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has your girlfriend or wife ever jacked our dick and how did it feel?

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Started by #48236 at 11,Feb,10 03:24
ive jaked my boy friends dick and a load came out

Similar topics: 1.Whore wife/girlfriend   2.I wanna fuck my wife and her friend   3.Anal Sex: can you feel him cum inside? wife asked me to quit mastrubating. is that normal girlfriend's ****  

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By t-rex at 24,May,24 00:51 other posts of t-rex 
Quite a few handjobs, they don’t usually end that way, but sometimes it just feels so good I let her make me cum. I’ve never had a girl complain, most loved watching me cum. I especially love when they are stroking it and stop and squeeze it tight and comment how hard it is. Of course I’m usually playing with their pussy at the same time, sometimes it’s hard to concentrate with both going on at the same time.

By SexIsLife at 23,May,24 21:38 other posts of SexIsLife 
Yes she did it so many times. I love to see her smiling face staring at my cock while I cum.

By Lvphose at 03,Sep,22 06:08 other posts of Lvphose 
I love it when she sucks me then when about to cum she jacks me like this!

By #662360 at 23,Jul,22 22:17
I get full sex but I get great jack offs from my wife. I lie back naked with my hard cock arching over belly. She kneels nude beside me. Her boobs hang over me and she’s placed just right for me to play with her thighs, ass and cunt. She lubes my cock, which is great! Then she strokes me off with her whole fist round my cock till I cum. She knows when to slow down when my cock suddenly hardens in her hand just before I cum. It’s almost as good as full sex!

By #675701 at 23,Jul,22 21:03
jerk me off and take cum in her mouth

By oldfartwatching at 27,Dec,21 16:32 other posts of oldfartwatching 
Mine jerks me off not as often as I would like but she does do it. Feels good when she does. (or anyone does) She likes to edge me for a long time. Amazing

By knewbi at 27,Dec,21 16:25 other posts of knewbi 
All of the time... She has hand jacked mine as well as jaw jacked it many many times.. She is quite proficient at it...

By #652988 at 27,Dec,21 15:46
I like for someone to play with my dick

By Bigdaddy402 at 12,May,20 14:07 other posts of Bigdaddy402 
I have gotten jacked off by a few girls and I love it

By leopoldij at 07,May,20 13:16 other posts of leopoldij 
Feels great every time.

By nekekal at 05,May,20 00:51 other posts of nekekal 
My wife would frequently jack me off. It was easier for her than fucking or sucking my cock. But eventually decided that it was too much work. She hates touching cock and acts like cum is an acid.
By #536019 at 05,May,20 11:47
Sounds like my wife! Menopause is a bitch.
By nekekal at 05,May,20 17:03 other posts of nekekal 
I hate to think it is common. Sex free wives. But I think it is. My wife hated to fuck before menopause, but would at least help me. Now she just says "take care of it yourself". I would give a lot for a goid fuck.

By #522791 at 05,May,20 10:53
Love being jacked off by my queen, course she always ends up sucking me off and jacking me off at the same time...she lets me cum in her throat

By newwt10 at 05,May,20 03:53 other posts of newwt10 
Wonderful on our Wedding night! All over her face, just beautiful!!

By Lvphose at 04,May,20 08:46 other posts of Lvphose 
Love being jerked off with a babes pantyhose/nylon feet in my face!

By #536387 at 10,Jul,17 23:33
I think every girl/woman I have ever been with has never never this. Most of the time it was awesome except this woman I got with during a separation. She was 27 and I was 28 but she had realistically only been with one sex partner up to that point her husband who she had just divorced. She couldn't stroke or sucks cock to save her life. But within a month she could use her mother to u have on my cock and literally make me scream or beg to cum in her mouth. She could get me right to the top then back off a tad until the just shook and screamed then she would show me the cum on her younger, swallow then open her mouth again. Excellent head and stroking skills. Off topic the only bad thing wad, she had a tiny cute body but her pussy was the loosest and had e ER had and I could barely feel a thing. I often faked orgasm during sex. But her oral, God I loved cumming down her throat. Shivers...
By leopoldij at 12,Jul,17 08:04 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm having trouble understanding this:

"But within a month she could use her mother to u have on my cock"

How did she use her mother?

By tb1 at 13,Nov,16 17:19 other posts of tb1 
It feels good whenever I get jerked off
By #485312 at 20,Jun,17 08:49
lm sure it feels better when someone else is doing it to you, better than a numb hand job after you've sat on it *lix*
By #496814 at 06,Jul,17 18:31
More fun, sure, but never better. For quality sexy time oral or vaginal sex is required or combinations, if I am (also) the receiving party.

By leopoldij at 06,Jul,17 16:36 other posts of leopoldij 
"ive jaked my boy friends dick and a load came out"

What a surprise, huh?

By #536316 at 30,Jun,17 12:36
honestly, as far as hand jobs go, NO ONE can do my cock better than my own hands.

By #535408 at 20,Jun,17 10:29
I LOVE when my GF Jacks me off, she plays with my balls, rubs my taint and throws a few sucks in, feels Awesome! ...and yes, a load comes out

By #500054 at 18,Jan,17 06:03
When my wife jacks me off..she sits on my face while strokes my cock. I can lick and smell her pussy and bum. The more she smells the more intense the orgasm.
By #519017 at 20,Jun,17 00:51
I like it when I lay on my back with my cock sticking up and my woman kneels beside me with the legs wide to wank me. Positioned like that she's just right for me to play with her legs and bum, slide my hand between her spread legs and watch her boobs bounce above me.

By leopoldij at 03,Jun,17 05:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Not my gf, but she does it well.
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This one too.
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It feels great every time.

By #7976 at 19,Jan,17 03:29
Many, many, many times. In fact, pretty much every time we have sex. How does it feel??? Great. I'd far rather have a woman stroke my cock that do it myself. And every time I've had the opportunity to let a woman massage my dick I've given them an open invitation.

By #527164 at 11,Jan,17 11:09
You goofed in your choices of pronouns. As,written I would like to think MY wife hasnt jacked ALL OF YOU GUYS cocks, just a few dozen!

By leopoldij at 07,Nov,16 17:49 other posts of leopoldij 
Actually, when I see questions like this, I tend to ask the opposite, as the answer to the direct question is, of course, obviously yes. One would ask the negation of it to spot the really rare cases, if any:
has anyone ever had a steady sexual partner who never played with his cock?
Now. THAT IS interesting, if the answer is yes, because it would actually provide some information.

It's like asking: which one of you has two eyes?
You don't ask this, if you're seeking information, you ask: is there anyone who has one eye?
By #519017 at 08,Nov,16 07:51
Agree. For many of us guys our first real sexual experience with a girl was her jacking our cock off.
By leopoldij at 08,Nov,16 13:02 other posts of leopoldij 
and not only that, but i believe there is no sexual relationship that is devoid of mutual handjobs and open masturbation. unless, of course, we're talking about crazies, like mormons, for instance.
By #23212 at 13,Nov,16 03:13
Nah, Mormons can do "jakeing" on "our dick", as long as they drink NO coffee or tea for 3 hours before and 2 hours afterwards.
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,16 19:46 other posts of leopoldij 
well, like i said, they're nuts. but so are other religionistic types.

By #491031 at 13,Nov,16 16:27
"And a load came out"? You were expecting what? Vodka? Gravy?
Puffs of smoke?

By Jb11 at 08,Nov,16 15:55 other posts of Jb11 
My ladyfriend does it all the while. It feels great. She will often sick my cock as well and she is very good at that, I've watched her sucking another mans cock too

By t-rex at 08,Nov,16 02:26 other posts of t-rex 
It was wonderful

By #485312 at 08,Nov,16 01:28
l like to give a cock a massage, not a hand job, just a massage when youre giving a body massage and include the cock, groin and arse crack in it...finishing the massage with an internal is the best way to finish it too l think *lix*

By phart at 01,Oct,16 19:47 other posts of phart 
mine tried 1 time. My pecker gets vertical and is hard to flex downward.She tried to jack it and tried to bend it to far the other way and it hurt like hell.
By #519017 at 07,Nov,16 17:15
Sounds like she just needs lots more practice. Get her to stroke your cock rhythmically but really gently and take her time.

By Moench at 30,Sep,16 22:36 other posts of Moench 
this is part of our sexlive,with baby oil is more fun

By #519017 at 30,Sep,16 22:30
Yeah lots of times. It feels like masturbating except that I need to instruct her with things like "squeeze tighter" "faster" "catch my knob" instead of instinctively doing that. And of course I have to tell her when to stop! After a few times she learns what her guy likes. Best is having her naked body next to me to play with when I lie back and she kneels or lies next to me, and watching her boobs bounce with the rhythm of her pumping hand.

By t-rex at 09,Sep,15 01:52 other posts of t-rex 
I love a woman playing with my cock, I highly encourage it, not that I want to cum that way all the time, I know they love stroking it for me .

By #484484 at 08,Sep,15 16:03
Often and vice versa.

By #323075 at 07,Sep,15 09:10
I had a girlfriend who did it, but not very gladely;-) I had the feeling that she thinks that my cock is biting!

By #497098 at 07,Sep,15 01:08
My ex jacked me off at school once

By slipper at 05,Sep,15 23:12 other posts of slipper 
Seriously??? Of course... DUH!!! TTFN

By leopoldij at 05,Sep,15 12:34 other posts of leopoldij 
all the time. it's a good way of cumming. i, of course, reciprocate.
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It felt good.
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By #1047 at 26,Feb,10 15:49
yes she has done that to me many times! always feels great!!!

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