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Cock honesty - smallest / normal flaccid size

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Started by #368616 at 27,Jul,14 14:32
I'm guessing we all (I know I do) select certain pics to be on here that we are happy with, but what about a few honest, genuine pics of what we all look like on an average day, for example if you pull your pants down now and take a pic!! That's what I wanna see, what does he look like now?? No rubbing or clever angles, front or side view soft cocks!! Hopefully it'll boost all our confidence that not everyone else is hugely hung all of the time!! Cheers

Similar topics: 1.Smallest dick of the world 2cm!!! Does size matter to girls?   2.PENIS DEVELOPMENT: Early/ Normal/ Late Bloomer/ Still Waiting   3.The New "Normal" Penis Size Has Been Announced After Lengthy Study   4.Study of More than 15,000 Penises Done to Determine Average Size   5.What's the smallest cock you ever encountered?  

New Comment

By #671356 at 26,May,22 15:01
As you can see from my profile pics,I never bother to try and exaggerate the size of my dick

By Louis at 25,May,22 09:58 other posts of Louis 

By quint at 23,May,22 19:56 other posts of quint 

By doedeldi at 23,May,22 14:39 other posts of doedeldi 

By Alwaysnude at 23,May,22 12:22 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image]here it is
--------------------------------------- added after 71 hours

[deleted image]

By Richie at 22,May,22 16:27 other posts of Richie 
Go ahead feel free to laugh

By Lucky at 22,May,22 07:55 other posts of Lucky 

By #64328 at 25,Mar,22 19:07
My pics are honest how I look soft. It's a shame so many need to exaggerate there photos. When I go to the gym very few dicks hand lower than their balls totally soft

By new2day at 04,Jan,21 15:08 other posts of new2day 
Usually 2-3 inches

Can go even smaller when cold
By #202392 at 18,Oct,21 21:44
Sounds pretty similar to mine in size when I'm all the way soft. Mine can quite often shrink to under 2 inches in the cold

By #631189 at 19,Oct,21 06:00
Sounds similar to me (looks similar too!)

By german_guy at 16,Mar,22 18:16 other posts of german_guy 
mine doesn't like cold weather either

By earthy at 19,Oct,21 21:22 other posts of earthy 
Yeah I'm pretty small when soft.
By Alwaysnude at 16,Mar,22 15:30 other posts of Alwaysnude 
So am I [deleted image]
By german_guy at 16,Mar,22 18:16 other posts of german_guy 
me too

By Robben at 19,Oct,21 05:02 other posts of Robben 
My softie

[deleted image]
By Dev01 at 19,Oct,21 05:04 other posts of Dev01 will entertain you, Need to bomb the cocaine thread

By Dev01 at 19,Oct,21 03:40 other posts of Dev01 
Don't need a big dick to be a good person. Be happy about having a cock then you are all set

By galaxy123 at 04,Jan,21 12:01 other posts of galaxy123 
mine is quite small when soft

By Alwaysnude at 03,Jan,21 13:36 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image]
here in am

By moej71 at 02,Jan,21 15:21 other posts of moej71 

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 10:52
[deleted image]
It would look like this.But dont worry it can grow really fast

By #553294 at 16,Apr,18 16:48
I don't try to make mine look bigger than reality. It is what it is. All of my partners have been extremely happy with what I can do with it in bed, and it has been giving me extreme pleasure since I discovered it was good for more than just peeing, back when I was 5.

Cold morning (~1.5 long x 3.5" in girth):

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Usual soft state (~2.5" x 3.5"):

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Longest it ever gets while completely soft (~3.5" x 3.5"):

[deleted image]

By #539358 at 16,Apr,18 16:34
One look at my pics tells me flaccid can vary wildly due to lots of factors. This is probably mine at its average when soft though

[deleted image]

By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 15:25
Mine on a cold day, approx. 3 1/2 inches:

[deleted image]

Relaxed after a sun bath on a warm day, approx. 4 1/2 inches:

[deleted image]

By winnie at 19,Aug,17 05:44 other posts of winnie 

--------------------------------------- added after 47 seconds

By Vita at 04,Feb,16 03:33 other posts of Vita 
here 152 ...


... is okay ??!
By orchid88 at 10,Jul,17 08:24 other posts of orchid88 
Bussy fьr meinen Liebling!!!
By Vita at 18,Aug,17 03:23 other posts of Vita 

By biglimpone11 at 31,Jul,17 06:31 other posts of biglimpone11 

By mike81 at 17,Jul,17 12:17 other posts of mike81 
[deleted image]thats me

By ilovemydick at 13,Jul,17 16:45 other posts of ilovemydick 

By Andthisisme at 11,Jul,17 12:31 other posts of Andthisisme 
Over the past 5 years I have taken and posted a wide range of flaccid dick photos. As a result of this I have come to a simple conclusion- there is absolutely no definitive accurate measurement/size of a flaccid penis. So many factors come into play even without any touching. When I am asked about size i could honestly reply with any of quite a wide range of values.

By JeffinKS at 11,Jul,17 11:19 other posts of JeffinKS 

By #536387 at 11,Jul,17 06:34

By #536019 at 10,Jul,17 10:46
Mine on a good day:

[deleted image]

By #518391 at 10,Jul,17 10:41
Here's mine.....
[deleted image]

By #536913 at 10,Jul,17 09:19
I'd post a pic, but I get excited too fast to get in a good pic, but suffice to say I'm the very definition of a grower, not a shower. Sometimes it looks like it's just a shriveled foreskin with nothing in it. Most of the time it's just the head peaking out.

By cut5x5 at 11,Feb,16 19:21 other posts of cut5x5 

By xdjxx1 at 11,Feb,16 19:10 other posts of xdjxx1 

Just me, in a normal state!

By #285354 at 11,Feb,16 14:42
[deleted image]
Here it is "untouched"!

By #482836 at 11,Feb,16 14:32
I really struggle to take a soft pic. In the time it takes me to find the camera app and pull my cock out, I start getting hard. I'm about 4" when soft

By #64328 at 04,Feb,16 03:36
My cock pics are all pretty honest. I purposely tried not to exaggerate them

By jayman73 at 04,Feb,16 03:28 other posts of jayman73 

By JeffinKS at 31,Aug,14 13:27 other posts of JeffinKS 

By #443664 at 06,Aug,14 10:36
[deleted image]
By #368616 at 30,Aug,14 23:35

By slipper at 31,Aug,14 05:34 other posts of slipper 

By #416899 at 31,Aug,14 00:39
what about mine? not fake. it is the real size.[deleted image]

By #368616 at 05,Aug,14 18:05
[deleted image]

Mine - incase anyone is interested

By #463304 at 31,Jul,14 19:34
All my pics are honest. I rarely double take pics
By #368616 at 05,Aug,14 18:01
Wow, can see why you don't need to!

By #64328 at 27,Jul,14 20:55
When I posted mine I made sure they were how I really appear...both hard and soft...hope you liked them
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:15
Good man

By #394652 at 29,Jul,14 04:43
Everytime I'm on here I'm stroking cause my cock begs and feels good in my hands, you'll have to check my page and hunt around for softies
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:15
Nice meat

By Odin_york_pa at 28,Jul,14 02:19 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Just took this pic right now. 1 snapshot, no picking out best of however many. Most of my pics are done that way.
[deleted image]
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:13
- nice arse too btw

By #460523 at 28,Jul,14 02:56
Look at my page anyone
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:10
Looks good

By #448425 at 27,Jul,14 17:29
I'm always being honest in my pics. I try to show my penis (as small) as it really is. I'm not afraid to show a pic of my 4cm soft penis or it shriveled up to 1cm when it's cold
By #447598 at 27,Jul,14 17:40
Hmm, I don't really think cold does much to mine. o.o

By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:07
Love the honesty & the cock

By #447598 at 27,Jul,14 16:27

[deleted image]
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:06

By #347242 at 28,Jul,14 05:34
here you go...limp as a noodle lol

[deleted image]
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:06
Thick though mate

By #456050 at 29,Jul,14 01:51
Just got out of the shower and was in bed and saw this topic so here you go. What do you think.

[deleted image]
By #368616 at 31,Jul,14 19:05

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