Started by #148911 at 01,Apr,11 03:05
Similar topics: 1.Can a Man or Woman be Truely Straight and Still Be Turned on by Someone of the Same Sex? 2.What makes a girl / woman hot? 3.Men are more accepting to their woman being bi then she to he 4.Woman come on to me often (i am a straight female who has never been with a woman) 5.Why is Pegging so ignored here? New CommentComments: |
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Sounds like a lose lose situation to me.
Attracted to women how have had kids.
Love to body of a mature women.
Just 'cause she has big titties?
Or is it the way he fights everyday?
No, it's prob'ly the titties.
.......Some ordinary kindness, humility and humour also helps!.....and I always was a push over for nice mature ladies with curves!!