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What makes a woman hot?

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Started by #148911 at 01,Apr,11 03:05
I have been extremely turned on by women who are not "10's" and have not felt the slightest stir in my pants for some naked super model like women. I have some physical requirements and I am sure my perfect / hot woman differs from yours, but I think the attitude and the way a woman oozes sex or not is what tips the scales. A 6 that knows how to be sexy is hotter than a boring 9. What's your definition of hot?

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By #566488 at 19,Sep,19 17:40
My husband and his friends say im hot because im such a tease and flirt.

[deleted image]
By #583549 at 21,Sep,19 00:10
I believe that they are right my friend!

By knewbi at 19,Sep,19 15:55 other posts of knewbi 
For me it has everything to do with attitude. If a woman has an attitude that is sexy and knows that there are guys, and gals, that find her sexy that is half way there. If she dresses and/or presents herself as sexy then we have a winner. I have had sex with some real babes as well as some ugly women. The sexiest that I can recall was average looking, over weight but had great tits and an attitude that was so sexy that we had tons of fun. "FUN" That is where it is at. If her attitude and presentation results in sexual fun then I would take that over beauty every time.

By #201583 at 27,Mar,13 18:30
Leaving the toilet seat up, not taking out the trash when the can is halfway full, not complimenting, complementing to much, eating too fast or slow, not agreeing with her, being honest with her, being dishonest with her...
Sounds like a lose lose situation to me.
By bella! at 28,Mar,13 14:20 other posts of bella! 
I *LOVE* seeing you and your comments!

By phart at 15,Sep,19 14:53 other posts of phart 
Giving them a practical gift for Christmas like a new blender or vacuam cleaner seems to heat them up alot to.

By #599768 at 15,Sep,19 14:43
It is about chemistry.

Attracted to women how have had kids.
Love to body of a mature women.

By #496814 at 06,May,16 13:11
What makes a man, is it the woman in his arms,
Just 'cause she has big titties?
Or is it the way he fights everyday?
No, it's prob'ly the titties.

By #122997 at 20,Aug,13 12:30
Vindaloo?? That usually makes my wife hot!!
By #316255 at 20,Aug,13 16:03
By #23212 at 23,Aug,13 05:49
Ah yes, the memories of being in Goa, before the Indian take-over--those were some very hot times!

By #485312 at 06,May,16 12:08
like a piece of chilli on my pussy, that's hot *Lix*

By Ray10754 at 27,Aug,14 22:40 other posts of Ray10754 
a 2 foot flame

By #409634 at 25,Aug,13 23:51
FUCKing PMS, makes me hot and bitchy like hell.
By bella! at 26,Aug,13 00:12 other posts of bella! 
Really? Quite often, wearing a turtleneck sweater will make me hot.......

By #204766 at 20,Aug,13 10:44
Tattoos are a good start

By #363802 at 27,Mar,13 16:25
Sexy is an attitude, and the way you present yourself. if you project a sexy attitude,I will be attracted to you regardless of how you look!A confident sexy female any age,race,shape, is HOTT, in my book!

By boc at 07,Dec,12 21:29 other posts of boc 
A woman who knows what she wants.

By #7976 at 01,Apr,11 18:36
Women are a mystery but a mans brain is just as mysterious. Your not alone in finding beauty outside the box of what fashion and advertising says we should like. What's beautiful is whatever an individual sees as beautiful and doesn't need to conform to the public norm or even be the same from one woman to another in the eyes of the same man. Although I have a fantasy list of the bits and pieces of my perfect woman, I still get turned onto women who are completely different from that norm. Sometimes it's how they dress. Sometimes what they say and do. And sometimes its as simple as a smile and being in the right place at the right time. In the end, what's hot is what makes you hot and there's no formula for it, just analysis, which never makes sense.

By boc at 01,Apr,11 13:23 other posts of boc 
I agree. Who wants to make love to a perfect doll. It is the slight imperfections that make a person sexy. I would also like to add that a woman who knows what she wants is sexy. I like a woman who is bold, but not oblivious or insensitive.

By #6568 at 01,Apr,11 07:01
I've always liked women with some intelligence and 'character' who are open minded to the world and it's possibilities, especially sexually......Too many women (and men come to that) have closed minds and are'nt prepared to use any indepth thought about what they most want sexually....

.......Some ordinary kindness, humility and humour also helps!.....and I always was a push over for nice mature ladies with curves!!

By Gntlmn at 01,Apr,11 04:48 other posts of Gntlmn 
Muscular calves & a hot hairy bush----not to mention a ski-jump ass!

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