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Started by #569341 at 15,Sep,19 03:49
Similar topics: 1.Need some new suggestions or ideas 2.NEW: Need ideas... 3.ideas 4.new ideas please 5.Ideas and opinions needed. New CommentComments: |
Separate Titles and Descriptions.
Would like more in-depth descriptions for contests, instead of making a long-ass title
How about an alert ⚠️ sent via the messaging system when someone new blacklists you. I mean... I can continue to click on my lil smiley face to check, but I dont always remember to do it daily. Don't have to include names just something like... "You've been blacklisted 😈"
How about dat?
Oh my, I'm whining again....
As I said in the recent upload on my page, member BuckFizz contacted me directly regarding my vote on his referral. His referral indicated that the member uploaded "Z00 pictures". I suspected that he meant "Stolen/Internet" pictures because as I recall, there were commercial pictures of shemales on the accused page. I responded to BuckFizz and got a second message which had a butthurt tone about it. To make a long story short, I was blacklisted. Tonight, I see that AverageCouple appears to have been contacted because of the way they voted (see the SAY SOMETHING column, they spent points to call him a "child"). *Regarding BuckFizz's referral, I probably would not have voted to delete the member that posted shemale pics because he was not attempting to deceive anyone. And yes, there are a number of profiles that do post internet pictures and until there are SPECIFIC GUIDELINES that EVERY MEMBER must adhere to, I cannot, in good conscious, vote to delete members for that reason.
This isn't the first time I've been contacted because of my vote, I was contacted a couple of weeks ago by a member who referred someone for deletion because the member was using his pictures without his permission. The referred member was sending the guy "tribute" pictures. While some folks really like tributes, here is an instance where this guy did not. Although this member did not blacklist me, he gifted me the "pissing dog".
I'm not "ashamed" of the way I vote and I'm sure that I always provide a reason why the member should be deleted OR why the member should not be deleted, unlike many of the voting members who do not.
Perhaps you could modify what the reporting member sees by just eliminating the voting member's name.
Care to share what you feel is the lesson to be learned by the voting members is? In the situation of the member reporting another member for using and/or posting pictures of him, which turned out to be "tribute" pictures, one or two members actually voted to delete. In my opinion, sending a tribute picture is NOT grounds for deletion.
Things work ok in chrome browser....
And if it's not a dark/night mode, I guess chrome have it incorrect then
Currently, there is a picture uploaded in the "pussy" category of a SYD member paying homage to a SYC member. Why would he choose to upload under "pussy" instead of "dick" since it is 50/50? Hmmm....why not a TRIBUTE/COMPARISON category?
There are members that enjoy compassion type pics so they Photoshop their stuff with their friend's stuff. Hmmm....why not a TRIBUTE/COMPARISON category?
Actually, the TRIBUTE/COMPARISON category would work PERFECTLY for the members who enjoy posting pictures of their SYD/SYC friend(s) on their page, providing they have that friend's permission.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours
And I thought my idea was a decent idea.
I'm removing all blocks from all asshats. You want to trash my pages, go right ahead. I'm not giving up my right to fight anyone who maligns me. Fair warning.
Members can opt out if they don't want to play or don't understand the potential benefit or rules.
I bet them motherfuckers would get the idea to opt out then.
I would pass it to a particular jack-off that consistently won't pass it, simply because he doesn't like who passed him the ball.
Nevertheless, fine idea!
That's why they don't opt out...
They see someone not in there clan,mess it up for others...
Game is ok as is.....a lot of people honestly don't know about it till after you have taken the ball....
Sep 23, 08:45 bella!: bella! has taken the ball from you
Sep 23, 08:46 deepthroatlover: oh you were sneaky xD
Sep 23, 09:20 bella!: No, not sneaky, just playing the game. You had the "ball" for at least 60 minutes and failed to pass it to another member.
Sep 23, 09:39 deepthroatlover: yeah i noticed that when you took it away xD
Sep 23, 09:39 deepthroatlover: still, you coukd have asked me and i would pass it to you xD
current server time is: Sep 23, 13:54, deepthroatlover seems to be off-line
Now, can we get the penalty for NOT passing it, considering there is an option to opt out?
As for the penalty - I can't impose penalty on people who may not be even aware what they should do. I have no way of determining automatically if members do not pass the ball intentionally or because they did not notice it was passed to them or don't understand what it means. The game was not meant to be an endless automatic source of points for select few. It was meant as a little something to slightly increase engagement. If you pass a ball to someone you don't know, you may chat with them and explain and may be gain a new friend in the process. If you don't do that - don't complain about the outcome.
If admin isn’t going to boot every single sad fuck with multiple accounts on here; Skittles’ suggestion in my NEW IDEAS thread re branding a conspicuous mark on each of their pages saying MULTIPLE ACCOUNT / DUMMY PROFILE USER should be enacted! ASAP!
Some day some guy with plenty of smarts will explain to me the difference between being friends with 2 or 3 people and being friends with 2 or 3 accounts. The conversations are the same, the pics are different, and the only constant is the asshat that complains.
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Thanks for the "single sad fuck" comment. When I stop and think about it, the whole site is populated with sad sacks trying to get wood here because they can't connect out there. All pervs.
Still, it's not a big deal, I just did not think of it. So you now have it - you will see posts of other members in your own threads even if they blacklisted you. The posts of people whom you blacklisted will stay hidden though, since it's one of the points of blacklisting.
[deleted image]
Just my opinion, it would be nice if admin made it so that you can see all posts in YOUR thread even IF someone blacklisted you. Does my request make sense?
I can' believe I'm agreeing with you, but, it does make sense, or sence as I call it. We can ask Admin. He's been very flexible with requests.
Well, when I fuck up, I fuck up. It was pointed out that I had uploaded a worked over internet pic. It was, and it still is in my PC, although I just moved it. My pics on my page are all of me or people I am friends with. I'm sorry for that. The coffee table I'm sitting in pose has a red table cloth. The other did to and I just assumed it was me.
What I would like to see implemented is the "system" deducting 10 points from a member who has the ball and falls to pass the ball in the PLAY BALL! feature.
Members can opt out if they don't want to play or don't understand the potential benefit or rules.
I don’t think there are enough subtle cheap positive gifts. I reckon there should be a 10 or 20 point 👌🏼. I also think there should be a 100pt ‘peace pipe’ for when on-site conflicts come to a truce.
Now, some conflicts end in a truce, some don't. There are occasions where the protagonists have an animosity towards each other that is unsurmoutable. At best, they can be civil for a few days. A cease fire of sorts. But, sooner than later, it's open warfare again. This should not surprise anyone.
What surprises me is how people present themselves in different parts of the site. In one forum thread they are friendly and supporting, in another thread they throw you under the bus. I'm never sure if they are trying to impress someone or they are natural backstabbers.
They are probably like that in real life but too chicken to do it face to face. Here, on site, they don't have to look you in the eye.
What do you think?
If / when that doesn't work, I look forward to seeing Mr LoverFighter awarding the first official Pipe of Peace
More points for reporting fakes
Site supporter medal(for those that have paid something to help support the site) like the verification tick....
Trophy hunting, collect all of them on site and get a prize..
Win potm, kotm,free contest, excitement game..
Gift bingo/lotto.....enter by paying points,admin sets the list of gifts in gift bingo,the first member to receive all the gifts on that list wins.....
Blank cheque/gift voucher-basically a points donation but in a gift,admin can set limits on the points allowed,so if you are verified,long time member etc,you can put so many points,if you are premium,you can put so many points on the voucher...
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A section to get verified,(post a verification pic),and a place to leave verification requests..
Maybe a standard for verification needs to be set?
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Excitement game-admin could throw some more points in the pot when people donate to that game....
If they donate, admin should bump that up...
More instant points features...(for us freeloaders)
I increased points for valid abuse reports to initial 50 (it was down to 20 because of Johns).
Blank cheque/gift voucher is a way to hoard points, so no.
The point of current verification system is that you verify people you know or at least pay attention to so that you can notice if something goes wrong with the account you verified. It's intentionally made so. I could make it half-automatic so that people upload pics into special form and I verify them personally, but it's impossible to remember so many people and if someone uploads one set of pics gets verified and then uploads other pics - it would be hard to notice. I could make it the way you suggest indeed, but from the voting process on abuse reports you should have figured out that there are people here who would vote yes to anything without giving it much thought. Verification is not worth much as it is, but in this case it would quite soon turn into complete farce.
I guess that's the issue really!!!
Having spoken to a few people,they don't like people just adding all their pics into a favourite list with no contact...
So while adding a pic to a favourite collection is appreciation, it's not always wanted...
Gift voucher,is something you would set limits on..
You can give that gift with a points donation attached ,that can be cashed in without you taking a cut.... that's more of the thinking..
So free membership would be 125 points max
Premium would be 200 max
Diamond 300 max
And no more than three cheques untile you have cashed in.
Points hoarding can be done hundreds of ways here,you know that, at least with a blank cheque you be able to see them quickly...just ideas..
And yeah,I get the point about verification,but sometimes asking so many people to verify you is a pain,so having a page where people can request verification would be a good thing I think...
Yeah I know people will verify anyone,some have low standards..
Maybe there should be a standard verification like other sites have...
You can have with verification-
Admin verified-basically paid members(you can use site supporter medal to do that maybe ?)
Member verified-free members
You do not want your pics to be in someone's favorites, so what are you going to do if that person saves your pic on their computer and has it there forever even if you delete it from the site? And this is what people more likely to do if I put some kind of restriction on favorites. The only difference is that you would not know who did it. This "it's ok if I don't know" approach does not seem particularly wise to me.
The only sane answer is - if you do not want people to do something with your images you better not post them at all.
Just ideas, favourite thing wasn't mine, just passing it along...you know,some people are scared to talk to you...
Sometimes if it's too obvious I can remove some images from paid accounts in respect for the spirit of the site without DMCA complaint. But mostly I will not. Those members rarely claim those are pics of themselves so they are not deceiving anyone nor doing identity theft, for some weird reason they like to collect pics from internet and show them here to others and willing pay for it - it's quite innocent comparing to what many others pull off here.
I haven't verified a member in a long time although I was asked within the last month to verify a member. I simply asked him to post a verification picture on his page and let me know when it had been done. To date, there has not been a picture like that posted.
Being verified is a PRIVILEGE and should be something that members put some effort into rather than posting their image in a certain area or writing a blog requesting such.
To make sure that I know that I'm verifying someone legit, I have asked for specific things and given them a time frame. I'm not going to verify someone who takes 2 or 3 days to produce the picture that I requested.
Cuz it's posted in a section it's seen by more people at once..rather than just posting a verification pic on your page or asking for it in a pm or blog...
I don't see too much privilege in being verified,I still get labelled fake...just much less than before I was verified.
I’m not really a fan of the excitement thing at all - it just allows people to “like” without voting as they would’ve in the past.
Explain the voucher part, blue - i don’t quite get it? How does your idea differ from just donating points?
And maybe admin should tweak the excitement game to make it cost points to vote ?so two points cost-one for the recipient and one for admin/excitement game pot?
All the games give people something to do.... only so many times you can throw the same generic comments at pics...
New membership levels.
Points to remove a ban— so gifts can be left. Spend x amount of points and the ban is useless for 24 hours.
Main chat returns - you need 500 points to use it
Logs - bring them back. Fun to read
Checkbox for admin’s indemnification. Click and enter at your peak risk
Show a warning on a members page if they are suspected of having more than one profile. This will piss off several here.
d - everyone knows my stance on blacklisting by now (it’s weak); but let the cowards have evidence on their page that shows that they blacklist and are weak.
e - don’t know about main chat; but if it didn’t chase people off the site, bring it back - if people want to fight publicly, better their than here.
f - have i ever been here for when logs were around? Fon’tknow what a log is, so can’t comment.
I want to be able to see the pages of the people who ban me..
Why ? Cuz fakes ban me and I can't report their pics....
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I have been on here way to long to worry about ass hats. Calling my wife my sister didn't bother me but yvette took exception to it hence the pics
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If you look in my page and my gallery, that's what I do