as she approached along a trail in a small city park. As she passed she looked at me and smiled and said "Hi! Nice day!". I think I said something like "Hi and yes it is a nice day!" We then **** of each other's lives.
I always wondered about these casual and brief encounters we all have almost every day.
I wonder who she was, what was her name, and what kind of life has she had over the years. Is she still alive and what would my life had been liked if I had spent the time to linger and talk with her.
I also wonder about the many people I have encountered over the years. I have been to every state in the US and in over 50 countries around the world in my lifetime.
And I wonder if I have every encountered any of you. Were you one of the people I may have passed in the airport, or saw in a restaurant, or passed on the road.
But that is not all that comes to my mind. Our "degrees of separation" from everyone. And here is one of mine, in how I am just 2 people removed from the late Robin Williams.
I happened with a brief encounter I had in the old Denver airport years ago. It was sometime in the mid to late 80s and I was taking a flight to LA for a business meeting. As I sat down I noticed a person sitting across from me. He looked familiar and then I realized it was Mark Harmon. At that time Mark Harmon was doing commercials for Coors beer.
I said something like "You look familiar, are you the guy doing Coors commercials?". He said something like, "Yup, that's me. My name is Mark". We then had a short conversation. He was heading to LA too.
Mark Harmon is married to Pam Dawber, and Pam Dawber costarred with Robin Williams in the old TV show "Mork and Mindy", so that is how I am just 2 people away from Robin Williams.
So I wonder how close in terms of personal relationships and friendship connections was I too that cute and pretty girl I passed years ago?
Just wondering!!!
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Have a great weekend everybody!
I call them the lonely hours because I would rarely see anyone on the roads at those hours and it would help me to pass the time.
Yes, I must admit I would sing along with them.
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I've never seen a bald eagle soaring but I'm sure it's breathtaking.
I must admit, I'd heard bagpipes at funerals that I've attended for Detroit Police officers. I don't recall what they played but I'm sure that the bagpipes added to the somber atmosphere.
Tears come to my eyes when I read about or witness animal abuse/cruelty.
I took my phone into a Sprint store and had one of the techs look at it. He fiddle farted with the phone for about 10 to 15 minutes and couldn't figure out "why" so he installed a Sprint app where you can text a Sprint person to trouble shoot for you. Fast forward 45 minutes......the pop-up adds were still coming thru but something must have clicked because the trouble shooter said something to the affect that I must have installed a new app. BINGO! I did and once I deleted the app, the problem was solved.
I've always said that I am technologically challenged and I meant it.
That's the most random thing I could think of at the moment.
The triangle solo;
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Casual Friday at Buckingham Palace;
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