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What's the BEST beer and should it be served cold?

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Started by #328554 at 10,May,13 10:41
I seem to have had lots of beer chats on here recently and so I thought I'd set up a discussion about members favorite beer(s). Mine is Bath Ales Gem, a quintessential English beer and utterly divine.

Please note that this forum is for beer connoisseurs who understand that beer should be served chilled, NOT warm.

Similar topics: 1.Arctic cold cum   2.*Pay it forward*   3.Darn...!   4.Cold penis with cock ring ....   5.Cock shrinkage in the cold.  

New Comment

By #420420 at 06,Oct,15 03:47
I have to take issue with the statement that 'beer connoisseurs who understand that beer should be served chilled, NOT warm.'!!! REALLY?? That's only true for Domestic, piss-lager beer that has no taste, anyway!! REAL, MAN'S BEER, HEARTY DARK ALES, PILSNERS, and STOUTS ABSOLUTELY NEED TO BE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE!! Ask any REAL, Irishman how to drink a Guinness! First, they will say something about the *^%&** thing that 'Yanks' call 'Guinness' and then tell you it can ONLY be PROPERLY drank, once the head settles, and it as at Pub temperature! Straight from the mouth of a fine Irish woman, teaching me 'Proper' ways to drink European Stouts, Ales, and the like! I brew my own, and if you drink them cold, you lose SOOOOO much of the body, the subtle flavors, the 'background' that makes that beer AMAZING!!
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,15 07:04 other posts of leopoldij 
I actually like Guiness extra cold.
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I had it so in Dublin and elsewhere.
It's a matter of taste.
By #420420 at 07,Oct,15 04:06
Lagers and light beers are probably best served cold, as they have no flavor. Stouts, Proper Ales, NEED to be savored at ambient temperature, or you are just ignoring all the flavor that the Brew Master created!! Heretics!! Don't be a pu**y!! Try it! It isn't 'Un-American!' Try a Stout, Home brew, bottle-conditioned, ambient, and say it isn't the best way to drink it!!
By leopoldij at 07,Oct,15 04:56 other posts of leopoldij 
I have tried it. I don't like it. I prefer it cold. I'm talking about Guiness. As frr ales, I don't like them, neither cold nor warm. I prefer real beer.

By #495558 at 03,Oct,15 07:56
Well, I am an American... we like it ice cold in a frosty mug....

But more importantly, we like whiskey... And lots of it
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,15 08:18 other posts of leopoldij 
You should try whisky instead. Much better.
By _avg_ at 03,Oct,15 17:43 other posts of _avg_ 
"Whiskey" is an accepted alternate spelling, though 'bourbon" would probably be most accurate.

Anyways, you could get the best of both worlds -- a lot of brewers are producing barrel aged beers, such this one:


It's delicious... and not cheap; that bottle set me back $12!! Worth it to experience, if only once
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,15 21:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh sure, but I was being a bit funny. I meant to say Scottish "whisky" is, in my opinion, better than American "whiskey". Of course, I don't mind the latter either.

By #495558 at 03,Oct,15 23:21
We love our Whiskey to be from Kentucky
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,15 00:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Great. Each to his taste!
By #23212 at 04,Oct,15 04:40
Agreed--we all have different tastes and experiences.

I would invite you to try some Canadian Whisky--quite different from either Scotch or American whiskeys.
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,15 05:56 other posts of leopoldij 
I've no experience in the matter. Thanks.

By _avg_ at 03,Oct,15 17:46 other posts of _avg_ 
If you're an American who actually LIKES beer, you should NEVER frost your mugs...

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By jayman73 at 03,Oct,15 21:33 other posts of jayman73 
I have never been a fan of a frosty mug. Everyone has the right to drink beer the way they want. But for me, I prefer beer slightly chilled in a pint glass. The local bar I go to serves it perfectly. Just with that slight chill, but not so cold you turn blue. Slightly chilled is how I like my beer, but again I have no problem if someone wants to drink ice cold, luke warm, or warm beer.

By Mrfrisky at 03,Oct,15 22:14 other posts of Mrfrisky 
Is the best beer the one your date has that gets her drunk enough to try anal?

By #202451 at 03,Oct,15 01:43
apropos your 2nd line item: depends on what you mean by chilled and warm
... most... good "beers", in my book, should be served warmer than your average refrigerator except maybe "beers" that are brewed cold. but that is not beer anyway, that's Coors )
What actual degree point that is I do not know for sure
By #23212 at 03,Oct,15 07:31
".. But that is not beer anyway, that's Coors".

Of course, though it's now owned by Canadians (Molsons), Coors still is worse than the worst soda water you can find. Nice to find someone here who agrees.

By #499020 at 03,Oct,15 02:15
Guinness, and warm, but is great cold too

By #206678 at 02,Oct,15 20:32
James Boag Premium only registered users can see external links

By #491423 at 30,Sep,15 19:02
i love my tusker beer served cold
By leopoldij at 01,Oct,15 01:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes! Beer should be cold.

By #121361 at 30,Sep,15 04:27
Check HASSERЦDER one of the Best [deleted image]

By leopoldij at 20,Jul,14 19:58 other posts of leopoldij 
English people like their beer warm...
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Let me correct my statement:
SOME English people like their beer warm.
Contrast to:
ALMOST NO German person likes his/her beer warm.
By #493135 at 10,Aug,15 23:12
Hear, hear. The only way to enjoy real ale
By leopoldij at 10,Aug,15 23:43 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't like lukewarm drinks. I've known english guys who would drink beer (not ale) in room temperature. Ok, their choice, but they're unique.
By #485312 at 11,Aug,15 02:33
yeah the beers warm and the pies are cold *lix*
By leopoldij at 11,Aug,15 09:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Very true.
By Sickboy at 15,Aug,15 22:06 other posts of Sickboy 
Ok dont what you have been reading or watching, but beer is served cold always here in England
By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 01:21
is it the irish that serve warm beer?? *lix*

By #493135 at 29,Sep,15 21:05
Haha no it isn't! I've never seen cold beer served in a pub, ever
By bella! at 29,Sep,15 23:06 other posts of bella! 
To Guilty, does your mom and dad allow you to take a sip of their ale when you go out to eat as a family? Your profile states your 18 years old so I guess I'm curious how you would be so knowledgeable? Out of curiosity, what is the legal drinking age in the UK?

By mr_blue at 29,Sep,15 22:56 other posts of mr_blue 

By Ravioli_Max at 09,Aug,15 11:39 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Some people like St. Pauli Girl.
By #410609 at 29,Sep,15 22:52
St. Pauli Girl is very good German beer and popular in the Midwest.

By _avg_ at 15,Aug,15 22:58 other posts of _avg_ 
Two words...
By bella! at 15,Aug,15 23:02 other posts of bella! 
A beer that's flavored with chocolate?
By _avg_ at 16,Aug,15 17:54 other posts of _avg_ 
Yep, but I'd only recommend it if you like porters to start with. It's a local microbrew (SanTan) so you might not get it where you are, though they do distribute
By bella! at 16,Aug,15 18:57 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for your reply! I checked but I wasn't able to see that Porters/SanTan distributes in Michigan. I guess I'm a purist because I enjoy the taste of beer. You mentioned that you would only recommend this beer if you like Porters to start with. ????? What would make me like or not like Porters? Quite frankly, chocolate is okay, I can take it or leave it ( in another thread today, I mentioned I like homemade oatmeal raisin cookies and another member said chocolate chip. Blechhhh!!! Seriously, if I was locked in a room all day and the only thing I had was a bag of chocolate chip cookies, whenever I'm rescued, that bag would be almost full or unopened ). Back to the beer, Sex Panther, can you taste the chocolate when you're drinking the beer?
By _avg_ at 16,Aug,15 21:43 other posts of _avg_ 
Everyone has different tastes, so I can't give unqualified recommendations; porters tend to be dark, heavy beers with excessive malty-ness and that turns some people off. Sex Panther is no different, except that the chocolate flavor cuts some the malt.

It's by no means the only beer brewed with chocolate, though; I've seen one by Odell's that you might be able to get in MI. There's also one by Young's, a British brewery distributed worldwide, but I wouldn't recommend it -- go for an American micro-brew, instead.
By bella! at 17,Aug,15 23:49 other posts of bella! 
Thanks for your response and tips, _avg_!
By big9inch21 at 29,Sep,15 15:21 other posts of big9inch21 
Bella, you need to try the beers at Kuhnhenn brewery in Warren. They make some of the best beers in the state. The Imerial Creme-Brule Java Stout is to die for only registered users can see external links
By bella! at 29,Sep,15 16:32 other posts of bella! 
Heck, the Warren location is really close to the GM Tech Center and I believe a big Chrysler plant. Now I know where all the folks go "when the eagle flies"

I have had Creme Brule as a desert but I can't imagine it as a beer, but then again, I couldn't imagine root beer beer, either! Now if someone could get together with Faygo and brew a Rock-n-Rye beer, I might become a lush.......
By big9inch21 at 29,Sep,15 18:40 other posts of big9inch21 
Don't forget the Better Made Potato chips
By bella! at 29,Sep,15 19:52 other posts of bella! 
I don't THINK I would like a beer that tastes like potato chips! You've got to draw the line somewhere!

By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 00:58
sex on beer, a match made in heaven *lix*

By DeepThroatThis at 29,Sep,15 19:01 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Yuengling or Coors Banquet

By bella! at 29,Sep,15 15:09 other posts of bella! 
I consider myself a "cheap date" only because I can go out and enjoy a beer. Thinking about this thread and _avg_'s mention of chocolate flavored beer, I stepped out of my comfort zone and had a root beer flavored beer. All I can say is WOW! If you like the taste of root beer, you would like the taste of the root beer flavored beer. It's such a pleasant taste that it is easy to forget you're drinking an alcoholic beverage, guzzle it down and end up with buzz......

By stroker11 at 17,Aug,15 21:08 other posts of stroker11 
Very hot day CT, today. Best beer is an ice cold lite beer in a large mouthed beer glass or stein filled to top. Take off your pants and slide cock and balls into beer. Wait til genitals are cold as you can stand then pull out and chug beer for true heatwave relief! Cheers!!

By Beercan10 at 16,Aug,15 19:08 other posts of Beercan10 
These are both excellent German double bach beers. OK to serve warm.

By leopoldij at 10,Aug,15 20:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Best beer is Budvar.
And yes, it should be served cold.
By hytiger at 16,Aug,15 07:31 other posts of hytiger 
Thats not beer, it's lager!
By #23212 at 16,Aug,15 07:41
Lager IS a type of beer:

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By leopoldij at 16,Aug,15 12:42 other posts of leopoldij 
It *is* beer. It's called beer in all places in the world (they say: Budvar is beer/Bier/pivo/piru/cerveza/bier)
Both lager and ale are types of beer:
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(Sinaff is right.)

In fact, I maintain that most people in the world, if presented with a glass of a beer (say, only registered users can see external links ) or an ale (say, only registered users can see external links ) and asked to decide which of the two was mostly a "beer" in their opinion, i bet they'd choose the former. (No, I have not performed the experiment!)

I've nothing against ale, people can enjoy it warm, and I do know people from the British Isles who do drink "lager" warm too. What bothers me is when I go to a pub in England and can't get beer at the temperature I like. Which is not a problem in Scotland, say. One can get Guiness extra cold there too, which I like (chacun a son gout), but it's harder to find cold Guiness in England.

By #485312 at 09,Aug,15 02:37
tooheys old, and it must be cold *lix*

By Gntlmn at 23,May,15 22:34 other posts of Gntlmn 
Sweetwater 420 extra pale contest

By #372661 at 23,May,15 22:07
I prefer the EKU 28 to all others.

"Our EKU 28 can be enjoyed wellcooled as well as at room temperature, especially as an aperitif. Small snacks and light dishes are especially good with this beer. EKU 28 is also ideal as a basis for long drinks and cocktails."

By #416899 at 23,May,15 12:55
Try the best seller beer in the Philippines, Red Horse beer. Another is San Miguel Pale Pisen, one of the best beer in the world. The pride of our country.
By #64328 at 23,May,15 21:37
I agree....San Miguel is fantastic

By _avg_ at 23,May,15 04:44 other posts of _avg_ 
Sex. Panther.

Works every time, 60% of the time!!

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huh...looks like I deelted the pic. well, here ya go!


By _avg_ at 20,Jul,14 19:08 other posts of _avg_ 
Guinness. Guinness is the best beer. And it is best served a little below room temp, in my experience.

Mendocino Black Hawk Stout is my second favorite beer, and it should be served cold.

Don't get me started on beers...I'll have to do a 'beers of the world/cock comparison tour'

By #464196 at 20,Jul,14 06:19
VB because I'm a total bogan and love rough bitters
By #23212 at 20,Jul,14 07:23
Hmmm, haven't tasted it yet, but it seems to have a 'reputation':

"VB - A rather horrid beer favoured by the proletariat and Northern Territorians. Still remarkably better than the weak swill that Americans call beer.

Also known as green death and Vaginal Backwash

Break out the Beer Bong, here comes Macca with a carton of VB." --Urban Dictionary

By Rob00 at 14,Jun,13 06:28 other posts of Rob00 
In Australia...XXXX GOLD..
By #360973 at 14,Jun,13 06:59
Bottom 5, maybe; our worst draught, maybe; but our best beer, not by a long long long shot - I don't think you'd even find many blindly-patriotic Queenslanders attemping to claim that. As far as blonde (low carb beers) go, that XXXX blonde isn't a bad drop though. Sorry, mate
By #23212 at 14,Jun,13 07:32
"Low carb beers"? They have where I live, a 'Non-Fat Half and Half' for 'creaming' coffees and teas. In my circle it has been consistently voted tops for 'Unclear On The Concept',
By #360973 at 14,Jun,13 11:03
Trust me, sin - if you tried XXXX Gold, you'd search desperately for anything to wash the taste of horse piss and rust out of your mouth immediately too
By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 01:31
At a picnic once, it took me hours to get that described taste out of my mouth--from Coors Light.
By #464196 at 20,Jul,14 06:22
Aussie beers are an aquired taste, once aquired nothing beats em, what foreigners say is "crap Aussie beer" to me is heavan and makes other beers taste uneventful
By #23212 at 20,Jul,14 07:13
I have no issue with Aussie beers, as the few I've tried seemed OK to me. It was the truly dreadful, amerikan beer, Coors Light, that 'fouled' my mouth. [Ironically, I believe that now Coors is owned by the huge Canadian beer company, Molson.]

By #467291 at 19,Jul,14 23:49
Hand drawn Draught Bass is my favourite beer served cool not cold and definitely NOT chilled.

By #124665 at 02,Jan,14 05:14
Hurricane HG in 40 oz. pussies

By steve3095 at 02,Jan,14 05:08 other posts of steve3095 
Asahi from Japan. Always serve beer cold or can be legally beaten to death by your mates in Australia.

By #387191 at 15,Jun,13 06:52
Abita Strawberry Harvest, very good. Had an oppurtunity to try it tonight, and enjoyed the taste very much. I have had the Abita purple haze, and the lemon one. The company is based in Louisiana and is quite popular, and I can see why. I want to try the Pecan Harvest.
By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 07:34
Wow, thank again. I just looked it up, and a store c.5 miles from my home sells this Strawberry one--gonna get it.

By #370049 at 26,May,13 07:24
By #328554 at 13,Jun,13 20:27
Tried this and disliked, it's a cloudy white beer and really didn't work for me
By #23212 at 14,Jun,13 00:48
The Weihenstephan Brewery, claiming to be 'the World's oldest', makes several different kinds of beers. Their 'Korbinian' is a dark, heavy beer which may be more to your liking, I'd think.
By #328554 at 15,Jun,13 06:16
Oh maybe I need to try that too before making a final call, thanks
By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 06:32
I hope you do; I loved it. Please let me know.

By #387191 at 14,Jun,13 07:20
If you like Mexican beers with a spicy kick try Rio Grande Pancho Verde Chili Cerveza and a slice of lime. Its good to pair with carne asada or chips and salsa if you're having dinner.
By #23212 at 14,Jun,13 07:43
This good beer is made in the State of New Mexico, USA, not in Mexico (where that same big river is called 'Rio Bravo del Norte'). It does sound great, but sadly appears to be sold only in NM and a bit in surrounding states. [But you could send me/us some. ]
By #387191 at 14,Jun,13 13:02
Well technically it is a Mexican beer since Sierra Blanca the brewing company is owned by a Mexican family I'm not retarded I know what the river is called.
By #23212 at 15,Jun,13 01:47
Please see my PM.

By #204766 at 15,Jun,13 00:59
Do you mean ale or lager as the term beer
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Very hard question because there are so many good beers but theakstons old peculiar is good and golden draak oh and not forgetting the brilliant old empire and spitfire or bishops finger

By #240539 at 14,Jun,13 21:57
Cigar City Jai Alai IPA, Tampa FL...over ice, it's hot down here.

By #121361 at 26,May,13 17:49
Check Hasserцder from Germany or Radeberger thats realy Beer / Bier.

By bella! at 26,May,13 16:58 other posts of bella! 
I just heard a commercial for Leinenkugel Beer, Summer Shandy. The beer is infused with lemonade. Really? Why? The brewery is in the state of Wisconsin. Hey Wisconsin, don't stop making cheese............
By #303133 at 26,May,13 17:05
I don't think that a beer infused with cheese would be more appealing...
By bella! at 26,May,13 17:25 other posts of bella! 
Well, if the beer was infused with cheese, you might be able to forgo eating Doritos Nacho Cheese chips. You could eliminate some unwanted calories.

By Sickboy at 13,May,13 18:55 other posts of Sickboy 
i like oxford gold, spitfire and badgers first gold. And yes it should always be served cold! Nothing better than a nice cold bevvie on a hot day!
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Or any other day!
By #328554 at 19,May,13 08:20
Okay I've found Oxford Gold and Badgers, now to buy and try...
By Sickboy at 24,May,13 21:04 other posts of Sickboy 
Hope you enjoy

By #328554 at 24,May,13 07:55
Finally managed to get Blue Moon and Sierra Nevada...
By #23212 at 24,May,13 08:30
OK, now here's one for you to try:
From the 'World's Oldest Brewery', since 1040, Weihenstephaner Korbinian. IMHO, it's fantastic, and they've been making beers in this brewery in Bavaria for almost 1000 years! [Rough pronunciation: Vye-hen-shteffahner ]

By #4162 at 16,May,13 17:13
get a life this is a sex site
By #360973 at 16,May,13 17:17
Good one! How's this sex site working out for you, sjm ?
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If you're not capable of contributing...don't
By #328554 at 16,May,13 20:38
He did contribute LF, it just wasn't worth writing or reading
By #360973 at 17,May,13 10:38
Or defending himself against after being responded to either, clearly
By DJS at 17,May,13 11:57 other posts of DJS 
going by the Dane's its probably Carlsberg

By #249167 at 11,May,13 10:36
Catlton Draught ice cold. A Peroni for bit of a splurge.
By #360973 at 16,May,13 16:50
Is it the same in Victoria (an Australian State), Dale - a case of Peroni has been the same price as a case of a standard Australian Draught for the last 5 years? It's one of the most popular imports in popular that it's cheap here
By #249167 at 17,May,13 10:55
I has come down in price over time and is more readily available.

By CreativeOne at 17,May,13 05:01 other posts of CreativeOne 
Budweiser and Yes , definitely "COLD" ... don't forget to poor it in a frosted mug !!!

By #215432 at 12,May,13 10:12
Ice cold Sierra Nevada, Pale Ale. Brewed in Northern California
By #328554 at 16,May,13 20:42
Found Sierra Nevada in the UK, another to try...
By #215432 at 16,May,13 22:14
Excellent, enjoy
By #23212 at 17,May,13 04:44
The excellent Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, from Chico in Northern California, seems to have a following all over. Their Seasonal Ale, 'Celebration', I think is even better.

By #374501 at 15,May,13 16:47
fosters/cold ...

but seriously it depends where I am out the can it would probs be 1664; Leffe Blonde is tastful and hard to resist also the Italian Birra Moretti. Tried Carling Black Label but preferred Castle or Windhoek export...
By #360973 at 15,May,13 16:55
That shit is so awful (Fosters) that we don't even sell it her, and haven't for at least 10-15yrs - apparently there's international demand for catpiss Australian beer that we refuse to drink
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...don't even sell it here,...*
By #23212 at 16,May,13 00:56
In Western Canada, watery, flat, tasteless beers are often called 'Panther Piss'. And in an 'antonym' type spirit for this topic, I nominate Coors Light (sadly now owned by the Canadians--Molsons) as the 'Queen of Panther Piss'.
By #360973 at 16,May,13 01:14
I'll nominate Fosters and the worst draught i've ever tasted: 4 Star (from Texas)
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I meant LoneStar - seriously though, in the whole time I was in TX (a month of being 21, a tourist and binge-drinking consistently) never met a Texan that would defend that cat piss. Panthers are way too cool an animal to compare shite beer to sin & Canada , one of those disgusting hairless cats maybe
By #23212 at 17,May,13 04:37
-OK, agreed here about panthers--Damn the alliteration, 'Catpiss' it is!

-Also agreed--Lone Star Draft (Texas spelling) might well be made from recycled Coors. [The Flag of Texas has only one star-hence 'Lone Star'. "Why would anyone want to go anywhere else?"]

By #242452 at 12,May,13 19:07
Dogfish head 90 minute IPA

By #204766 at 12,May,13 03:14
Old crafty hen or golden draak

By #23212 at 12,May,13 01:52
For me, impossible to say "BEST", since there are so very many great beers from all over the world (and yes, IMHO, lots of 'tasteless yellow fizzies' also), but Spaten Optimator and Paulaner Salvator, both 'double bocks' from Germany are 2 of my favourites.

[OK, and a bit of Canadiana here: Big Rock Brewery in Alberta makes some great ones, IMHO. ]

By #68656 at 10,May,13 10:59
Seeing I do not drink I cannot comment, however I was under the impression that beer in the UK was meant to be warm.
By #328554 at 10,May,13 12:15
Hi John, most beer is served below room temperature and so it's not warm and all lagers are served chilled or ice cold. Guinness is now often served ice cold although more traditionally it's served at room temperature. Hope all is good in your world.
By #23212 at 12,May,13 01:48
I believe your average UK "room temperature" is generally quite a bit lower than the average 'room temperature' in most parts of North America.

By speedswim at 11,May,13 23:14 other posts of speedswim 
A nice pint of Landlord for me

By Gntlmn at 11,May,13 18:57 other posts of Gntlmn 
Anchor Bock / San Francisco, CA, and Highlander Cold Mountain / Ashville, NC.....darks are the best!

By #134591 at 11,May,13 08:38
there is this johannesburg based micro brewery called Gilroys that i just cannot get enough of.

By #269409 at 11,May,13 07:06
A South African beer called Black Label it's the best award winning across the world i do however drink my beer warm i don't know why even my mates think I'm crazy

By #124665 at 10,May,13 20:51
PBR. Blue Ribbon Livin' fuckers!

By bella! at 10,May,13 20:33 other posts of bella! 
My preference towards beer is for Canadian beers, Labatts, Molson...... And I like my beer really, REALLY COLD! In my 20's, I tended bar for an Irish man that was firm about keeping his bar back cooler(s) at approximately 40 degrees Fahrenheit. As far as I was and am concerned, that was never cold enough. As I recall, he "schooled" me on why he kept beer at or around 40 degrees was so that you could enjoy the taste and aroma properly.

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