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Cum4Steffi: I'm Seriously Ill Now. Please Pray And Think Of Me.

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Started by #164428 at 22,Mar,13 05:22
I have a lot of real friends here, and I know you care about my well being.

I found out yesterday that I am now seriously ill and quite literally on death's door. Tomorrow, I will find out if I need to be hospitalized to bring down profound inflammation with chemo, steroids, and aggressive diuretics.

I can barely breathe, and I've never felt so awful in my life. Many know I have Lyme Borreliosis, but I have Lupus, too, a serious autoimmune disease. I had been diagnosed in 2000 and treated, but the Lyme wasn't diagnosed and treated, and I got worse. Then, I was diagnosed with the Lyme and told the Lupus diagnosis was incorrect, so I was not treated for that as well. And then my gut got wrecked from so many oral antibiotics....

I found out, recently, that I indeed have both, and I seem to have Lupus Nephritis now, and this kidney involvement is terribly dangerous.

It will be fun trying to suppress my immune system on account of the Lupus while trying to keep the Lyme from advancing further....

I'm scared, sad, and so frustrated. But I'm gathering my strength and putting all career aspirations on hold. My job now is to get better, and my focus will be on that and building relationships, my faith, and ekeing the joy out of each day.

I'll keep you updated. I should know something later today.

Love you guys for real.

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New Comment

By #278535 at 19,Sep,13 00:14
Everyday I attend 5 times for prayer and each time Steffi is in my prayer. I hope and believe Steffi will be cured, well and come back to us as before. Steffi, all of our prayers for you...

By #164428 at 17,Sep,13 09:16
NEW UPDATE: Well, I have Systemic Scleroderma, in addition to some other autoimmune diseases. And I'm having a right and left heart catheterization on Thursday morning. I may have PAH: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, a complication of Scleroderma. In Scl patients, the disease is aggressive, and response to treatment is poor. I may have late stage PAH, and I may only have one more year to live.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I love you. You are such wonderful friends! Thank you for your caring concern, support, and love. It means the world to me.
By bella! at 17,Sep,13 11:28 other posts of bella! 
Steffi, stay strong in your mind, body and faith.

By naked-porn at 17,Sep,13 14:18 other posts of naked-porn 
Steffi can I do something to help you in addition to my constant prayers!?
all my love from Italy

By #172995 at 17,Sep,13 21:21
My most sincere thoughts and prayers. I lost my ****, my only sibling, at 62 years of age in Nov 2003 from Pulmonary Hypertension. She also had a mild form of Scleroderma. My maternal grandmother died of severe scleroderma at age 57. She was a sweet lady. You are a sweet lady. Hugs and kisses.

By #267786 at 06,Jul,13 00:08
So sorry to hear about this. My thoughts are with you

By #264288 at 04,Jul,13 11:29
You have to be strong...

By Gary5 at 11,May,13 15:30 other posts of Gary5 
When I was in a bad situation, I prayed to wherever, to the higher being, for hope, and light, and love, and life. Whoever the higher being is, those things came to me, and I daily give thanks to wherever it came from, and promise that I will pass it on to anyone who comes into my path who needs it. So I do that now, please pass on that hope, and light, and love, and life, to you. Love to you.

By #358797 at 11,May,13 09:26
Awh. My prayers are with you. Hope all is well.

By #269409 at 02,May,13 14:26
Thinking and praying for you from Africa you are awesome and hope you get well soon

By #164428 at 23,Apr,13 00:40
Thank you so much, sweethearts! I wanted to answer each person individually, but I've had so little energy. I am reading all of my messages and comments, though it's hard for me to answer. Please know I'm reading them, though.

I may have Parkinson's Disease, too, believe it or not. It runs in my family. I have bad hand tremors now. So the very serious Scleroderma, then Lupus, then RA. And then this! The stress really gets to me, especially with a mom who has dementia.

My faith and my friends really help me get through. Love you!!!
By naked-porn at 30,Apr,13 16:16 other posts of naked-porn 
I think a lot of people like me check your page or this thread or the grouplist searching for good news every day. So it's the same if you cant answer, it's enough to stay tuned with you with yours "medical bulletin"!!!
many kisses

By Gntlmn at 30,Apr,13 17:38 other posts of Gntlmn 
My heart is with you, Goddess

By #164428 at 11,Apr,13 03:34
Thank you to all; you are wonderful friends!

A short update: One autoimmune disease just wasn't enough for me! Trying to keep my wits about me....

I have Scleroderma AND Lupus AND Rheumatoid Arthritis. Maybe Lyme and possibly a weird allergic kind of disease, Mast Cell Activation Disorder.

The Scleroderma is really scary because, unlike the other connective tissue diseases, it doesn't just involve the body attacking itself; it leaves scars. It turns the body into scar tissue, basically: the skin and internal organs. It's very serious, and while I've found moments of grace in my day through my faith and the love of folk like you, I'm still pretty frightened. One day at a time, right?

I may have to walk away from my house as it won't sell, and move to a small, unsafe apartment near NYC. I may need to be at the hospital a lot for treatments and other events like support group meetings and seminars....sigh.

--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Right now, I'm only on supportive measures: a **** used to reduce symptoms and a steroid (as of tomorrow). Low doses just to give some help while I wait for more test results. If I don't feel better from this, I will take Cellcept, a chemo **** that can help some with Scleroderma. It can cause cancer and very serious infections. My immune system will be very suppressed....I may get IVIG injections, immunoglobulin, which is an immune substance....then, there will be treatments for individual problems, like my messed up esophagus.
By #201155 at 19,Apr,13 18:10
God bless you, Steffi

By bigone21 at 19,Apr,13 22:27 other posts of bigone21 
Dear Steffi, how sorry I am to read this! I know that being really sick is a life changer. But you are a strong woman!

I wish you all the best as do many people here! Take care!

Hang in there girl! (yes folks, I'm queer and Steffi knows me, so I'm allowed to talk like that!)

All the best from the Netherlands!

By nekekal at 18,Apr,13 19:43 other posts of nekekal 
I am not sure that prayers work, but you do have mine. I am thinking good karma thoughts and pray that you do well. Good luck.

By #338376 at 09,Apr,13 18:17
Hope your ok Hun

By #164428 at 08,Apr,13 04:33
Well, it's after midnight here on the East Coast of the USA. I see the doctor today, in 14 hours. I'm so nervous. I'm pretty sure I have systemic Scleroderma and Lupus. But scaring me even more? I'm afraid it will be inconclusive, and I won't get a diagnosis and treatment. It's happened before, though it's hard to deny now with some test results and especially what's happening to my body.

Thank you SO much for your continued thoughts and prayers. I love you.
By #201155 at 08,Apr,13 06:10
Your story is heart-rending, Steffi, and I wish you all the very best. Take care
By #164428 at 08,Apr,13 06:29
Thank you, Sweetheart. Love you.
By #201155 at 09,Apr,13 18:05
You, too. Any further news?

By #220845 at 09,Apr,13 01:27

By #164428 at 25,Mar,13 07:04
Just a quick stop; thank you SO much, my dear, sweet friends! You are truly the best people ever!

I'll say more soon, but right now, it's 3 a.m., I need a shower, and I hope to ****.

But know that your friendship means so much to me, and you have lifted my spirits.

The good news is that my kidney disease is in an early stage at this point. Still problematic, but early. I hope I can keep it from progressing once I can get treatment again. I hope I can stomach the drugs, plus the Lyme ones which I would need, too. If my immune system is suppressed, the Lyme and Babesia (malaria-like infection) could kill me.

Anyway, I hope to see my old doc, who is now practicing in New York City, soon. I am very, very sick.

Lots of love, friendship, and all good things to you special folk.
By naked-porn at 25,Mar,13 22:11 other posts of naked-porn 
Heaven can wait, Steffi! My best wishes
By #164428 at 26,Mar,13 01:02
Thank you, Baby. I love that song, btw. One of my favorite songs ever.
By naked-porn at 07,Apr,13 21:19 other posts of naked-porn 
mmm Michael Jackson or Iron Maiden?!
By #164428 at 08,Apr,13 00:20
By naked-porn at 08,Apr,13 20:16 other posts of naked-porn 
Oh my gawd, Bat Out Of hell...I have this album!! I have so much music and I forgot to have this item...I'm going to listen again, 70 rock rules!

By doedeldi at 08,Apr,13 13:14 other posts of doedeldi 
for you

By #164428 at 05,Apr,13 08:34
Thank you so much! You are all the best!

I see the doctor on Monday. I'm afraid. I seem to have systemic Scleroderma. It's a very serious disease.

It helps knowing I have friends here who care about me and are praying for me and/or sending healing thoughts.
By naked-porn at 07,Apr,13 21:24 other posts of naked-porn 
Always thinking about you

By #107983 at 05,Apr,13 21:29
OH Jeeeeeezzzzz, Please please get better ,my Sweetheart. My thoughts are with you

By #319629 at 01,Apr,13 19:31
i don 't know what to say hope you find a treatment that works

By camcock1 at 28,Mar,13 04:12 other posts of camcock1 
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

By #249167 at 26,Mar,13 09:50
Wishing you all the very best my darling steffi

By #215672 at 26,Mar,13 06:28
i wish you all the best hope its all good thinking of you my sweet

By #365473 at 25,Mar,13 09:36
Good luck, a strong mind and good spirit can do miracles.

By #359325 at 25,Mar,13 02:22
I'm new to this site and I don't know you that well, but i'll be sending prayers your way as well.

By #201155 at 24,Mar,13 18:42

By #61033 at 24,Mar,13 18:29
Hi Steffi. Your positive and friendly attitude has won you many friends. Focus this positivity on getting well and you are halfway there. Wishing you well and hoping for an early recovery!

By like2jack at 23,Mar,13 15:47 other posts of like2jack 
Prayers and best wishes for you Steffi.

By #204902 at 23,Mar,13 15:47
I will pray for you! I won't forget you!!!

By princea at 23,Mar,13 12:56 other posts of princea 
very best of luck to you!!!

By #208346 at 23,Mar,13 12:05
Prayers to ya Steffi.

By pornlover59 at 23,Mar,13 11:45 other posts of pornlover59 
I will be wishing you all the best and a full recovery from this!!Please do not give up!!I have gone through some terrible medical ordeals also as we had discussed a few years ago.I will be thinking of you often and send all my positive energy your way!!!

By #149276 at 23,Mar,13 00:16
Sweetheart Get better. Please God help Cum4steffi overcome her illness. Thank you, one of your ****.

By #363802 at 22,Mar,13 22:15
I sincerely hope you get well I will be thinking off you, and pray all goes well!

By bigone21 at 22,Mar,13 22:06 other posts of bigone21 
Dear Steffi, my heart goes out to you.

But I will write that to you in a PM.

Take care! XXX Ronald

By naked-porn at 22,Mar,13 21:38 other posts of naked-porn 
Today I've send you a PM (before many hesitations!) before to read this thread, strange coincidence...I'm been near to death some weeks ago and I can absolutely understand you!!!
I'm constantly thinking about you, have faith, you will pass this hard times!

By Gntlmn at 22,Mar,13 21:32 other posts of Gntlmn 
I'm in your corner, Goddess

By fila1305 at 22,Mar,13 20:59 other posts of fila1305 
So sorry to hear about your ordeals. You are in my thoughts and prayers, dear Steffi. Hope you'll get the strength needed to get through this and that we will see you back here in much happier circumstances.

By CreativeOne at 22,Mar,13 19:22 other posts of CreativeOne 
All of my prayers go out to you "Sunshine" and hope all goes well for you ! You are such a fantastic and cheerful friend

God Bless You Miss Steffi

By #143536 at 22,Mar,13 18:18
Sending all positive thoughts and vibes your way!

By #186885 at 22,Mar,13 17:58
Steffi all the best from South Africa you are in our prayers...

By pifad at 22,Mar,13 17:41 other posts of pifad 
Thoughts and prayers coming your way Steffi.

By Ray10754 at 22,Mar,13 15:47 other posts of Ray10754 
I know we have never really chatted but I always see your posts in the fourms and always enjoy them, I hope you get back on your feet soon,Keep your chin up and always think positive! Get well soon

By *kmadeau* at 22,Mar,13 11:33 other posts of *kmadeau* 
God bless you, dear Steffi!

By steve3095 at 22,Mar,13 11:08 other posts of steve3095 
Steffi, thinking of you at this time. Stay strong and beautiful.

By #200265 at 22,Mar,13 10:26
Hang in there Steffi, you are special to a lot of us on this site.

By bella! at 22,Mar,13 10:04 other posts of bella! 
A positive attitude, good doctors and the support of family and friends goes a long way and will see you through this. Keep your mind and body strong.

By gradurgaur at 22,Mar,13 09:03 other posts of gradurgaur 
My dear steffi Be strong and my heart go to you and your family and all my hope and wishes

By #201155 at 22,Mar,13 08:16
That is such awful news, Steffi. I will pray for you

By #124665 at 22,Mar,13 08:09
Love you too, for real..

By #362795 at 22,Mar,13 06:42
My best wishes to you !!

By nekekal at 22,Mar,13 06:04 other posts of nekekal 
I will pray that you get better. I do know that it works when it needs to for kind souls of which you are one.

I am so sorry that you have two conflicting diseases. Neither of which I would wish on my enemy. I hope that there is a medical miracle waiting.

Be well,

By #201583 at 22,Mar,13 05:38
Sorry, but I cannot pray. I do hope the doctor's fix you up, and I whole heartily wish you a full expedient recovery. Your well-being will be in the forefront of my heart as well as in my thoughts.

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