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Straight, Bi-Sexual, Gay - Is It a Choice OR Born That Way? What says YOU!

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Started by #551147 at 10,Sep,19 02:01

I was inspired to ask this question because a friend of mine asked what seemed to be a "simple Poll question" ➡️ /polls/1768.html

I found myself UNABLE to answer because I know deep in my heart, that I could probably live either way in perpetuity. So, I still haven't answered the question as I don't know how to.

Taking it just a little step further, by adding in straights and gays. I would like to hear others opinions on the matter to maybe help understand myself just a little better if nothing else.

Since I've pretty much included everyone, are YOU up for sharing your opinion on the matter?

Being Straight, Bi-Sexual, Gay, Is It A Choice OR Born That Way? 🤔

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By onthelose at 21,Mar,20 13:16 other posts of onthelose 
I wonder why we have to all be placed in some category?? Cant we all be sexual beings enjoying what we like. Without having to fit someone's idea of what sex we are. PETRO is right this kind of thinking has screwed up a lot of people!!

By #613562 at 21,Mar,20 12:28
I believe people are born to be who they are. At least I know I was.

By #516354 at 20,Mar,20 15:09
We are all born with a certain amount of 'homosexual genes',both men and women.I think which ever way you go is a lot to do with your upbringing and other influences.

By #591921 at 16,Mar,20 18:28
Honestly it does matter to me people want what they want and we live in a country people died standing up for our beliefs and rights. So it doesn't matter to me if someone's gay,straight,bi whatever. I also dont take offense to being complemented by gay or bi guys but I'm simply straight. I'm not turned on in the least by a man I love women and have a specific taste in them. What I can't stand is somebody who likes to lie about who they are to other people and sneek around. Lil politicians who have a wife and kids but sneek around to be with other guys. Or someone who gets married to a woman to make them look straight while they try and get guys or something. Just be who the hell you are. I'll be honest about something though. That Pete Buttigieg who ran for president,I can respect that he is gay and married but I would never in the world climate be supportive with our country under threats from a Muslim ran country. Thats just lil poking at a bear. I'm not saying I dont or wont support any gay politician like I said I dont care as long as someone is open. But when it comes to leader of the country I think anyone can do it straight gay male female whatever. But I also think if a gay couple were to take the white house first the Taliban would completely do away with the peace talks. And every Muslim country on earth would have possibly animosities against us for that happening. Like I said our country has the freedoms and some people believe that our constitution is worldwide and is basic human rights but it isn't. Other countries have laws that says anyone who has homosexual sex must die and aboilish the abomination. I dont see why others can't understand that about the world. Some countries just dont believe in it and our constitution and our freedoms can't be made or accepted in some countries. Just because we have the freedoms here doesn't mean other countries just have to fall inline overnight. I mean look Saudi Arabia just started letting women drive after Trump visited right after becoming president. The US has been after them for 20 years to make that law over there. What I mean is some things take time to change. We can't just make a world law and the whole world has to comply just because we are the US. I mean get real.

By #612667 at 16,Mar,20 13:49
Not sure on that one i know if you go back in roman history the roman men would go to bath houses an do it with each other maybe at one point it was normal i look at it like this i could have been born that way but on other hand im attracted to guys more than female i enjoy sex with guys but thats how i look at it as just sex regaurdless if male or female maybe thats my way to justify what i do i just enjoy dick

By #588327 at 11,Sep,19 04:06
I think it's more of a choice but it also depends on how you are raised a little bit. If someone is told being anything other then straight is wrong they probably will believe that. They won't let themselves experience other sexual side of things. I always thought sex was about making each other feel good. So it's never about me. It more about letting someone help you have an orgasm. So I can let a guy or women help me feel good. Then I can help them or we work together at the same time. I say it's more of a choice and chosing to get yourself go free and sharing your sexuality with someone.
By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 11:54
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I agree with some of that. 🙂

By Mowgli999 at 14,Sep,19 14:32 other posts of Mowgli999 
I get where you're coming from to an extent but... if someone is bisexual, choosing between a man and a woman is surely like choosing between someone who's tall or short, loud or quiet or something like that. It's a choice within the boundaries of people who you fancy.

But can you choose to be bisexual? I don't think you can. LBGT people generally have more mental health problems, and bi women and men in general have worse problems and lesbians and gay men. I don't get why anyone would choose that, or could choose that.
By #588327 at 15,Sep,19 03:42
I always looked at sex as sharing myself with someone and them sharing themselves with me. I can let a guy or women help me have orgasm. Don't people have let themselves go free to have a orgasm? I can't make someone have one. I can only help them feel comfortable and safe and touch their body in a way they like. So they can choose to let themselves have fun sex or good orgasm. Just like we have to let someone love us and they have to let you love them.

I don't think LGBT people choose to be. That's how they are born I know that but it seems like people limit themselves. If we are talking about living with someone and sharing you life with someone. Then it's more about intimacy I would say. It not just sexual it being intimate with each other. I think lots of people stop at sexual and don't share their intimate side with each other.
By Mowgli999 at 15,Sep,19 10:50 other posts of Mowgli999 
Very beautifully put

By #463848 at 15,Sep,19 09:30
I was invited to sexual activity with other boys who also did some voyeuring with older but wasn't drawn to it at age 9/10. I was introduced to cock play by older at 11 but still didn't take it up.
At about 13, after a late puberty, I did get involved with my friends from the boy scouts and we used to go camping in couples for the week end and have a good bit of exploring play. Then came the girls and later marriage.
It wasn't until I was very much older and the internet came along that I found a renewed interest in the prospect of playing with other males. Never had any inclination to engage in anal sex; or sucking as an active participant due to the health issues.
So, what that tells you in answer to your question, I don't know. Perhaps we are all different and find our way according to circumstances and what we fancy.

By MM_DD at 14,Sep,19 15:19 other posts of MM_DD 
I think sexuality is far too complex to force it into an either/or scenario. I do believe that for the most part, a person's sexuality is ingrained in them from the very beginning, but I think so many factors can and do affect how that sexuality develops over the years.

I think that most people would say that their sexual orientation is not a choice. It's something they came to realize at a particular point in their lives (frequently during puberty, but sometimes earlier or later), but they did not choose it. It chose them. How that person acts on it is a choice, of course.

As for me personally, as a homosexual male, I can tell you with 100% certainty that my sexuality was NOT a choice. Would've been a much easier life in my early years if I had been straight. But I wouldn't change who I am for all the money in the world. Was I born gay? Possibly...maybe even likely. But ultimately, I am the way I am because I was designed to be this way. Whether it started at birth or later on doesn't really matter.

By eonblue at 10,Sep,19 04:09 other posts of eonblue 
I imagine that I’m sharing a similar experience with many people. Emotionally and physically attracted to women, deep kisses and actually checking them out, these are two things I don’t get from men. While interested and turned on by cock the fantasy is better than the fun.
By #551147 at 11,Sep,19 01:41
You didn't answer the question though...
By eonblue at 11,Sep,19 03:38 other posts of eonblue 
Born the way you are.
By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 11:52

By bigone21 at 13,Sep,19 20:44 other posts of bigone21 
In a FREE society, there is abslutely NO RELEVANCE to the answer of this question... Be what you are or/and be what you want to be, it's all OK!

By Mowgli999 at 11,Sep,19 20:01 other posts of Mowgli999 
Born that way. Why do I believe this? Firstly, science, specifically male twin studies where the evidence suggests both genetic factors and hormonal factors.

Secondly, given that virtually every country in the world in modern times has homophobic (etc) elements, why would anyone choose to be gay/bi/trans etc? Seriously?

(My guess is that this theory came about because some religions have texts which contain very small references to things like "man not lying with man", and based on that, some believe that God thinks homosexuality is wrong. If God thinks that, he wouldn't create non-heterosexual people, therefore homosexuality must be a choice. I'd like to confront a preacher head-on with this argument: "Mr Preacher Man, are you saying you could choose to enjoy gay sex?" As spermkiss says, homophobia and being in denial are closely related...An experiment was done showing erotic images whilst measuring blood flow to the penis. Homophobic heterosexual men had more blood flow than their non-homophobic counterparts…)

Thirdly, if it’s a choice then I assume that penguins are also capable of making the conscious decision to choose to be gay….

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If that’s not enough of a rant, here’s a link to why homophobia is bad for the planet!!!

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Live and let live, that’s what I say!

By spermkiss at 11,Sep,19 17:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Sexual orientation is hard wired into one's brain so the answer is "Born that way".

Whether one acts on that orientation is another matter. So many anti-gay people (men mostly) claim that being gay is a choice gay men make. That is, of course, nonsense. Writer and sex advice columnist Dan Savage makes the interesting point that these homophobes very well might be deeply closeted gay men who made the choice NOT to act on their gay tendencies. Chapter 5 "The Choicer Challenge" in his book "American Savage" is must reading on this subject. Indeed, the entire book is must reading.

By dgraff at 10,Sep,19 02:18 other posts of dgraff 
Hummm good question for me it’s a choice I started playing around with guys at age 12 but I’ve had some hot women to as a teenager so having both I realized guys ring my bell better
By #574505 at 11,Sep,19 17:09
I want to ring your bell..🤫
By dgraff at 11,Sep,19 17:18 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha your on

By #588327 at 11,Sep,19 11:35
I should add I don't think a gay person could live with a straight person and be happy. They won't have an emotional connection. That's not a choice. I think people are born that way. People talk about sex but never really talk about being emotional with someone. Once you both have sex together. You have the rest of your day to be with someone
By dgraff at 11,Sep,19 15:39 other posts of dgraff 
Are you talking in circles so is it choice or born pick one please
By #588327 at 11,Sep,19 17:04
I don't see why people would limit their sex with only men or only women, unless your in a relationship. So we must borne that way.

By cumcouplessa at 11,Sep,19 04:27 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I'm emotionally attracted to women, hence I'm married, but have craved sucking cock for as long as I can remember. No-one ever forced cock on me, so I must have been born this way? Luckily my wife understands, and we've had loads of fun sharing cock over the years.

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