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Started by #70331 at 27,May,10 19:41
How many people actually masturbate while on SYD or SYC?

Similar topics: 1.MASTURBATION CONTESTS   2.Mutual Masturbation   3.Prostate masturbation   4.Best orgasm: fucking, BJ, or JO?   5.Best masturbation session  

New Comment

By #478298 at 21,Aug,19 00:25
Yes please
[deleted image]

By #552950 at 16,Aug,19 19:41
Sure do, so many nice cocks to see

By #590925 at 11,Aug,19 14:10
I do all the time, while I watch other dicks

By #589799 at 10,Aug,19 21:36
I do, I also like wanking on other sites.

By massco at 04,Aug,19 19:16 other posts of massco 

By massco at 04,Aug,19 19:13 other posts of massco 
For hours

By #595788 at 29,Jul,19 10:37
Rarely. I’m usually too busy wanking to use a spare hand on SYD.
By #518391 at 02,Aug,19 10:37
Do you wank two-handed?
By #595788 at 04,Aug,19 08:08
Yeah! I play with my balls or girly panties with my spare hand.

By leopoldij at 04,Dec,18 07:58 other posts of leopoldij 
A very small fraction
By #23212 at 04,Aug,19 00:20
Perhaps that is 13/64 ths; but in the British Whitworth sizes?

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By leopoldij at 04,Aug,19 07:38 other posts of leopoldij 
That's too deep for my limited brain.

By TinyLittleGuy at 29,Jul,19 18:41 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
i try looking at the big long hanging soft cocks , it gets my little dick excited and i do cum

By #463848 at 29,Jul,19 07:53
Always pleased to check in with SYD but my wanking is usually done when watching other sites.

By #595057 at 27,Jul,19 16:50
I do almost every time I am on here . It’s tough to meet someone near Albany ny

By abagurio at 27,Jul,19 15:46 other posts of abagurio 
Human interaction is by far the best for masturbation, but it's very rare here if you're a hetro male

By dragonsegg at 27,Jul,19 12:33 other posts of dragonsegg 
Usually edge my cock while on here

By leopoldij at 04,Dec,18 21:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's a pic for you to practice masturbation
[deleted image]

By #518391 at 04,Dec,18 11:24
I'm improving my left-handed technique

By #463848 at 04,Dec,18 10:30
Usually too much typing involved so I leave the masturbation for xhamster

By #559915 at 20,Jun,18 09:02
I do that all the time while I being here.Edging for so long

By Linktime at 20,May,18 23:09 other posts of Linktime 
Yes. I have been on here four five hours and have been masturbating the whole time. I am now. I had 4 orgasms today looking at other guys dicks. As soon as my new computer gets here I will be able to post pics of my dick and I hope others masturbate to my dick and comment.

By pipcock at 18,May,18 10:30 other posts of pipcock 
Yeah I am almost always obliged to get my cock out when on here with my wife out of the way. Love to edge while enjoying the fine views. Sometimes go off to Skype then with a guy or guys I might find on silverdaddies or an existing Skype friend. really enjoy a group on Skype, but it is here I get the juices running!!!

By #531019 at 06,May,18 03:52
Quite often and when chatting

By #532695 at 24,Apr,18 02:03
Real interactions with real people is so much more exciting than pictures or porn flics. I like to talk dirty with people on SYD.

By knewbi at 23,Apr,18 15:19 other posts of knewbi 
Well I certainly do. I actually cum here to check things out while watching live people on Chaturbate. Generally, I start with women on Chaturbate but after a short visit here I end up with cocks on Chaturbate and end up wanking off to a nice cock either there or one from here...

By jeeno at 11,Apr,18 12:19 other posts of jeeno 
i was amazed to notice my cock with pre-cum when i watched at certain cocks for long...

By #548125 at 11,Apr,18 05:03
I love marsturbate watching pics of the members, while we’re in private chat. I like it more than porn, it’s more personal.

By #516354 at 11,Apr,18 05:00
Love masturbating to pics and videos of both male and females on here!!

By cardinal at 11,Apr,18 04:18 other posts of cardinal 
I'll just checkout a porn site it doesn't do it for me on here unless they socialize with me and send eachother vids through mms

By Darthshame at 11,Apr,18 03:40 other posts of Darthshame 
If something turns me on, yes. I was sexting with a girl on here a few weekends ago and had a sloppy load.

By #489480 at 10,Apr,18 00:32
I'm usually rubbing when on here & cum occasionally.

By Username22 at 09,Apr,18 14:48 other posts of Username22 
If I'm on here I'm at least rubbing it if not full on masturbating

By #539358 at 08,Apr,18 18:00
Not very often but I do an erection in my briefs when I’m on here

By #449168 at 08,Apr,18 17:19

By yellowman at 08,Apr,18 16:34 other posts of yellowman 
Yes, I do - like right now....

By Rob00 at 07,Apr,18 23:49 other posts of Rob00 
I always get hard when checking out Jack1999's profile
By #539473 at 08,Apr,18 16:26

By cut5x5 at 08,Apr,18 05:20 other posts of cut5x5 
Isn’t that the point of being here?
By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 05:40

By #552791 at 08,Apr,18 04:42
I do all the time!

By #24308 at 13,Jun,10 11:15
every day is a must have cum as many as eight times in one day any body else
By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 01:41

Even though I'm 62, I usually masturbate to orgasm at least 2-3 times a day & sometimes up to 5-7 times a day when I don't have a girlfriend. Recently, I masturbated to orgasm 7 times in around 12 hours - including two orgasms within 15 minutes, without losing my erection!

By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 01:37
I do!

By t-rex at 07,Apr,18 23:49 other posts of t-rex 
I might not cum every time, but I am usually playing at some time

By cumaddik at 07,Apr,18 23:27 other posts of cumaddik 
I do masturbate every time

By PoloFields at 05,Apr,18 08:35 other posts of PoloFields 
If I'm here, I'm likely touching it.

By #463848 at 04,Apr,18 12:57
Well, I am always touching my cock through my clothes but tend to move over to active visuals for later when I get my cock out.

By slipper at 13,Jun,10 17:20 other posts of slipper 

By #747 at 13,Jun,10 11:21

By #3997 at 11,Jun,10 13:51
I do quite often, not every day though

By #38932 at 04,Jun,10 21:56
Guilty! I've done it waaaay too many times to count!

By #5423 at 04,Jun,10 12:54
DAILY! Sometimes two or three times. It's hard not to when I get on the site

By #27298 at 31,May,10 02:50
daily, its my favorite site

By #46165 at 31,May,10 02:47
definately part of my masturbation routine. im jerking off now

By #53807 at 30,May,10 11:49
Every time i visit the site

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