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Started by #328554 at 10,May,13 10:41
Similar topics: 1.Arctic cold cum 2.*Pay it forward* 3.Darn...! 4.Cold penis with cock ring .... 5.Cock shrinkage in the cold. New CommentComments: |
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I had it so in Dublin and elsewhere.
It's a matter of taste.
But more importantly, we like whiskey... And lots of it
Anyways, you could get the best of both worlds -- a lot of brewers are producing barrel aged beers, such this one:
It's delicious... and not cheap; that bottle set me back $12!! Worth it to experience, if only once
I would invite you to try some Canadian Whisky--quite different from either Scotch or American whiskeys.
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... most... good "beers", in my book, should be served warmer than your average refrigerator except maybe "beers" that are brewed cold. but that is not beer anyway, that's Coors
What actual degree point that is I do not know for sure
Of course, though it's now owned by Canadians (Molsons), Coors still is worse than the worst soda water you can find. Nice to find someone here who agrees.
--------------------------------------- added after 9400 hours
Let me correct my statement:
SOME English people like their beer warm.
Contrast to:
ALMOST NO German person likes his/her beer warm.
It's by no means the only beer brewed with chocolate, though; I've seen one by Odell's that you might be able to get in MI. There's also one by Young's, a British brewery distributed worldwide, but I wouldn't recommend it -- go for an American micro-brew, instead.
I have had Creme Brule as a desert but I can't imagine it as a beer, but then again, I couldn't imagine root beer beer, either! Now if someone could get together with Faygo and brew a Rock-n-Rye beer, I might become a lush.......
And yes, it should be served cold.
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Both lager and ale are types of beer:
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(Sinaff is right.)
In fact, I maintain that most people in the world, if presented with a glass of a beer (say, only registered users can see external links ) or an ale (say, only registered users can see external links ) and asked to decide which of the two was mostly a "beer" in their opinion, i bet they'd choose the former. (No, I have not performed the experiment!)
I've nothing against ale, people can enjoy it warm, and I do know people from the British Isles who do drink "lager" warm too. What bothers me is when I go to a pub in England and can't get beer at the temperature I like. Which is not a problem in Scotland, say. One can get Guiness extra cold there too, which I like (chacun a son gout), but it's harder to find cold Guiness in England.
"Our EKU 28 can be enjoyed wellcooled as well as at room temperature, especially as an aperitif. Small snacks and light dishes are especially good with this beer. EKU 28 is also ideal as a basis for long drinks and cocktails."
Works every time, 60% of the time!!
--------------------------------------- added after 2034 hours
huh...looks like I deelted the pic. well, here ya go!
Mendocino Black Hawk Stout is my second favorite beer, and it should be served cold.
Don't get me started on beers...I'll have to do a 'beers of the world/cock comparison tour'
"VB - A rather horrid beer favoured by the proletariat and Northern Territorians. Still remarkably better than the weak swill that Americans call beer.
Also known as green death and Vaginal Backwash
Break out the Beer Bong, here comes Macca with a carton of VB." --Urban Dictionary
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Very hard question because there are so many good beers but theakstons old peculiar is good and golden draak oh and not forgetting the brilliant old empire and spitfire or bishops finger
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Or any other day!
From the 'World's Oldest Brewery', since 1040, Weihenstephaner Korbinian. IMHO, it's fantastic, and they've been making beers in this brewery in Bavaria for almost 1000 years! [Rough pronunciation: Vye-hen-shteffahner ]
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--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes
If you're not capable of contributing...don't
but seriously it depends where I am out the can it would probs be 1664; Leffe Blonde is tastful and hard to resist also the Italian Birra Moretti. Tried Carling Black Label but preferred Castle or Windhoek export...
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...don't even sell it here,...*
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I meant LoneStar - seriously though, in the whole time I was in TX (a month of being 21, a tourist and binge-drinking consistently) never met a Texan that would defend that cat piss. Panthers are way too cool an animal to compare shite beer to sin & Canada
-Also agreed--Lone Star Draft (Texas spelling) might well be made from recycled Coors.
[OK, and a bit of Canadiana here: Big Rock Brewery in Alberta makes some great ones, IMHO.