Sure have. I remember my first... It was the wife of a friend of ours that just loved fucking my wife and did so at every party we attended. I generally had no interest in her but was in an orgy one time and looked up and saw that it was her that was now riding me. As she came she let loose all over the place.
By #522791 at 28,Sep,19 07:17
I have had a couple squirt and creamy squirt while having an orgasm i love it
By #600131 at 27,Sep,19 19:34
I have experienced this with several women. Sometimes as I finger them, some as I lick and my previous fuckbuddy used to come hard on my cock and soak me regularly. As someone said previously, the feeling of her hot gush on my balls almost always put me over the edge too.
Yes I have a few times and I love it. The first time I had a girl squirted. I was fucking her in the missionary position. She stared cumming and she squirted. I could not help but to starlet cumming in cummed in her pussy. I was supposed to pull out she was not on birth control. But I keep going we till we both came again. She was piss at me but luckily she did not end up pregnet
Yep I love it but we need to turn a room into a wet room.... washing sheets every time sucks
By #599768 at 20,Sep,19 12:55
Never squirted till I met my man.
I have squirted multiple times in one session. Fingers, oral and his cock deep in me. The pressure created as i push that flooded out around his cock. Is incredible.
No. None ever squirted. Most did have orgasms but not with my cock in them. Orally.
By #576685 at 27,Apr,19 17:22
You do know that she is just peeing?
By #578931 at 27,Apr,19 18:54
I think she is, I had a friend years ago who had had five kids, but was still lovely body wise. She had a very slack pussy and I screwed her forever it seemed then she suddenly had an orgasm, which went on forever then she squirted, she was most certainly peeing and it went on for as long as the orgasm at the same time it was very exciting for me especially when she tole me that it was the first orgasm she had ever had, I knew her husband so I wans't surprised to hear it. The downside was that she went home but I was supposed to be at a business meeting so couldn't so I slept in a piss soaked bed and left the hotel early, fortunately I'd paid cash in advance with a false name. I went on to fuck her regularly for a few years, she never pissed again but had an orgasm on a regular basis once she had the habit.
Nope, it isn't pee, not with my wife anyway. I've tasted it and smelled it when she squirted on my face while I was eating her. Wasn't even close to pee which I have also tasted.
Yes. My wife squirts occasionally. I don't have a big or thick cock (about 5-6 inches long and maybe an 1.5 inch girth, never measured it) so that has no bearing on whether it is needed.
Yes... my girlfriend actually squirts very often... and it's great...
By #554242 at 08,May,19 21:10
The first time I encountered a woman that squirted, I was surprised. But man, did I ever enjoy it!!! Not with her anymore and I miss it. Tasty cunt!!!
By #294721 at 27,Apr,19 21:44
Currently I fuck 2 girls that squirt
By #61033 at 27,Apr,19 16:23
Well blow me over... I met another squirter on Thursday evening. She is very tight and I could not fit inside (she did warn me she is like a virgin) so I played with fingers and tongue until she squirted (she warned me too). I can only imagine what will happen when we get it right.
Oh yes! --------------------------------------- added after 8 seconds
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You can make her squirt with your fingers, with your tongue, with a dildo... Anything.
By #522791 at 22,Apr,19 02:02
I’ve come across a few that we’re squirters... unfortunate to hear you haven’’s a treat to eat out a women that squirts aswell mmm
By #586290 at 21,Apr,19 23:33
My woman does, i absolutely love it, certainly leaves bed a mess.
By #554098 at 19,Apr,19 03:10
One, and she showed me how she liked to be touched, and after a little practice, she just showered me in 'girl juice'!! Not pee, and it didn't really smell like anything, but it was a big surprise, as I thought it was BS before.
By #578610 at 18,Apr,19 23:10
I squirt too
By #372661 at 18,Apr,19 20:35
I've only been with one squirter. I recall once when she was on the bed on all fours while I was standing and of course entering her from behind. During the activities she squirted so hard my feet got wet! She was in her early 50s at the time and had a very wet puss to begin with.
By #358797 at 03,Nov,18 00:37
I'm a squirter... And I've been with a few squirters.
Being a swinger I have had the good fortune to have many women. But I have only had 1 squirt and I was actually surprised by her. You know that I wanted to fuck her first whenever we partied with that particular group of swingers.
By #64328 at 18,Apr,19 14:54
I actually have know 3.
By #535695 at 17,Apr,19 20:44
Only one, she f*king soaked the sheets. LOL
By #61033 at 17,Apr,19 16:11
Yes I have, three different girls. The girl I am currently seeing most weekends is a squirter. I had to buy a waterproof mattress protector for her visits. I have another not so regular visitor who squirts too...
It is not thick cocks that makes it happen, it happens when thay are really worked up. You can do that with oral or just foreplay in my experience. Most women are scared to let go and hold back because it feels like they want to pee and mess the bed. I encourage them to let go and enjoy the moment...what a difference!
I'm doing some research for my storytelling and I'm looking for information regarding women who release a lot of fluid when they orgasm. Sometimes referred to as a "squirter." I know not everyone is the same, so I understand experiences will vary. None of the women I've been with were like this so I don't have first hand experience. My questions are:
How common is this? Is it rare or somewhat common?
Does this happen every time during sex or masturbation?
When it happens, does it squirt out like pee? (As seen in the recent Motley Crue movie on Netflix.) Or does it tend to leak/flow out and make a big wet spot?
Who cares what it is, so long as it's produced as a result of the woman getting a huge orgasm. That's what's exciting about it.
By #569341 at 30,Oct,18 06:42
I beat you at something for once, 12lol. Messy is good; it's the sexiest thing in the world as far as this guy is concerned!!!
By #533479 at 02,Nov,18 23:43
well you have quite a thick cock which supports my theory...
By #569341 at 08,Nov,18 08:16
Cheers, mate - but just rubbing my cock head up and down women's holes works too - if they are part of the small proportion who do squirt...some girls make just as big a "wet patch" without actually squirting. It's an awesome feeling when a girl slowly but continually cums all over you and the bed. So f'n sexy! Booty call time
Oh yes!!Ч --------------------------------------- added after 87 seconds
Here is a pic.
I was poking her pussy and she squirted.
[deleted image] --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
She squirts when I fuck her doggie style.
She squirts when she rides my cock.
She squirts when I lick her pussy.
She's even squirted in my car. --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
I missed it too! LMAO His question is up above.... 🙄
By #551147 at 29,Oct,18 14:29
Yes! First time I encountered it I was in my early 20's. The first time it happened the girl nor I knew wtf it was, how it happened, nothing. I thought she was pissing... Then, after several more times it happening, and of course asking if she was peeing or had to pee, and denying it. Just figured it was an anomaly. Keep in mind, didn't have todays technology for looking things up. Anyway, it happened with the next girlfriend too. Although she was quite shocked, embarrassed, etc. I explained that I had experienced it before, but couldnt explain it other than... It must be due to me. 😉 Making every partner thereafter, squirt or gush, more accurately to describe. I've come to find out, that semi constant stimulation to the "G" spot will cause that. I even had one tell me I couldnt make her do it, and low and behold, I made her a liar. 😉 I cannot quite explain why I have affected so many women the way I have and none had ever experienced that before, some since, so I been told. I never considered myself as having a special cock whatsoever. All I can tell you is what has been said. Many have said it's fatter than they've generally had, and all have said I was a great lover. Their words, not mine, nor boasting. Just trying to help you understand. I like to take it slow and steady sometimes quite forceful, yet slow. Varying with a sort of swiveling my hips as I'm penetrating them. Pulling back just allowing the head to go in and out teasing their g spot, listening to their breathing and moans. When you hear and feel them tense up drive the whole cock in forcefully in an upward motion. Grinding hard and rinse and repeat. Once you get them to that max orgasm they will start gushing, not letting up on the g. It's quite delightful of a feeling, especially knowing your pleasing another to that degree. Still dont really know what the fluid is, but it seemed to never run out. Many times after anywhere from 6 to 8 gushers I'm so excited I just didn't wanna hold back any longer. Hope that helps. 😉
I have squirted multiple times in one session. Fingers, oral and his cock deep in me. The pressure created as i push that flooded out around his cock. Is incredible.
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You can make her squirt with your fingers, with your tongue, with a dildo... Anything.
It is not thick cocks that makes it happen, it happens when thay are really worked up. You can do that with oral or just foreplay in my experience. Most women are scared to let go and hold back because it feels like they want to pee and mess the bed. I encourage them to let go and enjoy the moment...what a difference!
How common is this? Is it rare or somewhat common?
Does this happen every time during sex or masturbation?
When it happens, does it squirt out like pee? (As seen in the recent Motley Crue movie on Netflix.) Or does it tend to leak/flow out and make a big wet spot?
Any info will be appreciated
--------------------------------------- added after 87 seconds
Here is a pic.
I was poking her pussy and she squirted.
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
She squirts when I fuck her doggie style.
She squirts when she rides my cock.
She squirts when I lick her pussy.
She's even squirted in my car.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
I've got a video of it somewhere on my page.